Split operetta.js into several modules

Vitaliy Filippov 2016-09-11 22:04:37 +03:00
parent 60974be418
commit ce7d6ec01a
6 changed files with 833 additions and 737 deletions

ImapManager.js Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,230 @@
const gen = require('gen-thread');
const Imap = require('imap');
const iconv = require('iconv-lite');
module.exports = ImapManager;
function ImapManager()
this.accounts = {};
this.connections = {};
this.busy = {};
this.selected = {};
this.queue = {};
ImapManager.prototype.setServer = function(accountId, settings)
this.accounts[accountId] = settings;
ImapManager.prototype.getConnection = function*(accountId, boxName, connKey)
var self = this;
connKey = accountId+(connKey||'');
if (self.connections[connKey])
if (self.busy[connKey])
yield self.queue[connKey].push(gen.cb());
if (boxName && self.selected[connKey] != boxName)
yield srv.openBox(boxName, true, gen.ef());
self.selected[connKey] = boxName;
self.busy[connKey] = true;
return self.connections[connKey];
var srv = new Imap(self.accounts[accountId]);
srv.once('ready', gen.cb());
// FIXME handle connection errors
yield srv.connect();
yield srv._enqueue('ENABLE QRESYNC', gen.cb());
// Monkey-patch node-imap to support VANISHED responses
var oldUT = srv._parser._resUntagged;
srv._parser._resUntagged = function()
var m;
if (m = /^\* VANISHED( \(EARLIER\))? ([\d:,]+)/.exec(this._buffer))
srv.emit('vanish', m[2].split(/,/).map(s => s.split(':')));
srv.on('close', function()
delete self.connections[connKey];
if (self.srv == srv)
delete self.srv;
if (boxName)
yield srv.openBox(boxName, true, gen.ef());
self.selected[connKey] = boxName;
self.connections[connKey] = srv;
self.busy[connKey] = true;
self.queue[connKey] = [];
return srv;
ImapManager.prototype.releaseConnection = function(accountId, connKey, allowClose)
var self = this;
connKey = accountId+(connKey||'');
self.busy[connKey] = false;
if (self.queue[connKey].length)
else if (allowClose)
delete self.connections[connKey];
delete self.busy[connKey];
delete self.queue[connKey];
delete self.selected[connKey];
ImapManager.prototype.runFetch = function*(srv, what, params, processor, args)
var self = this;
var f = srv.fetch(what, params);
var fetchState = {
parsed: 0,
paused: false,
synced: 0,
pending: [],
results: [],
srv: srv
var cb, wait;
f.on('message', function(msg, seqnum)
gen.run(self.onMessage(fetchState, msg, seqnum, processor), checkFinish, function(e) { checkFinish(); throw e; });
cb = gen.cb();
yield f.once('end', function()
wait = true;
if (fetchState.parsed <= 0)
else if (fetchState.pending.length > 0)
gen.run(processor(fetchState.pending, fetchState), saveLast, function(e) { saveLast(); throw e; });
if (fetchState.results.length > 0)
return fetchState.results;
function saveLast(r)
if (r)
fetchState.results = fetchState.results.concat(r);
fetchState.parsed -= fetchState.pending.length;
fetchState.pending = [];
function checkFinish()
if (fetchState.parsed <= 0 && wait)
ImapManager.prototype.onMessage = function*(fetchState, msg, seqnum, processor)
var self = this;
var [ msgrow, attrs ] = yield* self.parseMessage(msg, seqnum);
// Workaround memory leak in node-imap
// TODO: send pull request
if (fetchState.srv._curReq && fetchState.srv._curReq.fetchCache)
delete fetchState.srv._curReq.fetchCache[seqnum];
fetchState.pending.push([ msgrow, attrs ]);
if (!fetchState.paused && fetchState.parsed >= 100)
// ГОРШОЧЕК, НЕ ВАРИ!!! И так уже кучу сообщений прочитал из сокета, хорош!
fetchState.srv._parser._ignoreReadable = true;
fetchState.paused = true;
if (fetchState.pending.length >= 100)
var m = fetchState.pending;
fetchState.pending = [];
var err;
var result;
result = yield gen.run(processor(m, fetchState), gen.cb());
if (result)
fetchState.results = fetchState.results.concat(result);
catch (e)
err = e;
fetchState.parsed -= m.length;
if (fetchState.paused && fetchState.parsed < 100)
fetchState.paused = false;
fetchState.srv._parser._ignoreReadable = false;
if (err)
throw err;
ImapManager.prototype.parseMessage = function*(msg, seqnum)
var msgrow = {};
var attrs;
msg.on('body', function(stream, info)
var buffer;
stream.on('data', function(chunk)
if (!buffer)
buffer = chunk;
buffer = Buffer.concat([ buffer, chunk ]);
stream.once('end', function()
var b = buffer.toString('utf8');
if (b.indexOf('<27>') >= 0)
let enc = /Content-type:\s*[^;\n]*;\s*charset=(\S+)/i.exec(b);
enc = enc ? enc[1] : 'windows-1251';
try { b = iconv.decode(buffer, enc); }
catch (e) {}
if (b.indexOf('\0') >= 0)
b = b.substr(0, b.indexOf('\0'));
msgrow.headers = b;
msg.once('attributes', function(a) {
attrs = a;
yield msg.once('end', gen.cb());
msgrow.uid = attrs.uid;
msgrow.flags = attrs.flags.map(f => f[0] == '\\' ? f.toLowerCase().replace(/^\\/, '') : f.replace(/^\$*/, '$'));
var nf = msgrow.flags.filter(f => f != 'seen');
nf = nf.length == msgrow.flags.length ? nf.concat(['unread']) : nf;
msgrow.flags = nf.sort();
return [ msgrow, attrs ];

Syncer.js Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,427 @@
const gen = require('gen-thread');
const Imap = require('imap');
const ImapManager = require('./ImapManager.js');
module.exports = Syncer;
function Syncer(pg)
this.syncInProgress = false;
this.pg = pg;
this.imap = new ImapManager();
Syncer.prototype.init = function*(cfg)
for (var i = 0; i < cfg.accounts.length; i++)
yield* this.addAccount(cfg.accounts[i]);
yield* this.loadAccounts();
Syncer.prototype.syncAll = function*()
this.syncInProgress = true;
for (var id in this.accounts)
yield* this.syncAccount(this.accounts[id]);
this.syncInProgress = false;
Syncer.prototype.addAccount = function*(account)
var self = this;
