#ifndef _WIN32 # include /* uname() */ #endif #include #include "ior.h" #include "ior-internal.h" #include "utilities.h" extern char **environ; static struct results *bw_values(int reps, IOR_offset_t *agg_file_size, double *vals); static struct results *ops_values(int reps, IOR_offset_t *agg_file_size, IOR_offset_t transfer_size, double *vals); static double mean_of_array_of_doubles(double *values, int len); static void PPDouble(int leftjustify, double number, char *append); static void PrintNextToken(); void PrintTableHeader(){ if (outputFormat == OUTPUT_DEFAULT){ fprintf(out_resultfile, "\n"); fprintf(out_resultfile, "access bw(MiB/s) block(KiB) xfer(KiB) open(s) wr/rd(s) close(s) total(s) iter\n"); fprintf(out_resultfile, "------ --------- ---------- --------- -------- -------- -------- -------- ----\n"); } } static int indent = 0; static int needNextToken = 0; static void PrintIndent(){ if(outputFormat != OUTPUT_JSON){ return; } for(int i=0; i < indent; i++){ fprintf(out_resultfile, " "); } } static void PrintKeyValStart(char * key){ PrintNextToken(); if (outputFormat == OUTPUT_DEFAULT){ PrintIndent(); fprintf(out_resultfile, "%-20s: ", key); return; } if(outputFormat == OUTPUT_JSON){ fprintf(out_resultfile, "\"%s\": \"", key); }else if(outputFormat == OUTPUT_CSV){ } } static void PrintNewLine(){ if (outputFormat == OUTPUT_DEFAULT){ fprintf(out_resultfile, "\n"); } } static void PrintNextToken(){ if(needNextToken){ needNextToken = 0; if(outputFormat == OUTPUT_JSON){ fprintf(out_resultfile, ", \n"); } } PrintIndent(); } static void PrintKeyValEnd(){ if(outputFormat == OUTPUT_JSON){ fprintf(out_resultfile, "\""); } if (outputFormat == OUTPUT_DEFAULT){ fprintf(out_resultfile, "\n"); } needNextToken = 1; } static void PrintKeyVal(char * key, char * value){ if(value[strlen(value) -1 ] == '\n'){ // remove \n value[strlen(value) -1 ] = 0; } PrintNextToken(); needNextToken = 1; if (outputFormat == OUTPUT_DEFAULT){ fprintf(out_resultfile, "%-20s: %s\n", key, value); return; } if(outputFormat == OUTPUT_JSON){ fprintf(out_resultfile, "\"%s\": \"%s\"", key, value); }else if(outputFormat == OUTPUT_CSV){ fprintf(out_resultfile, "%s", value); } } static void PrintKeyValDouble(char * key, double value){ PrintNextToken(); needNextToken = 1; if (outputFormat == OUTPUT_DEFAULT){ fprintf(out_resultfile, "%-20s: %.4f\n", key, value); return; } if(outputFormat == OUTPUT_JSON){ fprintf(out_resultfile, "\"%s\": %.4f", key, value); }else if(outputFormat == OUTPUT_CSV){ fprintf(out_resultfile, "%.4f", value); } } static void PrintKeyValInt(char * key, int64_t value){ PrintNextToken(); needNextToken = 1; if (outputFormat == OUTPUT_DEFAULT){ fprintf(out_resultfile, "%-20s: %lld\n", key, (long long) value); return; } if(outputFormat == OUTPUT_JSON){ fprintf(out_resultfile, "\"%s\": %lld", key, (long long) value); }else if(outputFormat == OUTPUT_CSV){ fprintf(out_resultfile, "%lld", (long long) value); } } static void PrintStartSection(){ PrintNextToken(); needNextToken = 0; if(outputFormat == OUTPUT_JSON){ PrintIndent(); fprintf(out_resultfile, "{\n"); } indent++; } static void PrintNamedSectionStart(char * key){ PrintNextToken(); needNextToken = 0; indent++; if(outputFormat == OUTPUT_JSON){ fprintf(out_resultfile, "\"%s\": {\n", key); }else