
1374 lines
30 KiB
Executable File

#!/usr/bin/php -q
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU Library General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
define('LIME_DIR', __DIR__);
function emit($str) {
fputs(STDERR, $str . PHP_EOL);
class Bug extends Exception {
function bug($gripe = 'Bug found.') {
throw new Bug($gripe);
function bug_if($fallacy, $gripe = 'Bug found.') {
if ($fallacy) {
throw new Bug($gripe);
function bug_unless($assertion, $gripe = 'Bug found.') {
if (!$assertion) {
throw new Bug($gripe);
require LIME_DIR . '/parse_engine.php';
require LIME_DIR . '/';
require LIME_DIR . '/flex_token_stream.php';
function lime_token_reference($pos) {
return '$tokens[' . $pos . ']';
function lime_token_reference_callback($foo) {
if ($foo[1] === '$') {
// always
return '$result';
} elseif (!ctype_digit($foo[1])) {
return '$' . $foo[1];
return lime_token_reference($foo[1] - 1);
function lime_export($var) {
if (is_array($var)) {
$i = is_indexed($var);
$out = array();
foreach($var as $k => $v) {
$out[] = (!$i ? lime_export($k).' => ' : '') . lime_export($v);
$result = 'array(' . PHP_EOL . preg_replace('~^~m', INDENT, implode(',' . PHP_EOL, $out)) . PHP_EOL . ')';
} elseif (is_int($var) || is_float($var)) {
$result = (string)$var;
} elseif (is_string($var)) {
$opt1 = '\'' . str_replace(array('\\', '\''), array('\\\\', '\\\''), $var) . '\'';
$opt2 = $opt1;
if (strpos($var, '$') === false) {
$opt2 = '"' . str_replace(array('\\', '"'), array('\\\\', '\"'), $var) . '"';
if (strlen($opt1) <= strlen($opt2)) {
$result = $opt1;
} else {
$result = $opt2;
} elseif (is_bool($var)) {
$result = $var ? 'true' : 'false';
} else {
bug('Wrong type: ' . gettype($var));
return $result;
function is_indexed(array $array) {
$i = 0;
foreach($array as $k => $v) {
if ($k !== $i++) {
return false;
return true;
function unindent($text) {
if (preg_match('{\A[\r\n]*([ \t]+)[^\r\n]*+(?:[\r\n]++(?>\1[^\r\n]*+(?:[\r\n]+|\z)|[\r\n]+)+)?\z}', rtrim($text), $match)) {
$text = preg_replace('{^' . $match[1] . '}m', '', $text);
return $text;
class cf_action {
protected $code;
public function __construct($code) {
$this->code = $code;
* Base class for parse table instructions. The main idea is to make the
* subclasses responsible for conflict resolution among themselves. It also
* forms a sort of interface to the parse table.
abstract class step {
public $sym;
public function __construct(sym $sym) {
$this->sym = $sym;
public function glyph() {
return $this->sym->name;
public function sane() {
return true;
abstract public function instruction();
abstract public function decide($that);
class error extends step {
public function sane() {
return false;
public function instruction() {
bug('This should not happen.');
public function decide($that) {
// An error shall remain one
return $this;
class shift extends step {
public $q;
public $rule;
public function __construct(sym $sym, $q, rule $rule) {
$this->q = $q;
$this->rule = $rule;
public function instruction() {
return 's ' . $this->q;
public function decide($that) {
// shift-shift conflicts are impossible.
// shift-accept conflicts are a bug.
// so we can infer:
bug_unless($that instanceof reduce);
// That being said, the resolution is a matter of precedence.
$shift_prec = $this->rule->right_prec;
$reduce_prec = $that->rule->prec;
// If we don't have defined precedence levels for both options,
// then we default to shifting:
if (!($shift_prec and $reduce_prec)) {
return $this;
// Otherwise, use the step with higher precedence.
if ($shift_prec > $reduce_prec) {
return $this;
if ($reduce_prec > $shift_prec) {
return $that;
// The "nonassoc" works by giving equal precedence to both options,
// which means to put an error instruction in the parse table.
return new error($this->sym);
class reduce extends step {
public function __construct($sym, rule $rule) {
$this->rule = $rule;
public function instruction() {
return 'r ' . $this->rule->id;
function decide($that) {
// This means that the input grammar has a reduce-reduce conflict.