var [ row ] = yield this.pg.select('id').from('accounts').where({ email: account.email }).rows(gen.ef());
if (row.length)
row = row[0];
[ row ] = yield this.pg.insert('accounts', {
name: account.name,
email: account.email,
settings: {
imap: account.imap
return row.id;
Syncer.prototype.loadAccounts = function*()
let [ rows ] = yield this.pg.select('*').from('accounts').rows(gen.ef());
this.accounts = {};
for (var i = 0; i < rows.length; i++)
this.accounts[rows[i].id] = rows[i];
this.imap.setServer(rows[i].id, rows[i].settings.imap);
Syncer.prototype.syncAccount = function*(account)
var self = this;
var accountId;
var [ rows ] = yield this.pg.select('id').from('accounts').where({ email: account.email }).rows(gen.ef());
if (rows[0] && rows[0].id)
accountId = rows[0].id;
var [ row ] = yield this.pg.insert('accounts', {
name: account.name,
email: account.email,
settings: {
imap: account.imap
accountId = row.id;
var srv = yield* self.imap.getConnection(accountId, null, 'S');
var [ boxes ] = yield srv.getBoxes(gen.ef());
for (var k in boxes)
var boxKind = (boxes[k].special_use_attrib || '').replace('\\', '').toLowerCase();
yield* self.syncBox(srv, accountId, k, boxKind, true);
yield* self.runIdle(accountId, srv);
self.imap.releaseConnection(accountId, 'S');
Syncer.prototype.syncBox = function*(srv, accountId, boxName, boxKind, doFull)
var [ boxStatus ] = yield srv.openBox(boxName, true, gen.ef());
// IMAP sync: http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4549
var [ boxRow ] = yield this.pg.select('*').from('folders')
.where({ account_id: accountId, name: boxStatus.name }).rows(gen.ef());
if (boxRow.length)
boxRow = boxRow[0];
if (boxRow.uidvalidity != boxStatus.uidvalidity)
yield* this.deleteMessages(this.pg.sql.and({ folder_id: boxRow.id }, this.pg.sql('uid is not null')));
boxRow.uidvalidity = boxStatus.uidvalidity;
[ boxRow ] = yield this.pg.insert('folders', {
name: boxStatus.name,
uidvalidity: boxStatus.uidvalidity,
account_id: accountId,
highestmodseq: 0,
kind: boxKind||''
//unread_count: boxStatus.messages.new,
//total_count: boxStatus.messages.total,
// fetch new messages
var missing = [];
var [ maxUid ] = yield this.pg.select('MAX(uid)').from('messages')
.where({ folder_id: boxRow.id }).val(gen.ef());
if (boxStatus.highestmodseq)
process.stderr.write(this.accounts[accountId].email+'/'+boxRow.name+': quick resync\n');
yield* this.quickResync(srv, boxRow.id, maxUid, boxRow.highestmodseq, missing);
boxRow.highestmodseq = boxStatus.highestmodseq;
else if (doFull && maxUid)
// list messages, update flags and version tag
process.stderr.write(this.accounts[accountId].email+'/'+boxRow.name+': full resync\n');
yield* this.fullResync(srv, boxRow.id, maxUid, missing);
missing.push((maxUid ? maxUid+1 : 1)+':*');
yield* this.imap.runFetch(srv, missing, {
size: true,
bodies: 'HEADER'
}, (messages, state) => this.saveMessages(messages, boxRow.id, state));
yield this.pg.update('folders', {
uidvalidity: boxRow.uidvalidity,
highestmodseq: boxRow.highestmodseq||0
}).where({ id: boxRow.id }).run(gen.ef());
Syncer.prototype.runIdle = function*(accountId, srv)
var self = this;
yield srv.openBox('INBOX', true, gen.ef());
srv.on('uidvalidity', function(uidvalidity)
// uidvalidity changes (FUUUU) remove everything
srv.on('mail', function(count)
// <count> new messages arrived while idling, fetch them
var srv = yield* self.imap.getConnection(accountId, null, 'S');
yield* self.syncBox(srv, accountId, 'INBOX');
self.imap.releaseConnection(accountId, 'S');
srv.on('vanish', function(uids)
// messages expunged by uids
console.log([ 'VANISH', uids ]);
srv.on('expunge', function(seqno)
// message expunged by (FUUUU) sequence number
Syncer.prototype.fullResync = function*(srv, boxId, maxUid, missing)
var [ flags ] = yield this.pg.select('uid, flags').from('messages').where({ folder_id: boxId }).rows(gen.ef());
flags = flags.reduce((o, row) => { o[row.uid] = row.flags; return o; }, {});
var updateFlags = [];
process.stderr.write('\rsynchronizing 0');
yield* this.imap.runFetch(
srv, '1:'+maxUid, {},
(messages, state) => this.queueFlags(messages, boxId, state),
{ flags: flags, updateFlags: updateFlags, missing: missing||[] }
yield* this.updateFlags(boxId, updateFlags);
// delete messages removed from IMAP server
flags = Object.keys(flags);
if (flags.length)
yield* this.deleteMessages(this.pg.sql.and({ folder_id: boxId }, this.pg.sql.in('uid', flags)));
Syncer.prototype.queueFlags = function*(messages, boxId, fetchState)
for (var i = 0; i < messages.length; i++)
var m = messages[i][0];
if (!fetchState.flags[m.uid])
if (fetchState.flags[m.uid].join(',') != m.flags.join(','))
fetchState.updateFlags.push({ uid: m.uid, flags: toPgArray(m.flags) });
delete fetchState.flags[m.uid];
fetchState.synced += messages.length;
process.stderr.write('\rsynchronizing '+fetchState.synced);
Syncer.prototype.updateFlags = function*(boxId, updateFlags, checkMissing)
if (updateFlags.length)
var sql = this.pg.update('messages m', { flags: this.pg.sql('t.flags::varchar(255)[]') })
.from('('+this.pg.sql.values(updateFlags)+') AS t (uid, flags)')
.where({ 'm.folder_id': boxId }).where(this.pg.sql('m.uid=t.uid'));
if (checkMissing)
var [ updated ] = yield sql.returning('m.uid').rows(gen.ef());
var missing = {};
for (var i = 0; i < updateFlags.length; i++)
missing[updateFlags[i].uid] = true;
for (var i = 0; i < updated.length; i++)
delete missing[updated[i].uid];
return Object.keys(missing);
yield sql.run(gen.ef());
return [];
Syncer.prototype.quickResync = function*(srv, boxId, maxUid, changedSince, missing)
var updateFlags = [];
var vanished = [];
var onVanish = function(dias)
vanished = vanished.concat(vanished, dias);