if(outputFormat == OUTPUT_DEFAULT){ fprintf(out_resultfile, "\n%s: \n", key); } } static void PrintNamedArrayStart(char * key){ PrintNextToken(); needNextToken = 0; indent++; if(outputFormat == OUTPUT_JSON){ fprintf(out_resultfile, "\"%s\": [\n", key); }else if(outputFormat == OUTPUT_DEFAULT){ fprintf(out_resultfile, "\n%s: \n", key); } } static void PrintEndSection(){ indent--; if(outputFormat == OUTPUT_JSON){ fprintf(out_resultfile, "\n"); PrintIndent(); fprintf(out_resultfile, "}\n"); } needNextToken = 1; } static void PrintArrayStart(){ PrintNextToken(); needNextToken = 0; if(outputFormat == OUTPUT_JSON){ fprintf(out_resultfile, "[ "); } } static void PrintArrayNamedStart(char * key){ PrintNextToken(); needNextToken = 0; if(outputFormat == OUTPUT_JSON){ fprintf(out_resultfile, "\"%s\": [\n", key); } } static void PrintArrayEnd(){ indent--; if(outputFormat == OUTPUT_JSON){ fprintf(out_resultfile, "]\n"); } needNextToken = 1; } void PrintRepeatEnd(){ PrintArrayEnd(); } void PrintRepeatStart(){ if( outputFormat == OUTPUT_DEFAULT){ return; } PrintArrayStart(); } void PrintTestEnds(){ if (rank != 0 || verbose < VERBOSE_0) { PrintEndSection(); return; } PrintKeyVal("Finished", CurrentTimeString()); PrintEndSection(); } void PrintReducedResult(IOR_test_t *test, int access, double bw, double *diff_subset, double totalTime, int rep){ if (outputFormat == OUTPUT_DEFAULT){ fprintf(out_resultfile, "%-10s", access == WRITE ? "write" : "read"); PPDouble(1, bw / MEBIBYTE, " "); PPDouble(1, (double)test->params.blockSize / KIBIBYTE, " "); PPDouble(1, (double)test->params.transferSize / KIBIBYTE, " "); PPDouble(1, diff_subset[0], " "); PPDouble(1, diff_subset[1], " "); PPDouble(1, diff_subset[2], " "); PPDouble(1, totalTime, " "); fprintf(out_resultfile, "%-4d\n", rep); }else if (outputFormat == OUTPUT_JSON){ PrintStartSection(); PrintKeyVal("access", access == WRITE ? "write" : "read"); PrintKeyValDouble("bwMiB", bw / MEBIBYTE); PrintKeyValDouble("blockKiB", (double)test->params.blockSize / KIBIBYTE); PrintKeyValDouble("xferKiB", (double)test->params.transferSize / KIBIBYTE); PrintKeyValDouble("openTime", diff_subset[0]); PrintKeyValDouble("wrRdTime", diff_subset[1]); PrintKeyValDouble("closeTime", diff_subset[2]); PrintKeyValDouble("totalTime", totalTime); PrintEndSection(); } fflush(out_resultfile); } /* * Message to print immediately after MPI_Init so we know that * ior has started. */ void PrintEarlyHeader() { if (rank != 0) return; fprintf(out_resultfile, "IOR-" META_VERSION ": MPI Coordinated Test of Parallel I/O\n"); fflush(out_resultfile); } void PrintHeader(int argc, char **argv) { struct utsname unamebuf; int i; if (rank != 0) return; PrintStartSection(); PrintKeyVal("Began", CurrentTimeString()); PrintKeyValStart("Command line"); fprintf(out_resultfile, "%s", argv[0]); for (i = 1; i < argc; i++) { fprintf(out_resultfile, " %s", argv[i]); } PrintKeyValEnd(); if (uname(&unamebuf) != 0) { EWARN("uname failed"); PrintKeyVal("Machine", "Unknown"); } else { PrintKeyValStart("Machine"); fprintf(out_resultfile, "%s %s", unamebuf.sysname, unamebuf.nodename); if (verbose >= VERBOSE_2) { fprintf(out_resultfile, " %s %s %s", unamebuf.release, unamebuf.version, unamebuf.machine); } PrintKeyValEnd(); } #ifdef _NO_MPI_TIMER if (verbose >= VERBOSE_2) fprintf(out_logfile, "Using unsynchronized POSIX timer\n"); #else /* not _NO_MPI_TIMER */ if (MPI_WTIME_IS_GLOBAL) { if (verbose >= VERBOSE_2) fprintf(out_logfile, "Using synchronized MPI timer\n"); } else { if (verbose >= VERBOSE_2) fprintf(out_logfile, "Using unsynchronized MPI timer\n"); } #endif /* _NO_MPI_TIMER */ if (verbose >= VERBOSE_1) { fprintf(out_logfile, "Start time skew across all tasks: %.02f sec\n", wall_clock_deviation); } if (verbose >= VERBOSE_3) { /* show env */ fprintf(out_logfile, "STARTING ENVIRON LOOP\n"); for (i = 0; environ[i] != NULL; i++) { fprintf(out_logfile, "%s\n", environ[i]); } fprintf(out_logfile, "ENDING ENVIRON LOOP\n"); } PrintArrayNamedStart("tests"); fflush(out_resultfile); fflush(out_logfile); } /* * Print header information for test output. */ void ShowTestStart(IOR_param_t *test) { PrintStartSection(); PrintKeyValInt("TestID", test->id); PrintKeyVal("StartTime", CurrentTimeString()); /* if pvfs2:, then skip */ if (Regex(test->testFileName, "^[a-z][a-z].*:") == 0) { DisplayFreespace(test); } if (verbose >= VERBOSE_3 || outputFormat == OUTPUT_JSON) { char* data_packets[] = {"g","t","o","i"}; PrintNamedSectionStart("Parameters"); PrintKeyValInt("testID", test->id); PrintKeyValInt("refnum", test->referenceNumber); PrintKeyVal("api", test->api); PrintKeyVal("platform", test->platform); PrintKeyVal("testFileName", test->testFileName); PrintKeyVal("hintsFileName", test->hintsFileName); PrintKeyValInt("deadlineForStonewall", test->deadlineForStonewalling); PrintKeyValInt("stoneWallingWearOut", test->stoneWallingWearOut); PrintKeyValInt("maxTimeDuration", test->maxTimeDuration); PrintKeyValInt("outlierThreshold", test->outlierThreshold); PrintKeyVal("options", test->options); PrintKeyValInt("nodes", test->nodes); PrintKeyValInt("memoryPerTask", (unsigned long) test->memoryPerTask); PrintKeyValInt("memoryPerNode", (unsigned long) test->memoryPerNode); PrintKeyValInt("tasksPerNode", tasksPerNode); PrintKeyValInt("repetitions", test->repetitions); PrintKeyValInt("multiFile", test->multiFile); PrintKeyValInt("interTestDelay", test->interTestDelay); PrintKeyValInt("fsync", test->fsync); PrintKeyValInt("fsyncperwrite", test->fsyncPerWrite); PrintKeyValInt("useExistingTestFile", test->useExistingTestFile); PrintKeyValInt("showHints", test->showHints); PrintKeyValInt("uniqueDir", test->uniqueDir); PrintKeyValInt("showHelp", test->showHelp); PrintKeyValInt("individualDataSets", test->individualDataSets); PrintKeyValInt("singleXferAttempt", test->singleXferAttempt); PrintKeyValInt("readFile", test->readFile); PrintKeyValInt("writeFile", test->writeFile); PrintKeyValInt("filePerProc", test->filePerProc); PrintKeyValInt("reorderTasks", test->reorderTasks); PrintKeyValInt("reorderTasksRandom", test->reorderTasksRandom); PrintKeyValInt("reorderTasksRandomSeed", test->reorderTasksRandomSeed); PrintKeyValInt("randomOffset", test->randomOffset); PrintKeyValInt("checkWrite", test->checkWrite); PrintKeyValInt("checkRead", test->checkRead); PrintKeyValInt("preallocate", test->preallocate); PrintKeyValInt("useFileView", test->useFileView); PrintKeyValInt("setAlignment", test->setAlignment); PrintKeyValInt("storeFileOffset", test->storeFileOffset); PrintKeyValInt("useSharedFilePointer", test->useSharedFilePointer); PrintKeyValInt("useO_DIRECT", test->useO_DIRECT); PrintKeyValInt("useStridedDatatype", test->useStridedDatatype); PrintKeyValInt("keepFile", test->keepFile); PrintKeyValInt("keepFileWithError", test->keepFileWithError); PrintKeyValInt("quitOnError", test->quitOnError); PrintKeyValInt("verbose", verbose); PrintKeyVal("data