/* -*- mode: c; c-basic-offset: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; -*- * vim:expandtab:shiftwidth=8:tabstop=8: */ /* * Copyright (C) 2018-2020 Intel Corporation * See the file COPYRIGHT for a complete copyright notice and license. */ /* * This file implements the abstract I/O interface for DAOS Array API. */ #define _BSD_SOURCE #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include "config.h" #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "aiori.h" #include "utilities.h" #include "iordef.h" /************************** O P T I O N S *****************************/ typedef struct { char *pool; char *svcl; char *group; char *cont; int chunk_size; int destroy; char *oclass; } DAOS_options_t; static option_help * DAOS_options(aiori_mod_opt_t ** init_backend_options, aiori_mod_opt_t * init_values){ DAOS_options_t * o = malloc(sizeof(DAOS_options_t)); if (init_values != NULL) { memcpy(o, init_values, sizeof(DAOS_options_t)); } else { memset(o, 0, sizeof(DAOS_options_t)); /* initialize the options properly */ o->chunk_size = 1048576; } *init_backend_options = (aiori_mod_opt_t *) o; option_help h [] = { {0, "daos.pool", "pool uuid", OPTION_OPTIONAL_ARGUMENT, 's', &o->pool}, {0, "daos.svcl", "pool SVCL", OPTION_OPTIONAL_ARGUMENT, 's', &o->svcl}, {0, "daos.group", "server group", OPTION_OPTIONAL_ARGUMENT, 's', &o->group}, {0, "daos.cont", "container uuid", OPTION_OPTIONAL_ARGUMENT, 's', &o->cont}, {0, "daos.chunk_size", "chunk size", OPTION_OPTIONAL_ARGUMENT, 'd', &o->chunk_size}, {0, "daos.destroy", "Destroy Container", OPTION_FLAG, 'd', &o->destroy}, {0, "daos.oclass", "object class", OPTION_OPTIONAL_ARGUMENT, 's', &o->oclass}, LAST_OPTION }; option_help * help = malloc(sizeof(h)); memcpy(help, h, sizeof(h)); return help; } /**************************** P R O T O T Y P E S *****************************/ static void DAOS_Init(aiori_mod_opt_t *); static void DAOS_Fini(aiori_mod_opt_t *); static aiori_fd_t *DAOS_Create(char *, int, aiori_mod_opt_t *); static aiori_fd_t *DAOS_Open(char *, int, aiori_mod_opt_t *); static int DAOS_Access(const char *, int, aiori_mod_opt_t *); static IOR_offset_t DAOS_Xfer(int, aiori_fd_t *, IOR_size_t *, IOR_offset_t, IOR_offset_t, aiori_mod_opt_t *); static void DAOS_Close(aiori_fd_t *, aiori_mod_opt_t *); static void DAOS_Delete(char *, aiori_mod_opt_t *); static char* DAOS_GetVersion(); static void DAOS_Fsync(aiori_fd_t *, aiori_mod_opt_t *); static IOR_offset_t DAOS_GetFileSize(aiori_mod_opt_t *, MPI_Comm, char *); static option_help * DAOS_options(); static void DAOS_init_xfer_options(aiori_xfer_hint_t *); static int DAOS_check_params(aiori_mod_opt_t *); /************************** D E C L A R A T I O N S ***************************/ ior_aiori_t daos_aiori = { .name = "DAOS", .initialize = DAOS_Init, .finalize = DAOS_Fini, .create = DAOS_Create, .open = DAOS_Open, .access = DAOS_Access, .xfer = DAOS_Xfer, .close = DAOS_Close, .delete = DAOS_Delete, .get_version = DAOS_GetVersion, .xfer_hints = DAOS_init_xfer_options, .fsync = DAOS_Fsync, .get_file_size = DAOS_GetFileSize, .statfs = aiori_posix_statfs, .mkdir = aiori_posix_mkdir, .rmdir = aiori_posix_rmdir, .stat = aiori_posix_stat, .get_options = DAOS_options, .xfer_hints = DAOS_init_xfer_options, .check_params = DAOS_check_params, .enable_mdtest = false, }; #define IOR_DAOS_MUR_SEED 0xDEAD10CC enum handleType { POOL_HANDLE, CONT_HANDLE, ARRAY_HANDLE }; static daos_handle_t poh; static daos_handle_t coh; static daos_handle_t aoh; static daos_oclass_id_t objectClass = OC_SX; static bool daos_initialized = false; /***************************** F U N C T I O N S ******************************/ /* For DAOS methods. */ #define DCHECK(rc, format, ...) \ do { \ int _rc = (rc); \ \ if (_rc < 0) { \ fprintf(stderr, "ior ERROR (%s:%d): %d: %d: " \ format"\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, rank, _rc, \ ##__VA_ARGS__); \ fflush(stdout); \ MPI_Abort(MPI_COMM_WORLD, -1); \ } \ } while (0) #define INFO(level, format, ...) \ do { \ if (verbose >= level) \ printf("[%d] "format"\n", rank, ##__VA_ARGS__); \ } while (0) /* For generic errors like invalid command line options. */ #define GERR(format, ...) \ do { \ fprintf(stderr, format"\n", ##__VA_ARGS__); \ MPI_CHECK(MPI_Abort(MPI_COMM_WORLD, -1), "MPI_Abort() error"); \ } while (0) static aiori_xfer_hint_t * hints = NULL; void DAOS_init_xfer_options(aiori_xfer_hint_t * params) { hints = params; } static int DAOS_check_params(aiori_mod_opt_t * options){ DAOS_options_t *o = (DAOS_options_t *) options; if (o->pool == NULL || o->svcl == NULL || o->cont == NULL) ERR("Invalid pool or container options\n"); return 0; } /* Distribute process 0's pool or container handle to others. */ static void HandleDistribute(daos_handle_t *handle, enum handleType type) { d_iov_t global; int rc; global.iov_buf = NULL; global.iov_buf_len = 0; global.iov_len = 0; if (rank == 0) { /* Get the global handle size. */ if (type == POOL_HANDLE) rc = daos_pool_local2global(*handle, &global); else if (type == CONT_HANDLE) rc = daos_cont_local2global(*handle, &global); else rc = daos_array_local2global(*handle, &global); DCHECK(rc, "Failed to get global handle size"); } MPI_CHECK(MPI_Bcast(&global.iov_buf_len, 1, MPI_UINT64_T, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD), "Failed to bcast global handle buffer size"); global.iov_len = global.iov_buf_len; global.iov_buf = malloc(global.iov_buf_len); if (global.iov_buf == NULL) ERR("Failed to allocate global handle buffer"); if (rank == 0) { if (type == POOL_HANDLE) rc = daos_pool_local2global(*handle, &global); else if (type == CONT_HANDLE) rc = daos_cont_local2global(*handle, &global); else rc = daos_array_local2global(*handle, &global); DCHECK(rc, "Failed to create global handle"); } MPI_CHECK(MPI_Bcast(global.iov_buf, global.iov_buf_len, MPI_BYTE, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD), "Failed to bcast global pool handle"); if (rank != 0) { if (type == POOL_HANDLE) rc = daos_pool_global2local(global, handle); else if (type == CONT_HANDLE) rc = daos_cont_global2local(poh, global, handle); else rc = daos_array_global2local(coh, global, 0, handle); DCHECK(rc, "Failed to get local handle"); } free(global.iov_buf); } static void DAOS_Init(aiori_mod_opt_t * options) { DAOS_options_t *o = (DAOS_options_t *)options; int rc; if (daos_initialized) return; if (o->pool == NULL || o->svcl == NULL || o->cont == NULL) { GERR("Invalid DAOS pool/cont\n"); return; } if (o->oclass) { objectClass = daos_oclass_name2id(o->oclass); if (objectClass == OC_UNKNOWN) GERR("Invalid DAOS Object class %s\n", o->oclass); } rc = daos_init(); if (rc) DCHECK(rc, "Failed to initialize daos"); if (rank == 0) { uuid_t uuid; d_rank_list_t *svcl = NULL; static daos_pool_info_t po_info; static