Merge pull request #42 from ezickler/wip/new-doc

New documention with sphinx and Doxygen for
Glenn K. Lockwood 2018-03-16 14:34:05 -07:00 committed by GitHub
commit 907cbb806b
No known key found for this signature in database
20 changed files with 3716 additions and 2 deletions

.gitignore vendored
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@ -29,3 +29,7 @@ src/*.o
src/*.i src/*.i
src/*.s src/*.s
src/ior src/ior

doc/doxygen/Doxyfile Normal file

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

doc/sphinx/changes.rst Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
Changes in IOR
.. .. include:: ../../ChangeLog

doc/sphinx/ Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,199 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# IOR documentation build configuration file, created by
# sphinx-quickstart on Mon Jul 24 15:17:00 2017.
# This file is execfile()d with the current directory set to its
# containing dir.
# Note that not all possible configuration values are present in this
# autogenerated file.
# All configuration values have a default; values that are commented out
# serve to show the default.
# If extensions (or modules to document with autodoc) are in another directory,
# add these directories to sys.path here. If the directory is relative to the
# documentation root, use os.path.abspath to make it absolute, like shown here.
import os
import sys
sys.path.insert(0, os.path.abspath('.'))
# -- compile doxygen --------------
# this is needed for breath and to compile doxygen on read the docs
import subprocess'cd ../doxygen ; doxygen', shell=True)
html_extra_path = ['../doxygen/build/']
# -- Breathe -------------------------------------------------------------
# sys.path.append( "/usr/local/bin/breathe-apidoc" )
# breathe_projects = { "IOR":"../doxygen/xml/" }
# breathe_default_project = 'IOR'
# breathe_default_members = ('members', 'private-members', 'undoc-members')
# breathe_domain_by_extension = {"h" : "c", 'c': 'c',}
# breathe_build_directory
# -- General configuration ------------------------------------------------
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# needs_sphinx = '1.0'
# Add any Sphinx extension module names here, as strings. They can be
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# ones.
# extensions = ['sphinx.ext.imgmath', 'sphinx.ext.todo', 'breathe' ]
extensions = ['sphinx.ext.imgmath', 'sphinx.ext.todo']
# Add any paths that contain templates here, relative to this directory.
templates_path = ['_templates']
# The suffix(es) of source filenames.
# You can specify multiple suffix as a list of string:
# source_suffix = ['.rst', '.md']
source_suffix = '.rst'
# The master toctree document.
master_doc = 'index'
# General information about the project.
project = u'IOR'
copyright = u'2017, IOR'
author = u'IOR'
# The version info for the project you're documenting, acts as replacement for
# |version| and |release|, also used in various other places throughout the
# built documents.
# The short X.Y version.
version = u'3.1.0'
# The full version, including alpha/beta/rc tags.
release = u'0'
# The language for content autogenerated by Sphinx. Refer to documentation
# for a list of supported languages.
# This is also used if you do content translation via gettext catalogs.
# Usually you set "language" from the command line for these cases.
language = None
# List of patterns, relative to source directory, that match files and
# directories to ignore when looking for source files.
# This patterns also effect to html_static_path and html_extra_path
exclude_patterns = ['_build', 'Thumbs.db', '.DS_Store']
# The name of the Pygments (syntax highlighting) style to use.
pygments_style = 'sphinx'
# If true, `todo` and `todoList` produce output, else they produce nothing.
todo_include_todos = False
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# The theme to use for HTML and HTML Help pages. See the documentation for
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html_theme = 'sphinx_rtd_theme'
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# html_theme_options = {}
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html_static_path = ['_static']
# Custom sidebar templates, must be a dictionary that maps document names
# to template names.
# This is required for the alabaster theme
# refs:
html_sidebars = {
'**': [
'relations.html', # needs 'show_related': True theme option to display
# -- Options for HTMLHelp output ------------------------------------------
# Output file base name for HTML help builder.
htmlhelp_basename = 'IOR'
# If true, links to the reST sources are added to the pages.
html_show_sourcelink = False
# -- Options for LaTeX output ---------------------------------------------
latex_elements = {
# The paper size ('letterpaper' or 'a4paper').
# 'papersize': 'letterpaper',
# The font size ('10pt', '11pt' or '12pt').
# 'pointsize': '10pt',
# Additional stuff for the LaTeX preamble.
# 'preamble': '',
# Latex figure (float) alignment
# 'figure_align': 'htbp',
# Grouping the document tree into LaTeX files. List of tuples
# (source start file, target name, title,
# author, documentclass [howto, manual, or own class]).
latex_documents = [
(master_doc, 'IOR.tex', u'IOR Documentation',
u'IOR', 'manual'),
# -- Options for manual page output ---------------------------------------
# One entry per manual page. List of tuples
# (source start file, name, description, authors, manual section).
man_pages = [
(master_doc, 'IOR', u'IOR Documentation',
[author], 1)
# -- Options for Texinfo output -------------------------------------------
# Grouping the document tree into Texinfo files. List of tuples
# (source start file, target name, title, author,
# dir menu entry, description, category)
texinfo_documents = [
(master_doc, 'IOR', u'IOR Documentation',
author, 'IOR', 'One line description of project.',
# -- Options for Doxygen as Main page on RTD-------------------------------
# Call doxygen to generate html
# add path to doxygen
# import subprocess
#'cd .. ; doxygen', shell=True)
# html_extra_path = ['../html']

doc/sphinx/devDoc/CI.rst Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
Continues Integration
Continues Integration is used for basic sanity checking. Travis-CI provides free
CI for open source github projects and is configured via a .travis.yml.
For now this is set up to compile IOR on a ubuntu 14.04 machine with gcc 4.8,
openmpi and hdf5 for the backends. This is a pretty basic check and should be
advance over time. Nevertheless this should detect major errors early as they
are shown in pull requests.