packet type", data_packets[test->dataPacketType]); PrintKeyValInt("setTimeStampSignature/incompressibleSeed", test->setTimeStampSignature); /* Seed value was copied into setTimeStampSignature as well */ PrintKeyValInt("collective", test->collective); PrintKeyValInt("segmentCount", test->segmentCount); #ifdef HAVE_GPFS_FCNTL_H PrintKeyValInt("gpfsHintAccess", test->gpfs_hint_access); PrintKeyValInt("gpfsReleaseToken", test->gpfs_release_token); #endif PrintKeyValInt("transferSize", test->transferSize); PrintKeyValInt("blockSize", test->blockSize); PrintEndSection(); } fflush(out_resultfile); } void ShowTestEnd(IOR_test_t *tptr){ if(rank == 0 && tptr->params.stoneWallingWearOut){ if (tptr->params.stoneWallingStatusFile[0]){ StoreStoneWallingIterations(tptr->params.stoneWallingStatusFile, tptr->results->pairs_accessed); }else{ fprintf(out_logfile, "Pairs deadlineForStonewallingaccessed: %lld\n", (long long) tptr->results->pairs_accessed); } } PrintEndSection(); } /* * Show simple test output with max results for iterations. */ void ShowSetup(IOR_param_t *params) { if (strcmp(params->debug, "") != 0) { fprintf(out_logfile, "\n*** DEBUG MODE ***\n"); fprintf(out_logfile, "*** %s ***\n\n", params->debug); } PrintNamedSectionStart("Options"); PrintKeyVal("api", params->apiVersion); PrintKeyVal("test filename", params->testFileName); PrintKeyVal("access", params->filePerProc ? "file-per-process" : "single-shared-file"); PrintKeyVal("type", params->collective == FALSE ? "independent" : "collective"); PrintKeyValInt("segments", params->segmentCount); PrintKeyVal("ordering in a file", params->randomOffset ? "sequential" : "random"); if (params->reorderTasks == FALSE && params->reorderTasksRandom == FALSE) { PrintKeyVal("ordering inter file", "no tasks offsets"); } if (params->reorderTasks == TRUE) { PrintKeyVal("ordering inter file", "constant task offset"); PrintKeyValInt("task offset", params->taskPerNodeOffset); } if (params->reorderTasksRandom == TRUE) { PrintKeyVal("ordering inter file", "random task offset"); PrintKeyValInt("task offset", params->taskPerNodeOffset); PrintKeyValInt("reorder random seed", params->reorderTasksRandomSeed); } PrintKeyValInt("tasks", params->numTasks); PrintKeyValInt("clients per node", params->tasksPerNode); if (params->memoryPerTask != 0){ PrintKeyVal("memoryPerTask", HumanReadable(params->memoryPerTask, BASE_TWO)); } if (params->memoryPerNode != 0){ PrintKeyVal("memoryPerNode", HumanReadable(params->memoryPerNode, BASE_TWO)); } PrintKeyValInt("repetitions", params->repetitions); PrintKeyVal("xfersize", HumanReadable(params->transferSize, BASE_TWO)); PrintKeyVal("blocksize", HumanReadable(params->blockSize, BASE_TWO)); PrintKeyVal("aggregate filesize", HumanReadable(params->expectedAggFileSize, BASE_TWO)); #ifdef HAVE_LUSTRE_LUSTRE_USER_H if (params->lustre_set_striping) { PrintKeyVal("Lustre stripe