/******************************************************************************\ * * * Copyright (c) 2003, The Regents of the University of California * * See the file COPYRIGHT for a complete copyright notice and license. * * * \******************************************************************************/ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include "config.h" #endif #include #include #include /* tolower() */ #include #include #include #include #include /* struct stat */ #include #ifndef _WIN32 #include /* gettimeofday() */ #include /* uname() */ #endif #include #include "ior.h" #include "aiori.h" #include "utilities.h" #include "parse_options.h" /* globals used by other files, also defined "extern" in ior.h */ int numTasksWorld = 0; int rank = 0; int rankOffset = 0; int tasksPerNode = 0; /* tasks per node */ int verbose = VERBOSE_0; /* verbose output */ MPI_Comm testComm; /* file scope globals */ extern char **environ; int totalErrorCount = 0; double wall_clock_delta = 0; double wall_clock_deviation; ior_aiori_t *backend; ior_aiori_t *available_aiori[] = { #ifdef USE_POSIX_AIORI &posix_aiori, #endif #ifdef USE_MPIIO_AIORI &mpiio_aiori, #endif #ifdef USE_HDF5_AIORI &hdf5_aiori, #endif #ifdef USE_NCMPI_AIORI &ncmpi_aiori, #endif NULL }; static void AioriBind(char *); static void CheckForOutliers(IOR_param_t *, double **, int, int); static void CheckFileSize(IOR_param_t *, IOR_offset_t, int); static char *CheckTorF(char *); static size_t CompareBuffers(void *, void *, size_t, IOR_offset_t, IOR_param_t *, int); static int CountErrors(IOR_param_t *, int, int); static int CountTasksPerNode(int, MPI_Comm); static void *CreateBuffer(size_t); static void DelaySecs(int); static void DisplayFreespace(IOR_param_t *); static void DisplayOutliers(int, double, char *, int, int); static void DisplayUsage(char **); static void DistributeHints(void); static void FillBuffer(void *, IOR_param_t *, unsigned long long, int); static void FreeBuffers(int, void *, void *, void *, IOR_offset_t *); static void GetTestFileName(char *, IOR_param_t *); static double GetTimeStamp(void); static char *HumanReadable(IOR_offset_t, int); static char *LowerCase(char *); static void PPDouble(int, double, char *); static char *PrependDir(IOR_param_t *, char *); static char **ParseFileName(char *, int *); static void PrintHeader(int argc, char **argv); static void ReadCheck(void *, void *, void *, void *, IOR_param_t *, IOR_offset_t, IOR_offset_t, IOR_offset_t *, IOR_offset_t *, int, int *); static void ReduceIterResults(IOR_param_t *, double **, int, int); static void RemoveFile(char *, int, IOR_param_t *); static void SetupXferBuffers(void **, void **, void **, IOR_param_t *, int, int); static IOR_queue_t *SetupTests(int, char **); static void ShowTestInfo(IOR_param_t *); static void ShowSetup(IOR_param_t *); static void ShowTest(IOR_param_t *); static void SummarizeResults(IOR_param_t *); static void TestIoSys(IOR_param_t *); static double TimeDeviation(void); static void ValidTests(IOR_param_t *); static IOR_offset_t WriteOrRead(IOR_param_t *, void *, int); static void WriteTimes(IOR_param_t *, double **, int, int); /********************************** M A I N ***********************************/ int main(int argc, char **argv) { int i; IOR_queue_t *tests; /* * check -h option from commandline without starting MPI; * if the help option is requested in a script file (showHelp=TRUE), * the help output will be displayed in the MPI job */ for (i = 1; i < argc; i++) { if (strcmp(argv[i], "-h") == 0) { DisplayUsage(argv); return (0); } } /* start the MPI code */ MPI_CHECK(MPI_Init(&argc, &argv), "cannot initialize MPI"); MPI_CHECK(MPI_Comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &numTasksWorld), "cannot get number of tasks"); MPI_CHECK(MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &rank), "cannot get rank"); /* set error-handling */ /*MPI_CHECK(MPI_Errhandler_set(MPI_COMM_WORLD, MPI_ERRORS_RETURN), "cannot set errhandler"); */ /* Sanity check, we were compiled with SOME backend, right? */ if (available_aiori[0] == NULL) { ERR("No IO backends compiled into ior. That should not have happened."); } /* setup tests before verifying test validity */ tests = SetupTests(argc, argv); verbose = tests->testParameters.verbose; tests->testParameters.testComm = MPI_COMM_WORLD; /* check for commandline usage */ if (rank == 0 && tests->testParameters.showHelp == TRUE) { DisplayUsage(argv); } PrintHeader(argc, argv); /* perform each test */ while (tests != NULL) { verbose = tests->testParameters.verbose; if (rank == 0 && verbose >= VERBOSE_0) { ShowTestInfo(&tests->testParameters); } if (rank == 0 && verbose >= VERBOSE_3) { ShowTest(&tests->testParameters); } TestIoSys(&tests->testParameters); tests = tests->nextTest; } /* display finish time */ if (rank == 0 && verbose >= VERBOSE_0) { fprintf(stdout, "Finish: %s", CurrentTimeString()); } MPI_CHECK(MPI_Finalize(), "cannot finalize MPI"); return (totalErrorCount); } /***************************** F U N C T I O N S ******************************/ /* * Initialize an IOR_param_t structure to the defaults */ void init_IOR_Param_t(IOR_param_t * p) { memset(p, 0, sizeof(IOR_param_t)); p->mode = IOR_IRUSR | IOR_IWUSR | IOR_IRGRP | IOR_IWGRP; p->openFlags = IOR_RDWR | IOR_CREAT; p->TestNum = -1; assert(available_aiori[0] != NULL); strncpy(p->api, available_aiori[0]->name, MAX_STR); strncpy(p->platform, "HOST(OSTYPE)", MAX_STR); strncpy(p->testFileName, "testFile", MAXPATHLEN); p->nodes = 1; p->tasksPerNode = 1; p->repetitions = 1; p->repCounter = -1; p->open = WRITE; p->taskPerNodeOffset = 1; p->segmentCount = 1; p->blockSize = 1048576; p->transferSize = 262144; p->randomSeed = -1; p->testComm = MPI_COMM_WORLD; p->setAlignment = 1; p->lustre_start_ost = -1; } /* * Bind the global "backend" pointer to the requested backend AIORI's * function table. */ static void AioriBind(char *api) { ior_aiori_t **tmp; backend = NULL; for (tmp = available_aiori; *tmp != NULL; tmp++) { if (strcmp(api, (*tmp)->name) == 0) { backend = *tmp; break; } } if (backend == NULL) { ERR("unrecognized IO API"); } } static void DisplayOutliers(int numTasks, double timerVal, char *timeString, int access, int outlierThreshold) { char accessString[MAX_STR]; double sum, mean, sqrDiff, var, sd; /* for local timerVal, don't compensate for wall clock delta */ timerVal += wall_clock_delta; MPI_CHECK(MPI_Allreduce (&timerVal, &sum, 1, MPI_DOUBLE, MPI_SUM, testComm), "MPI_Allreduce()"); mean = sum / numTasks; sqrDiff = pow((mean - timerVal), 2); MPI_CHECK(MPI_Allreduce (&sqrDiff, &var, 1, MPI_DOUBLE, MPI_SUM, testComm), "MPI_Allreduce()"); var = var / numTasks; sd = sqrt(var); if (access == WRITE) { strcpy(accessString, "write"); } else { /* READ */ strcpy(accessString, "read"); } if (fabs(timerVal - mean) > (double)outlierThreshold) { fprintf(stdout, "WARNING: for task %d, %s %s is %f\n", rank, accessString, timeString, timerVal); fprintf(stdout, " (mean=%f, stddev=%f)\n", mean, sd); fflush(stdout); } } /* * Check for outliers in start/end times and elapsed create/xfer/close times. */ static void CheckForOutliers(IOR_param_t * test, double **timer, int rep, int access) { int shift; if (access == WRITE) { shift = 0; } else { /* READ */ shift = 6; } DisplayOutliers(test->numTasks, timer[shift + 0][rep], "start time", access, test->outlierThreshold); DisplayOutliers(test->numTasks, timer[shift + 1][rep] - timer[shift + 0][rep], "elapsed create time", access, test->outlierThreshold); DisplayOutliers(test->numTasks, timer[shift + 3][rep] - timer[shift + 2][rep], "elapsed transfer time", access, test->outlierThreshold); DisplayOutliers(test->numTasks, timer[shift + 5][rep] - timer[shift + 4][rep], "elapsed close time", access, test->outlierThreshold); DisplayOutliers(test->numTasks, timer[shift + 5][rep], "end time", access, test->outlierThreshold); } /* * Check if actual file size equals expected size; if not use actual for * calculating performance rate. */ static void CheckFileSize(IOR_param_t * test, IOR_offset_t dataMoved, int rep) { MPI_CHECK(MPI_Allreduce(&dataMoved, &test->aggFileSizeFromXfer[rep], 1, MPI_LONG_LONG_INT, MPI_SUM, testComm), "cannot total data moved"); if (strcmp(test->api, "HDF5") != 0 && strcmp(test->api, "NCMPI") != 0) { if (verbose >= VERBOSE_0 && rank == 0) { if ((test->aggFileSizeFromCalc[rep] != test->aggFileSizeFromXfer[rep]) || (test->aggFileSizeFromStat[rep] != test->aggFileSizeFromXfer[rep])) { fprintf(stdout, "WARNING: Expected aggregate file size = %lld.\n", (long long) test->aggFileSizeFromCalc[rep]); fprintf(stdout, "WARNING: Stat() of aggregate file size = %lld.\n", (long long) test->aggFileSizeFromStat[rep]); fprintf(stdout, "WARNING: Using actual aggregate bytes moved = %lld.