/******************************************************************************\ * * * Copyright (c) 2003, The Regents of the University of California * * See the file COPYRIGHT for a complete copyright notice and license. * * * ******************************************************************************** * * Implement abstract I/O interface for HDF5. * \******************************************************************************/ #include "aiori.h" /* abstract IOR interface */ #include /* sys_errlist */ #include /* only for fprintf() */ #include #include #include #define NUM_DIMS 1 /* number of dimensions to data set */ /******************************************************************************/ /* * HDF5_CHECK will display a custom error message and then exit the program */ /* * should use MPI_Abort(), not exit(), in this macro; some versions of * MPI, however, hang with HDF5 property lists et al. left unclosed */ /* * for versions later than hdf5-1.6, the H5Eget_[major|minor]() functions * have been deprecated and replaced with H5Eget_msg() */ #if H5_VERS_MAJOR > 1 && H5_VERS_MINOR > 6 #define HDF5_CHECK(HDF5_RETURN, MSG) do { \ char resultString[1024]; \ \ if (HDF5_RETURN < 0) { \ fprintf(stdout, "** error **\n"); \ fprintf(stdout, "ERROR in %s (line %d): %s.\n", \ __FILE__, __LINE__, MSG); \ strcpy(resultString, H5Eget_major((H5E_major_t)HDF5_RETURN)); \ if (strcmp(resultString, "Invalid major error number") != 0) \ fprintf(stdout, "HDF5 %s\n", resultString); \ strcpy(resultString, H5Eget_minor((H5E_minor_t)HDF5_RETURN)); \ if (strcmp(resultString, "Invalid minor error number") != 0) \ fprintf(stdout, "%s\n", resultString); \ fprintf(stdout, "** exiting **\n"); \ exit(-1); \ } \ } while(0) #else /* ! (H5_VERS_MAJOR > 1 && H5_VERS_MINOR > 6) */ #define HDF5_CHECK(HDF5_RETURN, MSG) do { \ char resultString[1024]; \ \ if (HDF5_RETURN < 0) { \ fprintf(stdout, "** error **\n"); \ fprintf(stdout, "ERROR in %s (line %d): %s.\n", \ __FILE__, __LINE__, MSG); \ /* \ * H5Eget_msg(hid_t mesg_id, H5E_type_t* mesg_type, \ * char* mesg, size_t size) \ */ \ fprintf(stdout, "** exiting **\n"); \ exit(-1); \ } \ } while(0) #endif /* H5_VERS_MAJOR > 1 && H5_VERS_MINOR > 6 */ /**************************** P R O T O T Y P E S *****************************/ IOR_offset_t SeekOffset_HDF5 (void *, IOR_offset_t, IOR_param_t *); void SetHints (MPI_Info *, char *); void SetupDataSet_HDF5(void *, IOR_param_t *); void ShowHints (MPI_Info *); void * IOR_Create_HDF5 (char *, IOR_param_t *); void * IOR_Open_HDF5 (char *, IOR_param_t *); IOR_offset_t IOR_Xfer_HDF5 (int, void *, IOR_size_t *, IOR_offset_t, IOR_param_t *); void IOR_Close_HDF5 (void *, IOR_param_t *); void IOR_Delete_HDF5 (char *, IOR_param_t *); void IOR_SetVersion_HDF5 (IOR_param_t *); void IOR_Fsync_HDF5 (void *, IOR_param_t *); IOR_offset_t IOR_GetFileSize_HDF5 (IOR_param_t *, MPI_Comm, char *); /************************** D E C L A R A T I O N S ***************************/ ior_aiori_t hdf5_aiori = { "HDF5", IOR_Create_HDF5, IOR_Open_HDF5, IOR_Xfer_HDF5, IOR_Close_HDF5, IOR_Delete_HDF5, IOR_SetVersion_HDF5, IOR_Fsync_HDF5, IOR_GetFileSize_HDF5 }; extern int errno, /* error number */ rank, rankOffset, verbose; /* verbose output */ extern MPI_Comm testComm; static hid_t xferPropList; /* xfer property list */ hid_t dataSet; /* data set id */ hid_t dataSpace; /* data space id */ hid_t fileDataSpace; /* file data space id */ hid_t memDataSpace; /* memory