// Such things are considered an error in the input.
throw new RRC($this, $that);
// BISON would go with the first encountered reduce thus:
// return $this;
class accept extends step {
public function __construct(sym $sym) {
public function instruction() {
return 'a ' . $this->sym->name;
public function decide($that) {
return $this;
class RRC extends Exception {
public function __construct($a, $b) {
parent::__construct('Reduce-Reduce Conflict');
$this->a = $a;
$this->b = $b;
function make_noise() {
'Reduce-Reduce Conflict:' . PHP_EOL . '%s' . PHP_EOL . '%s' . PHP_EOL . 'Lookahead is (%s)',
class state {
public $id;
public $key;
public $close;
public $action = array();
public function __construct($id, $key, $close) {
$this->id = $id;
$this->key = $key;
$this->close = $close; // config key -> object
public function dump() {
echo ' * ' . $this->id . ' / ' . $this->key . PHP_EOL;
foreach ($this->close as $config) {
public function add_shift(sym $sym, $state, $rule) {
$this->add_instruction(new shift($sym, $state->id, $rule));
public function add_reduce(sym $sym, $rule) {
$this->add_instruction(new reduce($sym, $rule));
public function add_accept(sym $sym) {
$this->add_instruction(new accept($sym));
public function add_instruction(step $step) {
$this->action[] = $step;
function find_reductions($lime) {
// rightmost configurations followset yields reduce.
foreach($this->close as $c) {
if ($c->rightmost) {
foreach ($c->follow->all() as $glyph) {
$this->add_reduce($lime->sym($glyph), $c->rule);
function resolve_conflicts() {
// For each possible lookahead, find one (and only one) step to take.
$table = array();
foreach ($this->action as $step) {
$glyph = $step->glyph();
if (isset($table[$glyph])) {
// There's a conflict. The shifts all came first, which
// simplifies the coding for the step->decide() methods.
try {
$table[$glyph] = $table[$glyph]->decide($step);
} catch (RRC $e) {
emit('State ' . $this->id . ':');
} else {
// This glyph is yet unprocessed, so the step at hand is
// our best current guess at what the grammar indicates.
$table[$glyph] = $step;
// Now that we have the correct steps chosen, this routine is oddly
// also responsible for turning that table into the form that will
// eventually be passed to the parse engine. (So FIXME?)
$out = array();
foreach ($table as $glyph => $step) {
if ($step->sane()) {
$out[$glyph] = $step->instruction();
return $out;
function segment_config() {
// Filter $this->close into categories based on the symbol_after_the_dot.
$f = array();
foreach ($this->close as $c) {
$p = $c->symbol_after_the_dot;
if (!$p) {
$f[$p->name][] = $c;
return $f;
class sym {
public function __construct($name, $id) {
$this->name = $name;
$this->id = $id;
$this->term = true; // Until proven otherwise.
$this->rule = array();
$this->config = array();
$this->lambda = false;
$this->first = new set();
$this->left_prec = $this->right_prec = 0;
public function summary() {
$out = '';
foreach ($this->rule as $rule) {
$out .= $rule->text() . PHP_EOL;
return $out;
class rule {
public function __construct($id, $sym, $rhs, $code, $look, $replace, $prec_sym) {
$this->id = $id;
$this->sym = $sym;
$this->rhs = $rhs;
$this->code = $code;
$this->look = $look;
$this->replace = $replace;
$this->prec_sym = $prec_sym;
$this->prec = 0;
$this->right_prec = 0;
$this->first = array();
$this->epsilon = count($rhs);
public function lhs_glyph() {
return $this->sym->name;
public function determine_precedence() {
// We may eventually expand to allow explicit prec_symbol declarations.
// Until then, we'll go with the rightmost terminal, which is what
// BISON does. People probably expect that. The leftmost terminal
// is a reasonable alternative behaviour, but I don't see the big
// deal just now.
