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* S3 implementation using the newer libs3
* Use one object per file chunk
# include "config.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <time.h>
2020-06-30 18:50:13 +03:00
#include <libs3.h>
#include "ior.h"
#include "aiori.h"
2020-06-30 18:50:13 +03:00
#include "aiori-debug.h"
#include "utilities.h"
2020-06-30 18:50:13 +03:00
static aiori_xfer_hint_t * hints = NULL;
static void s3_xfer_hints(aiori_xfer_hint_t * params){
hints = params;
/************************** O P T I O N S *****************************/
typedef struct {
int bucket_per_file;
2020-06-30 18:50:13 +03:00
char * access_key;
char * secret_key;
char * host;
char * bucket_prefix;
char * bucket_prefix_cur;
char * locationConstraint;
char * authRegion;
int timeout;
2020-06-30 18:50:13 +03:00
int dont_suffix;
int s3_compatible;
int use_ssl;
S3BucketContext bucket_context;
S3Protocol s3_protocol;
} s3_options_t;
static option_help * S3_options(aiori_mod_opt_t ** init_backend_options, aiori_mod_opt_t * init_values){
2020-06-30 18:50:13 +03:00
s3_options_t * o = malloc(sizeof(s3_options_t));
if (init_values != NULL){
2020-06-30 18:50:13 +03:00
memcpy(o, init_values, sizeof(s3_options_t));
2020-06-30 18:50:13 +03:00
memset(o, 0, sizeof(s3_options_t));
*init_backend_options = (aiori_mod_opt_t*) o;
2020-06-30 18:50:13 +03:00
o->bucket_prefix = "ior";
option_help h [] = {
{0, "S3-libs3.bucket-per-file", "Use one bucket to map one file/directory, otherwise one bucket is used to store all dirs/files.", OPTION_FLAG, 'd', & o->bucket_per_file},
{0, "S3-libs3.bucket-name-prefix", "The prefix of the bucket(s).", OPTION_OPTIONAL_ARGUMENT, 's', & o->bucket_prefix},
{0, "S3-libs3.dont-suffix-bucket", "By default a hash will be added to the bucket name to increase uniqueness, this disables the option.", OPTION_FLAG, 'd', & o->dont_suffix },
{0, "S3-libs3.s3-compatible", "to be selected when using S3 compatible storage", OPTION_FLAG, 'd', & o->s3_compatible },
{0, "S3-libs3.use-ssl", "used to specify that SSL is needed for the connection", OPTION_FLAG, 'd', & o->use_ssl },
{0, "", "The host optionally followed by:port.", OPTION_OPTIONAL_ARGUMENT, 's', & o->host},
{0, "S3-libs3.secret-key", "The secret key.", OPTION_OPTIONAL_ARGUMENT, 's', & o->secret_key},
{0, "S3-libs3.access-key", "The access key.", OPTION_OPTIONAL_ARGUMENT, 's', & o->access_key},
2020-06-30 18:50:13 +03:00
option_help * help = malloc(sizeof(h));
memcpy(help, h, sizeof(h));
return help;
2020-06-30 18:50:13 +03:00
static void def_file_name(s3_options_t * o, char * out_name, char const * path){
out_name += sprintf(out_name, "%s-", o->bucket_prefix_cur);
2020-06-30 18:50:13 +03:00
// duplicate path except "/"
while(*path != 0){
char c = *path;
if(((c >= '0' && c <= '9') || (c >= 'a' && c <= 'z') )){
2020-06-30 18:50:13 +03:00
*out_name = *path;
}else if(c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z'){
*out_name = *path + ('a' - 'A');
2020-06-30 18:50:13 +03:00
2020-06-30 18:50:13 +03:00
*out_name = '\0';
2020-06-30 18:50:13 +03:00
static void def_bucket_name(s3_options_t * o, char * out_name, char const * path){
out_name += sprintf(out_name, "%s-", o->bucket_prefix_cur);
2020-06-30 18:50:13 +03:00
// duplicate path except "/"
while(*path != 0){
char c = *path;
if(((c >= '0' && c <= '9') || (c >= 'a' && c <= 'z') )){
2020-06-30 18:50:13 +03:00
*out_name = *path;