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@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
Click `here <../doxygen_html/index.html>`_ for doxygen.
This documentation utilities doxygen for parsing the c code. Therefore a doxygen
instances is created in the background anyway. This might be helpful as doxygen
produces nice call graphs.

doc/sphinx/index.rst Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
.. include:: intro.rst
.. toctree::
:maxdepth: 2
.. toctree::
:caption: User Documentation
First Steps <userDoc/tutorial>
FAQ <userDoc/faq>
.. toctree::
:caption: Developer Documentation
.. toctree::
:caption: Miscellaneous
Git Repository <>
.. Indices and tables
* :ref:`genindex`
* :ref:`modindex`

doc/sphinx/intro.rst Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
Welcome to the IOR documentation.
**I**\ nterleaved **o**\ r **R**\ andom is a parallel IO benchmark.
IOR can be used for testing performance of parallel file systems using various
interfaces and access patterns. IOR uses MPI for process synchronization.
This documentation provides information for versions 3 and higher, for other
versions check :ref:`compatibility`
This documentation consists of tow parts.
The first part is a user documentation were you find instructions on compilation, a
beginners tutorial (:ref:`first-steps`) as well as information about all
available :ref:`options`.
The second part is the developer documentation. It currently only consists of a
auto generated Doxygen and some notes about the contiguous integration with travis.
As there are quite some people how needs to modify or extend IOR to there needs
it would be great to have documentation on what and how to alter IOR without
breaking other stuff. Currently there is neither a documentation on the overall
concept of the code nor on implementation details. If you are getting your
hands dirty in code anyways or have deeper understanding of IOR, you are more
then welcome to comment the code directly, which will result in better Doxygen
output or add your insight to this sphinx documentation.

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@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
.. _compatibility:
IOR has a long history. Here are some hints about compatibility with older
1) IOR version 1 (c. 1996-2002) and IOR version 2 (c. 2003-present) are
incompatible. Input decks from one will not work on the other. As version
1 is not included in this release, this shouldn't be case for concern. All
subsequent compatibility issues are for IOR version 2.
2) IOR versions prior to release 2.8 provided data size and rates in powers
of two. E.g., 1 MB/sec referred to 1,048,576 bytes per second. With the
IOR release 2.8 and later versions, MB is now defined as 1,000,000 bytes
and MiB is 1,048,576 bytes.
3) In IOR versions 2.5.3 to 2.8.7, IOR could be run without any command line
options. This assumed that if both write and read options (-w -r) were
omitted, the run with them both set as default. Later, it became clear
that in certain cases (data checking, e.g.) this caused difficulties. In
IOR versions 2.8.8 and later, if not one of the -w -r -W or -R options is
set, then -w and -r are set implicitly.
4) IOR version 3 (Jan 2012-present) has changed the output of IOR somewhat,
and the "testNum" option was renamed "refNum".