\n", (long long) test->aggFileSizeFromXfer[rep]); } } } test->aggFileSizeForBW[rep] = test->aggFileSizeFromXfer[rep]; } /* * Check if string is true or false. */ static char *CheckTorF(char *string) { string = LowerCase(string); if (strcmp(string, "false") == 0) { strcpy(string, "0"); } else if (strcmp(string, "true") == 0) { strcpy(string, "1"); } return (string); } /* * Compare buffers after reading/writing each transfer. Displays only first * difference in buffers and returns total errors counted. */ static size_t CompareBuffers(void *expectedBuffer, void *unknownBuffer, size_t size, IOR_offset_t transferCount, IOR_param_t * test, int access) { char testFileName[MAXPATHLEN]; char bufferLabel1[MAX_STR]; char bufferLabel2[MAX_STR]; size_t i, j, length, first, last; size_t errorCount = 0; int inError = 0; unsigned long long *goodbuf = (unsigned long long *)expectedBuffer; unsigned long long *testbuf = (unsigned long long *)unknownBuffer; if (access == WRITECHECK) { strcpy(bufferLabel1, "Expected: "); strcpy(bufferLabel2, "Actual: "); } else if (access == READCHECK) { strcpy(bufferLabel1, "1st Read: "); strcpy(bufferLabel2, "2nd Read: "); } else { ERR("incorrect argument for CompareBuffers()"); } length = size / sizeof(IOR_size_t); first = -1; if (verbose >= VERBOSE_3) { fprintf(stdout, "[%d] At file byte offset %lld, comparing %llu-byte transfer\n", rank, test->offset, (long long)size); } for (i = 0; i < length; i++) { if (testbuf[i] != goodbuf[i]) { errorCount++; if (verbose >= VERBOSE_2) { fprintf(stdout, "[%d] At transfer buffer #%lld, index #%lld (file byte offset %lld):\n", rank, transferCount - 1, (long long)i, test->offset + (IOR_size_t) (i * sizeof(IOR_size_t))); fprintf(stdout, "[%d] %s0x", rank, bufferLabel1); fprintf(stdout, "%016llx\n", goodbuf[i]); fprintf(stdout, "[%d] %s0x", rank, bufferLabel2); fprintf(stdout, "%016llx\n", testbuf[i]); } if (!inError) { inError = 1; first = i; last = i; } else { last = i; } } else if (verbose >= VERBOSE_5 && i % 4 == 0) { fprintf(stdout, "[%d] PASSED offset = %lld bytes, transfer %lld\n", rank, ((i * sizeof(unsigned long long)) + test->offset), transferCount); fprintf(stdout, "[%d] GOOD %s0x", rank, bufferLabel1); for (j = 0; j < 4; j++) fprintf(stdout, "%016llx ", goodbuf[i + j]); fprintf(stdout, "\n[%d] GOOD %s0x", rank, bufferLabel2); for (j = 0; j < 4; j++) fprintf(stdout, "%016llx ", testbuf[i + j]); fprintf(stdout, "\n"); } } if (inError) { inError = 0; GetTestFileName(testFileName, test); fprintf(stdout, "[%d] FAILED comparison of buffer containing %d-byte ints:\n", rank, (int)sizeof(unsigned long long int)); fprintf(stdout, "[%d] File name = %s\n", rank, testFileName); fprintf(stdout, "[%d] In transfer %lld, ", rank, transferCount); fprintf(stdout, "%lld errors between buffer indices %lld and %lld.\n", (long long)errorCount, (long long)first, (long long)last); fprintf(stdout, "[%d] File byte offset = %lld:\n", rank, ((first * sizeof(unsigned long long)) + test->offset)); fprintf(stdout, "[%d] %s0x", rank, bufferLabel1); for (j = first; j < length && j < first + 4; j++) fprintf(stdout, "%016llx ", goodbuf[j]); if (j == length) fprintf(stdout, "[end of buffer]"); fprintf(stdout, "\n[%d] %s0x", rank, bufferLabel2); for (j = first; j < length && j < first + 4; j++) fprintf(stdout, "%016llx ", testbuf[j]); if (j == length) fprintf(stdout, "[end of buffer]"); fprintf(stdout, "\n"); if (test->quitOnError == TRUE) ERR("data check error, aborting execution"); } return (errorCount); } /* * Count all errors across all tasks; report errors found. */ static int CountErrors(IOR_param_t * test, int access, int errors) { int allErrors = 0; if (test->checkWrite || test->checkRead) { MPI_CHECK(MPI_Reduce(&errors, &allErrors, 1, MPI_INT, MPI_SUM, 0, testComm), "cannot reduce errors"); MPI_CHECK(MPI_Bcast(&allErrors, 1, MPI_INT, 0, testComm), "cannot broadcast allErrors value"); if (allErrors != 0) { totalErrorCount += allErrors; test->errorFound = TRUE; } if (rank == 0 && allErrors != 0) { if (allErrors < 0) { WARN("overflow in errors counted"); allErrors = -1; } if (access == WRITECHECK) { fprintf(stdout, "WARNING: incorrect data on write.\n"); fprintf(stdout, " %d errors found on write check.\n", allErrors); } else { fprintf(stdout, "WARNING: incorrect data on read.\n"); fprintf(stdout, " %d errors found on read check.\n", allErrors); } fprintf(stdout, "Used Time Stamp %u (0x%x) for Data Signature\n", test->timeStampSignatureValue, test->timeStampSignatureValue); } } return (allErrors); } /* * Compares hostnames to determine the number of tasks per node */ static int CountTasksPerNode(int numTasks, MPI_Comm comm) { char localhost[MAX_STR], hostname[MAX_STR], taskOnNode[MAX_STR]; int count = 1, resultsLen = MAX_STR, i; static int firstPass = TRUE; MPI_Status status; MPI_CHECK(MPI_Get_processor_name(localhost, &resultsLen), "cannot get processor name"); if (verbose >= VERBOSE_2 && firstPass) { sprintf(taskOnNode, "task %d on %s", rank, localhost); OutputToRoot(numTasks, comm, taskOnNode); firstPass = FALSE; } if (numTasks > 1) { if (rank == 0) { /* MPI_receive