}else if(c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z'){
*out_name = *path + ('a' - 'A');
2020-06-30 18:50:13 +03:00
2020-06-30 18:50:13 +03:00
*out_name = '\0';
// S3Status S3_validate_bucket_name(const char *bucketName, S3UriStyle uriStyle);
2020-06-30 18:50:13 +03:00
struct data_handling{
IOR_size_t * buf;
2020-06-30 18:50:13 +03:00
int64_t size;
2020-06-30 18:50:13 +03:00
static S3Status s3status = S3StatusInterrupted;
static S3ErrorDetails s3error = {NULL};
static S3Status responsePropertiesCallback(const S3ResponseProperties *properties, void *callbackData){
s3status = S3StatusOK;
return s3status;
2020-06-30 18:50:13 +03:00
static void responseCompleteCallback(S3Status status, const S3ErrorDetails *error, void *callbackData) {
s3status = status;
if (error == NULL){
s3error.message = NULL;
s3error = *error;
2020-06-30 18:50:13 +03:00
#define CHECK_ERROR(p) \
if (s3status != S3StatusOK){ \
EWARNF("S3 %s:%d (path:%s) \"%s\": %s %s", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__, p, S3_get_status_name(s3status), s3error.message, s3error.furtherDetails ? s3error.furtherDetails : ""); \
2020-06-30 18:50:13 +03:00
static S3ResponseHandler responseHandler = { &responsePropertiesCallback, &responseCompleteCallback };
static char * S3_getVersion()
return "0.5";
2020-06-30 18:50:13 +03:00
static void S3_Fsync(aiori_fd_t *fd, aiori_mod_opt_t * options)
2020-06-30 18:50:13 +03:00
// Not needed
2020-06-30 18:50:13 +03:00
static void S3_Sync(aiori_mod_opt_t * options)
// Not needed
2020-06-30 18:50:13 +03:00
static S3Status S3ListResponseCallback(const char *ownerId, const char *ownerDisplayName, const char *bucketName, int64_t creationDateSeconds, void *callbackData){
uint64_t * count = (uint64_t*) callbackData;
return S3StatusOK;
static S3ListServiceHandler listhandler = { { &responsePropertiesCallback, &responseCompleteCallback }, & S3ListResponseCallback};
static int S3_statfs (const char * path, ior_aiori_statfs_t * stat, aiori_mod_opt_t * options){
stat->f_bsize = 1;
stat->f_blocks = 1;
stat->f_bfree = 1;
stat->f_bavail = 1;
stat->f_ffree = 1;
2020-06-30 18:50:13 +03:00
s3_options_t * o = (s3_options_t*) options;
// use the number of bucket as files
uint64_t buckets = 0;
S3_list_service(o->s3_protocol, o->access_key, o->secret_key, NULL, o->host,
o->authRegion, NULL, o->timeout, & listhandler, & buckets);
2020-06-30 18:50:13 +03:00
stat->f_files = buckets;
2020-06-30 18:50:13 +03:00
return 0;
static S3Status S3multipart_handler(const char *upload_id, void *callbackData){
*((char const**)(callbackData)) = upload_id;
return S3StatusOK;
static S3MultipartInitialHandler multipart_handler = { {&responsePropertiesCallback, &responseCompleteCallback }, & S3multipart_handler};
typedef struct{
char * object;
} S3_fd_t;
static int putObjectDataCallback(int bufferSize, char *buffer, void *callbackData){
struct data_handling * dh = (struct data_handling *) callbackData;
const int64_t size = dh->size > bufferSize ? bufferSize : dh->size;
if(size == 0) return 0;
memcpy(buffer, dh->buf, size);
dh->buf = (IOR_size_t*) ((char*)(dh->buf) + size);
dh->size -= size;
return size;
static S3PutObjectHandler putObjectHandler = { { &responsePropertiesCallback, &responseCompleteCallback }, & putObjectDataCallback };
static aiori_fd_t *S3_Create(char *path, int iorflags, aiori_mod_opt_t * options)
2020-06-30 18:50:13 +03:00
char * upload_id;
2020-06-30 18:50:13 +03:00
