Following are basic notes on how to deploy the 'ceph/demo' docker container. The 'ceph/demo' container bootstraps a complete Ceph cluster with all necessary daemons already running, providing a convenient environment for evaluating the correctness of the RADOS backend for IOR, in our case. ########################## # Pull 'ceph/demo' image # ########################## Run `docker pull ceph/demo` to download the image to your system. ################################ # Deploy 'ceph/demo' conatiner # ################################ To deploy the Ceph cluster, execute the following command: `docker run -it --net=host -v /etc/ceph:/etc/ceph -e MON_IP= -e CEPH_PUBLIC_NETWORK= ceph/demo` The only necessary modification to the above command is to provide the correct network IP address for MON_IP and to provide the corresponding CIDR notation of this IP for CEPH_PUBLIC_NETWORK, as illustrated. NOTE: The above command starts the docker container in interactive mode. Replace '-it' with '-d' to run in the background as a daemon. ############################### # Run IOR against 'ceph/demo' # ############################### With a Ceph cluster now deployed, running IOR against it is straightforward: `./ior -a RADOS -- -u admin -c /etc/ceph/cephconf -p cephfs_data` All command line arguments following the '--' are required. -u is the Ceph username (e.g., admin) -c is the Ceph config file (typically found in /etc/ceph/ceph.conf) -p is the Ceph pool to perform I/O to (e.g., cephfs_data) NOTE: Permissions of the various config files, keyrings, etc. inside of /etc/ceph may need to be modified to be readable by the user running IOR (e.g., `sudo chmod 644 /etc/ceph/*`). These various files are created internally within the docker container and may not be readable by other users.