KWinScreenEdgesConfigForm 0 0 488 511 Active Screen Corners and Edges 200 200 Qt::StrongFocus Trigger an action by pushing the mouse cursor against the corresponding screen edge or corner Qt::AlignCenter true Window Management Maximize windows by dragging them to the top edge of the screen Tile windows by dragging them to the left or right edges of the screen Qt::Horizontal QSizePolicy::Fixed 40 20 false Quarter tiling triggered in the outer electricBorderCornerRatio false % 1 49 false of the screen Qt::Horizontal 40 20 true Other Settings QFormLayout::AllNonFixedFieldsGrow 0 Change desktop when the mouse cursor is pushed against the edge of the screen &Switch desktop on edge: desktopSwitchCombo Disabled Only When Moving Windows Always Enabled Amount of time required for the mouse cursor to be pushed against the edge of the screen before the action is triggered Activation &delay: activationDelaySpin ms 1000 50 0 true Amount of time required after triggering an action until the next trigger can occur &Reactivation delay: triggerCooldownSpin true ms 1000 50 0 Qt::Vertical 20 0 Qt::Vertical 20 0 KComboBox QComboBox
KWin::Monitor QWidget
monitor desktopSwitchCombo activationDelaySpin triggerCooldownSpin quickTileBox toggled(bool) label_3 setEnabled(bool) 93 306 105 329 quickTileBox toggled(bool) electricBorderCornerRatio setEnabled(bool) 164 312 301 345 quickTileBox toggled(bool) label_4 setEnabled(bool) 220 305 340 329