$prec_sym = $this->prec_sym;
if (!$prec_sym) {
$prec_sym = $this->rightmost_terminal();
if (!$prec_sym) {
$this->prec = $prec_sym->left_prec;
$this->right_prec = $prec_sym->right_prec;
private function rightmost_terminal() {
$symbol = null;
$rhs = $this->rhs;
while ($rhs) {
$symbol = array_pop($rhs);
if ($symbol->term) {
return $symbol;
public function text() {
$t = '(' . $this->id . ') ' . $this->lhs_glyph() . ' :=';
foreach($this->rhs as $s) {
$t .= ' ' . $s->name;
return $t;
public function table(lime_language $lang) {
return array(
'symbol' => $this->lhs_glyph(),
'len' => $this->look,
'replace' => $this->replace,
'code' => $lang->fixup($this->code),
'text' => $this->text(),
public function lambda() {
foreach ($this->rhs as $sym) {
if (!$sym->lambda) {
return false;
return true;
public function find_first() {
$dot = count($this->rhs);
$last = $this->first[$dot] = new set();
while ($dot--) {
$symbol_after_the_dot = $this->rhs[$dot];
$first = $symbol_after_the_dot->first->all();
bug_if(empty($first) and !$symbol_after_the_dot->lambda);
$set = new set($first);
if ($symbol_after_the_dot->lambda) {
if ($this->epsilon == $dot + 1) {
$this->epsilon = $dot;
$last = $this->first[$dot] = $set;
public function teach_symbol_of_first_set() {
$go = false;
foreach ($this->rhs as $sym) {
if ($this->sym->first->union($sym->first)) {
$go = true;
if (!$sym->lambda) {
return $go;
public function lambda_from($dot) {
return $this->epsilon <= $dot;
public function leftmost($follow) {
return new config($this, 0, $follow);
public function dotted_text($dot) {
$out = $this->lhs_glyph() . ' :=';
$idx = -1;
foreach($this->rhs as $idx => $s) {
if ($idx == $dot) {
$out .= ' .';
$out .= ' ' . $s->name;
if ($dot > $idx) {
$out .= ' .';
return $out;
class config {
public function __construct($rule, $dot, $follow) {
$this->rule = $rule;
$this->dot = $dot;
$this->key = $rule->id . '.' . $dot;
$this->rightmost = count($rule->rhs) <= $dot;
$this->symbol_after_the_dot = $this->rightmost ? null : $rule->rhs[$dot];
$this->_blink = array();
$this->follow = new set($follow);
$this->_flink = array();
bug_unless($this->rightmost or count($rule));
public function text() {
return $this->rule->dotted_text($this->dot)
. ' [ ' . implode(' ', $this->follow->all()) . ' ]';
public function blink($config) {
$this->_blink[] = $config;
public function next() {
$c = new config($this->rule, $this->dot+1, array());
// Anything in the follow set for this config will also be in the next.
// However, we link it backwards because we might wind up selecting a
// pre-existing state, and the housekeeping is easier in the first half
// of the program. We'll fix it before doing the propagation.