size", ((params->lustre_stripe_size == 0) ? "Use default" : HumanReadable(params->lustre_stripe_size, BASE_TWO))); PrintKeyVal("stripe count", (params->lustre_stripe_count == 0 ? "Use default" : HumanReadable(params->lustre_stripe_count, BASE_TWO))); } #endif /* HAVE_LUSTRE_LUSTRE_USER_H */ if (params->deadlineForStonewalling > 0) { PrintKeyValInt("stonewallingTime", params->deadlineForStonewalling); PrintKeyValInt("stoneWallingWearOut", params->stoneWallingWearOut ); } PrintEndSection(); PrintNamedArrayStart("Results"); fflush(out_resultfile); } /* * Summarize results * * operation is typically "write" or "read" */ void PrintLongSummaryOneOperation(IOR_test_t *test, double *times, char *operation) { IOR_param_t *params = &test->params; IOR_results_t *results = test->results; struct results *bw; struct results *ops; int reps; if (rank != 0 || verbose < VERBOSE_0) return; reps = params->repetitions; bw = bw_values(reps, results->aggFileSizeForBW, times); ops = ops_values(reps, results->aggFileSizeForBW, params->transferSize, times); if(outputFormat == OUTPUT_DEFAULT){ fprintf(out_resultfile, "%-9s ", operation); fprintf(out_resultfile, "%10.2f ", bw->max / MEBIBYTE); fprintf(out_resultfile, "%10.2f ", bw->min / MEBIBYTE); fprintf(out_resultfile, "%10.2f ", bw->mean / MEBIBYTE); fprintf(out_resultfile, "%10.2f ", bw->sd / MEBIBYTE); fprintf(out_resultfile, "%10.2f ", ops->max); fprintf(out_resultfile, "%10.2f ", ops->min); fprintf(out_resultfile, "%10.2f ", ops->mean); fprintf(out_resultfile, "%10.2f ", ops->sd); fprintf(out_resultfile, "%10.5f ", mean_of_array_of_doubles(times, reps)); fprintf(out_resultfile, "%5d ", params->id); fprintf(out_resultfile, "%6d ", params->numTasks); fprintf(out_resultfile, "%3d ", params->tasksPerNode); fprintf(out_resultfile, "%4d ", params->repetitions); fprintf(out_resultfile, "%3d ", params->filePerProc); fprintf(out_resultfile, "%5d ", params->reorderTasks); fprintf(out_resultfile, "%8d ", params->taskPerNodeOffset); fprintf(out_resultfile, "%9d ", params->reorderTasksRandom); fprintf(out_resultfile, "%4d ", params->reorderTasksRandomSeed); fprintf(out_resultfile, "%6lld ", params->segmentCount); fprintf(out_resultfile, "%8lld ", params->blockSize); fprintf(out_resultfile, "%8lld ", params->transferSize); fprintf(out_resultfile, "%9.1f ", (float)results->aggFileSizeForBW[0] / MEBIBYTE); fprintf(out_resultfile, "%3s ", params->api); fprintf(out_resultfile, "%6d", params->referenceNumber); fprintf(out_resultfile, "\n"); }else if (outputFormat == OUTPUT_JSON){ PrintStartSection(); PrintKeyVal("operation", operation); PrintKeyVal("API", params->api); PrintKeyValInt("TestID", params->id); PrintKeyValInt("ReferenceNumber", params->referenceNumber); PrintKeyValInt("segmentCount", params->segmentCount); PrintKeyValInt("blockSize", params->blockSize); PrintKeyValInt("transferSize", params->transferSize); PrintKeyValInt("numTasks", params->numTasks); PrintKeyValInt("tasksPerNode", params->tasksPerNode); PrintKeyValInt("repetitions", params->repetitions); PrintKeyValInt("filePerProc", params->filePerProc); PrintKeyValInt("reorderTasks", params->reorderTasks); PrintKeyValInt("taskPerNodeOffset", params->taskPerNodeOffset); PrintKeyValInt("reorderTasksRandom", params->reorderTasksRandom); PrintKeyValInt("reorderTasksRandomSeed", params->reorderTasksRandomSeed); PrintKeyValInt("segmentCount", params->segmentCount); PrintKeyValInt("blockSize", params->blockSize); PrintKeyValInt("transferSize", params->transferSize); PrintKeyValDouble("bwMaxMIB", bw->max / MEBIBYTE); PrintKeyValDouble("bwMinMIB", bw->min / MEBIBYTE); PrintKeyValDouble("bwMeanMIB", bw->mean / MEBIBYTE); PrintKeyValDouble("bwStdMIB", bw->sd / MEBIBYTE); PrintKeyValDouble("OPsMax", ops->max); PrintKeyValDouble("OPsMin", ops->min); PrintKeyValDouble("OPsMean", ops->mean); PrintKeyValDouble("OPsSD", ops->sd); PrintKeyValDouble("MeanTime", mean_of_array_of_doubles(times, reps)); PrintKeyValDouble("xsizeMiB", (double) results->aggFileSizeForBW[0] / MEBIBYTE); PrintEndSection(); }else if (outputFormat == OUTPUT_CSV){ } fflush(out_resultfile); free(bw); free(ops); } void PrintLongSummaryOneTest(IOR_test_t *test) { IOR_param_t *params = &test->params; IOR_results_t *results = test->results; if (params->writeFile) PrintLongSummaryOneOperation(test, results->writeTime, "write"); if (params->readFile) PrintLongSummaryOneOperation(test, results->readTime, "read"); } void PrintLongSummaryHeader() { if (rank != 0 || verbose < VERBOSE_0) return; if(outputFormat != OUTPUT_DEFAULT){ return; } fprintf(out_resultfile, "\n"); fprintf(out_resultfile, "%-9s %10s %10s %10s %10s %10s %10s %10s %10s %10s", "Operation", "Max(MiB)", "Min(MiB)", "Mean(MiB)", "StdDev", "Max(OPs)", "Min(OPs)", "Mean(OPs)", "StdDev", "Mean(s)"); fprintf(out_resultfile, " Test# #Tasks tPN reps fPP reord reordoff reordrand seed" " segcnt "); fprintf(out_resultfile, "%8s %8s %9s %5s", " blksiz", "xsize","aggs(MiB)", "API"); fprintf(out_resultfile, " RefNum\n"); } void PrintLongSummaryAllTests(IOR_test_t *tests_head) { IOR_test_t *tptr; if (rank != 0 || verbose < VERBOSE_0) return; PrintArrayEnd(); if(outputFormat == OUTPUT_DEFAULT){ fprintf(out_resultfile, "\n"); fprintf(out_resultfile, "Summary of all tests:"); }else if (outputFormat == OUTPUT_JSON){ PrintNamedArrayStart("summary"); }else if (outputFormat == OUTPUT_CSV){ } PrintLongSummaryHeader(); for (tptr = tests_head; tptr != NULL; tptr = tptr->next) { PrintLongSummaryOneTest(tptr); } PrintArrayEnd(); } void PrintShortSummary(IOR_test_t * test) { IOR_param_t *params = &test->params; IOR_results_t *results = test->results; double max_write = 0.0; double max_read = 0.0; double bw; int reps; int i; if (rank != 0 || verbose < VERBOSE_0) return; PrintArrayEnd(); reps = params->repetitions; max_write = results->writeTime[0]; max_read = results->readTime[0]; for (i = 0; i < reps; i++) { bw = (double)results->aggFileSizeForBW[i]/results->writeTime[i]; max_write = MAX(bw, max_write); bw = (double)results->aggFileSizeForBW[i]/results->readTime[i]; max_read = MAX(bw, max_read); } if(outputFormat == OUTPUT_DEFAULT){ if (params->writeFile) { fprintf(out_resultfile, "Max Write: %.2f MiB/sec (%.2f MB/sec)\n", max_write/MEBIBYTE, max_write/MEGABYTE); } if (params->readFile) { fprintf(out_resultfile, "Max Read: %.2f MiB/sec (%.2f MB/sec)\n", max_read/MEBIBYTE, max_read/MEGABYTE); } }else if (outputFormat == OUTPUT_JSON){ PrintNamedSectionStart("max"); if (params->writeFile) { PrintKeyValDouble("writeMiB", max_write/MEBIBYTE); PrintKeyValDouble("writeMB", max_write/MEGABYTE); } if (params->readFile) { PrintKeyValDouble("readMiB", max_read/MEBIBYTE); PrintKeyValDouble("readMB", max_read/MEGABYTE); } PrintEndSection(); } } /* * Display freespace (df). */ void DisplayFreespace(IOR_param_t * test) { char fileName[MAX_STR] = { 0 }; int i; int directoryFound = FALSE; /* get outfile name */ GetTestFileName(fileName, test); /* get directory for outfile */ i = strlen(fileName); while (i-- > 0) { if (fileName[i] == '/') { fileName[i] = '\0'; directoryFound = TRUE; break; } } /* if no directory/, use '.' */ if (directoryFound == FALSE) { strcpy(fileName, "."); } ShowFileSystemSize(fileName); } void PrintRemoveTiming(double start, double finish, int rep) { if (rank != 0 || verbose < VERBOSE_0) return; if (outputFormat == OUTPUT_DEFAULT){ fprintf(out_resultfile, "remove - - - - - - "); PPDouble(1, finish-start, " "); fprintf(out_resultfile, "%-4d\n", rep); }else if (outputFormat == OUTPUT_JSON){ PrintStartSection(); PrintKeyVal("access", "remove"); PrintKeyValDouble("totalTime", finish - start); PrintEndSection(); } } /* * Pretty Print a Double. The First parameter is a flag determining if left * justification should be used. The third parameter a null-terminated string * that should be appended to the number field. */ static void PPDouble(int leftjustify, double number, char *append) { char format[16]; int width = 10; int precision; if (number < 0) { fprintf(out_resultfile, " - %s", append); return; } if (number < 1) precision = 6; else if (number < 3600) precision = 2; else precision = 0; sprintf(format, "%%%s%d.%df%%s", leftjustify ? "-" : "", width, precision); fprintf(out_resultfile, format, number, append); } static struct results *bw_values(int reps, IOR_offset_t *agg_file_size, double *vals) { struct results *r; int i; r = (struct results *)malloc(sizeof(struct results) + (reps * sizeof(double))); if (r == NULL) ERR("malloc failed"); r->val = (double *)&r[1]; for (i = 0; i < reps; i++) { r->val[i] = (double)agg_file_size[i] / vals[i]; if (i == 0) { r->min = r->val[i]; r->max = r->val[i]; r->sum = 0.0; } r->min = MIN(r->min, r->val[i]); r->max = MAX(r->max, r->val[i]); r->sum += r->val[i]; } r->mean = r->sum / reps; r->var = 0.0; for (i = 0; i < reps; i++) { r->var += pow((r->mean - r->val[i]), 2); } r->var = r->var / reps; r->sd = sqrt(r->var); return r; } static struct results *ops_values(int reps, IOR_offset_t *agg_file_size, IOR_offset_t transfer_size, double *vals) { struct results *r; int i; r = (struct results *)malloc(sizeof(struct results) + (reps * sizeof(double))); if (r == NULL) ERR("malloc failed"); r->val = (double *)&r[1]; for (i = 0; i < reps; i++) { r->val[i] = (double)agg_file_size[i] / transfer_size / vals[i]; if (i == 0) { r->min = r->val[i]; r->max = r->val[i]; r->sum = 0.0; } r->min = MIN(r->min, r->val[i]); r->max = MAX(r->max, r->val[i]); r->sum += r->val[i]; } r->mean = r->sum / reps; r->var = 0.0; for (i = 0; i < reps; i++) { r->var += pow((r->mean - r->val[i]), 2); } r->var = r->var / reps; r->sd = sqrt(r->var); return r; } static double mean_of_array_of_doubles(double *values, int len) { double tot = 0.0; int i; for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { tot += values[i]; } return tot / len; }