s3_options_t * o = (s3_options_t*) options;
def_file_name(o, p, path);
2020-06-30 18:50:13 +03:00
if(iorflags & IOR_CREAT){
S3_create_bucket(o->s3_protocol, o->access_key, o->secret_key, NULL, o->host, p, o->authRegion, S3CannedAclPrivate, o->locationConstraint, NULL, o->timeout, & responseHandler, NULL);
struct data_handling dh = { .buf = NULL, .size = 0 };
S3_put_object(& o->bucket_context, p, 0, NULL, NULL, o->timeout, &putObjectHandler, & dh);
if (s3status != S3StatusOK){
return NULL;
S3_fd_t * fd = malloc(sizeof(S3_fd_t));
fd->object = strdup(p);
return (aiori_fd_t*) fd;
2020-06-30 18:50:13 +03:00
static S3Status statResponsePropertiesCallback(const S3ResponseProperties *properties, void *callbackData){
// check the size
struct stat *buf = (struct stat*) callbackData;
if(buf != NULL){
buf->st_size = properties->contentLength;
buf->st_mtime = properties->lastModified;
s3status = S3StatusOK;
return s3status;
static S3ResponseHandler statResponseHandler = { &statResponsePropertiesCallback, &responseCompleteCallback };
static aiori_fd_t *S3_Open(char *path, int flags, aiori_mod_opt_t * options)
2020-06-30 18:50:13 +03:00
if(flags & IOR_CREAT){
return S3_Create(path, flags, options);
if(flags & IOR_WRONLY){
WARN("S3 IOR_WRONLY is not supported");
if(flags & IOR_RDWR){
WARN("S3 IOR_RDWR is not supported");
2020-06-30 18:50:13 +03:00
s3_options_t * o = (s3_options_t*) options;
def_file_name(o, p, path);
2020-06-30 18:50:13 +03:00
if (o->bucket_per_file){
S3_test_bucket(o->s3_protocol, S3UriStylePath, o->access_key, o->secret_key,
NULL, o->host, p, o->authRegion, 0, NULL,
NULL, o->timeout, & responseHandler, NULL);
struct stat buf;
S3_head_object(& o->bucket_context, p, NULL, o->timeout, & statResponseHandler, & buf);
if (s3status != S3StatusOK){
return NULL;
S3_fd_t * fd = malloc(sizeof(S3_fd_t));
fd->object = strdup(p);
return (aiori_fd_t*) fd;
2020-06-30 18:50:13 +03:00
static S3Status getObjectDataCallback(int bufferSize, const char *buffer, void *callbackData){
struct data_handling * dh = (struct data_handling *) callbackData;
const int64_t size = dh->size > bufferSize ? bufferSize : dh->size;
memcpy(dh->buf, buffer, size);
dh->buf = (IOR_size_t*) ((char*)(dh->buf) + size);
dh->size -= size;
return S3StatusOK;
static S3GetObjectHandler getObjectHandler = { { &responsePropertiesCallback, &responseCompleteCallback }, & getObjectDataCallback };
static IOR_offset_t S3_Xfer(int access, aiori_fd_t * afd, IOR_size_t * buffer, IOR_offset_t length, IOR_offset_t offset, aiori_mod_opt_t * options){
S3_fd_t * fd = (S3_fd_t *) afd;
struct data_handling dh = { .buf = buffer, .size = length };
s3_options_t * o = (s3_options_t*) options;
o->bucket_context.bucketName = fd->object;
if(offset != 0){
sprintf(p, "%ld-%ld", (long) offset, (long) length);
sprintf(p, "0");
if(offset != 0){
sprintf(p, "%s-%ld-%ld", fd->object, (long) offset, (long) length);
sprintf(p, "%s", fd->object);
if(access == WRITE){
S3_put_object(& o->bucket_context, p, length, NULL, NULL, o->timeout, &putObjectHandler, & dh);
S3_get_object(& o->bucket_context, p, NULL, 0, length, NULL, o->timeout, &getObjectHandler, & dh);
if (! o->s3_compatible){
return length;
static void S3_Close(aiori_fd_t * afd, aiori_mod_opt_t * options)
2020-06-30 18:50:13 +03:00
S3_fd_t * fd = (S3_fd_t *) afd;
2020-06-30 18:50:13 +03:00
2020-07-02 17:57:46 +03:00
typedef struct {
int status; // do not reorder!