return $c;
public function copy_links_from($that) {
foreach($that->_blink as $c) {
public function lambda() {
return $this->rule->lambda_from($this->dot);
public function simple_follow() {
return $this->rule->first[$this->dot + 1]->all();
public function epsilon_follows() {
return $this->rule->lambda_from($this->dot + 1);
public function fixlinks() {
foreach ($this->_blink as $that) {
$that->_flink[] = $this;
$this->blink = array();
public function dump() {
echo ' * ';
echo $this->key . ' : ';
echo $this->rule->dotted_text($this->dot);
echo $this->follow->text();
foreach ($this->_flink as $c) {
echo $c->key . ' / ';
echo PHP_EOL;
class lime {
public $parser_class = 'parser';
public $descr = array();
public function __construct() {
$this->p_next = 1;
$this->sym = array();
$this->rule = array();
$this->start_symbol_set = array();
$this->state = array();
$this->stop = $this->sym('#');
if ($err = $this->sym('error')) {
$err->term = false;
$this->lang = new lime_language_php();
function language() {
return $this->lang;
function build_parser() {
foreach ($this->rule as $r) {
foreach ($this->rule as $rule) {
$initial = $this->find_states();
// $this->dump_configurations();
foreach($this->state as $s) {
$i = $this->resolve_conflicts();
$a = $this->rule_table();
$qi = $initial->id;
$d = $this->descr;
return $this->lang->ptab_to_class($this->parser_class, compact('a', 'qi', 'i', 'd'));
function rule_table() {
$s = array();
foreach ($this->rule as $i => $r) {
$s[$i] = $r->table($this->lang);
return $s;
function add_rule($symbol, $rhs, $code) {
$this->add_raw_rule($symbol, $rhs, $code, count($rhs), true);
function trump_up_bogus_lhs($real) {
return "'{$real}'" . count($this->rule);
function add_raw_rule($lhs, $rhs, $code, $look, $replace, $prec_sym) {
$sym = $this->sym($lhs);
$sym->term = false;
if (!$rhs) {
$sym->lambda = true;
$rs = array();
foreach ($rhs as $str) {
$rs[] = $this->sym($str);
$rid = count($this->rule);
$r = new rule($rid, $sym, $rs, $code, $look, $replace, $prec_sym);
$this->rule[$rid] = $r;
$sym->rule[] = $r;
function sym($str, $description = null) {
if (!isset($this->sym[$str])) {
$this->sym[$str] = new sym($str, count($this->sym));
if ($description) {
$this->descr[$str] = $description;
return $this->sym[$str];
function summary() {
$out = '';
foreach ($this->sym as $sym) {
if (!$sym->term) {
$out .= $sym->summary();
return $out;
private function find_sym_lamdba() {
do {
$go = false;
foreach ($this->sym as $sym) {
if (!$sym->lambda) {
foreach ($sym->rule as $rule) {
if ($rule->lambda()) {
$go = true;
$sym->lambda = true;
} while ($go);
private function teach_terminals_first_set() {
foreach ($this->sym as $sym) {
if ($sym->term) {
private function find_sym_first() {
do {
$go = false;
foreach ($this->rule as $r) {
if ($r->teach_symbol_of_first_set()) {
$go = true;
} while ($go);
function add_start_rule() {
$rewrite = new lime_rewrite("'start'");
$rhs = new lime_rhs();
$rhs->add(new lime_glyph($this->deduce_start_symbol()->name, null));
//$rhs->add(new lime_glyph($this->stop->name, null));
private function deduce_start_symbol() {
$candidate = current($this->start_symbol_set);
// Did the person try to set a start symbol at all?
if (!is_object($candidate)) {
return $this->first_rule_lhs();
// Do we actually have such a symbol on the left of a rule?
if ($candidate->terminal) {
return $this->first_rule_lhs();
// Ok, it's a decent choice. We need to return the symbol entry.
return $this->sym($candidate);
private function first_rule_lhs() {
$r = current($this->rule);
return $r->sym;
* Build an initial state. This is a recursive process which digs out
* the LR(0) state graph.
function find_states() {
$start_glyph = "'start'";
$sym = $this->sym($start_glyph);
$basis = array();
foreach($sym->rule as $rule) {
$c = $rule->leftmost(array('#'));
$basis[$c->key] = $c;
$initial = $this->get_state($basis);
return $initial;
function get_state($basis) {
$key = array_keys($basis);
$key = implode(' ', $key);
if (isset($this->state[$key])) {
// Copy all the links around...
$state = $this->state[$key];
foreach($basis as $config) {
return $state;
} else {
$close = $this->state_closure($basis);
$this->state[$key] = $state = new state(count($this->state), $key, $close);
return $state;
private function state_closure($q) {
// $q is a list of config.
$close = array();
while ($config = array_pop($q)) {
if (isset($close[$config->key])) {
$close[$config->key] = $config;
$symbol_after_the_dot = $config->symbol_after_the_dot;
if (!$symbol_after_the_dot) {
if (!$symbol_after_the_dot->term) {
foreach ($symbol_after_the_dot->rule as $r) {
$station = $r->leftmost($config->simple_follow());
if ($config->epsilon_follows()) {
$q[] = $station;
// The following turned out to be wrong. Don't do it.