data space id */ int newlyOpenedFile; /* newly opened file */ /***************************** F U N C T I O N S ******************************/ /******************************************************************************/ /* * Create and open a file through the HDF5 interface. */ void * IOR_Create_HDF5(char * testFileName, IOR_param_t * param) { return IOR_Open_HDF5(testFileName, param); } /* IOR_Create_HDF5() */ /******************************************************************************/ /* * Open a file through the HDF5 interface. */ void * IOR_Open_HDF5(char * testFileName, IOR_param_t * param) { hid_t accessPropList, createPropList; hsize_t memStart[NUM_DIMS], dataSetDims[NUM_DIMS], memStride[NUM_DIMS], memCount[NUM_DIMS], memBlock[NUM_DIMS], memDataSpaceDims[NUM_DIMS]; int tasksPerDataSet; unsigned fd_mode = (unsigned)0; hid_t *fd; MPI_Comm comm; MPI_Info mpiHints = MPI_INFO_NULL; fd = (hid_t *)malloc(sizeof(hid_t)); if (fd == NULL) ERR("malloc() failed"); /* * HDF5 uses different flags than those for POSIX/MPIIO */ if (param->open == WRITE) { /* WRITE flags */ param->openFlags = IOR_TRUNC; } else { /* READ or check WRITE/READ flags */ param->openFlags = IOR_RDONLY; } /* set IOR file flags to HDF5 flags */ /* -- file open flags -- */ if (param->openFlags & IOR_RDONLY) {fd_mode |= H5F_ACC_RDONLY;} if (param->openFlags & IOR_WRONLY) { fprintf(stdout, "File write only not implemented in HDF5\n"); } if (param->openFlags & IOR_RDWR) {fd_mode |= H5F_ACC_RDWR;} if (param->openFlags & IOR_APPEND) { fprintf(stdout, "File append not implemented in HDF5\n"); } if (param->openFlags & IOR_CREAT) {fd_mode |= H5F_ACC_CREAT;} if (param->openFlags & IOR_EXCL) {fd_mode |= H5F_ACC_EXCL;} if (param->openFlags & IOR_TRUNC) {fd_mode |= H5F_ACC_TRUNC;} if (param->openFlags & IOR_DIRECT) { fprintf(stdout, "O_DIRECT not implemented in HDF5\n"); } /* set up file creation property list */ createPropList = H5Pcreate(H5P_FILE_CREATE); HDF5_CHECK(createPropList, "cannot create file creation property list"); /* set size of offset and length used to address HDF5 objects */ HDF5_CHECK(H5Pset_sizes(createPropList, sizeof(hsize_t), sizeof(hsize_t)), "cannot set property list properly"); /* set up file access property list */ accessPropList = H5Pcreate(H5P_FILE_ACCESS); HDF5_CHECK(accessPropList, "cannot create file access property list"); /* * someday HDF5 implementation will allow subsets of MPI_COMM_WORLD */ /* store MPI communicator info for the file access property list */ if (param->filePerProc) { comm = MPI_COMM_SELF; } else { comm = testComm; } SetHints(&mpiHints, param->hintsFileName); /* * note that with MP_HINTS_FILTERED=no, all key/value pairs will * be in the info object. The info object that is attached to * the file during MPI_File_open() will only contain those pairs * deemed valid by the implementation. */ /* show hints passed to file */ if (rank == 0 && param->showHints) { fprintf(stdout, "\nhints passed to access property list {\n"); ShowHints(&mpiHints); fprintf(stdout, "}\n"); } HDF5_CHECK(H5Pset_fapl_mpio(accessPropList, comm, mpiHints), "cannot set file access property list"); /* set alignment */ HDF5_CHECK(H5Pset_alignment(accessPropList, param->setAlignment, param->setAlignment), "cannot set alignment"); /* open file */ if (param->open == WRITE) { /* WRITE */ *fd = H5Fcreate(testFileName, fd_mode, createPropList, accessPropList); HDF5_CHECK(*fd, "cannot create file"); } else { /* READ or CHECK */ *fd = H5Fopen(testFileName, fd_mode, accessPropList); HDF5_CHECK(*fd, "cannot open file"); } /* show hints actually attached to file handle */ if (param->showHints || (1) /* WEL - this needs fixing */) { if (rank == 0 && (param->showHints) /* WEL - this needs fixing */) { WARN("showHints not working for HDF5"); } } else { MPI_Info mpiHintsCheck = MPI_INFO_NULL; hid_t apl; apl = H5Fget_access_plist(*fd); HDF5_CHECK(H5Pget_fapl_mpio(apl, &comm, &mpiHintsCheck), "cannot get info object through HDF5"); if (rank == 0) { fprintf(stdout, "\nhints returned from opened file (HDF5) {\n"); ShowHints(&mpiHintsCheck); fprintf(stdout, "}\n"); if (1 == 1) { /* request the MPIIO file handle and its hints */ MPI_File * fd_mpiio; HDF5_CHECK(H5Fget_vfd_handle(*fd, apl, (void **)&fd_mpiio), "cannot get MPIIO file handle"); MPI_CHECK(MPI_File_get_info(*fd_mpiio, &mpiHintsCheck), "cannot get info object through MPIIO"); fprintf(stdout, "\nhints returned from opened file (MPIIO) {\n"); ShowHints(&mpiHintsCheck); fprintf(stdout, "}\n"); } } MPI_CHECK(MPI_Barrier(testComm), "barrier error"); } /* this is necessary for resetting various parameters needed for reopening and checking the file */ newlyOpenedFile = TRUE; HDF5_CHECK(H5Pclose(createPropList), "cannot close creation property list"); HDF5_CHECK(H5Pclose(accessPropList), "cannot close access property list"); /* create property list for serial/parallel access */ xferPropList = H5Pcreate(H5P_DATASET_XFER); HDF5_CHECK(xferPropList, "cannot create transfer property list"); /* set data transfer mode */ if (param->collective) { HDF5_CHECK(H5Pset_dxpl_mpio(xferPropList, H5FD_MPIO_COLLECTIVE), "cannot set collective data transfer mode"); } else { HDF5_CHECK(H5Pset_dxpl_mpio(xferPropList, H5FD_MPIO_INDEPENDENT), "cannot set independent data transfer mode"); } /* set up memory data space for transfer */ memStart[0] = (hsize_t)0; memCount[0] = (hsize_t)1; memStride[0] = (hsize_t)(param->transferSize / sizeof(IOR_size_t)); memBlock[0] = (hsize_t)(param->transferSize / sizeof(IOR_size_t)); memDataSpaceDims[0] = (hsize_t)param->transferSize; memDataSpace = H5Screate_simple(NUM_DIMS, memDataSpaceDims, NULL); HDF5_CHECK(memDataSpace, "cannot create simple memory data space"); /* define hyperslab for memory data space */ HDF5_CHECK(H5Sselect_hyperslab(memDataSpace, H5S_SELECT_SET, memStart, memStride, memCount, memBlock), "cannot create hyperslab"); /* set up parameters for fpp or different dataset count */ if (param->filePerProc) { tasksPerDataSet = 1; } else { if (param->individualDataSets) { /* each task in segment has single data set */ tasksPerDataSet = 1; } else { /* share single data set across all tasks in segment */ tasksPerDataSet = param->numTasks; } } dataSetDims[0] = (hsize_t)((param->blockSize / sizeof(IOR_size_t)) * tasksPerDataSet); /* create a simple data space containing information on size and shape of data set, and open it for access */ dataSpace = H5Screate_simple(NUM_DIMS, dataSetDims, NULL); HDF5_CHECK(dataSpace, "cannot create simple data space"); return(fd); } /* IOR_Open_HDF5() */ /******************************************************************************/ /* * Write or read access to file using the HDF5 interface. */ IOR_offset_t IOR_Xfer_HDF5(int access, void * fd, IOR_size_t * buffer, IOR_offset_t length, IOR_param_t * param) { static int firstReadCheck = FALSE, startNewDataSet; IOR_offset_t segmentPosition, segmentSize; /* * this toggle is for