/* * -*- mode: c; c-basic-offset: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; -*- * vim:expandtab:shiftwidth=8:tabstop=8: */ /* * SPECIAL LICENSE RIGHTS-OPEN SOURCE SOFTWARE * The Government's rights to use, modify, reproduce, release, perform, display, * or disclose this software are subject to the terms of Contract No. B599860, * and the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2. * Any reproduction of computer software, computer software documentation, or * portions thereof marked with this legend must also reproduce the markings. */ /* * Copyright (c) 2013, 2016 Intel Corporation. */ /* * This file implements the abstract I/O interface for DAOS. */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include "config.h" #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "ior.h" #include "aiori.h" #include "iordef.h" #include "list.h" /************************** O P T I O N S *****************************/ struct daos_options{ char *daosPool; char *daosPoolSvc; char *daosGroup; int daosRecordSize; int daosStripeSize; uint64_t daosStripeCount; uint64_t daosStripeMax; /* max length of a stripe */ int daosAios; /* max number of concurrent async I/Os */ int daosKill; /* kill a target while running IOR */ char *daosObjectClass; /* object class */ }; static struct daos_options o = { .daosPool = NULL, .daosPoolSvc = NULL, .daosGroup = NULL, .daosRecordSize = 262144, .daosStripeSize = 524288, .daosStripeCount = -1, .daosStripeMax = 0, .daosAios = 1, .daosKill = 0, .daosObjectClass = NULL, }; static option_help options [] = { {0, "daos.pool", "pool uuid", OPTION_REQUIRED_ARGUMENT, 's', &o.daosPool}, {0, "daos.svcl", "pool SVCL", OPTION_REQUIRED_ARGUMENT, 's', &o.daosPoolSvc}, {0, "daos.group", "server group", OPTION_OPTIONAL_ARGUMENT, 's', &o.daosGroup}, {0, "daos.recordSize", "Record Size", OPTION_OPTIONAL_ARGUMENT, 'd', &o.daosRecordSize}, {0, "daos.stripeSize", "Stripe Size", OPTION_OPTIONAL_ARGUMENT, 'd', &o.daosStripeSize}, {0, "daos.stripeCount", "Stripe Count", OPTION_OPTIONAL_ARGUMENT, 'u', &o.daosStripeCount}, {0, "daos.stripeMax", "Max Stripe",OPTION_OPTIONAL_ARGUMENT, 'u', &o.daosStripeMax}, {0, "daos.aios", "Concurrent Async IOs",OPTION_OPTIONAL_ARGUMENT, 'd', &o.daosAios}, {0, "daos.kill", "Kill target while running",OPTION_FLAG, 'd', &o.daosKill}, {0, "daos.objectClass", "object class", OPTION_OPTIONAL_ARGUMENT, 's', &o.daosObjectClass}, LAST_OPTION }; /**************************** P R O T O T Y P E S *****************************/ static void DAOS_Init(); static void DAOS_Fini(); static void *DAOS_Create(char *, IOR_param_t *); static void *DAOS_Open(char *, IOR_param_t *); static IOR_offset_t DAOS_Xfer(int, void *, IOR_size_t *, IOR_offset_t, IOR_param_t *); static void DAOS_Close(void *, IOR_param_t *); static void DAOS_Delete(char *, IOR_param_t *); static char* DAOS_GetVersion(); static void DAOS_Fsync(void *, IOR_param_t *); static IOR_offset_t DAOS_GetFileSize(IOR_param_t *, MPI_Comm, char *); static option_help * DAOS_options(); /************************** D E C L A R A T I O N S ***************************/ ior_aiori_t daos_aiori = { .name = "DAOS", .create = DAOS_Create, .open = DAOS_Open, .xfer = DAOS_Xfer, .close = DAOS_Close, .delete = DAOS_Delete, .get_version = DAOS_GetVersion, .fsync = DAOS_Fsync, .get_file_size = DAOS_GetFileSize, .initialize = DAOS_Init, .finalize = DAOS_Fini, .get_options = DAOS_options, }; enum