//if ($symbol_after_the_dot->lambda) {
// $q[] = $config->next();
return $close;
function build_shifts($state) {
foreach ($state->segment_config() as $glyph => $segment) {
$basis = array();
foreach ($segment as $preshift) {
$postshift = $preshift->next();
$basis[$postshift->key] = $postshift;
$dest = $this->get_state($basis);
$state->add_shift($this->sym($glyph), $dest, $segment[0]->rule);
function fixlinks() {
foreach ($this->state as $s) {
foreach ($s->close as $c) {
function find_follow_sets() {
$q = array();
foreach ($this->state as $s) {
foreach ($s->close as $c) {
$q[] = $c;
while ($q) {
$c = array_shift($q);
foreach ($c->_flink as $d) {
if ($d->follow->union($c->follow)) {
$q[] = $d;
private function set_assoc($ss, $l, $r) {
$p = ($this->p_next++) * 2;
foreach ($ss as $glyph) {
$s = $this->sym($glyph);
$s->left_prec = $p + $l;
$s->right_prec = $p + $r;
function left_assoc($ss) {
$this->set_assoc($ss, 1, 0);
function right_assoc($ss) {
$this->set_assoc($ss, 0, 1);
function non_assoc($ss) {
$this->set_assoc($ss, 0, 0);
private function resolve_conflicts() {
// For each state, try to find one and only one
// thing to do for any given lookahead.
$i = array();
foreach ($this->state as $s) {
$i[$s->id] = $s->resolve_conflicts();
return $i;
function dump_configurations() {
foreach ($this->state as $q) {
function dump_first_sets() {
foreach ($this->sym as $s) {
echo ' * ';
echo $s->name . ' : ';
echo $s->first->text();
echo PHP_EOL;
function add_rule_with_actions($lhs, $rhs) {
// First, make sure this thing is well-formed.
if(!is_object(end($rhs))) {
$rhs[] = new cf_action('');
// Now, split it into chunks based on the actions.
$look = -1;
$subrule = array();
$subsymbol = '';
while ($rhs) {
$it = array_shift($rhs);
if (is_string($it)) {
$subrule[] = $it;
} else {
$code = $it->code;
// It's an action.
// Is it the last one?
if ($rhs) {
// no.
$subsymbol = $this->trump_up_bogus_lhs($lhs);
$this->add_raw_rule($subsymbol, $subrule, $code, $look, false);
$subrule = array($subsymbol);
} else {
// yes.
$this->add_raw_rule($lhs, $subrule, $code, $look, true);
function pragma($type, $args) {
switch ($type) {
case 'left':
case 'right':
case 'nonassoc':
case 'start':
$this->start_symbol_set = $args;
case 'class':
$this->parser_class = $args[0];
case 'expect':
if (!ctype_digit($args[0])) {
emit(sprintf('Bad expect pragma: %s', $args[0]));
$this->expect_conflicts = $args[0];
case 'token':
$this->sym($args[0], @$args[1]);
emit(sprintf('Bad Parser Pragma: (%s)', $type));
class lime_language {
class lime_language_php extends lime_language {
protected function result_code($expr) {
return '$result = ' . $expr . ';' . PHP_EOL;
public function default_result() {
return $this->result_code('reset($tokens)');
public function result_pos($pos) {
return $this->result_code(lime_token_reference($pos));
public function bind($name, $pos) {
return '$' . $name . ' = &$tokens[' . $pos . '];' . PHP_EOL;
public function fixup($code) {
return preg_replace_callback('~\$(\d+|\$)~', function ($foo) {
if ($foo[1] === '$') {
// always
return '$result';
return lime_token_reference($foo[1] - 1);
}, $code);
function to_php($code) {
return $code;
public function ptab_to_class($parser_class, $ptab) {
$code = '';
$code .= 'public $qi = ' . lime_export($ptab['qi'], true) . ';' . PHP_EOL;
$code .= 'public $i = ' . lime_export($ptab['i'], true) . ';' . PHP_EOL;
$code .= 'public $d = ' . lime_export($ptab['d'], true) . ';' . PHP_EOL;
$rc = array();
$method = array();
$rules = array();
foreach($ptab['a'] as $k => $a) {
$symbol = preg_replace('/[^\w]/', '', $a['symbol']);
$rn = @++$rc[$symbol];
$mn = 'reduce_' . $k . '_' . $symbol . '_' . $rn;
$method[$k] = $mn;
$comment = '// ' . $a['text'] . PHP_EOL;
$php = $this->to_php($a['code']);
$code .= 'function ' . $mn . '(' . LIME_CALL_PROTOCOL . ') {' . PHP_EOL .