doc/sphinx/userDoc/faq.rst Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,175 @@
Frequently Asked Questions
Use this command line: IOR -k -E -W -i 5 -o file
-k keeps the file after the access rather than deleting it
-E uses the existing file rather than truncating it first
-W performs the writecheck
-i number of iterations of checking
-o filename
On versions of IOR prior to 2.8.8, you need the -r flag also, otherwise
you'll first overwrite the existing file. (In earlier versions, omitting -w
and -r implied using both. This semantic has been subsequently altered to be
omitting -w, -r, -W, and -R implied using both -w and -r.)
If you're running new tests to create a file and want repeat data checking on
this file multiple times, there is an undocumented option for this. It's -O
multiReRead=1, and you'd need to have an IOR version compiled with the
USE_UNDOC_OPT=1 (in iordef.h). The command line would look like this:
IOR -k -E -w -W -i 5 -o file -O multiReRead=1
For the first iteration, the file would be written (w/o data checking). Then
for any additional iterations (four, in this example) the file would be
reread for whatever data checking option is used.
IOR performs get a time stamp START, then has all participating tasks open a
shared or independent file, transfer data, close the file(s), and then get a
STOP time. A stat() or MPI_File_get_size() is performed on the file(s) and
compared against the aggregate amount of data transferred. If this value
does not match, a warning is issued and the amount of data transferred as
calculated from write(), e.g., return codes is used. The calculated
bandwidth is the amount of data transferred divided by the elapsed
STOP-minus-START time.
IOR also gets time stamps to report the open, transfer, and close times.
Each of these times is based on the earliest start time for any task and the
latest stop time for any task. Without using barriers between these
operations (-g), the sum of the open, transfer, and close times may not equal
the elapsed time from the first open to the last close.
It is possible when using the filePerProc option to have tasks round-robin
across multiple file names. Rather than use a single file name '-o file',
additional names '-o file1@file2@file3' may be used. In this case, a file
per process would have three different file names (which may be full path
names) to access. The '@' delimiter is arbitrary, and may be set in the
FILENAME_DELIMITER definition in iordef.h.
Note that this option of multiple filenames only works with the filePerProc
-F option. This will not work for shared files.
As for the balancing of files per file system where different file systems
offer different performance, additional instances of the same destination
path can generally achieve good balance.
For example, with FS1 getting 50% better performance than FS2, set the '-o'
flag such that there are additional instances of the FS1 directory. In this
case, '-o FS1/file@FS1/file@FS1/file@FS2/file@FS2/file' should adjust for
the performance difference and balance accordingly.
To use stonewalling (-D), it's generally best to separate write testing from
read testing. Start with writing a file with '-D 0' (stonewalling disabled)
to determine how long the file takes to be written. If it takes 10 seconds
for the data transfer, run again with a shorter duration, '-D 7' e.g., to
stop before the file would be completed without stonewalling. For reading,
it's best to create a full file (not an incompletely written file from a
stonewalling run) and then run with stonewalling set on this preexisting
file. If a write and read test are performed in the same run with
stonewalling, it's likely that the read will encounter an error upon hitting
the EOF. Separating the runs can correct for this. E.g.,
IOR -w -k -o file -D 10 # write and keep file, stonewall after 10 seconds
IOR -r -E -o file -D 7 # read existing file, stonewall after 7 seconds
Also, when running multiple iterations of a read-only stonewall test, it may
be necessary to set the -D value high enough so that each iteration is not
reading from cache. Otherwise, in some cases, the first iteration may show
100 MB/s, the next 200 MB/s, the third 300 MB/s. Each of these tests is
actually reading the same amount from disk in the allotted time, but they
are also reading the cached data from the previous test each time to get the
increased performance. Setting -D high enough so that the cache is
overfilled will prevent this.
One issue with testing file systems is handling cached data. When a file is
written, that data may be stored locally on the node writing the file. When
the same node attempts to read the data back from the file system either for
performance or data integrity checking, it may be reading from its own cache
rather from the file system.
The reorderTasksConstant '-C' option attempts to address this by having a
different node read back data than wrote it. For example, node N writes the
data to file, node N+1 reads back the data for read performance, node N+2
reads back the data for write data checking, and node N+3 reads the data for
read data checking, comparing this with the reread data from node N+4. The
objective is to make sure on file access that the data is not being read from
cached data.
Node 0: writes data
Node 1: reads data
Node 2: reads written data for write checking
Node 3: reads written data for read checking
Node 4: reads written data for read checking, comparing with Node 3
The algorithm for skipping from N to N+1, e.g., expects consecutive task
numbers on nodes (block assignment), not those assigned round robin (cyclic
assignment). For example, a test running 6 tasks on 3 nodes would expect
tasks 0,1 on node 0; tasks 2,3 on node 1; and tasks 4,5 on node 2. Were the
assignment for tasks-to-node in round robin fashion, there would be tasks 0,3
on node 0; tasks 1,4 on node 1; and tasks 2,5 on node 2. In this case, there
would be no expectation that a task would not be reading from data cached on
a node.
It is possible to pass hints to the I/O library or file system layers
following this form::
'setenv IOR_HINT__<layer>__<hint> <value>'
For example::
'setenv IOR_HINT__MPI__IBM_largeblock_io true'
'setenv IOR_HINT__GPFS__important_hint true'
or, in a file in the form::
Note that hints to MPI from the HDF5 or NCMPI layers are of the form::
'setenv IOR_HINT__MPI__<hint> <value>'
The data signature for a transfer contains the MPI task number, transfer-
buffer offset, and also timestamp for the start of iteration. As IOR works
with 8-byte long long ints, the even-numbered long longs written contain a
32-bit MPI task number and a 32-bit timestamp. The odd-numbered long longs
contain a 64-bit transferbuffer offset (or file offset if the '-l'
storeFileOffset option is used). To set the timestamp value, use '-G' or
There is a simple utility IOR/src/C/cbif/cbif.c that may be built. This is a
stand-alone, serial application called cbif (Change Byte In File). The
utility allows a file offset to be checked, returning the data at that
location in IOR's data check format. It also allows a byte at that location
to be changed.
To correct for clock skew between nodes, IOR compares times between nodes,