handleType { POOL_HANDLE, CONTAINER_HANDLE }; struct fileDescriptor { daos_handle_t container; daos_cont_info_t containerInfo; daos_handle_t object; }; struct aio { cfs_list_t a_list; char a_dkeyBuf[32]; daos_key_t a_dkey; daos_recx_t a_recx; unsigned char a_csumBuf[32]; daos_csum_buf_t a_csum; daos_iod_t a_iod; daos_iov_t a_iov; daos_sg_list_t a_sgl; struct daos_event a_event; }; static daos_handle_t eventQueue; static struct daos_event **events; static unsigned char *buffers; static int nAios; static daos_handle_t pool; static daos_pool_info_t poolInfo; static daos_oclass_id_t objectClass = DAOS_OC_LARGE_RW; static CFS_LIST_HEAD(aios); static IOR_offset_t total_size; static bool daos_initialized = false; /***************************** F U N C T I O N S ******************************/ /* For DAOS methods. */ #define DCHECK(rc, format, ...) \ do { \ int _rc = (rc); \ \ if (_rc < 0) { \ fprintf(stdout, "ior ERROR (%s:%d): %d: %d: " \ format"\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, rank, _rc, \ ##__VA_ARGS__); \ fflush(stdout); \ MPI_Abort(MPI_COMM_WORLD, -1); \ } \ } while (0) #define INFO(level, format, ...) \ do { \ if (verbose >= level) \ printf("[%d] "format"\n", rank, ##__VA_ARGS__); \ } while (0) /* For generic errors like invalid command line options. */ #define GERR(format, ...) \ do { \ fprintf(stdout, format"\n", ##__VA_ARGS__); \ MPI_CHECK(MPI_Abort(MPI_COMM_WORLD, -1), "MPI_Abort() error"); \ } while (0) /* Distribute process 0's pool or container handle to others. */ static void HandleDistribute(daos_handle_t *handle, enum handleType type) { daos_iov_t global; int rc; assert(type == POOL_HANDLE || !daos_handle_is_inval(pool)); global.iov_buf = NULL; global.iov_buf_len = 0; global.iov_len = 0; if (rank == 0) { /* Get the global handle size. */ if (type == POOL_HANDLE) rc = daos_pool_local2global(*handle, &global); else rc = daos_cont_local2global(*handle, &global); DCHECK(rc, "Failed to get global handle size"); } MPI_CHECK(MPI_Bcast(&global.iov_buf_len, 1, MPI_UINT64_T, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD), "Failed to bcast global handle buffer size"); global.iov_buf = malloc(global.iov_buf_len); if (global.iov_buf == NULL) ERR("Failed to allocate global handle buffer"); if (rank == 0) { if (type == POOL_HANDLE) rc = daos_pool_local2global(*handle, &global); else rc = daos_cont_local2global(*handle, &global); DCHECK(rc, "Failed to create global handle"); } MPI_CHECK(MPI_Bcast(global.iov_buf, global.iov_buf_len, MPI_BYTE, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD), "Failed to bcast global pool handle"); if (rank != 0) { /* A larger-than-actual length works just fine. */ global.iov_len = global.iov_buf_len; if (type == POOL_HANDLE) rc = daos_pool_global2local(global, handle); else rc = daos_cont_global2local(pool, global, handle); DCHECK(rc, "Failed to get local handle"); } free(global.iov_buf); } static void ContainerOpen(char *testFileName, IOR_param_t *param, daos_handle_t *container, daos_cont_info_t *info) { int rc; if (rank == 0) { uuid_t uuid; unsigned int dFlags; rc = uuid_parse(testFileName, uuid); DCHECK(rc, "Failed to parse 'testFile': %s", testFileName); if (param->open == WRITE && param->useExistingTestFile == FALSE) { INFO(VERBOSE_2, "Creating container %s", testFileName); rc = daos_cont_create(pool, uuid, NULL, NULL); DCHECK(rc, "Failed to create container %s", testFileName); } INFO(VERBOSE_2, "Opening