s3_options_t * o;
int truncated;
char const *nextMarker;
} s3_delete_req;
2020-07-02 17:57:46 +03:00
S3Status list_delete_cb(int isTruncated, const char *nextMarker, int contentsCount, const S3ListBucketContent *contents, int commonPrefixesCount, const char **commonPrefixes, void *callbackData){
s3_delete_req * req = (s3_delete_req*) callbackData;
for(int i=0; i < contentsCount; i++){
S3_delete_object(& req->o->bucket_context, contents[i].key, NULL, req->o->timeout, & responseHandler, NULL);
req->truncated = isTruncated;
req->nextMarker = nextMarker;
return S3StatusOK;
static S3ListBucketHandler list_delete_handler = {{&responsePropertiesCallback, &responseCompleteCallback }, list_delete_cb};
2020-06-30 18:50:13 +03:00
static void S3_Delete(char *path, aiori_mod_opt_t * options)
s3_options_t * o = (s3_options_t*) options;
def_file_name(o, p, path);
o->bucket_context.bucketName = p;
s3_delete_req req = {0, o, 0, NULL};
2020-07-02 17:57:46 +03:00
S3_list_bucket(& o->bucket_context, NULL, req.nextMarker, NULL, INT_MAX, NULL, o->timeout, & list_delete_handler, & req);
S3_delete_bucket(o->s3_protocol, S3UriStylePath, o->access_key, o->secret_key, NULL, o->host, p, o->authRegion, NULL, o->timeout, & responseHandler, NULL);
s3_delete_req req = {0, o, 0, NULL};
2020-07-02 17:57:46 +03:00
S3_list_bucket(& o->bucket_context, p, req.nextMarker, NULL, INT_MAX, NULL, o->timeout, & list_delete_handler, & req);
S3_delete_object(& o->bucket_context, p, NULL, o->timeout, & responseHandler, NULL);
2020-06-30 18:50:13 +03:00
static int S3_mkdir (const char *path, mode_t mode, aiori_mod_opt_t * options){
2020-06-30 18:50:13 +03:00
s3_options_t * o = (s3_options_t*) options;
def_bucket_name(o, p, path);
if (o->bucket_per_file){
S3_create_bucket(o->s3_protocol, o->access_key, o->secret_key, NULL, o->host, p, o->authRegion, S3CannedAclPrivate, o->locationConstraint, NULL, o->timeout, & responseHandler, NULL);
2020-06-30 18:50:13 +03:00
return 0;
struct data_handling dh = { .buf = NULL, .size = 0 };
S3_put_object(& o->bucket_context, p, 0, NULL, NULL, o->timeout, & putObjectHandler, & dh);
2020-06-30 18:50:13 +03:00
if (! o->s3_compatible){
2020-06-30 18:50:13 +03:00
return 0;
static int S3_rmdir (const char *path, aiori_mod_opt_t * options){
2020-06-30 18:50:13 +03:00
s3_options_t * o = (s3_options_t*) options;
def_bucket_name(o, p, path);
if (o->bucket_per_file){
S3_delete_bucket(o->s3_protocol, S3UriStylePath, o->access_key, o->secret_key, NULL, o->host, p, o->authRegion, NULL, o->timeout, & responseHandler, NULL);
2020-06-30 18:50:13 +03:00
return 0;
S3_delete_object(& o->bucket_context, p, NULL, o->timeout, & responseHandler, NULL);
2020-06-30 18:50:13 +03:00
return 0;
static int S3_stat(const char *path, struct stat *buf, aiori_mod_opt_t * options){
2020-06-30 18:50:13 +03:00
s3_options_t * o = (s3_options_t*) options;
def_file_name(o, p, path);
memset(buf, 0, sizeof(struct stat));
// TODO count the individual file fragment sizes together
if (o->bucket_per_file){
S3_test_bucket(o->s3_protocol, S3UriStylePath, o->access_key, o->secret_key,
NULL, o->host, p, o->authRegion, 0, NULL,
