Fix crash on timed out mount-nfs calls.

If wait_for_nfs_reply() times out, nfs_mount can return with RPCs
still pending. In that case when the RPCs complete (perhaps because
someone calls destroy_context()), the callbacks run, and private_data
is pointing at what was the stack-allocated cb_data structure. Stack
smashing and segfaulty fun ensue.

Fix by ensuring no RPCs are pending before returning from nfs_mount()
by disconnecting on errors.
Kevin Vigor 2017-05-11 15:19:01 -06:00
parent 14adfbfc4b
commit 4cd723fb7a
1 changed files with 8 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -209,6 +209,14 @@ int nfs_mount(struct nfs_context *nfs, const char *server, const char *export)
/* Dont want any more callbacks even if the socket is closed */
rpc->connect_cb = NULL;
/* Ensure that no RPCs are pending. In error case (e.g. timeout in
* wait_for_nfs_reply()) we can disconnect; in success case all RPCs
* are completed by definition.
if (cb_data.status) {
rpc_disconnect(rpc, "failed mount");
return cb_data.status;