then broadcasts the root node's timestamp so all nodes can adjust by the
difference. To see an egregious outlier, use the '-j' option. Be sure
to set this value high enough to only show a node outside a certain time
from the mean.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
0. If "configure" is missing from the top level directory, you
probably retrieved this code directly from the repository.
Run "./bootstrap".
If your versions of the autotools are not new enough to run
this script, download and official tarball in which the
configure script is already provided.
1. Run "./configure"
See "./configure --help" for configuration options.
2. Run "make"
3. Optionally, run "make install". The installation prefix
can be changed as an option to the "configure" script.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,356 @@
.. _options:
IOR provides many options, in fact there are now more than there are one letter
flags in the alphabet.
For this and to run IOR by a config script, there are some options which are
only available via directives. When both script and command line options are in
use, command line options set in front of -f are the defaults which may be
overridden by the script.
Directives can also be set from the command line via "-O" option. In combination
with a script they behave like the normal command line options. But directives and
normal parameters override each other, so the last one executed.
Command line options
These options are to be used on the command line. E.g., 'IOR -a POSIX -b 4K'.
-A N refNum -- user reference number to include in long summary
-b N blockSize -- contiguous bytes to write per task (e.g.: 8, 4k, 2m, 1g)
-B useO_DIRECT -- uses O_DIRECT for POSIX, bypassing I/O buffers
-c collective -- collective I/O
-C reorderTasksConstant -- changes task ordering to n+1 ordering for readback
-d N interTestDelay -- delay between reps in seconds
-D N deadlineForStonewalling -- seconds before stopping write or read phase
-e fsync -- perform fsync upon POSIX write close
-E useExistingTestFile -- do not remove test file before write access
-f S scriptFile -- test script name
-F filePerProc -- file-per-process
-g intraTestBarriers -- use barriers between open, write/read, and close
-G N setTimeStampSignature -- set value for time stamp signature
-h showHelp -- displays options and help
-H showHints -- show hints
-i N repetitions -- number of repetitions of test
-I individualDataSets -- datasets not shared by all procs [not working]
-j N outlierThreshold -- warn on outlier N seconds from mean
-J N setAlignment -- HDF5 alignment in bytes (e.g.: 8, 4k, 2m, 1g)
-k keepFile -- don't remove the test file(s) on program exit
-K keepFileWithError -- keep error-filled file(s) after data-checking
-l data packet type-- type of packet that will be created [offset|incompressible|timestamp|o|i|t]
-m multiFile -- use number of reps (-i) for multiple file count
-M N memoryPerNode -- hog memory on the node (e.g.: 2g, 75%)
-n noFill -- no fill in HDF5 file creation
-N N numTasks -- number of tasks that should participate in the test
-o S testFile -- full name for test
-O S string of IOR directives (e.g. -O checkRead=1,lustreStripeCount=32)
-p preallocate -- preallocate file size
-P useSharedFilePointer -- use shared file pointer [not working]
-q quitOnError -- during file error-checking, abort on error
-Q N taskPerNodeOffset for read tests use with -C & -Z options (-C constant N, -Z at least N) [!HDF5]
-r readFile -- read existing file
-R checkRead -- check read after read
-s N segmentCount -- number of segments
-S useStridedDatatype -- put strided access into datatype [not working]
-t N transferSize -- size of transfer in bytes (e.g.: 8, 4k, 2m, 1g)
-T N maxTimeDuration -- max time in minutes to run tests
-u uniqueDir -- use unique directory name for each file-per-process
-U S hintsFileName -- full name for hints file
-v verbose -- output information (repeating flag increases level)
-V useFileView -- use MPI_File_set_view
-w writeFile -- write file
-W checkWrite -- check read after write
-x singleXferAttempt -- do not retry transfer if incomplete
-X N reorderTasksRandomSeed -- random seed for -Z option
-Y fsyncPerWrite -- perform fsync after each POSIX write
-z randomOffset -- access is to random, not sequential, offsets within a file
-Z reorderTasksRandom -- changes task ordering to random ordering for readback
NOTES: * S is a string, N is an integer number.
* For transfer and block sizes, the case-insensitive K, M, and G
suffices are recognized. I.e., '4k' or '4K' is accepted as 4096.
Directive Options
For each of the general settings, note the default is shown in brackets.
IMPORTANT NOTE: For all true/false options below [1]=true, [0]=false
IMPORTANT NOTE: Contrary to appearance, the script options below are NOT case sensitive
* refNum - user supplied reference number, included in
long summary [0]
* api - must be set to one of POSIX, MPIIO, HDF5, HDFS, S3,
S3_EMC, or NCMPI, depending on test [POSIX]
* testFile - name of the output file [testFile]
NOTE: with filePerProc set, the tasks can round
robin across multiple file names '-o S@S@S'
* hintsFileName - name of the hints file []
* repetitions - number of times to run each test [1]
* multiFile - creates multiple files for single-shared-file or
file-per-process modes; i.e. each iteration creates
a new file [0=FALSE]
* reorderTasksConstant - reorders tasks by a constant node offset for writing/reading neighbor's
data from different nodes [0=FALSE]
* taskPerNodeOffset - for read tests. Use with -C & -Z options. [1]
With reorderTasks, constant N. With reordertasksrandom, >= N
* reorderTasksRandom - reorders tasks to random ordering for readback [0=FALSE]
* reorderTasksRandomSeed - random seed for reordertasksrandom option. [0]
>0, same seed for all iterations. <0, different seed for each iteration
* quitOnError - upon error encountered on checkWrite or checkRead,
display current error and then stop execution;
if not set, count errors and continue [0=FALSE]
* numTasks - number of tasks that should participate in the test
NOTE: 0 denotes all tasks
* interTestDelay - this is the time in seconds to delay before
beginning a write or read in a series of tests [0]
NOTE: it does not delay before a check write or
check read
* outlierThreshold - gives warning if any task is more than this number
of seconds from the mean of all participating tasks.
If so, the task is identified, its time (start,
elapsed create, elapsed transfer, elapsed close, or
end) is reported, as is the mean and standard
deviation for all tasks. The default for this is 0,
which turns it off. If set to a positive value, for
example 3, any task not within 3 seconds of the mean
displays its times. [0]
* intraTestBarriers - use barrier between open, write/read, and close [0=FALSE]
* uniqueDir - create and use unique directory for each
file-per-process [0=FALSE]
* writeFile - writes file(s), first deleting any existing file [1=TRUE]
NOTE: the defaults for writeFile and readFile are
set such that if there is not at least one of
the following -w, -r, -W, or -R, it is assumed
that -w and -r are expected and are
consequently used -- this is only true with
