SVN_SILENT made messages (.desktop file) - always resolve ours

In case of conflict in i18n, keep the version of the branch "ours"
To resolve a particular conflict, "git checkout --ours path/to/file.desktop"
l10n daemon script 2017-10-02 05:07:43 +02:00
parent f988a5f654
commit e1e9f9cf72
1 changed files with 11 additions and 1 deletions

View File

@ -2,7 +2,17 @@
"CompositingType": 1,
"KPlugin": {
"Description": "KWin Compositor plugin rendering through OpenGL",
"Description[ca]": "Connector del Compositor del KWin que renderitza a través de l'OpenGL",
"Description[nl]": "KWin-compositor-plug-in rendering via OpenGL",
"Description[pl]": "Wtyczka kompozytora KWin wyświetlająca przez OpenGL",
"Description[pt]": "'Plugin' de Composição do KWin com desenho via OpenGL",
"Description[sv]": "Kwin sammansättningsinsticksprogram återger via OpenGL",
"Description[uk]": "Додаток засобу композиції KWin для обробки з використанням OpenGL",
"Description[x-test]": "xxKWin Compositor plugin rendering through OpenGLxx",
"Id": "KWinSceneOpenGL",
"Name": "SceneOpenGL"
"Name": "SceneOpenGL",
"Name[pl]": "OpenGL sceny",
"Name[sv]": "Scen OpenGL",
"Name[x-test]": "xxSceneOpenGLxx"