all hostnames, and compare to local hostname */ for (i = 0; i < numTasks - 1; i++) { MPI_CHECK(MPI_Recv (hostname, MAX_STR, MPI_CHAR, MPI_ANY_SOURCE, MPI_ANY_TAG, comm, &status), "cannot receive hostnames"); if (strcmp(hostname, localhost) == 0) count++; } } else { /* MPI_send hostname to root node */ MPI_CHECK(MPI_Send(localhost, MAX_STR, MPI_CHAR, 0, 0, comm), "cannot send hostname"); } MPI_CHECK(MPI_Bcast(&count, 1, MPI_INT, 0, comm), "cannot broadcast tasks-per-node value"); } return (count); } /* * Allocate a page-aligned (required by O_DIRECT) buffer. */ static void *CreateBuffer(size_t size) { size_t pageSize; size_t pageMask; char *buf, *tmp; char *aligned; pageSize = getpagesize(); pageMask = pageSize - 1; buf = malloc(size + pageSize + sizeof(void *)); if (buf == NULL) ERR("out of memory"); /* find the alinged buffer */ tmp = buf + sizeof(char *); aligned = tmp + pageSize - ((size_t) tmp & pageMask); /* write a pointer to the original malloc()ed buffer into the bytes preceding "aligned", so that the aligned buffer can later be free()ed */ tmp = aligned - sizeof(void *); *(void **)tmp = buf; return ((void *)aligned); } /* * Create new test for list of tests. */ IOR_queue_t *CreateNewTest(int test_num) { IOR_queue_t *newTest = NULL; newTest = (IOR_queue_t *) malloc(sizeof(IOR_queue_t)); if (newTest == NULL) ERR("out of memory"); newTest->testParameters = initialTestParams; GetPlatformName(newTest->testParameters.platform); newTest->testParameters.nodes = initialTestParams.numTasks / tasksPerNode; newTest->testParameters.tasksPerNode = tasksPerNode; newTest->testParameters.id = test_num; newTest->nextTest = NULL; return (newTest); } /* * Sleep for 'delay' seconds. */ static void DelaySecs(int delay) { if (rank == 0 && delay > 0) { if (verbose >= VERBOSE_1) fprintf(stdout, "delaying %d seconds . . .\n", delay); sleep(delay); } } /* * Display freespace (df). */ static void DisplayFreespace(IOR_param_t * test) { char fileName[MAX_STR] = { 0 }; int i; int directoryFound = FALSE; /* get outfile name */ GetTestFileName(fileName, test); /* get directory for outfile */ i = strlen(fileName); while (i-- > 0) { if (fileName[i] == '/') { fileName[i] = '\0'; directoryFound = TRUE; break; } } /* if no directory/, use '.' */ if (directoryFound == FALSE) { strcpy(fileName, "."); } #if USE_UNDOC_OPT /* NFS */ if (test->NFS_serverCount) { strcpy(fileName, test->NFS_rootPath); } #endif /* USE_UNDOC_OPT - NFS */ ShowFileSystemSize(fileName); return; } /* * Display usage of script file. */ static void DisplayUsage(char **argv) { char *opts[] = { "OPTIONS:", " -A N testNum -- test number for reference in some output", " -a S api -- API for I/O [POSIX|MPIIO|HDF5|NCMPI]", " -b N blockSize -- contiguous bytes to write per task (e.g.: 8, 4k, 2m, 1g)", " -B useO_DIRECT -- uses O_DIRECT for POSIX, bypassing I/O buffers", " -c collective -- collective I/O", " -C reorderTasks -- changes task ordering to n+1 ordering for readback", " -Q N taskPerNodeOffset for read tests use with -C & -Z options (-C constant N, -Z at least N)", " -Z reorderTasksRandom -- changes task ordering to random ordering for readback", " -X N reorderTasksRandomSeed -- random seed for -Z option", " -d N interTestDelay -- delay between reps in seconds", " -D N deadlineForStonewalling -- seconds before stopping write or read phase", " -Y fsyncPerWrite -- perform fsync after each POSIX write", " -e fsync -- perform fsync upon POSIX write close", " -E useExistingTestFile -- do not remove test file before write access", " -f S scriptFile -- test script name", " -F filePerProc -- file-per-process", " -g intraTestBarriers -- use barriers between open, write/read, and close", " -G N setTimeStampSignature -- set value for time stamp signature", " -h showHelp -- displays options and help", " -H showHints -- show hints", " -i N repetitions -- number of repetitions of test", " -I individualDataSets -- datasets not shared by all procs [not working]", " -j N outlierThreshold -- warn on outlier N seconds from mean", " -J N setAlignment -- HDF5 alignment in bytes (e.g.: 8, 4k, 2m, 1g)", " -k keepFile -- don't remove the test file(s) on program exit", " -K keepFileWithError -- keep error-filled file(s) after data-checking", " -l storeFileOffset -- use file offset as stored signature", " -m multiFile -- use number of reps (-i) for multiple file count", " -n noFill -- no fill in HDF5 file creation", " -N N numTasks -- number of tasks that should participate in the test", " -o S testFile -- full name for test", " -O S string of IOR directives (e.g. -O checkRead=1,lustreStripeCount=32)", " -p preallocate -- preallocate file size", " -P useSharedFilePointer -- use shared file pointer [not working]", " -q quitOnError -- during file error-checking, abort on error", " -r readFile -- read existing file", " -R checkRead -- check read after read", " -s N segmentCount -- number of segments", " -S useStridedDatatype -- put strided access into datatype [not working]", " -t N transferSize -- size of transfer in bytes (e.g.: 8, 4k, 2m, 1g)", " -T N maxTimeDuration -- max time in minutes to run tests", " -u uniqueDir -- use unique directory name for each file-per-process", " -U S hintsFileName -- full name for hints file", " -v verbose -- output information (repeating flag increases level)", " -V useFileView -- use MPI_File_set_view", " -w writeFile -- write file", " -W checkWrite -- check read after write", " -x singleXferAttempt -- do not retry transfer if incomplete", " -z randomOffset -- access is to random, not sequential, offsets within a file", " ", " NOTE: S is a string, N is an integer number.", " ", "" }; int i = 0; fprintf(stdout, "Usage: %s [OPTIONS]\n\n", *argv); for (i = 0; strlen(opts[i]) > 0; i++) fprintf(stdout, "%s\n", opts[i]); return; } /* * Distribute IOR_HINTs to all tasks' environments. */ void DistributeHints(void) { char hint[MAX_HINTS][MAX_STR], fullHint[MAX_STR], hintVariable[MAX_STR]; int hintCount = 0, i; if (rank == 0) { for (i = 0; environ[i] != NULL; i++) { if (strncmp(environ[i], "IOR_HINT", strlen("IOR_HINT")) == 0) { hintCount++; if (hintCount == MAX_HINTS) { WARN("exceeded max hints; reset MAX_HINTS and recompile"); hintCount = MAX_HINTS; break; } /* assume no IOR_HINT is greater than MAX_STR in length */ strncpy(hint[hintCount - 1], environ[i], MAX_STR - 1); } } } MPI_CHECK(MPI_Bcast(&hintCount, sizeof(hintCount), MPI_BYTE, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD), "cannot broadcast hints"); for (i = 0; i < hintCount; i++) { MPI_CHECK(MPI_Bcast(&hint[i], MAX_STR, MPI_BYTE, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD), "cannot broadcast hints"); strcpy(fullHint, hint[i]); strcpy(hintVariable, strtok(fullHint, "=")); if (getenv(hintVariable) == NULL) { /* doesn't exist in this task's environment; better set it */ if (putenv(hint[i]) != 0) WARN("cannot set environment variable"); } } } /* * Fill buffer, which is transfer size bytes long, with known 8-byte long long * int values. In even-numbered 8-byte long long ints, store MPI task in high * bits and timestamp signature in low bits. In odd-numbered 8-byte long long * ints, store transfer offset. If storeFileOffset option is used, the file * (not transfer) offset is stored instead. */ static void FillBuffer(void *buffer, IOR_param_t * test, unsigned long long offset, int fillrank) { size_t i; unsigned long long hi, lo; unsigned long long *buf = (unsigned long long *)buffer; hi = ((unsigned long long)fillrank) << 32; lo = (unsigned long long)test->timeStampSignatureValue; for (i = 0; i < test->transferSize / sizeof(unsigned long long); i++) { if ((i % 2) == 0) { /* evens contain MPI rank and time in seconds */ buf[i] = hi | lo; } else { /* odds contain offset */ buf[i] = offset + (i * sizeof(unsigned long long)); } } } /* * Free transfer buffers. */ static void FreeBuffers(int access, void *checkBuffer, void *readCheckBuffer, void *buffer, IOR_offset_t * offsetArray) { /* free() aligned buffers */ if (access == WRITECHECK || access == READCHECK) { free(*(void **)((char *)checkBuffer - sizeof(char *))); } if (access == READCHECK) { free(*(void **)((char *)readCheckBuffer - sizeof(char *))); } free(*(void **)((char *)buffer - sizeof(char *))); /* nothing special needed to free() this unaligned buffer */ free(offsetArray); return; } /* * Return string describing machine name and type. */ void GetPlatformName(char *platformName) { char nodeName[MAX_STR], *p, *start, sysName[MAX_STR]; struct utsname name; if (uname(&name) != 0) { WARN("cannot get platform name"); sprintf(sysName, "%s", "Unknown"); sprintf(nodeName, "%s", "Unknown"); } else { sprintf(sysName, "%s", name.sysname); sprintf(nodeName, "%s", name.nodename); } start = nodeName; if (strlen(nodeName) == 0) { p = start; } else { /* point to one character back from '\0' */ p = start + strlen(nodeName) - 1; } /* * to cut off trailing node number, search backwards * for the first non-numeric character */ while (p != start) { if (*p < '0' || *p > '9') { *(p + 1) = '\0'; break; } else { p--; } } sprintf(platformName, "%s(%s)", nodeName, sysName); } /* * Return test file name to access. * for single shared file, fileNames[0] is returned in testFileName */ static void GetTestFileName(char *testFileName, IOR_param_t * test) { char **fileNames, initialTestFileName[MAXPATHLEN], testFileNameRoot[MAX_STR], tmpString[MAX_STR]; int count; /* parse filename for multiple file systems */ strcpy(initialTestFileName, test->testFileName); fileNames = ParseFileName(initialTestFileName, &count); if (count > 1 && test->uniqueDir == TRUE) ERR("cannot use multiple file names with unique directories"); if (test->filePerProc) { strcpy(testFileNameRoot, fileNames[((rank + rankOffset) % test->numTasks) % count]); } else { strcpy(testFileNameRoot, fileNames[0]); } /* give unique name if using multiple files */ if (test->filePerProc) { /* * prepend rank subdirectory before filename * e.g., /dir/file => /dir//file */ if (test->uniqueDir == TRUE) { strcpy(testFileNameRoot, PrependDir(test, testFileNameRoot)); } #if USE_UNDOC_OPT /* NFS */ if (test->NFS_serverCount) { sprintf(tmpString, "%s/%s%d/%s", test->NFS_rootPath, test->NFS_serverName, rank % (test->NFS_serverCount), testFileNameRoot); strcpy(testFileNameRoot, tmpString); } #endif /* USE_UNDOC_OPT - NFS */ sprintf(testFileName, "%s.%08d", testFileNameRoot, (rank + rankOffset) % test->numTasks); } else { strcpy(testFileName, testFileNameRoot); } /* add suffix for multiple files */ if (test->repCounter > -1) { sprintf(tmpString, ".%d", test->repCounter); strcat(testFileName, tmpString); } } /* * Get time stamp. Use MPI_Timer() unless _NO_MPI_TIMER is defined, * in which case use gettimeofday(). */ static double GetTimeStamp(void) { double timeVal; #ifdef _NO_MPI_TIMER struct timeval timer; if (gettimeofday(&timer, (struct timezone *)NULL) != 0) ERR("cannot use gettimeofday()"); timeVal = (double)timer.tv_sec + ((double)timer.tv_usec / 1000000); #else /* not _NO_MPI_TIMER */ timeVal = MPI_Wtime(); /* no MPI_CHECK(), just check return value */ if (timeVal < 0) ERR("cannot use MPI_Wtime()"); #endif /* _NO_MPI_TIMER */ /* wall_clock_delta is difference from root node's time */ timeVal -= wall_clock_delta; return (timeVal); } /* * Convert IOR_offset_t value to human readable string. */ static char *HumanReadable(IOR_offset_t value, int base) { char *valueStr; int m = 0, g = 0; char m_str[8], g_str[8]; valueStr = (char *)malloc(MAX_STR); if (valueStr == NULL) ERR("out of memory"); if (base == BASE_TWO) { m = MEBIBYTE; g = GIBIBYTE; strcpy(m_str, "MiB"); strcpy(g_str, "GiB"); } else if (base == BASE_TEN) { m = MEGABYTE; g = GIGABYTE; strcpy(m_str, "MB"); strcpy(g_str, "GB"); } if (value >= g) { if (value % (IOR_offset_t) g) { sprintf(valueStr, "%.2f %s", (double)((double)value / g), g_str); } else { sprintf(valueStr, "%d %s", (int)(value / g), g_str); } } else if (value >= m) { if (value % (IOR_offset_t) m) { sprintf(valueStr, "%.2f %s", (double)((double)value / m), m_str); } else { sprintf(valueStr, "%d %s", (int)(value / m), m_str); } } else if (value >= 0) { sprintf(valueStr, "%d bytes", (int)value); } else { sprintf(valueStr, "-"); } return valueStr; } /* * Change string to lower case. */ static char *LowerCase(char *string) { char *nextChar = string; while (*nextChar != '\0') { *nextChar = (char)tolower((int)*nextChar); nextChar++; } return (string); } /* * Parse file name. */ static char **ParseFileName(char *name, int *count) { char **fileNames, *tmp, *token; char delimiterString[3] = { FILENAME_DELIMITER, '\n', '\0' }; int i = 0; *count = 0; tmp = name; /* pass one */ /* if something there, count the first item */ if (*tmp != '\0') { (*count)++; } /* count the rest of the filenames */ while (*tmp != '\0') { if (*tmp == FILENAME_DELIMITER) { (*count)++; } tmp++; } fileNames = (char **)malloc((*count) * sizeof(char **)); if (fileNames == NULL) ERR("out of memory"); /* pass two */ token = strtok(name, delimiterString); while (token != NULL) { fileNames[i] = token; token = strtok(NULL, delimiterString); i++; } return (fileNames); } /* * Pretty Print a Double. The First parameter is a flag determining if left * justification should be used. The third parameter a null-terminated string * that should be appended to the number field. */ static void PPDouble(int leftjustify, double number, char *append) { if (number < 0) { fprintf(stdout, " - %s", append); } else { if (leftjustify) { if (number < 1) fprintf(stdout, "%-10.6f%s", number, append); else if (number < 3600) fprintf(stdout, "%-10.2f%s", number, append); else fprintf(stdout, "%-10.0f%s", number, append); } else { if (number < 1) fprintf(stdout, "%10.6f%s", number, append); else if (number < 3600) fprintf(stdout, "%10.2f%s", number, append); else fprintf(stdout, "%10.0f%s", number, append); } } } /* * From absolute directory, insert rank as