daos_cont_info_t co_info; INFO(VERBOSE_1, "Connecting to pool %s", o->pool); rc = uuid_parse(o->pool, uuid); DCHECK(rc, "Failed to parse 'pool': %s", o->pool); svcl = daos_rank_list_parse(o->svcl, ":"); if (svcl == NULL) ERR("Failed to allocate svcl"); rc = daos_pool_connect(uuid, o->group, svcl, DAOS_PC_RW, &poh, &po_info, NULL); d_rank_list_free(svcl); DCHECK(rc, "Failed to connect to pool %s", o->pool); INFO(VERBOSE_1, "Create/Open Container %s", o->cont); uuid_clear(uuid); rc = uuid_parse(o->cont, uuid); DCHECK(rc, "Failed to parse 'cont': %s", o->cont); rc = daos_cont_open(poh, uuid, DAOS_COO_RW, &coh, &co_info, NULL); /* If NOEXIST we create it */ if (rc == -DER_NONEXIST) { INFO(VERBOSE_2, "Creating DAOS Container...\n"); rc = daos_cont_create(poh, uuid, NULL, NULL); if (rc == 0) rc = daos_cont_open(poh, uuid, DAOS_COO_RW, &coh, &co_info, NULL); } DCHECK(rc, "Failed to create container"); } HandleDistribute(&poh, POOL_HANDLE); HandleDistribute(&coh, CONT_HANDLE); aoh.cookie = 0; daos_initialized = true; } static void DAOS_Fini(aiori_mod_opt_t *options) { DAOS_options_t *o = (DAOS_options_t *)options; int rc; if (!daos_initialized) return; MPI_Barrier(MPI_COMM_WORLD); rc = daos_cont_close(coh, NULL); if (rc) { DCHECK(rc, "Failed to close container %s (%d)", o->cont, rc); MPI_Abort(MPI_COMM_WORLD, -1); } MPI_Barrier(MPI_COMM_WORLD); if (o->destroy) { if (rank == 0) { uuid_t uuid; double t1, t2; INFO(VERBOSE_1, "Destroying DAOS Container %s", o->cont); uuid_parse(o->cont, uuid); t1 = MPI_Wtime(); rc = daos_cont_destroy(poh, uuid, 1, NULL); t2 = MPI_Wtime(); if (rc == 0) INFO(VERBOSE_1, "Container Destroy time = %f secs", t2-t1); } MPI_Bcast(&rc, 1, MPI_INT, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD); if (rc) { if (rank == 0) DCHECK(rc, "Failed to destroy container %s (%d)", o->cont, rc); MPI_Abort(MPI_COMM_WORLD, -1); } } if (rank == 0) INFO(VERBOSE_1, "Disconnecting from DAOS POOL.."); rc = daos_pool_disconnect(poh, NULL); DCHECK(rc, "Failed to disconnect from pool %s", o->pool); MPI_CHECK(MPI_Barrier(MPI_COMM_WORLD), "barrier error"); if (rank == 0) INFO(VERBOSE_1, "Finalizing DAOS.."); rc = daos_fini(); DCHECK(rc, "Failed to finalize daos"); daos_initialized = false; } static void gen_oid(const char *name, daos_obj_id_t *oid) { oid->lo = d_hash_murmur64(name, strlen(name), IOR_DAOS_MUR_SEED); oid->hi = 0; daos_array_generate_id(oid, objectClass, true, 0); } static aiori_fd_t * DAOS_Create(char *testFileName, int flags, aiori_mod_opt_t *param) { DAOS_options_t *o = (DAOS_options_t*) param; daos_obj_id_t oid; int rc; /** Convert file name into object ID */ gen_oid(testFileName, &oid); /** Create the array */ if (hints->filePerProc || rank == 0) { rc = daos_array_create(coh, oid, DAOS_TX_NONE, 1, o->chunk_size, &aoh, NULL); DCHECK(rc, "Failed to create array object\n"); } /** Distribute the array handle if not FPP */ if (!hints->filePerProc) HandleDistribute(&aoh, ARRAY_HANDLE); return (aiori_fd_t*)(&aoh); } static int DAOS_Access(const char *testFileName, int mode, aiori_mod_opt_t * param) { daos_obj_id_t oid; daos_size_t cell_size, chunk_size; int rc; /** Convert file name into object ID */ gen_oid(testFileName, &oid); rc = daos_array_open(coh, oid, DAOS_TX_NONE, DAOS_OO_RO, &cell_size, &chunk_size, &aoh, NULL); if (rc) return rc; if (cell_size != 1) GERR("Invalid DAOS Array object.