To use these options, modify USE_UNDOC_OPT=TRUE in iordef.h and then recompile. For passing arguments to the executable for these options, use this format: '-O option1=1,option2=0' Options: * fillTheFileSystem -- limits unnecessary output for showing performance, etc. The command line '-w -k -m -i 123 -F -O fillTheFileSystem=5' has each task creating (and keeping) 123 files, showing the time between every fifth file. * includeDeleteTime -- use with '-O includeDeleteTime=1' to have time to delete file included in write performance time. Note that if this file is deleted after the write, there's nothing available for the read back or checking. * multiReRead -- use with '-i 5 -v -k -w -W -O multiReRead=1' to have 1 write of file, followed by 4 reads w/data checking. * NFS_serverCount -- use with other NFS_* options, -F, and -o to write/read files across multiple NFS servers. Set the server count to > 0 to enable. The format is: 'NFS_rootPath/NFS_serverName[0..NFS_serverCount-1]/outFile'. Each file is written round-robin to a different NFS server. * NFS_rootPath -- use with NFS_server* options for path to NFS servers. * NFS_serverName -- ise with NFS_* options for NFS server prefix. Specific NFS server number is appended to this name, e.g. nfs123. * corruptFile -- corrupts file after writing for determining data-checking reliability. Note: * cbif.c (Change Byte In File) is a simple utility to check the value of a file offset; also allows changing a single byte at an offset.