rtrim(preg_replace('~^~m', INDENT, $comment . $php)) . PHP_EOL .
'}' .
$rules[$k] = $a;
$code .= 'public $method = ' . lime_export($method, true) . ';' . PHP_EOL;
$code .= 'public $a = '.lime_export($rules, true) . ';' . PHP_EOL;
return 'class ' . $parser_class . ' extends lime_parser {' . PHP_EOL .
preg_replace(array('~^~m', '~^\h+$~m'), array(INDENT, ''), $code) .
'}' . PHP_EOL;
class lime_rhs {
public $prec_glyph;
function __construct() {
// Construct and add glyphs and actions in whatever order.
// Then, add this to a lime_rewrite.
// Don't call install_rule.
// The rewrite will do that for you when you "update" with it.
$this->rhs = array();
public function add(lime_slot $slot) {
$this->rhs[] = $slot;
public function set_prec_glyph($glyph) {
$this->prec_glyph = $glyph;
function install_rule(lime $lime, $lhs) {
// This is the part that has to break the rule into subrules if necessary.
$rhs = $this->rhs;
// First, make sure this thing is well-formed.
if (!(end($rhs) instanceof lime_action)) {
$rhs[] = new lime_action('', null);
$prec_sym = null;
if ($this->prec_glyph) {
$prec_sym = $lime->sym($this->prec_glyph);
// Now, split it into chunks based on the actions.
$lang = $lime->language();
$result_code = $lang->default_result();
$look = -1;
$subrule = array();
$subsymbol = '';
$preamble = '';
while ($rhs) {
$it = array_shift($rhs);
if ($it instanceof lime_glyph) {
$subrule[] = $it->data;
} elseif ($it instanceof lime_action) {
$code = unindent($it->data);
// It's an action.
// Is it the last one?
if ($rhs) {
// no.
$subsymbol = $lime->trump_up_bogus_lhs($lhs);
$action = $lang->default_result() . $preamble . $code;
$lime->add_raw_rule($subsymbol, $subrule, $action, $look, false, $prec_sym);
$subrule = array($subsymbol);
} else {
// yes.
$action = $result_code . $preamble . $code;
$lime->add_raw_rule($lhs, $subrule, $action, $look, true, $prec_sym);
} else {
if ($it->name == '$') {
$result_code = $lang->result_pos($look);
} elseif ($it->name) {
$preamble .= $lang->bind($it->name, $look);
class lime_rewrite {
function __construct($glyph) {
// Construct one of these with the name of the lhs.
// Add some rhs-es to it.
// Finally, "update" the lime you're building.
$this->glyph = $glyph;
$this->rhs = array();
function add_rhs(lime_rhs $rhs) {
$this->rhs[] = $rhs;
function update(lime $lime) {
foreach ($this->rhs as $rhs) {
$rhs->install_rule($lime, $this->glyph);
* This keeps track of one position in an rhs.
* We specialize to handle actions and glyphs.
* If there is a name for the slot, we store it here.
* Later on, this structure will be consulted in the formation of
* actual production rules.
class lime_slot {
public function __construct($data, $name) {
$this->data = $data;
$this->name = $name;
public function preamble($pos) {
if (strlen($this->name) > 0) {
return '$' . $this->name . ' = &$tokens[' . $pos . '];' . PHP_EOL;
class lime_glyph extends lime_slot {
class lime_action extends lime_slot {
* This function isn't too terribly interesting to the casual observer.
* You're probably better off looking at parse_lime_grammar() instead.