\n"); rc = daos_array_close(aoh, NULL); aoh.cookie = 0; return rc; } static aiori_fd_t * DAOS_Open(char *testFileName, int flags, aiori_mod_opt_t *param) { daos_obj_id_t oid; /** Convert file name into object ID */ gen_oid(testFileName, &oid); /** Open the array */ if (hints->filePerProc || rank == 0) { daos_size_t cell_size, chunk_size; int rc; rc = daos_array_open(coh, oid, DAOS_TX_NONE, DAOS_OO_RW, &cell_size, &chunk_size, &aoh, NULL); DCHECK(rc, "Failed to create array object\n"); if (cell_size != 1) GERR("Invalid DAOS Array object.\n"); } /** Distribute the array handle if not FPP */ if (!hints->filePerProc) HandleDistribute(&aoh, ARRAY_HANDLE); return (aiori_fd_t*)(&aoh); } static IOR_offset_t DAOS_Xfer(int access, aiori_fd_t *file, IOR_size_t *buffer, IOR_offset_t length, IOR_offset_t off, aiori_mod_opt_t *param) { daos_array_iod_t iod; daos_range_t rg; d_sg_list_t sgl; d_iov_t iov; int rc; /** set array location */ iod.arr_nr = 1; rg.rg_len = length; rg.rg_idx = off; iod.arr_rgs = &rg; /** set memory location */ sgl.sg_nr = 1; d_iov_set(&iov, buffer, length); sgl.sg_iovs = &iov; if (access == WRITE) { rc = daos_array_write(aoh, DAOS_TX_NONE, &iod, &sgl, NULL); DCHECK(rc, "daos_array_write() failed (%d).", rc); } else { rc = daos_array_read(aoh, DAOS_TX_NONE, &iod, &sgl, NULL); DCHECK(rc, "daos_array_read() failed (%d).", rc); } return length; } static void DAOS_Close(aiori_fd_t *file, aiori_mod_opt_t *param) { int rc; if (!daos_initialized) GERR("DAOS is not initialized!"); rc = daos_array_close(aoh, NULL); DCHECK(rc, "daos_array_close() failed (%d).", rc); aoh.cookie = 0; } static void DAOS_Delete(char *testFileName, aiori_mod_opt_t *param) { daos_obj_id_t oid; daos_size_t cell_size, chunk_size; int rc; if (!daos_initialized) GERR("DAOS is not initialized!"); /** Convert file name into object ID */ gen_oid(testFileName, &oid); /** open the array to verify it exists */ rc = daos_array_open(coh, oid, DAOS_TX_NONE, DAOS_OO_RW, &cell_size, &chunk_size, &aoh, NULL); DCHECK(rc, "daos_array_open() failed (%d).", rc); if (cell_size != 1) GERR("Invalid DAOS Array object.\n"); rc = daos_array_destroy(aoh, DAOS_TX_NONE, NULL); DCHECK(rc, "daos_array_destroy() failed (%d).", rc); rc = daos_array_close(aoh, NULL); DCHECK(rc, "daos_array_close() failed (%d).", rc); aoh.cookie = 0; } static char * DAOS_GetVersion() { static char ver[1024] = {}; sprintf(ver, "%s", "DAOS"); return ver; } static void DAOS_Fsync(aiori_fd_t *file, aiori_mod_opt_t *param) { return; } static IOR_offset_t DAOS_GetFileSize(aiori_mod_opt_t *param, MPI_Comm comm, char *testFileName) { daos_obj_id_t oid; daos_size_t size; int rc; if (!daos_initialized) GERR("DAOS is not initialized!"); /** Convert file name into object ID */ gen_oid(testFileName, &oid); /** open the array to verify it exists */ if (hints->filePerProc || rank == 0) { daos_size_t cell_size, chunk_size; rc = daos_array_open(coh, oid, DAOS_TX_NONE, DAOS_OO_RO, &cell_size, &chunk_size, &aoh, NULL); DCHECK(rc, "daos_array_open() failed (%d).", rc); if (cell_size != 1) GERR("Invalid DAOS Array object.\n"); rc = daos_array_get_size(aoh, DAOS_TX_NONE, &size, NULL); DCHECK(rc, "daos_array_get_size() failed (%d).", rc); rc = daos_array_close(aoh, NULL); DCHECK(rc, "daos_array_close() failed (%d).", rc); aoh.cookie = 0; } if (!hints->filePerProc) MPI_Bcast(&size, 1, MPI_LONG, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD); return size; }