the command line, and may be overridden in
a script
* readFile - reads existing file(s) (from current or previous
run) [1=TRUE]
NOTE: see writeFile notes
* filePerProc - accesses a single file for each processor; default
is a single file accessed by all processors [0=FALSE]
* checkWrite - read data back and check for errors against known
pattern; can be used independently of writeFile [0=FALSE]
NOTES: - data checking is not timed and does not
affect other performance timings
- all errors tallied and returned as program
exit code, unless quitOnError set
* checkRead - reread data and check for errors between reads; can
be used independently of readFile [0=FALSE]
NOTE: see checkWrite notes
* keepFile - stops removal of test file(s) on program exit [0=FALSE]
* keepFileWithError - ensures that with any error found in data-checking,
the error-filled file(s) will not be deleted [0=FALSE]
* useExistingTestFile - do not remove test file before write access [0=FALSE]
* segmentCount - number of segments in file [1]
NOTES: - a segment is a contiguous chunk of data
accessed by multiple clients each writing/
reading their own contiguous data;
comprised of blocks accessed by multiple
- with HDF5 this repeats the pattern of an
entire shared dataset
* blockSize - size (in bytes) of a contiguous chunk of data
accessed by a single client; it is comprised of one
or more transfers [1048576]
* transferSize - size (in bytes) of a single data buffer to be
transferred in a single I/O call [262144]
* verbose - output information [0]
NOTE: this can be set to levels 0-5 on the command
line; repeating the -v flag will increase
verbosity level
* setTimeStampSignature - set value for time stamp signature [0]
NOTE: used to rerun tests with the exact data
pattern by setting data signature to contain
positive integer value as timestamp to be
written in data file; if set to 0, is
* showHelp - display options and help [0=FALSE]
* storeFileOffset - use file offset as stored signature when writing
file [0=FALSE]
NOTE: this will affect performance measurements
* memoryPerNode - Allocate memory on each node to simulate real
application memory usage. Accepts a percentage of
node memory (e.g. "50%") on machines that support
sysconf(_SC_PHYS_PAGES) or a size. Allocation will
be split between tasks that share the node.
* memoryPerTask - Allocate secified amount of memory per task to
simulate real application memory usage.
* maxTimeDuration - max time in minutes to run tests [0]
NOTES: * setting this to zero (0) unsets this option
* this option allows the current read/write
to complete without interruption
* deadlineForStonewalling - seconds before stopping write or read phase [0]
NOTES: - used for measuring the amount of data moved
in a fixed time. After the barrier, each
task starts its own timer, begins moving
data, and the stops moving data at a pre-
arranged time. Instead of measuring the
amount of time to move a fixed amount of
data, this option measures the amount of
data moved in a fixed amount of time. The
objective is to prevent tasks slow to
complete from skewing the performance.
- setting this to zero (0) unsets this option
- this option is incompatible w/data checking
* randomOffset - access is to random, not sequential, offsets within a file [0=FALSE]
NOTES: - this option is currently incompatible with:
-MPIIO collective or useFileView
* summaryAlways - Always print the long summary for each test.
Useful for long runs that may be interrupted, preventing
the final long summary for ALL tests to be printed.
* useO_DIRECT - use O_DIRECT for POSIX, bypassing I/O buffers [0]
* singleXferAttempt - will not continue to retry transfer entire buffer
until it is transferred [0=FALSE]
NOTE: when performing a write() or read() in POSIX,
there is no guarantee that the entire
requested size of the buffer will be
transferred; this flag keeps the retrying a
single transfer until it completes or returns
an error
* fsyncPerWrite - perform fsync after each POSIX write [0=FALSE]
* fsync - perform fsync after POSIX write close [0=FALSE]
* preallocate - preallocate the entire file before writing [0=FALSE]
* useFileView - use an MPI datatype for setting the file view option
to use individual file pointer [0=FALSE]
NOTE: default IOR uses explicit file pointers
* useSharedFilePointer - use a shared file pointer [0=FALSE] (not working)
NOTE: default IOR uses explicit file pointers
* useStridedDatatype - create a datatype (max=2GB) for strided access; akin
to MULTIBLOCK_REGION_SIZE [0] (not working)
* individualDataSets - within a single file each task will access its own
dataset [0=FALSE] (not working)
NOTE: default IOR creates a dataset the size of
numTasks * blockSize to be accessed by all
* noFill - no pre-filling of data in HDF5 file creation [0=FALSE]
* setAlignment - HDF5 alignment in bytes (e.g.: 8, 4k, 2m, 1g) [1]
* collective - uses collective operations for access [0=FALSE]
* showHints - show hint/value pairs attached to open file [0=FALSE]
NOTE: not available in NCMPI
* lustreStripeCount - set the lustre stripe count for the test file(s) [0]
* lustreStripeSize - set the lustre stripe size for the test file(s) [0]
* lustreStartOST - set the starting OST for the test file(s) [-1]
* lustreIgnoreLocks - disable lustre range locking [0]
* gpfsHintAccess - use gpfs_fcntl hints to pre-declare accesses
* gpfsReleaseToken - immediately after opening or creating file, release
all locks. Might help mitigate lock-revocation
traffic when many proceses write/read to same file.
Verbosity levels
The verbosity of output for IOR can be set with -v. Increasing the number of
-v instances on a command line sets the verbosity higher.
Here is an overview of the information shown for different verbosity levels:
0) default; only bare essentials shown
1) max clock deviation, participating tasks, free space, access pattern,
commence/verify access notification w/time
2) rank/hostname, machine name, timer used, individual repetition
performance results, timestamp used for data signature
3) full test details, transfer block/offset compared, individual data
checking errors, environment variables, task writing/reading file name,
all test operation times
4) task id and offset for each transfer
5) each 8-byte data signature comparison (WARNING: more data to STDOUT
than stored in file, use carefully)
Incompressible notes
Please note that incompressibility is a factor of how large a block compression
algorithm uses. The incompressible buffer is filled only once before write times,
so if the compression algorithm takes in blocks larger than the transfer size,
there will be compression. Below are some baselines that I established for
zip, gzip, and bzip.
1) zip: For zipped files, a transfer size of 1k is sufficient.
2) gzip: For gzipped files, a transfer size of 1k is sufficient.
3) bzip2: For bziped files a transfer size of 1k is insufficient (~50% compressed).
To avoid compression a transfer size of greater than the bzip block size is required
(default = 900KB). I suggest a transfer size of greather than 1MB to avoid bzip2 compression.
Be aware of the block size your compression algorithm will look at, and adjust the transfer size