* Ok, if you insist, I'll explain.
* The input to Lime is a CFG parser definition. That definition is
* written in some language. (The Lime language, to be exact.)
* Anyway, I have to parse the Lime language and compile it into a
* very complex data structure from which a parser is eventually
* built. What better way than to use Lime itself to parse its own
* language? Well, it's almost that simple, but not quite.
* The Lime language is fairly potent, but a restricted subset of
* its features was used to write a metagrammar. Then, I hand-translated
* that metagrammar into another form which is easy to snarf up.
* In the process of reading that simplified form, this function
* builds the same sort of data structure that later gets turned into
* a parser. The last step is to run the parser generation algorithm,
* eval() the resulting PHP code, and voila! With no hard work, I can
* suddenly read and comprehend the full range of the Lime language
* without ever having written an algorithm to do so. It feels like magic.
function lime_bootstrap() {
$bootstrap = LIME_DIR . '/lime.bootstrap';
$lime = new lime();
$lime->parser_class = 'lime_metaparser';
$rhs = array();
foreach(file($bootstrap) as $l) {
$a = preg_split('~(?<=\s|^):(?=\s|$)~', $l, 2);
if (count($a) == 2) {
list($pattern, $code) = $a;
$sl = new lime_rhs();
$pattern = trim($pattern);
if (strlen($pattern) > 0) {
foreach (explode(' ', $pattern) as $glyph) {
$sl->add(new lime_glyph($glyph, null));
$sl->add(new lime_action($code, NULL));
$rhs[] = $sl;
} else {
if (preg_match('~^to (\w+)$~', $l, $r)) {
$g = $r[1];
$rw = new lime_rewrite($g);
foreach($rhs as $b) {
$rhs = array();
$parser_code = $lime->build_parser();
* The voodoo is in the way I do lexical processing on grammar definition
* files. They contain embedded bits of PHP, and it's important to keep
* track of things like strings, comments, and matched braces. It seemed
* like an ideal problem to solve with GNU flex, so I wrote a little
* scanner in flex and C to dig out the tokens for me. Of course, I need
* the tokens in PHP, so I designed a simple binary wrapper for them which
* also contains line-number information, guaranteed to help out if you
* write a grammar which surprises the parser in any manner.
class voodoo_scanner extends flex_scanner {
function executable() { return LIME_DIR.'/lime_scan_tokens'; }
* This is a good function to read because it teaches you how to interface
* with a Lime parser. I've tried to isolate out the bits that aren't
* instructive in that regard.
function parse_lime_grammar($path) {
if (!class_exists('lime_metaparser', false)) {
$parse_engine = new parse_engine(new lime_metaparser());
$scanner = new voodoo_scanner($path);
try {
// The result of parsing a Lime grammar is a Lime object.
$lime = $scanner->feed($parse_engine);
// Calling its build_parser() method gets the output PHP code.
return $lime->build_parser();
} catch (parse_error $e) {
die ($e->getMessage() . " in {$path} line {$scanner->lineno}." . PHP_EOL);
if ($_SERVER['argv']) {
$code = '';
if (!defined('INDENT')) {
foreach($_SERVER['argv'] as $i => $opt) {
if ($opt === '--indent') {
$val = @$_SERVER['argv'][$i + 1];
if (!$val) {
define('INDENT', ' ');
} else {
define('INDENT', $val == 1 ? "\t" : str_repeat(' ', $val));
unset($_SERVER['argv'][$i], $_SERVER['argv'][$i + 1]);
if (!defined('INDENT')) {
define('INDENT', ' ');
array_shift($_SERVER['argv']); // Strip out the program name.
foreach ($_SERVER['argv'] as $path) {
$code .= parse_lime_grammar($path);
echo <<<CODE
* This file was automatically generated by the Lime parser generator.
* The real source code you should be looking at is in one or more
* grammar files in the Lime format.
* THE ONLY REASON TO LOOK AT THIS FILE is to see where in the grammar
* file that your error happened, because there are enough comments to
* help you debug your grammar.
* If you ignore this warning, you're shooting yourself in the brain,
* not the foot.