container %s", testFileName); if (param->open == WRITE) dFlags = DAOS_COO_RW; else dFlags = DAOS_COO_RO; rc = daos_cont_open(pool, uuid, dFlags, container, info, NULL /* ev */); DCHECK(rc, "Failed to open container %s", testFileName); } HandleDistribute(container, CONTAINER_HANDLE); MPI_CHECK(MPI_Bcast(info, sizeof *info, MPI_BYTE, 0, param->testComm), "Failed to broadcast container info"); } static void ContainerClose(daos_handle_t container, IOR_param_t *param) { int rc; if (rank != 0) { rc = daos_cont_close(container, NULL /* ev */); DCHECK(rc, "Failed to close container"); } /* An MPI_Gather() call would probably be more efficient. */ MPI_CHECK(MPI_Barrier(param->testComm), "Failed to synchronize processes"); if (rank == 0) { rc = daos_cont_close(container, NULL /* ev */); DCHECK(rc, "Failed to close container"); } } static void ObjectOpen(daos_handle_t container, daos_handle_t *object, IOR_param_t *param) { daos_obj_id_t oid; unsigned int flags; int rc; oid.hi = 0; oid.lo = 1; daos_obj_generate_id(&oid, 0, objectClass); if (param->open == WRITE) flags = DAOS_OO_RW; else flags = DAOS_OO_RO; rc = daos_obj_open(container, oid, flags, object, NULL /* ev */); DCHECK(rc, "Failed to open object"); } static void ObjectClose(daos_handle_t object) { int rc; rc = daos_obj_close(object, NULL /* ev */); DCHECK(rc, "Failed to close object"); } static void AIOInit(IOR_param_t *param) { struct aio *aio; int i; int rc; rc = posix_memalign((void **) &buffers, sysconf(_SC_PAGESIZE), param->transferSize * o.daosAios); DCHECK(rc, "Failed to allocate buffer array"); for (i = 0; i < o.daosAios; i++) { aio = malloc(sizeof *aio); if (aio == NULL) ERR("Failed to allocate aio array"); memset(aio, 0, sizeof *aio); aio->a_dkey.iov_buf = aio->a_dkeyBuf; aio->a_dkey.iov_buf_len = sizeof aio->a_dkeyBuf; aio->a_recx.rx_nr = 1; daos_iov_set(&aio->a_iod.iod_name, "data", strlen("data")); daos_csum_set(&aio->a_iod.iod_kcsum, NULL, 0); aio->a_iod.iod_nr = 1; aio->a_iod.iod_type = DAOS_IOD_ARRAY; aio->a_iod.iod_recxs = &aio->a_recx; aio->a_iod.iod_csums = NULL; aio->a_iod.iod_eprs = NULL; aio->a_iod.iod_size = param->transferSize; aio->a_iov.iov_buf = buffers + param->transferSize * i; aio->a_iov.iov_buf_len = param->transferSize; aio->a_iov.iov_len = aio->a_iov.iov_buf_len; aio->a_sgl.sg_nr = 1; aio->a_sgl.sg_iovs = &aio->a_iov; rc = daos_event_init(&aio->a_event, eventQueue, NULL /* parent */); DCHECK(rc, "Failed to initialize event for aio[%d]", i); cfs_list_add(&aio->a_list, &aios); INFO(VERBOSE_3, "Allocated AIO %p: buffer %p", aio, aio->a_iov.iov_buf); } nAios = o.daosAios; events = malloc((sizeof *events) * o.daosAios); if (events == NULL) ERR("Failed to allocate events array"); } static void AIOFini(IOR_param_t *param) { struct aio *aio; struct aio *tmp; free(events); cfs_list_for_each_entry_safe(aio, tmp, &aios, a_list) { INFO(VERBOSE_3, "Freeing AIO %p: buffer %p", aio, aio->a_iov.iov_buf); cfs_list_del_init(&aio->a_list); daos_event_fini(&aio->a_event); free(aio); } free(buffers); } static void AIOWait(IOR_param_t *param) { struct aio *aio; int i; int rc; rc = daos_eq_poll(eventQueue, 0, DAOS_EQ_WAIT, o.daosAios, events); DCHECK(rc, "Failed to poll event queue"); assert(rc <= o.daosAios - nAios); for (i = 0; i < rc; i++) { int ret; aio = (struct aio *) ((char *) events[i] - (char *) (&((struct aio *) 0)->a_event)); DCHECK(aio->a_event.ev_error, "Failed to transfer (%lu, %lu)", aio->a_iod.iod_recxs->rx_idx, aio->a_iod.iod_recxs->rx_nr); daos_event_fini(&aio->a_event); ret = daos_event_init(&aio->a_event, eventQueue, NULL /* parent */); DCHECK(ret, "Failed to reinitialize event for AIO %p", aio); cfs_list_move(&aio->a_list, &aios); nAios++; if (param->verbose >= VERBOSE_3) INFO(VERBOSE_3, "Completed AIO %p: buffer %p", aio, aio->a_iov.iov_buf); } INFO(VERBOSE_3, "Found %d completed AIOs (%d free %d busy)", rc, nAios, o.daosAios - nAios); } static void ObjectClassParse(const char *string) { if (strcasecmp(string, "tiny") == 0) objectClass = DAOS_OC_TINY_RW; else if (strcasecmp(string, "small") == 0) objectClass = DAOS_OC_SMALL_RW; else if (strcasecmp(string, "large") == 0) objectClass = DAOS_OC_LARGE_RW; else if (strcasecmp(string, "echo_tiny") == 0) objectClass = DAOS_OC_ECHO_TINY_RW; else if (strcasecmp(string, "echo_R2S") == 0) objectClass = DAOS_OC_ECHO_R2S_RW; else if (strcasecmp(string, "echo_R3S") == 0) objectClass = DAOS_OC_ECHO_R3S_RW; else if (strcasecmp(string, "echo_R4S") == 0) objectClass = DAOS_OC_ECHO_R4S_RW; else if (strcasecmp(string, "R2") == 0) objectClass = DAOS_OC_R2_RW; else if (strcasecmp(string, "R2S") == 0) objectClass = DAOS_OC_R2S_RW; else if (strcasecmp(string, "R3S") == 0) objectClass = DAOS_OC_R3S_RW; else if (strcasecmp(string, "R3") == 0) objectClass = DAOS_OC_R3_RW; else if (strcasecmp(string, "R4") == 0) objectClass = DAOS_OC_R4_RW; else if (strcasecmp(string, "R4S") == 0) objectClass = DAOS_OC_R4S_RW; else if (strcasecmp(string, "repl_max") == 0) objectClass = DAOS_OC_REPL_MAX_RW; else GERR("Invalid 'daosObjectClass' argument: '%s'", string); } static void ParseService(int max, d_rank_list_t *ranks) { char *s; s = strdup(o.daosPoolSvc); if (s == NULL) GERR("failed to duplicate argument"); ranks->rl_nr = 0; while ((s = strtok(s, ":")) != NULL) { if (ranks->rl_nr >= max) { free(s); GERR("at most %d pool service replicas supported", max); } ranks->rl_ranks[ranks->rl_nr] = atoi(s); ranks->rl_nr++; s = NULL; } free(s); } static option_help * DAOS_options(){ return options; } static void DAOS_Init() { int rc; if (daos_initialized) return; if (o.daosPool == NULL || o.daosPoolSvc == NULL) return; if (o.daosObjectClass) ObjectClassParse(o.daosObjectClass); if (o.daosStripeMax % o.daosStripeSize != 0) GERR("'daosStripeMax' must be a multiple of 'daosStripeSize'"); if (o.daosKill && ((objectClass != DAOS_OC_R2_RW) || (objectClass != DAOS_OC_R3_RW) || (objectClass != DAOS_OC_R4_RW) || (objectClass != DAOS_OC_R2S_RW) || (objectClass != DAOS_OC_R3S_RW) || (objectClass != DAOS_OC_R4S_RW) || (objectClass != DAOS_OC_REPL_MAX_RW))) GERR("'daosKill' only makes sense with 'daosObjectClass=repl'"); if (rank == 0) INFO(VERBOSE_0, "WARNING: USING daosStripeMax CAUSES READS TO RETURN INVALID DATA"); rc = daos_init(); if (rc != -DER_ALREADY) DCHECK(rc, "Failed to initialize daos"); rc = daos_eq_create(&eventQueue); DCHECK(rc, "Failed to create event queue"); if (rank == 0) { uuid_t uuid; d_rank_t d_rank[13]; d_rank_list_t ranks; INFO(VERBOSE_2, "Connecting to pool %s %s", o.daosPool, o.daosPoolSvc); rc = uuid_parse(o.daosPool, uuid); DCHECK(rc, "Failed to parse 'daosPool': %s", o.daosPool); ranks.rl_ranks = d_rank; ParseService(sizeof(d_rank) / sizeof(d_rank[0]), &ranks); rc = daos_pool_connect(uuid, o.daosGroup, &ranks, DAOS_PC_RW, &pool, &poolInfo, NULL /* ev */); DCHECK(rc, "Failed to connect to pool %s", o.daosPool); } HandleDistribute(&pool, POOL_HANDLE); MPI_CHECK(MPI_Bcast(&poolInfo, sizeof poolInfo, MPI_BYTE, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD), "Failed to bcast pool info"); if (o.daosStripeCount == -1) o.daosStripeCount = poolInfo.pi_ntargets * 64UL; daos_initialized = true; } static void DAOS_Fini() { int rc; if (!daos_initialized) return; rc = daos_pool_disconnect(pool, NULL /* ev */); DCHECK(rc, "Failed to disconnect from pool %s", o.daosPool); rc = daos_eq_destroy(eventQueue, 0 /* flags */); DCHECK(rc, "Failed to destroy event queue"); rc = daos_fini(); DCHECK(rc, "Failed to finalize daos"); daos_initialized = false; } static void *DAOS_Create(char *testFileName, IOR_param_t *param) { return DAOS_Open(testFileName, param); } static void *DAOS_Open(char *testFileName, IOR_param_t *param) { struct fileDescriptor *fd; fd = malloc(sizeof *fd); if (fd == NULL) ERR("Failed to allocate fd"); ContainerOpen(testFileName, param, &fd->container, &fd->containerInfo); ObjectOpen(fd->container, &fd->object, param); AIOInit(param); return fd; } static void kill_daos_server(IOR_param_t *param) { daos_pool_info_t info; d_rank_t d_rank, svc_ranks[13]; d_rank_list_t svc; struct d_tgt_list targets; int tgt_idx = -1; uuid_t uuid; char *s; int rc; rc = daos_pool_query(pool, NULL, &info, NULL, NULL); DCHECK(rc, "Error in querying pool\n"); if (info.pi_ntargets - info.pi_ndisabled <= 1) return; /* choose the last alive one */ d_rank = info.pi_ntargets - 1 - info.pi_ndisabled; rc = uuid_parse(o.daosPool, uuid); DCHECK(rc, "Failed to parse 'daosPool': %s", o.daosPool); if (rc != 0) printf("Killing tgt rank: %d (total of %d of %d already disabled)\n", d_rank, info.pi_ndisabled, info.pi_ntargets); fflush(stdout); rc = daos_mgmt_svc_rip(o.daosGroup, d_rank, true, NULL); DCHECK(rc, "Error in killing server\n"); targets.tl_nr = 1; targets.tl_ranks = &d_rank; targets.tl_tgts = &tgt_idx; svc.rl_ranks = svc_ranks; ParseService(sizeof(svc_ranks)/ sizeof(svc_ranks[0]), &svc); rc = daos_pool_tgt_exclude(uuid, NULL, &svc, &targets, NULL); DCHECK(rc, "Error in excluding pool from poolmap\n"); rc = daos_pool_query(pool, NULL, &info, NULL, NULL); DCHECK(rc, "Error in querying pool\n"); printf("%d targets succesfully disabled\n", info.pi_ndisabled); } static void kill_and_sync(IOR_param_t *param) { double start, end; start = MPI_Wtime(); if (rank == 0) kill_daos_server(param); if (rank == 0) printf("Done killing and excluding\n"); MPI_CHECK(MPI_Barrier(param->testComm), "Failed to synchronize processes"); end = MPI_Wtime(); if (rank == 0) printf("Time spent inducing failure: %lf\n", (end - start)); } static IOR_offset_t DAOS_Xfer(int access, void *file, IOR_size_t *buffer, IOR_offset_t length, IOR_param_t *param) { struct fileDescriptor *fd = file; struct aio *aio; uint64_t stripe; IOR_offset_t stripeOffset; uint64_t round; int rc; if (!daos_initialized) GERR("DAOS is not initialized!"); if (param->filePerProc) GERR("'filePerProc' not yet supported"); if (o.daosStripeSize % param->transferSize != 0) GERR("'daosStripeSize' must be a multiple of 'transferSize'"); if (param->transferSize % o.daosRecordSize != 0) GERR("'transferSize' must be a multiple of 'daosRecordSize'"); assert(length == param->transferSize); assert(param->offset % length == 0); /** * Currently killing only during writes * Kills once when 1/2 of blocksize is * written **/ total_size += length; if (o.daosKill && (access == WRITE) && ((param->blockSize)/2) == total_size) { /** More than half written lets kill */ if (rank == 0) printf("Killing and Syncing\n", rank); kill_and_sync(param); o.daosKill = 0; } /* * Find an available AIO descriptor. If none, wait for one. */ while (nAios == 0) AIOWait(param); aio = cfs_list_entry(aios.next, struct aio, a_list); cfs_list_move_tail(&aio->a_list, &aios); nAios--; stripe = (param->offset / o.daosStripeSize) % o.daosStripeCount; rc = snprintf(aio->a_dkeyBuf, sizeof aio->a_dkeyBuf, "%lu", stripe); assert(rc < sizeof aio->a_dkeyBuf); aio->a_dkey.iov_len = strlen(aio->a_dkeyBuf) + 1; round = param->offset / (o.daosStripeSize * o.daosStripeCount); stripeOffset = o.daosStripeSize * round + param->offset % o.daosStripeSize; if (o.daosStripeMax != 0) stripeOffset %= o.daosStripeMax; aio->a_recx.rx_idx = stripeOffset / o.daosRecordSize; /* * If the data written will be checked later, we have to copy in valid * data instead of writing random bytes. If the data being read is for * checking purposes, poison the buffer first. */ if (access == WRITE && param->checkWrite) memcpy(aio->a_iov.iov_buf, buffer, length); else if (access == WRITECHECK || access == READCHECK) memset(aio->a_iov.iov_buf, '#', length); INFO(VERBOSE_3, "Starting AIO %p (%d free %d busy): access %d " "dkey '%s' iod <%llu, %llu> sgl <%p, %lu>", aio, nAios, o.daosAios - nAios, access, (char *) aio->a_dkey.iov_buf, (unsigned long long) aio->a_iod.iod_recxs->rx_idx, (unsigned long long) aio->a_iod.iod_recxs->rx_nr, aio->a_sgl.sg_iovs->iov_buf, (unsigned long long) aio->a_sgl.sg_iovs->iov_buf_len); if (access == WRITE) { rc = daos_obj_update(fd->object, DAOS_TX_NONE, &aio->a_dkey, 1 /* nr */, &aio->a_iod, &aio->a_sgl, &aio->a_event); DCHECK(rc, "Failed to start update operation"); } else { rc = daos_obj_fetch(fd->object, DAOS_TX_NONE, &aio->a_dkey, 1 /* nr */, &aio->a_iod, &aio->a_sgl, NULL /* maps */, &aio->a_event); DCHECK(rc, "Failed to start fetch operation"); } /* * If this is a WRITECHECK or READCHECK, we are expected to fill data * into the buffer before returning. Note that if this is a READ, we * don't have to return valid data as WriteOrRead() doesn't care. */ if (access == WRITECHECK || access == READCHECK) { while (o.daosAios - nAios > 0) AIOWait(param); memcpy(buffer, aio->a_sgl.sg_iovs->iov_buf, length); } return length; } static void DAOS_Close(void *file, IOR_param_t *param) { struct fileDescriptor *fd = file; int rc; if (!daos_initialized) return; while (o.daosAios - nAios > 0) AIOWait(param); AIOFini(param); ObjectClose(fd->object); ContainerClose(fd->container, param); free(fd); } static void DAOS_Delete(char *testFileName, IOR_param_t *param) { uuid_t uuid; int rc; if (!daos_initialized) GERR("DAOS is not initialized!"); INFO(VERBOSE_2, "Deleting container %s", testFileName); rc = uuid_parse(testFileName, uuid); DCHECK(rc, "Failed to parse 'testFile': %s", testFileName); rc = daos_cont_destroy(pool, uuid, 1 /* force */, NULL /* ev */); if (rc != -DER_NONEXIST) DCHECK(rc, "Failed to destroy container %s", testFileName); } static char* DAOS_GetVersion() { static char ver[1024] = {}; sprintf(ver, "%s", "DAOS"); return ver; } static void DAOS_Fsync(void *file, IOR_param_t *param) { while (o.daosAios - nAios > 0) AIOWait(param); } static IOR_offset_t DAOS_GetFileSize(IOR_param_t *test, MPI_Comm testComm, char *testFileName) { /* * Sizes are inapplicable to containers at the moment. */ return 0; }