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@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
IOR can use a script with the command line. Any options on the command line set
before the script will be considered the default settings for running the script.
(I.e.,'$ ./IOR -W -f script' will have all tests in the script run with the -W
option as default.)
The script itself can override these settings and may be set to run
run many different tests of IOR under a single execution.
The command line is: ::
./IOR -f script
In IOR/scripts, there are scripts of test cases for simulating I/O behavior of
various application codes. Details are included in each script as necessary.
* IOR START / IOR END: marks the beginning and end of the script
* RUN: Delimiter for next Test
* All previous set parameter stay set for the next test. They are not reset
to the default! For default the musst be rest manually.
* White space is ignored in script, as are comments starting with '#'.
* Not all test parameters need be set.
An example of a script: ::
# additional tests are optional

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 28 KiB

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 14 KiB

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 112 KiB

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 106 KiB

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 52 KiB

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@ -0,0 +1,274 @@
.. _first-steps:
First Steps with IOR
This is a short tutorial for the basic usage of IOR and some tips on how to use
IOR to handel caching effects as these are very likely to affect your
Running IOR
There are two ways of running IOR:
1) Command line with arguments -- executable followed by command line
$ ./IOR -w -r -o filename
This performs a write and a read to the file 'filename'.
2) Command line with scripts -- any arguments on the command line will
establish the default for the test run, but a script may be used in
conjunction with this for varying specific tests during an execution of
the code. Only arguments before the script will be used!
$ ./IOR -W -f script
This defaults all tests in 'script' to use write data checking.
In this tutorial the first one is used as it is much easier to toy around with
an get to know IOR. The second option thought is much more useful to safe
benchmark setups to rerun later or to test many different cases.
Getting Started with IOR
IOR writes data sequentially with the following parameters:
* blockSize (-b)
* transferSize (-t)
* segmentCount (-s)
* numTasks (-n)
which are best illustrated with a diagram:
.. image:: tutorial-ior-io-pattern.png
These four parameters are all you need to get started with IOR. However,
naively running IOR usually gives disappointing results. For example, if we run
a four-node IOR test that writes a total of 16 GiB::
$ mpirun -n 64 ./ior -t 1m -b 16m -s 16
access bw(MiB/s) block(KiB) xfer(KiB) open(s) wr/rd(s) close(s) total(s) iter
------ --------- ---------- --------- -------- -------- -------- -------- ----
write 427.36 16384 1024.00 0.107961 38.34 32.48 38.34 2
read 239.08 16384 1024.00 0.005789 68.53 65.53 68.53 2
remove - - - - - - 0.534400 2
we can only get a couple hundred megabytes per second out of a Lustre file
system that should be capable of a lot more.
Switching from writing to a single-shared file to one file per process using the
-F (filePerProcess=1) option changes the performance dramatically::
$ mpirun -n 64 ./ior -t 1m -b 16m -s 16 -F
access bw(MiB/s) block(KiB) xfer(KiB) open(s) wr/rd(s) close(s) total(s) iter
------ --------- ---------- --------- -------- -------- -------- -------- ----
write 33645 16384 1024.00 0.007693 0.486249 0.195494 0.486972 1
read 149473 16384 1024.00 0.004936 0.108627 0.016479 0.109612 1
remove - - - - - - 6.08 1
This is in large part because letting each MPI process work on its own file cuts
out any contention that would arise because of file locking.
However, the performance difference between our naive test and the
file-per-process test is a bit extreme. In fact, the only way that 146 GB/sec
read rate could be achievable on Lustre is if each of the four compute nodes had
over 45 GB/sec of network bandwidth to Lustre--that is, a 400 Gbit link on every
compute and storage node.
Effect of Page Cache on Benchmarking
What's really happening is that the data being read by IOR isn't actually coming
from Lustre; rather, files' contents are already cached, and IOR is able to
read them directly out of each compute node's DRAM. The data wound up getting
cached during the write phase of IOR as a result of Linux (and Lustre) using a
write-back cache to buffer I/O, so that instead of IOR writing and reading data
directly to Lustre, it's actually mostly talking to the memory on each compute
To be more specific, although each IOR process thinks it is writing to a file on
Lustre and then reading back the contents of that file from Lustre, it is
1) writing data to a copy of the file that is cached in memory. If there
is no copy of the file cached in memory before this write, the parts
being modified are loaded into memory first.
2) those parts of the file in memory (called "pages") that are now
different from what's on Lustre are marked as being "dirty"
3) the write() call completes and IOR continues on, even though the written
data still hasn't been committed to Lustre
4) independent of IOR, the OS kernel continually scans the file cache for
files who have been updated in memory but not on Lustre ("dirt pages"),
and then commits the cached modifications to Lustre
5) dirty pages are declared non-dirty since they are now in sync with
what's on disk, but they remain in memory
Then when the read phase of IOR follows the write phase, IOR is able to just
retrieve the file's contents from memory instead of having to communicate with
Lustre over the network.
There are a couple of ways to measure the read performance of the underlying
Lustre file system. The most crude way is to simply write more data than will
fit into the total page cache so that by the time the write phase has completed,
the beginning of the file has already been evicted from cache. For example,
increasing the number of segments (-s) to write more data reveals the point at
which the nodes' page cache on my test system runs over very clearly:
.. image:: tutorial-ior-overflowing-cache.png
However, this can make running IOR on systems with a lot of on-node memory take
A better option would be to get the MPI processes on each node to only read data