subdirectory. Allows each task * to write to its own directory. E.g., /dir/file => /dir//file. */ static char *PrependDir(IOR_param_t * test, char *rootDir) { char *dir; char fname[MAX_STR + 1]; char *p; int i; dir = (char *)malloc(MAX_STR + 1); if (dir == NULL) ERR("out of memory"); /* get dir name */ strcpy(dir, rootDir); i = strlen(dir) - 1; while (i > 0) { if (dir[i] == '\0' || dir[i] == '/') { dir[i] = '/'; dir[i + 1] = '\0'; break; } i--; } /* get file name */ strcpy(fname, rootDir); p = fname; while (i > 0) { if (fname[i] == '\0' || fname[i] == '/') { p = fname + (i + 1); break; } i--; } /* create directory with rank as subdirectory */ sprintf(dir, "%s%d", dir, (rank + rankOffset) % test->numTasks); /* dir doesn't exist, so create */ if (access(dir, F_OK) != 0) { if (mkdir(dir, S_IRWXU) < 0) { ERR("cannot create directory"); } /* check if correct permissions */ } else if (access(dir, R_OK) != 0 || access(dir, W_OK) != 0 || access(dir, X_OK) != 0) { ERR("invalid directory permissions"); } /* concatenate dir and file names */ strcat(dir, "/"); strcat(dir, p); return dir; } /* * Read and then reread buffer to confirm data read twice matches. */ static void ReadCheck(void *fd, void *buffer, void *checkBuffer, void *readCheckBuffer, IOR_param_t * test, IOR_offset_t transfer, IOR_offset_t blockSize, IOR_offset_t * amtXferred, IOR_offset_t * transferCount, int access, int *errors) { int readCheckToRank, readCheckFromRank; MPI_Status status; IOR_offset_t tmpOffset; IOR_offset_t segmentSize, segmentNum; memset(buffer, 'a', transfer); *amtXferred = backend->xfer(access, fd, buffer, transfer, test); tmpOffset = test->offset; if (test->filePerProc == FALSE) { /* offset changes for shared file, not for file-per-proc */ segmentSize = test->numTasks * blockSize; segmentNum = test->offset / segmentSize; /* work in current segment */ test->offset = (((test->offset % segmentSize) /* offset to neighbor's data */ + ((test->reorderTasks ? test->tasksPerNode : 0) * blockSize)) /* stay within current segment */ % segmentSize) /* return segment to actual file offset */ + (segmentNum * segmentSize); } if (*amtXferred != transfer) ERR("cannot read from file on read check"); memset(checkBuffer, 'a', transfer); /* empty buffer */ #if USE_UNDOC_OPT /* corruptFile */ MPI_CHECK(MPI_Barrier(testComm), "barrier error"); /* intentionally corrupt file to determine if check works */ if (test->corruptFile) { CorruptFile(test->testFileName, test, 0, READCHECK); } #endif /* USE_UNDOC_OPT - corruptFile */ MPI_CHECK(MPI_Barrier(testComm), "barrier error"); if (test->filePerProc) { *amtXferred = backend->xfer(access, test->fd_fppReadCheck, checkBuffer, transfer, test); } else { *amtXferred = backend->xfer(access, fd, checkBuffer, transfer, test); } test->offset = tmpOffset; if (*amtXferred != transfer) ERR("cannot reread from file read check"); (*transferCount)++; /* exchange buffers */ memset(readCheckBuffer, 'a', transfer); readCheckToRank = (rank + (test->reorderTasks ? test->tasksPerNode : 0)) % test->numTasks; readCheckFromRank = (rank + (test->numTasks - (test-> reorderTasks ? test->tasksPerNode : 0))) % test->numTasks; MPI_CHECK(MPI_Barrier(testComm), "barrier error"); MPI_Sendrecv(checkBuffer, transfer, MPI_CHAR, readCheckToRank, 1, readCheckBuffer, transfer, MPI_CHAR, readCheckFromRank, 1, testComm, &status); MPI_CHECK(MPI_Barrier(testComm), "barrier error"); *errors += CompareBuffers(buffer, readCheckBuffer, transfer, *transferCount, test, READCHECK); return; } /* ReadCheck() */ /******************************************************************************/ /* * Reduce test results, and show if verbose set. */ static void ReduceIterResults(IOR_param_t * test, double **timer, int rep, int access) { double reduced[12] = { 0 }; double diff[6]; double *diff_subset; double totalTime; double bw; enum { RIGHT, LEFT }; int i; static int firstIteration = TRUE; MPI_Op op; assert(access == WRITE || access == READ); /* Find the minimum start time of the even numbered timers, and the maximum finish time for the odd numbered timers */ for (i = 0; i < 12; i++) { op = i % 2 ? MPI_MAX : MPI_MIN; MPI_CHECK(MPI_Reduce(&timer[i][rep], &reduced[i], 1, MPI_DOUBLE, op, 0, testComm), "MPI_Reduce()"); } if (rank != 0) { /* Only rank 0 tallies and prints the results. */ return; } /* Calculate elapsed times and throughput numbers */ for (i = 0; i < 6; i++) { diff[i] = reduced[2 * i + 1] - reduced[2 * i]; } if (access == WRITE) { totalTime = reduced[5] - reduced[0]; test->writeTime[rep] = totalTime; diff_subset = &diff[0]; } else { /* READ */ totalTime = reduced[11] - reduced[6]; test->readTime[rep] = totalTime; diff_subset = &diff[4]; } #if USE_UNDOC_OPT /* fillTheFileSystem */ if (test->fillTheFileSystem && firstIteration && rep == 0 && verbose >= VERBOSE_1) { fprintf(stdout, " . . . skipping iteration results output . . .