srv.on('vanish', onVanish);
yield* this.imap.runFetch(
srv, '1:'+maxUid, { modifiers: { changedsince: changedSince+' VANISHED' } },
(messages, state) => queueQuickFlags(messages, boxId, state), { updateFlags: updateFlags }
srv.removeListener('vanish', onVanish);
var checkedMissing = yield* this.updateFlags(boxId, updateFlags, missing && true);
if (missing)
missing.push.apply(missing, checkedMissing);
if (vanished.length)
let lst = [], dia = [];
for (let i = 0; i < vanished.length; i++)
if (vanished[i][1])
dia.push('uid >= '+vanished[i][0]+' AND uid <= '+vanished[i][1]);
if (lst.length)
dia.push('uid IN ('+lst.join(',')+')');
yield* this.deleteMessages(this.pg.sql.and({ folder_id: boxId }, this.pg.sql('('+dia.join(' OR ')+')')));
Syncer.prototype.queueQuickFlags = function*(messages, boxId, fetchState)
for (var i = 0; i < messages.length; i++)
var m = messages[i][0];
fetchState.updateFlags.push({ uid: m.uid, flags: toPgArray(m.flags) });
Syncer.prototype.deleteMessages = function*(where)
yield this.pg.update('threads', { first_msg: null })
.where(this.pg.sql('first_msg IN ('+this.pg.select('id').from('messages').where(where)+')'))
yield this.pg.delete('messages').where(where).run(gen.ef());
yield this.pg.update('threads',
{ first_msg: this.pg.sql('('+
this.pg.select('id').from('messages').where({ thread_id: this.pg.sql('threads.id') }).orderBy('time').limit(1)
+')') }).where(this.pg.sql('first_msg IS NULL')).run(gen.ef());
yield this.pg.delete('threads').where(this.pg.sql('first_msg IS NULL')).run(gen.ef());
Syncer.prototype.saveMessages = function*(messages, boxId)
var self = this;
yield gen.throttle(2);
var uids = messages.map(m => m[1].uid);
var [ exist ] = yield this.pg.select('uid, flags').from('messages')
.where({ folder_id: boxId }).where(this.pg.sql.in('uid', uids)).rows(gen.ef());
uids = {};
for (var i = 0; i < exist.length; i++)
uids[exist[i].uid] = true;
for (var i = 0; i < messages.length; i++)
if (!uids[messages[i][1].uid])
yield* this.addMessage(boxId, messages[i][0], messages[i][1]);
Syncer.prototype.addMessage = function*(boxId, msgrow, attrs)
var self = this;
var pgtx, end_transaction;
[ pgtx, end_transaction ] = yield this.pg.transaction(gen.cb(), function(e) { if (e) throw e; });
var header = Imap.parseHeader(msgrow.headers);
for (var i in header)
for (var k = 0; k < header[i].length; k++)
header[i][k] = header[i][k].replace(/\x00/g, '');
header.from = header.from && splitEmails(header.from[0])[0];
header.replyto = header['reply-to'] && splitEmails(header['reply-to'][0])[0];
var re = /(<[^>]*>)/;
header.references = (header.references && header.references[0] || '').split(re).filter(a => a.match(re));
if (header.references.length)
if (header.references.length > 10)
header.references = [ header.references[0] ].concat(header.references.slice(header.references.length-9));
if (!header['in-reply-to'] || !header['in-reply-to'][0])
header['in-reply-to'] = [ header.references[header.references.length-1] ];
else if (header.references[header.references.length-1] != header['in-reply-to'][0])
if (header.date)
var t = Date.parse(header.date[0]);
if (!isNaN(t))
header.date = new Date(t);
header.date = null;
if (!header.date)
header.date = new Date(attrs.date);
msgrow.folder_id = boxId;
msgrow.from_email = header.from && header.from.email || '';
msgrow.from_name = header.from && header.from.name || '';
msgrow.replyto_email = header.replyto && header.replyto.email || '';
msgrow.replyto_name = header.replyto && header.replyto.name || '';
msgrow.to_list = header.to && header.to[0] || '';
msgrow.cc_list = header.cc && header.cc[0] || '';
msgrow.bcc_list = header.bcc && header.bcc[0] || '';
msgrow.subject = header.subject && header.subject[0] || '';
msgrow.messageid = header['message-id'] && header['message-id'][0] || '';
msgrow.inreplyto = header['in-reply-to'] && header['in-reply-to'][0] || '';
msgrow.inreplyto = msgrow.inreplyto.replace(/^[\s\S]*(<[^>]*>)[\s\S]*$/, '$1');
msgrow.time = header.date;
msgrow.flags = toPgArray(msgrow.flags);
msgrow.refs = toPgArray(header.references);
var thisIsFirst = false;
if (header.references.length)
let [ threadId ] = yield pgtx.select('MAX(thread_id)').from('messages')
.where(this.pg.sql.in('messageid', header.references)).val(gen.ef());
if (!threadId)
[ threadId ] = yield pgtx.select('MAX(thread_id)').from('messages')
.where(new this.pg.sql.Binary('@>', 'refs', toPgArray([msgrow.messageid]))).val(gen.ef());
if (threadId)
thisIsFirst = true;
msgrow.thread_id = threadId;
console.log(msgrow.time+' '+msgrow.from_email+' '+msgrow.subject);
[ msgrow.id ] = yield pgtx.insert('messages', msgrow).returning('id').val(gen.ef());
if (!msgrow.thread_id)
[ msgrow.thread_id ] = yield pgtx.insert('threads', {
first_msg: msgrow.id,
msg_count: 1
yield pgtx.update('messages', { thread_id: msgrow.thread_id }).where({ id: msgrow.id }).run(gen.ef());
let upd = pgtx.update('threads', { msg_count: this.pg.sql('msg_count+1') });
if (thisIsFirst)
upd.first_msg = msgrow.id;
yield upd.where({ id: msgrow.threadId }).run(gen.ef());
catch (e0)
if (end_transaction)
throw e0;
function splitEmails(s)
var re = /^[\s,]*(?:(?:["'](.*?)["']|([^<]+))\s*<([^>]+)>|<?([^<>]+)>?)/; // '
var m, r = [];
while (m = re.exec(s))
s = s.substr(m[0].length);
r.push({ name: (m[1]||m[2]||'').trim(), email: (m[3]||m[4]||'').trim() });
return r;
function toPgArray(a)
a = JSON.stringify(a);
return '{'+a.substring(1, a.length-1)+'}';

SyncerWeb.js Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,141 @@
const gen = require('gen-thread');
const MailParser = require('mailparser').MailParser;
const htmlawed = require('htmlawed');
const express = require('express');