that they didn't write. For example, on a four-process-per-node test, shifting
the mapping of MPI processes to blocks by four makes each node N read the data
written by node N-1.
.. image:: tutorial-ior-reorderTasks.png
Since page cache is not shared between compute nodes, shifting tasks this way
ensures that each MPI process is reading data it did not write.
IOR provides the -C option (reorderTasks) to do this, and it forces each MPI
process to read the data written by its neighboring node. Running IOR with
this option gives much more credible read performance::
$ mpirun -n 64 ./ior -t 1m -b 16m -s 16 -F -C
access bw(MiB/s) block(KiB) xfer(KiB) open(s) wr/rd(s) close(s) total(s) iter
------ --------- ---------- --------- -------- -------- -------- -------- ----
write 41326 16384 1024.00 0.005756 0.395859 0.095360 0.396453 0
read 3310.00 16384 1024.00 0.011786 4.95 4.20 4.95 1
remove - - - - - - 0.237291 1
But now it should seem obvious that the write performance is also ridiculously
high. And again, this is due to the page cache, which signals to IOR that writes
are complete when they have been committed to memory rather than the underlying
Lustre file system.
To work around the effects of the page cache on write performance, we can issue
an fsync() call immediately after all of the write()s return to force the dirty
pages we just wrote to flush out to Lustre. Including the time it takes for
fsync() to finish gives us a measure of how long it takes for our data to write
to the page cache and for the page cache to write back to Lustre.
IOR provides another convenient option, -e (fsync), to do just this. And, once
again, using this option changes our performance measurement quite a bit::
$ mpirun -n 64 ./ior -t 1m -b 16m -s 16 -F -C -e
access bw(MiB/s) block(KiB) xfer(KiB) open(s) wr/rd(s) close(s) total(s) iter
------ --------- ---------- --------- -------- -------- -------- -------- ----
write 2937.89 16384 1024.00 0.011841 5.56 4.93 5.58 0
read 2712.55 16384 1024.00 0.005214 6.04 5.08 6.04 3
remove - - - - - - 0.037706 0
and we finally have a believable bandwidth measurement for our file system.
Defeating Page Cache
Since IOR is specifically designed to benchmark I/O, it provides these options
that make it as easy as possible to ensure that you are actually measuring the
performance of your file system and not your compute nodes' memory. That being
said, the I/O patterns it generates are designed to demonstrate peak performance,
not reflect what a real application might be trying to do, and as a result,
there are plenty of cases where measuring I/O performance with IOR is not always
the best choice. There are several ways in which we can get clever and defeat
page cache in a more general sense to get meaningful performance numbers.
When measuring write performance, bypassing page cache is actually quite simple;
opening a file with the O_DIRECT flag going directly to disk. In addition,
the fsync() call can be inserted into applications, as is done with IOR's -e
Measuring read performance is a lot trickier. If you are fortunate enough to
have root access on a test system, you can force the Linux kernel to empty out
its page cache by doing
# echo 1 > /proc/sys/vm/drop_caches
and in fact, this is often good practice before running any benchmark
(e.g., Linpack) because it ensures that you aren't losing performance to the
kernel trying to evict pages as your benchmark application starts allocating
memory for its own use.
Unfortunately, many of us do not have root on our systems, so we have to get
even more clever. As it turns out, there is a way to pass a hint to the kernel
that a file is no longer needed in page cache::
#define _XOPEN_SOURCE 600
#include <unistd.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
int fd;
fd = open(argv[1], O_RDONLY);
posix_fadvise(fd, 0,0,POSIX_FADV_DONTNEED);
return 0;
The effect of passing POSIX_FADV_DONTNEED using posix_fadvise() is usually that
all pages belonging to that file are evicted from page cache in Linux. However,
this is just a hint--not a guarantee--and the kernel evicts these pages
asynchronously, so it may take a second or two for pages to actually leave page
cache. Fortunately, Linux also provides a way to probe pages in a file to see
if they are resident in memory.
Finally, it's often easiest to just limit the amount of memory available for
page cache. Because application memory always takes precedence over cache
memory, simply allocating most of the memory on a node will force most of the
cached pages to be evicted. Newer versions of IOR provide the memoryPerNode
option that do just that, and the effects are what one would expect:
.. image:: tutorial-ior-memPerNode-test.png
The above diagram shows the measured bandwidth from a single node with 128 GiB
of total DRAM. The first percent on each x-label is the amount of this 128 GiB
that was reserved by the benchmark as application memory, and the second percent
is the total write volume. For example, the "50%/150%" data points correspond
to 50% of the node memory (64 GiB) being allocated for the application, and a
total of 192 GiB of data being read.
This benchmark was run on a single spinning disk which is not capable of more
than 130 MB/sec, so the conditions that showed performance higher than this were
benefiting from some pages being served from cache. And this makes perfect
sense given that the anomalously high performance measurements were obtained
when there was plenty of memory to cache relative to the amount of data being
Measuring I/O performance is a bit trickier than CPU performance in large part
due to the effects of page caching. That being said, page cache exists for a
reason, and there are many cases where an application's I/O performance really
is best represented by a benchmark that heavily utilizes cache.
For example, the BLAST bioinformatics application re-reads all of its input data
twice; the first time initializes data structures, and the second time fills
them up. Because the first read caches each page and allows the second read to
come out of cache rather than the file system, running this I/O pattern with
page cache disabled causes it to be about 2x slower:
.. image:: tutorial-cache-vs-nocache.png
Thus, letting the page cache do its thing is often the most realistic way to
benchmark with realistic application I/O patterns. Once you know how page cache
might be affecting your measurements, you stand a good chance of being able to
reason about what the most meaningful performance metrics are.