the read check operation, which passes through * this function twice; note that this function will open a data set * only on the first read check and close only on the second */ if (access == READCHECK) { if (firstReadCheck == TRUE) { firstReadCheck = FALSE; } else { firstReadCheck = TRUE; } } /* determine by offset if need to start new data set */ if (param->filePerProc == TRUE) { segmentPosition = (IOR_offset_t)0; segmentSize = param->blockSize; } else { segmentPosition = (IOR_offset_t)((rank + rankOffset) % param->numTasks) * param->blockSize; segmentSize = (IOR_offset_t)(param->numTasks) * param->blockSize; } if ((IOR_offset_t)((param->offset - segmentPosition) % segmentSize) == 0) { /* * ordinarily start a new data set, unless this is the * second pass through during a read check */ startNewDataSet = TRUE; if (access == READCHECK && firstReadCheck != TRUE) { startNewDataSet = FALSE; } } /* create new data set */ if (startNewDataSet == TRUE) { /* if just opened this file, no data set to close yet */ if (newlyOpenedFile != TRUE) { HDF5_CHECK(H5Dclose(dataSet), "cannot close data set"); HDF5_CHECK(H5Sclose(fileDataSpace), "cannot close file data space"); } SetupDataSet_HDF5(fd, param); } SeekOffset_HDF5(fd, param->offset, param); /* this is necessary to reset variables for reaccessing file */ startNewDataSet = FALSE; newlyOpenedFile = FALSE; /* access the file */ if (access == WRITE) { /* WRITE */ HDF5_CHECK(H5Dwrite(dataSet, H5T_NATIVE_LLONG, memDataSpace, fileDataSpace, xferPropList, buffer), "cannot write to data set"); } else { /* READ or CHECK */ HDF5_CHECK(H5Dread(dataSet, H5T_NATIVE_LLONG, memDataSpace, fileDataSpace, xferPropList, buffer), "cannot read from data set"); } return(length); } /* IOR_Xfer_HDF5() */ /******************************************************************************/ /* * Perform fsync(). */ void IOR_Fsync_HDF5(void * fd, IOR_param_t * param) { ; } /* IOR_Fsync_HDF5() */ /******************************************************************************/ /* * Close a file through the HDF5 interface. */ void IOR_Close_HDF5(void * fd, IOR_param_t * param) { if (param->fd_fppReadCheck == NULL) { HDF5_CHECK(H5Dclose(dataSet), "cannot close data set"); HDF5_CHECK(H5Sclose(dataSpace), "cannot close data space"); HDF5_CHECK(H5Sclose(fileDataSpace), "cannot close file data space"); HDF5_CHECK(H5Sclose(memDataSpace), "cannot close memory data space"); HDF5_CHECK(H5Pclose(xferPropList), " cannot close transfer property list"); } HDF5_CHECK(H5Fclose(*(hid_t *)fd), "cannot close file"); free(fd); } /* IOR_Close_HDF5() */ /******************************************************************************/ /* * Delete a file through the HDF5 interface. */ void IOR_Delete_HDF5(char * testFileName, IOR_param_t * param) { if (unlink(testFileName) != 0) WARN("cannot delete file"); } /* IOR_Delete_HDF5() */ /******************************************************************************/ /* * Determine api version. */ void IOR_SetVersion_HDF5(IOR_param_t *test) { unsigned major, minor, release; if (H5get_libversion(&major, &minor, &release) < 0) { WARN("cannot get HDF5 library version"); } else { sprintf(test->apiVersion, "%s-%u.%u.