Scripting ========= IOR can use a script with the command line. Any options on the command line set before the script will be considered the default settings for running the script. (I.e.,'$ ./IOR -W -f script' will have all tests in the script run with the -W option as default.) The script itself can override these settings and may be set to run run many different tests of IOR under a single execution. The command line is: :: ./IOR -f script In IOR/scripts, there are scripts of test cases for simulating I/O behavior of various application codes. Details are included in each script as necessary. Syntax: * IOR START / IOR END: marks the beginning and end of the script * RUN: Delimiter for next Test * All previous set parameter stay set for the next test. They are not reset to the default! For default the musst be rest manually. * White space is ignored in script, as are comments starting with '#'. * Not all test parameters need be set. An example of a script: :: IOR START api=[POSIX|MPIIO|HDF5|HDFS|S3|S3_EMC|NCMPI|RADOS] testFile=testFile hintsFileName=hintsFile repetitions=8 multiFile=0 interTestDelay=5 readFile=1 writeFile=1 filePerProc=0 checkWrite=0 checkRead=0 keepFile=1 quitOnError=0 segmentCount=1 blockSize=32k outlierThreshold=0 setAlignment=1 transferSize=32 singleXferAttempt=0 individualDataSets=0 verbose=0 numTasks=32 collective=1 preallocate=0 useFileView=0 keepFileWithError=0 setTimeStampSignature=0 useSharedFilePointer=0 useStridedDatatype=0 uniqueDir=0 fsync=0 storeFileOffset=0 maxTimeDuration=60 deadlineForStonewalling=0 useExistingTestFile=0 useO_DIRECT=0 showHints=0 showHelp=0 RUN # additional tests are optional RUN RUN IOR STOP