svn path=/trunk/KDE/kdebase/workspace/; revision=749636
Luboš Luňák 2007-12-17 14:33:33 +00:00
parent 4d03438d35
commit c7442deb32
1 changed files with 4 additions and 55 deletions

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@ -23,14 +23,11 @@ TODO
/ different handling of differeng gfx cards
/ check that nvidia/ati/intel work and add specific hacks if needed
/ the same about driver versions
- default effects and their settings
- shortcuts - sane defaults, not conflicts
- effects (to do)
/ add configuration options (dialogs)
- add generic support to use effect only for certain window types [Seli]
- explosion
? - use for forcible killing (add support to windowClosed())
@ -44,7 +41,6 @@ KDE 4.0 TODO
- taskbar thumbnail [Seli]
- we'll go with the hacky one, fix performance problems
- fix shading
- window-specific rules need to apply to unmanaged windows as well (where applicable)
- some window-specific rules also related to compositing
- opacity
@ -60,8 +56,6 @@ KDE 4.0 TODO
- should OpenGL fall back to XRender if OpenGL initialization fails?
- more notification functions for effects
- documentation
- disable application effects when kwin can provide them, e.g. shadow/transparency
@ -72,13 +66,6 @@ KDE 4.0 TODO
General TODO
? alpha clear hack
- some decorations have parts transparent, probably because they don't expect
to have an alpha channel
- should be probably simply fixed in the decorations
- if not feasible, code that makes non-alpha windows opaque (SceneOpenGL::Window::prepareRenderStates())
could be used to also ignore alpha channel of the decoration
? wait for decoration repaints
- it is sometimes visible that the window contents are painted first and the decoration
only afterwards with a small delay
@ -86,8 +73,6 @@ General TODO
- maybe posted paint events need to be processed immediatelly, or maybe the compositing
code should not update the window until the decoration is finished painting
? Expose events for overlay window - is it necessary to track it, like with root window?
% paint throttling
- there's 5ms grace period per repaint to avoid overloading the system with just compositing
and not letting the system do anything else - check and evaluate
@ -106,18 +91,11 @@ General TODO
/ handling of window pixmap for unmapped windows
- currently it's kept around after a window is unmapped
* - but it's still discarded on e.g. resize - how to solve this?
* - perhaps there should be an option not to unmap windows in order to always have live thumbnails
* - another option could be to unmap but quickly map when a live thumbnail is needed
* cursorPos() does not work reliably now (not from e.g. timers, it needs events), so it's disabled
* - windows could be unmapped but quickly mapped back when a live thumbnail is needed
* window grouping is not implemented for unmanaged windows (used e.g. by DimInactive)
% clean up and sort out shortcuts so that they don't conflict and make sense
- also make configurable etc.
% installed headers currently include config.h files to find out about e.g. OpenGL
- this needs to be sorted out somehow, installed headers shouldn't do this
? hidden previews currently needs input shape extension, otherwise the window can possibly interfere
- not very likely though, so is this worth bothering at all?
@ -125,6 +103,7 @@ General TODO
+ hidden preview has two modes unimplemented
- global setting for animation speed?
- effects (to do)
- effect for windows demanding attention
- rays? ripples?
@ -154,11 +133,6 @@ OpenGL TODO
- ati (others?): power_of_two windows are drawn white unless non-tfp_mode
is forced in findTextureTarget()
+ strict binding
- there is code to support strict binding as required by AIGLX, but it's disabled, because
copy_buffer in bindTexture() ensures strict binding as a side-effect
% bindTexture() optimize copied areas
- right now bindTexture() updates every damaged area and resets the window damage
- it might make things faster to update only areas that need to be repainted
@ -204,14 +178,6 @@ Effects framework TODO
- during some more complicated effects, input (at least mouse) should be disabled,
because currently there is no way to do input redirection
* PAINT_DISABLED turning off from effects needs some improvement
- a window may have painting disabled for various reasons and their numbers may increase
over time
- so e.g. an effect showing minimized windows cannot simply turn off DISABLED
for minimized windows, because it may be disabled also for other reasons
- there should be some utility function that will be called by the effect
with arguments saying which disabled windows it wants enabled
+ EffectWindow should be completely opaque when kept as the only API for effects
- no inlines, etc.
@ -224,7 +190,6 @@ Effects framework TODO
% consider using for notification functions
% API cleanups and making sure it will stay backwards compatible
? - should we try at all for 4.0? it will be probably still too "unstable" at that point
Effects TODO
@ -246,27 +211,13 @@ Effects TODO
+ effects to replace widget effects (the ones in the Effects tab in "kcmshell style")
/ showfps effect
- for debugging, just shows transparent fps in some corner
- just painting the number in paintScreen() should do, with glPushMatrix() and glLoadIdentity()
to avoid all transformations
+ - needs bindPixmapToTexture() or something like that, for displaying the text
- should also detect kwin being idle - it probably should detect in pre-paint that the only
damage is its own area and avoid damaging for the next round in post-paint
- should also have a graph showing how much of the screen is redraw, to detect too big redraws
+ debugpaint effect
- should show what is damaged during each repaint step
- probably just e.g. paint a red almost transparent area over damaged areas
- needs special care to avoid causing infinite loops by its own damage (i.e. it damages
part of screen to clear its own painting, that triggers itself again next repaint)
? other effects
+ virtual desktop change effects
+ - ... yes, you guessed it, the cube
/ - something that presents all virtual desktops as being in grid (as in pager)
and zooms out of the old one and into the new one
- or whatever
/ present windows
+ - option to show windows with relative sizes to each other
@ -278,6 +229,4 @@ Effects TODO
* DimInactive flickers when switching between windows (temporarily no window becomes active)
+ generic class for shader effects
- focus effect (windows waves a little when it gets focus)