const express_session = require('express-session');
const bodyparser = require('body-parser');
const multer = require('multer');
module.exports = SyncerWeb;
function SyncerWeb(syncer, pg, cfg)
this.syncer = syncer;
this.pg = pg;
this.cfg = cfg;
this.app = express();
this.app.use(bodyparser.urlencoded({ extended: false }));
secret: this.cfg.sessionSecret || '1083581xm1l3s1l39k',
resave: false,
saveUninitialized: false
this.app.get('/auth', this.get_auth);
this.app.post('/auth', this.post_auth);
this.app.get('/folders', genRequest(this.get_folders.bind(this)));
this.app.get('/messages', genRequest(this.get_messages.bind(this)));
this.app.get('/message', genRequest(this.get_message.bind(this)));
this.app.post('/sync', genRequest(this.post_sync.bind(this)));
SyncerWeb.prototype.get_auth = function(req, res)
return res.type('html').send('<form action="/auth" method="post"><input name="login" /> <input name="password" type="password" /> <input type="submit" /></form>');
SyncerWeb.prototype.post_auth = function(req, res)
if (!req.body)
return res.sendStatus(400);
if (req.body.login == this.cfg.login && req.body.password == this.cfg.password)
req.session.auth = true;
return res.send({ ok: true });
return res.send({ ok: false });
SyncerWeb.prototype.get_folders = function*(req, res)
if (!req.session || !req.session.auth)
return res.sendStatus(401);
var [ accounts ] = yield this.pg.select('id, name, email').from('accounts').rows(gen.ef());
var [ folders ] = yield this.pg.select(
'id, account_id, name,'+
' (select count(*) from messages m where m.folder_id=f.id) total_count,'+
' (select count(*) from messages m where m.folder_id=f.id and (flags @> array[\'unread\']::varchar(255)[])) unread_count'
).from('folders f').orderBy('account_id, name').rows(gen.ef());
var fh = {};
for (let i = 0; i < folders.length; i++)
fh[folders[i].account_id] = fh[folders[i].account_id] || [];
for (let i = 0; i < accounts.length; i++)
accounts[i].folders = fh[accounts[i].id] || [];
return res.send({ accounts: accounts });
SyncerWeb.prototype.get_messages = function*(req, res)
if (!req.session || !req.session.auth)
return res.sendStatus(401);
var folderId = req.query.folderId;
if (!folderId)
return res.status(500).send('Need `folderId` query parameter');
var limit = req.query.limit || 50;
var offset = req.query.offset || 0;
var [ msgs ] = yield this.pg.select('*').from('messages').where({ folder_id: folderId })
.orderBy('time desc').limit(limit).offset(offset).rows(gen.ef());
return res.send({ messages: msgs });
SyncerWeb.prototype.get_message = function*(req, res)
if (!req.session || !req.session.auth)
return res.sendStatus(401);
var msgId = req.query.msgId;
var [ msg ] = yield this.pg.select('m.*, f.name folder_name, f.account_id')
.from('messages m').join('folders f', this.pg.sql('f.id=m.folder_id'))
.where({ 'm.id': msgId }).row(gen.ef());
if (!msg)
return res.send({ error: 'not-found' });
delete msg.text_index;
if (!msg.body_html && !msg.body_text)
var srv = yield* this.syncer.imap.getConnection(msg.account_id, msg.folder_name);
var [ upd ] = yield* this.syncer.imap.runFetch(
srv, msg.uid, { bodies: '' },
(messages, state) => getBody(this.pg, messages, msg.folder_id)
return res.send({ msg: { ...msg, ...upd } });
return res.send({ msg: msg });
SyncerWeb.prototype.post_sync = function*(req, res)
if (!req.session || !req.session.auth)
return res.sendStatus(401);
if (self.syncer.syncInProgress)
return res.send({ error: 'already-running' });
return res.send({ status: 'started' });
function* getBody(pg, messages, boxId)
var p = new MailParser({ streamAttachments: false, defaultCharset: 'windows-1251' });
for (var i = 0; i < messages.length; i++)
let msg = messages[i];
p.on('end', gen.cb());
let [ obj ] = yield p.end();
obj.html = htmlawed.sanitize(obj.html||'', { safe: 1, elements: '* +style' });
let upd = { body_text: obj.text||'', body_html: obj.html };
upd.body_html_text = obj.html.replace(/<style[^>]*>.*<\/style\s*>|<\/?[^>]*>/g, '');
yield pg.update('messages m', upd).where({ folder_id: boxId, uid: msg[0].uid }).run(gen.ef());
if (messages.length == 1)
return [ upd ];
function genRequest(fn)
return (req, res) => gen.run(fn(req, res), null, e => res.status(500).send('Internal Error: '+e.stack));

cfg.json.example Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
"login": "",
"password": "",
"pg": {
"user": "",
"database": "",
"password": "",
"port": 5432,
"max": 10,
"idleTimeoutMillis": 30000
"accounts": [ {
"email": "",
"name": "",
"imap": {
"user": "",
"password": "",
"host": "",
"port": 143,
"tls": false
} ]

View File

@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
// TODO: Упростить лапшу, в частности syncAccount вообще некорректен при первом запуске
// TODO: Получать, парсить и хранить тела писем (и, вероятно, вложения) + индексировать тексты
// TODO: Группировка писем
// TODO: Сделать подписки на новые сообщения по вебсокетам
@ -25,17 +24,11 @@
const gen = require("gen-thread");
const Imap = require('imap');
const iconv = require('iconv-lite');
const MailParser = require('mailparser').MailParser;
const gen = require('gen-thread');
const bricks = require('pg-bricks');
const htmlawed = require('htmlawed');
const express = require('express');
const express_session = require('express-session');
const bodyparser = require('body-parser');
const multer = require('multer');
const Syncer = require('./Syncer.js');
const SyncerWeb = require('./SyncerWeb.js');
var cfg = require('./cfg.json');
@ -43,732 +36,13 @@ var cfg = require('./cfg.json');
var pg = bricks.configure(cfg.pg);
pg._pg.types.setTypeParser(1082, 'text', val => val); // НЕ ПАРСИТЬ ДАТЫ ! ! !
