
108 lines
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/* copied from RFC1813 and RFC1094 */
const MNTPATHLEN = 1024; /* Maximum bytes in a path name */
const MNTNAMLEN = 255; /* Maximum bytes in a name */
const FHSIZE3 = 64; /* Maximum bytes in a V3 file handle */
typedef opaque fhandle3<FHSIZE3>;
typedef string dirpath<MNTPATHLEN>;
typedef string name<MNTNAMLEN>;
enum mountstat3 {
MNT3_OK = 0, /* no error */
MNT3ERR_PERM = 1, /* Not owner */
MNT3ERR_NOENT = 2, /* No such file or directory */
MNT3ERR_IO = 5, /* I/O error */
MNT3ERR_ACCES = 13, /* Permission denied */
MNT3ERR_NOTDIR = 20, /* Not a directory */
MNT3ERR_INVAL = 22, /* Invalid argument */
MNT3ERR_NAMETOOLONG = 63, /* Filename too long */
MNT3ERR_NOTSUPP = 10004, /* Operation not supported */
MNT3ERR_SERVERFAULT = 10006 /* A failure on the server */
typedef struct mountbody *mountlist;
struct mountbody {
name ml_hostname;
dirpath ml_directory;
mountlist ml_next;
typedef struct groupnode *groups;
struct groupnode {
name gr_name;
groups gr_next;
typedef struct exportnode *exports;
struct exportnode {
dirpath ex_dir;
groups ex_groups;
exports ex_next;
struct mountres3_ok {
fhandle3 fhandle;
int auth_flavors<>;
union mountres3 switch (mountstat3 fhs_status) {
case MNT3_OK:
mountres3_ok mountinfo;
enum mountstat1 {
MNT1_OK = 0, /* no error */
MNT1ERR_PERM = 1, /* Not owner */
MNT1ERR_NOENT = 2, /* No such file or directory */
MNT1ERR_IO = 5, /* I/O error */
MNT1ERR_ACCES = 13, /* Permission denied */
MNT1ERR_NOTDIR = 20, /* Not a directory */
MNT1ERR_INVAL = 22, /* Invalid argument */
MNT1ERR_NAMETOOLONG = 63, /* Filename too long */
MNT1ERR_NOTSUPP = 10004, /* Operation not supported */
MNT1ERR_SERVERFAULT = 10006 /* A failure on the server */
const FHSIZE = 32;
typedef opaque fhandle1[FHSIZE];
struct mountres1_ok {
fhandle1 fhandle;
union mountres1 switch (mountstat1 fhs_status) {
case MNT1_OK:
mountres1_ok mountinfo;
version MOUNT_V1 {
void MOUNT1_NULL(void) = 0;
mountres1 MOUNT1_MNT(dirpath) = 1;
mountlist MOUNT1_DUMP(void) = 2;
void MOUNT1_UMNT(dirpath) = 3;
void MOUNT1_UMNTALL(void) = 4;
exports MOUNT1_EXPORT(void) = 5;
} = 1;
version MOUNT_V3 {
void MOUNT3_NULL(void) = 0;
mountres3 MOUNT3_MNT(dirpath) = 1;
mountlist MOUNT3_DUMP(void) = 2;
void MOUNT3_UMNT(dirpath) = 3;
void MOUNT3_UMNTALL(void) = 4;
exports MOUNT3_EXPORT(void) = 5;
} = 3;
} = 100005;