%u", test->api, major, minor, release); } #ifndef H5_HAVE_PARALLEL strcat(test->apiVersion, " (Serial)"); #else /* H5_HAVE_PARALLEL */ strcat(test->apiVersion, " (Parallel)"); #endif /* not H5_HAVE_PARALLEL */ } /* IOR_SetVersion_HDF5() */ /************************ L O C A L F U N C T I O N S ***********************/ /******************************************************************************/ /* * Seek to offset in file using the HDF5 interface and set up hyperslab. */ IOR_offset_t SeekOffset_HDF5(void *fd, IOR_offset_t offset, IOR_param_t * param) { IOR_offset_t segmentSize; hsize_t hsStride[NUM_DIMS], hsCount[NUM_DIMS], hsBlock[NUM_DIMS]; hsize_t hsStart[NUM_DIMS]; if (param->filePerProc == TRUE) { segmentSize = (IOR_offset_t)param->blockSize; } else { segmentSize = (IOR_offset_t)(param->numTasks) * param->blockSize; } /* create a hyperslab representing the file data space */ if (param->individualDataSets) { /* start at zero offset if not */ hsStart[0] = (hsize_t)((offset % param->blockSize) / sizeof(IOR_size_t)); } else { /* start at a unique offset if shared */ hsStart[0] = (hsize_t)((offset % segmentSize) / sizeof(IOR_size_t)); } hsCount[0] = (hsize_t)1; hsStride[0] = (hsize_t)(param->transferSize / sizeof(IOR_size_t)); hsBlock[0] = (hsize_t)(param->transferSize / sizeof(IOR_size_t)); /* retrieve data space from data set for hyperslab */ fileDataSpace = H5Dget_space(dataSet); HDF5_CHECK(fileDataSpace, "cannot get data space from data set"); HDF5_CHECK(H5Sselect_hyperslab(fileDataSpace, H5S_SELECT_SET, hsStart, hsStride, hsCount, hsBlock), "cannot select hyperslab"); return(offset); } /* SeekOffset_HDF5() */ /******************************************************************************/ /* * Create HDF5 data set. */ void SetupDataSet_HDF5(void * fd, IOR_param_t * param) { char dataSetName[MAX_STR]; hid_t dataSetPropList; int dataSetID; static int dataSetSuffix = 0; /* may want to use an extendable dataset (H5S_UNLIMITED) someday */ /* may want to use a chunked dataset (H5S_CHUNKED) someday */ /* need to reset suffix counter if newly-opened file */ if (newlyOpenedFile) dataSetSuffix = 0; /* may want to use individual access to each data set someday */ if (param->individualDataSets) { dataSetID = (rank + rankOffset) % param->numTasks; } else { dataSetID = 0; } sprintf(dataSetName, "%s-%04d.%04d", "Dataset", dataSetID, dataSetSuffix++); if (param->open == WRITE) { /* WRITE */ /* create data set */ dataSetPropList = H5Pcreate(H5P_DATASET_CREATE); /* check if hdf5 available */ #if defined (H5_VERS_MAJOR) && defined (H5_VERS_MINOR) /* no-fill option not available until hdf5-1.6.x */ #if (H5_VERS_MAJOR > 0 && H5_VERS_MINOR > 5) if (param->noFill == TRUE) { if (rank == 0 && verbose >= VERBOSE_1) { fprintf(stdout, "\nusing 'no fill' option\n"); } HDF5_CHECK(H5Pset_fill_time(dataSetPropList, H5D_FILL_TIME_NEVER), "cannot set fill time for property list"); } #else char errorString[MAX_STR]; sprintf(errorString, "'no fill' option not available in %s", test->apiVersion); ERR(errorString); #endif #else WARN("unable to determine HDF5 version for 'no fill' usage"); #endif dataSet = H5Dcreate(*(hid_t *)fd, dataSetName, H5T_NATIVE_LLONG, dataSpace, dataSetPropList); HDF5_CHECK(dataSet, "cannot create data set"); } else { /* READ or CHECK */ dataSet = H5Dopen(*(hid_t *)fd, dataSetName); HDF5_CHECK(dataSet, "cannot create data set"); } } /* SetupDataSet_HDF5() */ /******************************************************************************/ /* * Use MPIIO call to get file size. */ IOR_offset_t IOR_GetFileSize_HDF5(IOR_param_t * test, MPI_Comm testComm, char * testFileName) { return(IOR_GetFileSize_MPIIO(test, testComm, testFileName)); } /* IOR_GetFileSize_HDF5() */