var Syncer = {
selected: {},
connections: {},
busy: {},
queue: {},
syncInProgress: false
var syncer = new Syncer(pg);
var syncerweb = new SyncerWeb(syncer, pg, cfg);
Syncer.app = express();
Syncer.app.use(bodyparser.urlencoded({ extended: false }));
secret: cfg.sessionSecret || '1083581xm1l3s1l39k',
resave: false,
saveUninitialized: false
Syncer.app.get('/auth', function(req, res)
return res.type('html').send('<form action="/auth" method="post"><input name="login" /> <input name="password" type="password" /> <input type="submit" /></form>');
yield* syncer.init(cfg);
yield* syncer.syncAll();
Syncer.app.post('/auth', function(req, res)
if (!req.body)
return res.sendStatus(400);
if (req.body.login == cfg.login && req.body.password == cfg.password)
req.session.auth = true;
return res.send({ ok: true });
return res.send({ ok: false });
Syncer.app.get('/folders', genRequest(function*(req, res)
var self = Syncer;
if (!req.session || !req.session.auth)
return res.sendStatus(401);
var [ accounts ] = yield pg.select('id, name, email').from('accounts').rows(gen.ef());
var [ folders ] = yield pg.select(
'id, account_id, name,'+
' (select count(*) from messages m where m.folder_id=f.id) total_count,'+
' (select count(*) from messages m where m.folder_id=f.id and (flags @> array[\'unread\']::varchar(255)[])) unread_count'
).from('folders f').orderBy('account_id, name').rows(gen.ef());
var fh = {};
for (let i = 0; i < folders.length; i++)
fh[folders[i].account_id] = fh[folders[i].account_id] || [];
for (let i = 0; i < accounts.length; i++)
accounts[i].folders = fh[accounts[i].id] || [];
return res.send({ accounts: accounts });
Syncer.app.get('/messages', genRequest(function*(req, res)
var self = Syncer;
if (!req.session || !req.session.auth)
return res.sendStatus(401);
var folderId = req.query.folderId;
if (!folderId)
return res.status(500).send('Need `folderId` query parameter');
var limit = req.query.limit || 50;
var offset = req.query.offset || 0;
var [ msgs ] = yield pg.select('*').from('messages').where({ folder_id: folderId })
.orderBy('time desc').limit(limit).offset(offset).rows(gen.ef());
return res.send({ messages: msgs });
Syncer.app.get('/message', genRequest(function*(req, res)
var self = Syncer;
if (!req.session || !req.session.auth)
return res.sendStatus(401);
var msgId = req.query.msgId;
var [ msg ] = yield pg.select('m.*, f.name folder_name, f.account_id')
.from('messages m').join('folders f', pg.sql('f.id=m.folder_id'))
.where({ 'm.id': msgId }).row(gen.ef());
if (!msg)
return res.send({ error: 'not-found' });
delete msg.text_index;
if (!msg.body_html && !msg.body_text)
var srv = yield* self.getConnection(msg.account_id, msg.folder_name);
var [ upd ] = yield* self.runFetch(srv, msg.uid, { bodies: '' }, msg.folder_id, 'getBody');
return res.send({ msg: { ...msg, ...upd } });
return res.send({ msg: msg });
Syncer.app.get('/sync', genRequest(function*(req, res)
var self = Syncer;
if (!req.session || !req.session.auth)
return res.sendStatus(401);
if (self.syncInProgress)
return res.send({ error: 'already-running' });
return res.send({ status: 'started' });
Syncer.getBody = function*(messages, boxId)
var self = this;
var p = new MailParser({ streamAttachments: false, defaultCharset: 'windows-1251' });
for (var i = 0; i < messages.length; i++)
let msg = messages[i];
p.on('end', gen.cb());
let [ obj ] = yield p.end();
obj.html = htmlawed.sanitize(obj.html||'', { safe: 1, elements: '* +style' });
let upd = { body_text: obj.text||'', body_html: obj.html };
upd.body_html_text = obj.html.replace(/<style[^>]*>.*<\/style\s*>|<\/?[^>]*>/g, '');
yield pg.update('messages m', upd).where({ folder_id: boxId, uid: msg[0].uid }).run(gen.ef());
if (messages.length == 1)
return [ upd ];
Syncer.getConnection = function*(accountId, boxName, connKey)
var self = this;
connKey = accountId+(connKey||'');
if (self.connections[connKey])
if (self.busy[connKey])
yield self.queue[connKey].push(gen.cb());
if (boxName && self.selected[connKey] != boxName)
yield srv.openBox(boxName, true, gen.ef());
self.selected[connKey] = boxName;
self.busy[connKey] = true;
return self.connections[connKey];
if (!self.accounts)
self.accounts = {};
let [ rows ] = yield pg.select('*').from('accounts').rows(gen.ef());
for (var i = 0; i < rows.length; i++)
self.accounts[rows[i].id] = rows[i];