NULL, o->timeout, & responseHandler, NULL);
S3_head_object(& o->bucket_context, p, NULL, o->timeout, & statResponseHandler, buf);
2020-06-30 18:50:13 +03:00
if (s3status != S3StatusOK){
return -1;
return 0;
static int S3_access (const char *path, int mode, aiori_mod_opt_t * options){
struct stat buf;
return S3_stat(path, & buf, options);
2020-06-30 18:50:13 +03:00
static IOR_offset_t S3_GetFileSize(aiori_mod_opt_t * options, char *testFileName)
struct stat buf;
if(S3_stat(testFileName, & buf, options) != 0) return -1;
return buf.st_size;
static int S3_check_params(aiori_mod_opt_t * options){
if(hints->blockSize != hints->transferSize){
ERR("S3 Blocksize must be transferSize");
return 0;
static void S3_init(aiori_mod_opt_t * options){
2020-06-30 18:50:13 +03:00
s3_options_t * o = (s3_options_t*) options;
int ret = S3_initialize(NULL, S3_INIT_ALL, o->host);
if(ret != S3StatusOK)
FAIL("Could not initialize S3 library");
2020-06-30 18:50:13 +03:00
// create a bucket id based on access-key using a trivial checksumming
if(! o->dont_suffix){
uint64_t c = 0;
char * r = o->access_key;
for(uint64_t pos = 1; (*r) != '\0' ; r++, pos*=10) {
c += (*r) * pos;
int count = snprintf(NULL, 0, "%s%lu", o->bucket_prefix, c % 1000);
char * old_prefix = o->bucket_prefix;
o->bucket_prefix_cur = malloc(count + 1);
sprintf(o->bucket_prefix_cur, "%s%lu", old_prefix, c % 1000);
o->bucket_prefix_cur = o->bucket_prefix;
// init bucket context
memset(& o->bucket_context, 0, sizeof(o->bucket_context));
o->bucket_context.hostName = o->host;
o->bucket_context.bucketName = o->bucket_prefix_cur;
if (o->use_ssl){
o->s3_protocol = S3ProtocolHTTPS;
o->s3_protocol = S3ProtocolHTTP;
o->bucket_context.protocol = o->s3_protocol;
o->bucket_context.uriStyle = S3UriStylePath;
o->bucket_context.accessKeyId = o->access_key;
o->bucket_context.secretAccessKey = o->secret_key;
2020-07-02 17:57:46 +03:00
if (! o->bucket_per_file && rank == 0){
S3_create_bucket(o->s3_protocol, o->access_key, o->secret_key, NULL, o->host, o->bucket_context.bucketName, o->authRegion, S3CannedAclPrivate, o->locationConstraint, NULL, o->timeout, & responseHandler, NULL);
2020-06-30 18:50:13 +03:00
if ( ret != S3StatusOK ){
FAIL("S3 error %s", S3_get_status_name(ret));
static void S3_final(aiori_mod_opt_t * options){
2020-07-02 17:57:46 +03:00
s3_options_t * o = (s3_options_t*) options;
if (! o->bucket_per_file && rank == 0){
S3_delete_bucket(o->s3_protocol, S3UriStylePath, o->access_key, o->secret_key, NULL, o->host, o->bucket_context.bucketName, o->authRegion, NULL, o->timeout, & responseHandler, NULL);
2020-06-30 18:50:13 +03:00
ior_aiori_t S3_libS3_aiori = {
.name = "S3-libs3",
.name_legacy = NULL,
.create = S3_Create,
.open = S3_Open,
.xfer = S3_Xfer,
.close = S3_Close,
.delete = S3_Delete,
.get_version = S3_getVersion,
.fsync = S3_Fsync,
2020-06-30 18:50:13 +03:00
.xfer_hints = s3_xfer_hints,
.get_file_size = S3_GetFileSize,
.statfs = S3_statfs,
.mkdir = S3_mkdir,
.rmdir = S3_rmdir,
.access = S3_access,
.stat = S3_stat,
.initialize = S3_init,
.finalize = S3_final,
.get_options = S3_options,
.check_params = S3_check_params,
.sync = S3_Sync,
.enable_mdtest = true