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@ -226,6 +226,10 @@ void init_IOR_Param_t(IOR_param_t * p)
p->beegfs_chunkSize = -1; p->beegfs_chunkSize = -1;
} }
* Bind the global "backend" pointer to the requested backend AIORI's
* function table.
static void AioriBind(char* api, IOR_param_t* param) static void AioriBind(char* api, IOR_param_t* param)
{ {
backend = aiori_select (api); backend = aiori_select (api);
@ -636,7 +640,7 @@ void FreeResults(IOR_test_t *test)
} }
/* /**
* Create new test for list of tests. * Create new test for list of tests.
*/ */
IOR_test_t *CreateTest(IOR_param_t *init_params, int test_num) IOR_test_t *CreateTest(IOR_param_t *init_params, int test_num)
@ -2427,6 +2431,13 @@ static void ValidateTests(IOR_param_t * test)
} }
} }
* Returns a precomputed array of IOR_offset_t for the inner benchmark loop.
* They are sequential and the last element is set to -1 as end marker.
* @param test IOR_param_t for getting transferSize, blocksize and SegmentCount
* @param pretendRank int pretended Rank for shifting the offsest corectly
* @return IOR_offset_t
static IOR_offset_t *GetOffsetArraySequential(IOR_param_t * test, static IOR_offset_t *GetOffsetArraySequential(IOR_param_t * test,
int pretendRank) int pretendRank)
{ {
@ -2462,6 +2473,21 @@ static IOR_offset_t *GetOffsetArraySequential(IOR_param_t * test,
return (offsetArray); return (offsetArray);
} }
* Returns a precomputed array of IOR_offsett_t for the inner benchmark loop.
* They get created sequentially and mixed up in the end. The last array element
* is set to -1 as end marker.
* It should be noted that as the seeds get synchronised across all processes
* every process computes the same random order if used with filePerProc.
* For a shared file all transfers get randomly assigned to ranks. The processes
* can also have differen't numbers of transfers. This might lead to a bigger
* diversion in accesse as it dose with filePerProc. This is expected but
* should be mined.
* @param test IOR_param_t for getting transferSize, blocksize and SegmentCount
* @param pretendRank int pretended Rank for shifting the offsest corectly
* @return IOR_offset_t
* @return
static IOR_offset_t *GetOffsetArrayRandom(IOR_param_t * test, int pretendRank, static IOR_offset_t *GetOffsetArrayRandom(IOR_param_t * test, int pretendRank,
int access) int access)
{ {
@ -2488,6 +2514,8 @@ static IOR_offset_t *GetOffsetArrayRandom(IOR_param_t * test, int pretendRank,
/* count needed offsets (pass 1) */ /* count needed offsets (pass 1) */
for (i = 0; i < fileSize; i += test->transferSize) { for (i = 0; i < fileSize; i += test->transferSize) {
if (test->filePerProc == FALSE) { if (test->filePerProc == FALSE) {
// this counts which process get how many transferes in
// a shared file
if ((random() % test->numTasks) == pretendRank) { if ((random() % test->numTasks) == pretendRank) {
offsets++; offsets++;
} }
@ -2510,7 +2538,7 @@ static IOR_offset_t *GetOffsetArrayRandom(IOR_param_t * test, int pretendRank,
} }
} else { } else {
/* fill with offsets (pass 2) */ /* fill with offsets (pass 2) */
srandom(seed); /* need same seed */ srandom(seed); /* need same seed to get same transfers as counted in the beginning*/
for (i = 0; i < fileSize; i += test->transferSize) { for (i = 0; i < fileSize; i += test->transferSize) {
if ((random() % test->numTasks) == pretendRank) { if ((random() % test->numTasks) == pretendRank) {
offsetArray[offsetCnt] = i; offsetArray[offsetCnt] = i;