var srv = new Imap(self.accounts[accountId].settings.imap);
srv.once('ready', gen.cb());
// FIXME handle connection errors
yield srv.connect();
yield srv._enqueue('ENABLE QRESYNC', gen.cb());
// Monkey-patch node-imap to support VANISHED responses
var oldUT = srv._parser._resUntagged;
srv._parser._resUntagged = function()
var m;
if (m = /^\* VANISHED( \(EARLIER\))? ([\d:,]+)/.exec(this._buffer))
srv.emit('vanish', m[2].split(/,/).map(s => s.split(':')));
srv.on('close', function()
delete self.connections[connKey];
if (self.srv == srv)
delete self.srv;
if (boxName)
yield srv.openBox(boxName, true, gen.ef());
self.selected[connKey] = boxName;
self.connections[connKey] = srv;
self.busy[connKey] = true;
self.queue[connKey] = [];
return srv;
Syncer.releaseConnection = function(accountId, connKey, allowClose)
var self = this;
connKey = accountId+(connKey||'');
self.busy[connKey] = false;
if (self.queue[connKey].length)
else if (allowClose)
delete self.connections[connKey];
delete self.busy[connKey];
delete self.queue[connKey];
delete self.selected[connKey];
Syncer.syncAccount = function*(account)
var self = this;
var accountId;
var [ rows ] = yield pg.select('id').from('accounts').where({ email: account.email }).rows(gen.ef());
if (rows[0] && rows[0].id)
accountId = rows[0].id;
var [ row ] = yield pg.insert('accounts', {
name: account.name,
email: account.email,
settings: {
imap: account.imap
accountId = row.id;
var srv = yield* self.getConnection(accountId, null, 'S');
var [ boxes ] = yield srv.getBoxes(gen.ef());
for (var k in boxes)
var boxKind = (boxes[k].special_use_attrib || '').replace('\\', '').toLowerCase();
yield* self.syncBox(srv, accountId, k, boxKind, true);
yield* self.runIdle(accountId, srv);
self.releaseConnection(accountId, 'S');
Syncer.syncBox = function*(srv, accountId, boxName, boxKind, doFull)
var [ boxStatus ] = yield srv.openBox(boxName, true, gen.ef());
// IMAP sync: http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4549
var [ boxRow ] = yield pg.select('*').from('folders')
.where({ account_id: accountId, name: boxStatus.name }).rows(gen.ef());
if (boxRow.length)
boxRow = boxRow[0];
if (boxRow.uidvalidity != boxStatus.uidvalidity)
yield* this.deleteMessages(pg.sql.and({ folder_id: boxRow.id }, pg.sql('uid is not null')));
boxRow.uidvalidity = boxStatus.uidvalidity;
[ boxRow ] = yield pg.insert('folders', {
name: boxStatus.name,
uidvalidity: boxStatus.uidvalidity,
account_id: accountId,
highestmodseq: 0,
kind: boxKind||''
//unread_count: boxStatus.messages.new,
//total_count: boxStatus.messages.total,
// fetch new messages
var missing = [];
var [ maxUid ] = yield pg.select('MAX(uid)').from('messages')
.where({ folder_id: boxRow.id }).val(gen.ef());
if (boxStatus.highestmodseq)
yield* this.quickResync(srv, boxRow.id, maxUid, boxRow.highestmodseq, missing);
boxRow.highestmodseq = boxStatus.highestmodseq;
else if (doFull && maxUid)
// list messages, update flags and version tag
yield* this.fullResync(srv, this.accounts[accountId], boxStatus, boxRow.id, maxUid, missing);
missing.push((maxUid ? maxUid+1 : 1)+':*');
yield* this.runFetch(srv, missing, {
size: true,
bodies: 'HEADER'
}, boxRow.id, 'saveMessages');
yield pg.update('folders', {
uidvalidity: boxRow.uidvalidity,
highestmodseq: boxRow.highestmodseq||0
}).where({ id: boxRow.id }).run(gen.ef());
Syncer.runIdle = function*(accountId, srv)
var self = this;
yield srv.openBox('INBOX', true, gen.ef());
srv.on('uidvalidity', function(uidvalidity)
// uidvalidity changes (FUUUU) remove everything
srv.on('mail', function(count)
// <count> new messages arrived while idling, fetch them
var srv = yield* self.getConnection(accountId, null, 'S');
yield* self.syncBox(srv, accountId, 'INBOX');
self.releaseConnection(accountId, 'S');
srv.on('vanish', function(uids)
// messages expunged by uids
console.log([ 'VANISH', uids ]);
srv.on('expunge', function(seqno)
// message expunged by (FUUUU) sequence number
Syncer.fullResync = function*(srv, account, box, boxId, maxUid, missing)
var [ flags ] = yield pg.select('uid, flags').from('messages').where({ folder_id: boxId }).rows(gen.ef());
flags = flags.reduce((o, row) => { o[row.uid] = row.flags; return o; }, {});
var updateFlags = [];
process.stderr.write(account.email+'/'+box.name+': full resync\n');
process.stderr.write('\rsynchronizing 0');
yield* this.runFetch(srv, '1:'+maxUid, {}, boxId, 'queueFlags',
{ flags: flags, updateFlags: updateFlags, missing: missing||[] });
yield* this.updateFlags(boxId, updateFlags);
// delete messages removed from IMAP server
flags = Object.keys(flags);
if (flags.length)
yield* this.deleteMessages(pg.sql.and({ folder_id: boxId }, pg.sql.in('uid', flags)));
Syncer.queueFlags = function*(messages, boxId, fetchState)
for (var i = 0; i < messages.length; i++)
var m = messages[i][0];
if (!fetchState.flags[m.uid])
if (fetchState.flags[m.uid].join(',') != m.flags.join(','))
fetchState.updateFlags.push({ uid: m.uid, flags: toPgArray(m.flags) });
delete fetchState.flags[m.uid];
fetchState.synced += messages.length;
process.stderr.write('\rsynchronizing '+fetchState.synced);
Syncer.updateFlags = function*(boxId, updateFlags, checkMissing)
if (updateFlags.length)
var sql = pg.update('messages m', { flags: pg.sql('t.flags::varchar(255)[]') })
.from('('+pg.sql.values(updateFlags)+') AS t (uid, flags)')
.where({ 'm.folder_id': boxId }).where(pg.sql('m.uid=t.uid'));
if (checkMissing)
var [ updated ] = yield sql.returning('m.uid').rows(gen.ef());
var missing = {};
for (var i = 0; i < updateFlags.length; i++)
missing[updateFlags[i].uid] = true;
for (var i = 0; i < updated.length; i++)
delete missing[updated[i].uid];
return Object.keys(missing);
yield sql.run(gen.ef());
return [];
Syncer.quickResync = function*(srv, boxId, maxUid, changedSince, missing)
var updateFlags = [];
var vanished = [];
var onVanish = function(dias)
vanished = vanished.concat(vanished, dias);
srv.on('vanish', onVanish);
yield* this.runFetch(
srv, '1:'+maxUid, { modifiers: { changedsince: changedSince+' VANISHED' } },
boxId, 'queueQuickFlags', { updateFlags: updateFlags }
srv.removeListener('vanish', onVanish);
var checkedMissing = yield* this.updateFlags(boxId, updateFlags, missing && true);
if (missing)
missing.push.apply(missing, checkedMissing);
if (vanished.length)
let lst = [], dia = [];
for (let i = 0; i < vanished.length; i++)
if (vanished[i][1])
dia.push('uid >= '+vanished[i][0]+' AND uid <= '+vanished[i][1]);
if (lst.length)
dia.push('uid IN ('+lst.join(',')+')');
yield* this.deleteMessages(pg.sql.and({ folder_id: boxId }, pg.sql('('+dia.join(' OR ')+')')));
Syncer.queueQuickFlags = function*(messages, boxId, fetchState)
for (var i = 0; i < messages.length; i++)
var m = messages[i][0];
fetchState.updateFlags.push({ uid: m.uid, flags: toPgArray(m.flags) });
Syncer.deleteMessages = function*(where)
yield pg.update('threads', { first_msg: null })
.where(pg.sql('first_msg IN ('+pg.select('id').from('messages').where(where)+')'))
yield pg.delete('messages').where(where).run(gen.ef());
yield pg.update('threads',
{ first_msg: pg.sql('('+
pg.select('id').from('messages').where({ thread_id: pg.sql('threads.id') }).orderBy('time').limit(1)
+')') }).where(pg.sql('first_msg IS NULL')).run(gen.ef());
yield pg.delete('threads').where(pg.sql('first_msg IS NULL')).run(gen.ef());
Syncer.runFetch = function*(srv, what, params, boxId, processor, args)
var self = this;
var f = srv.fetch(what, params);
var fetchState = {
parsed: 0,
paused: false,
synced: 0,
pending: [],
results: [],
srv: srv
var cb, wait;
f.on('message', function(msg, seqnum)
gen.run(self.onMessage(fetchState, msg, seqnum, boxId, processor), checkFinish, function(e) { checkFinish(); throw e; });
cb = gen.cb();
yield f.once('end', function()
wait = true;
if (fetchState.parsed <= 0)
else if (fetchState.pending.length > 0)
gen.run(self[processor](fetchState.pending, boxId, fetchState), saveLast, function(e) { saveLast(); throw e; });
if (fetchState.results.length > 0)
return fetchState.results;
function saveLast(r)
if (r)
fetchState.results = fetchState.results.concat(r);
fetchState.parsed -= fetchState.pending.length;
fetchState.pending = [];
function checkFinish()
if (fetchState.parsed <= 0 && wait)
Syncer.onMessage = function*(fetchState, msg, seqnum, boxId, processor)
var self = this;
var [ msgrow, attrs ] = yield* self.parseMessage(msg, seqnum, boxId);
// Workaround memory leak in node-imap
// TODO: send pull request
if (fetchState.srv._curReq && fetchState.srv._curReq.fetchCache)
delete fetchState.srv._curReq.fetchCache[seqnum];
fetchState.pending.push([ msgrow, attrs ]);
if (!fetchState.paused && fetchState.parsed >= 100)
// ГОРШОЧЕК, НЕ ВАРИ!!! И так уже кучу сообщений прочитал из сокета, хорош!
fetchState.srv._parser._ignoreReadable = true;
fetchState.paused = true;
if (fetchState.pending.length >= 100)
var m = fetchState.pending;
fetchState.pending = [];
var err;
var result;
result = yield gen.run(self[processor](m, boxId, fetchState), gen.cb());
if (result)
fetchState.results = fetchState.results.concat(result);
catch (e)
err = e;
fetchState.parsed -= m.length;
if (fetchState.paused && fetchState.parsed < 100)
fetchState.paused = false;
fetchState.srv._parser._ignoreReadable = false;
if (err)
throw err;
Syncer.parseMessage = function*(msg, seqnum, boxId)
var msgrow = {};
var attrs;
msg.on('body', function(stream, info)
var buffer;
stream.on('data', function(chunk)
if (!buffer)
buffer = chunk;
buffer = Buffer.concat([ buffer, chunk ]);
stream.once('end', function()
var b = buffer.toString('utf8');
if (b.indexOf('<27>') >= 0)
let enc = /Content-type:\s*[^;\n]*;\s*charset=(\S+)/i.exec(b);
enc = enc ? enc[1] : 'windows-1251';
try { b = iconv.decode(buffer, enc); }
catch (e) {}
if (b.indexOf('\0') >= 0)
b = b.substr(0, b.indexOf('\0'));
msgrow.headers = b;
msg.once('attributes', function(a) {
attrs = a;
yield msg.once('end', gen.cb());
msgrow.uid = attrs.uid;
msgrow.folder_id = boxId;
msgrow.flags = attrs.flags.map(f => f[0] == '\\' ? f.toLowerCase().replace(/^\\/, '') : f.replace(/^\$*/, '$'));
var nf = msgrow.flags.filter(f => f != 'seen');
nf = nf.length == msgrow.flags.length ? nf.concat(['unread']) : nf;
msgrow.flags = nf.sort();
return [ msgrow, attrs ];
Syncer.saveMessages = function*(messages, boxId)
var self = this;
yield gen.throttle(2);
var uids = messages.map(m => m[1].uid);
var [ exist ] = yield pg.select('uid, flags').from('messages')
.where({ folder_id: boxId }).where(pg.sql.in('uid', uids)).rows(gen.ef());
uids = {};
for (var i = 0; i < exist.length; i++)
uids[exist[i].uid] = true;
for (var i = 0; i < messages.length; i++)
if (!uids[messages[i][1].uid])
yield* this.addMessage(messages[i][0], messages[i][1]);
Syncer.addMessage = function*(msgrow, attrs)
var self = this;
var pgtx, end_transaction;
[ pgtx, end_transaction ] = yield pg.transaction(gen.cb(), function(e) { if (e) throw e; });
var header = Imap.parseHeader(msgrow.headers);
for (var i in header)
for (var k = 0; k < header[i].length; k++)
header[i][k] = header[i][k].replace(/\x00/g, '');
header.from = header.from && splitEmails(header.from[0])[0];
header.replyto = header['reply-to'] && splitEmails(header['reply-to'][0])[0];
var re = /(<[^>]*>)/;
header.references = (header.references && header.references[0] || '').split(re).filter(a => a.match(re));
if (header.references.length)
if (header.references.length > 10)
header.references = [ header.references[0] ].concat(header.references.slice(header.references.length-9));
if (!header['in-reply-to'] || !header['in-reply-to'][0])
header['in-reply-to'] = [ header.references[header.references.length-1] ];
else if (header.references[header.references.length-1] != header['in-reply-to'][0])
if (header.date)
var t = Date.parse(header.date[0]);
if (!isNaN(t))
header.date = new Date(t);
header.date = null;
if (!header.date)
header.date = new Date(attrs.date);
msgrow.from_email = header.from && header.from.email || '';
msgrow.from_name = header.from && header.from.name || '';
msgrow.replyto_email = header.replyto && header.replyto.email || '';
msgrow.replyto_name = header.replyto && header.replyto.name || '';
msgrow.to_list = header.to && header.to[0] || '';
msgrow.cc_list = header.cc && header.cc[0] || '';
msgrow.bcc_list = header.bcc && header.bcc[0] || '';
msgrow.subject = header.subject && header.subject[0] || '';
msgrow.messageid = header['message-id'] && header['message-id'][0] || '';
msgrow.inreplyto = header['in-reply-to'] && header['in-reply-to'][0] || '';
msgrow.inreplyto = msgrow.inreplyto.replace(/^[\s\S]*(<[^>]*>)[\s\S]*$/, '$1');
msgrow.time = header.date;
msgrow.flags = toPgArray(msgrow.flags);
msgrow.refs = toPgArray(header.references);
var thisIsFirst = false;
if (header.references.length)
let [ threadId ] = yield pgtx.select('MAX(thread_id)').from('messages')
.where(pg.sql.in('messageid', header.references)).val(gen.ef());
if (!threadId)
[ threadId ] = yield pgtx.select('MAX(thread_id)').from('messages')
.where(new pg.sql.Binary('@>', 'refs', toPgArray([msgrow.messageid]))).val(gen.ef());
if (threadId)
thisIsFirst = true;
msgrow.thread_id = threadId;
console.log(msgrow.time+' '+msgrow.from_email+' '+msgrow.subject);
[ msgrow.id ] = yield pgtx.insert('messages', msgrow).returning('id').val(gen.ef());
if (!msgrow.thread_id)
[ msgrow.thread_id ] = yield pgtx.insert('threads', {
first_msg: msgrow.id,
msg_count: 1
yield pgtx.update('messages', { thread_id: msgrow.thread_id }).where({ id: msgrow.id }).run(gen.ef());
let upd = pgtx.update('threads', { msg_count: pg.sql('msg_count+1') });
if (thisIsFirst)
upd.first_msg = msgrow.id;
yield upd.where({ id: msgrow.threadId }).run(gen.ef());
catch (e0)
if (end_transaction)
throw e0;
Syncer.syncAll = function()
Syncer.syncInProgress = true;
for (var i = 0; i < cfg.accounts.length; i++)
yield* Syncer.syncAccount(cfg.accounts[i]);
Syncer.syncInProgress = false;
function genRequest(fn)
return (req, res) => gen.run(fn(req, res), null, e => res.status(500).send('Internal Error: '+e.stack));
function splitEmails(s)
var re = /^[\s,]*(?:(?:["'](.*?)["']|([^<]+))\s*<([^>]+)>|<?([^<>]+)>?)/; // '
var m, r = [];
while (m = re.exec(s))
s = s.substr(m[0].length);
r.push({ name: (m[1]||m[2]||'').trim(), email: (m[3]||m[4]||'').trim() });
return r;
function toPgArray(a)
a = JSON.stringify(a);
return '{'+a.substring(1, a.length-1)+'}';

View File

@ -27,6 +27,7 @@
"devDependencies": {
"babel-cli": "latest",
"babel-register": "latest",
"babel-plugin-transform-es2015-block-scoping": "latest",
"babel-plugin-transform-es2015-destructuring": "latest",
"babel-plugin-transform-object-rest-spread": "latest",
@ -34,6 +35,6 @@
"eslint-plugin-react": "latest"
"scripts": {
"run": "babel operetta.js | nodejs"
"run": "nodejs operetta.js"