\n"); fflush(stdout); } if (verbose < VERBOSE_0 || test->fillTheFileSystem) { #else if (verbose < VERBOSE_0) { #endif return; } if (firstIteration && rep == 0) { firstIteration = FALSE; fprintf(stdout, "access bw(MiB/s) block(KiB) xfer(KiB) open(s) wr/rd(s) close(s) total(s) iter\n"); fprintf(stdout, "------ --------- ---------- --------- -------- -------- -------- -------- ----\n"); } fprintf(stdout, "%-10s", access == WRITE ? "write" : "read"); bw = (double)test->aggFileSizeForBW[rep] / totalTime; PPDouble(LEFT, bw / MEBIBYTE, " "); PPDouble(LEFT, (double)test->blockSize / KIBIBYTE, " "); PPDouble(LEFT, (double)test->transferSize / KIBIBYTE, " "); PPDouble(LEFT, diff_subset[0], " "); PPDouble(LEFT, diff_subset[1], " "); PPDouble(LEFT, diff_subset[2], " "); PPDouble(LEFT, totalTime, " "); fprintf(stdout, "%-4d\n", rep); fflush(stdout); } /* * Check for file(s), then remove all files if file-per-proc, else single file. */ static void RemoveFile(char *testFileName, int filePerProc, IOR_param_t * test) { int tmpRankOffset; if (filePerProc) { /* in random tasks, delete own file */ if (test->reorderTasksRandom == TRUE) { tmpRankOffset = rankOffset; rankOffset = 0; GetTestFileName(testFileName, test); } if (access(testFileName, F_OK) == 0) { backend->delete(testFileName, test); } if (test->reorderTasksRandom == TRUE) { rankOffset = tmpRankOffset; GetTestFileName(testFileName, test); } } else { if ((rank == 0) && (access(testFileName, F_OK) == 0)) { backend->delete(testFileName, test); } } } /* * Setup tests by parsing commandline and creating test script. */ static IOR_queue_t *SetupTests(int argc, char **argv) { IOR_queue_t *tests, *testsHead; /* count the tasks per node */ tasksPerNode = CountTasksPerNode(numTasksWorld, MPI_COMM_WORLD); testsHead = tests = ParseCommandLine(argc, argv); /* * Since there is no guarantee that anyone other than * task 0 has the environment settings for the hints, pass * the hint=value pair to everyone else in MPI_COMM_WORLD */ DistributeHints(); /* check validity of tests and create test queue */ while (tests != NULL) { ValidTests(&tests->testParameters); tests = tests->nextTest; } /* check for skew between tasks' start times */ wall_clock_deviation = TimeDeviation(); /* seed random number generator */ SeedRandGen(MPI_COMM_WORLD); return (testsHead); } /* * Setup transfer buffers, creating and filling as needed. */ static void SetupXferBuffers(void **buffer, void **checkBuffer, void **readCheckBuffer, IOR_param_t * test, int pretendRank, int access) { /* create buffer of filled data */ *buffer = CreateBuffer(test->transferSize); FillBuffer(*buffer, test, 0, pretendRank); if (access == WRITECHECK || access == READCHECK) { /* this allocates buffer only */ *checkBuffer = CreateBuffer(test->transferSize); if (access == READCHECK) { *readCheckBuffer = CreateBuffer(test->transferSize); } } return; } static void PrintHeader(int argc, char **argv) { struct utsname unamebuf; int i; if (rank != 0) return; printf("IOR-" META_VERSION ": MPI Coordinated Test of Parallel I/O\n"); printf("\n"); fprintf(stdout, "Begin: %s", CurrentTimeString()); fprintf(stdout, "Command line used:"); for (i = 0; i < argc; i++) { fprintf(stdout, " %s", argv[i]); } fprintf(stdout, "\n"); if (uname(&unamebuf) != 0) { WARN("uname failed"); fprintf(stdout, "Machine: Unknown"); } else { fprintf(stdout, "Machine: %s %s", unamebuf.sysname, unamebuf.nodename); if (verbose >= VERBOSE_2) { fprintf(stdout, " %s %s %s", unamebuf.release, unamebuf.version, unamebuf.machine); } } fprintf(stdout, "\n"); #ifdef _NO_MPI_TIMER if (verbose >= VERBOSE_2) fprintf(stdout, "Using unsynchronized POSIX timer\n"); #else /* not _NO_MPI_TIMER */ if (MPI_WTIME_IS_GLOBAL) { if (verbose >= VERBOSE_2) fprintf(stdout, "Using synchronized MPI timer\n"); } else { if (verbose >= VERBOSE_2) fprintf(stdout, "Using unsynchronized MPI timer\n"); } #endif /* _NO_MPI_TIMER */ if (verbose >= VERBOSE_1) { fprintf(stdout, "Start time skew across all tasks: %.02f sec\n", wall_clock_deviation); } if (verbose >= VERBOSE_3) { /* show env */ fprintf(stdout, "STARTING ENVIRON LOOP\n"); for (i = 0; environ[i] != NULL; i++) { fprintf(stdout, "%s\n", environ[i]); } fprintf(stdout, "ENDING ENVIRON LOOP\n"); } printf("\n"); fflush(stdout); } /* * Print header information for test output. */ static void ShowTestInfo(IOR_param_t * test) { int i; fprintf(stdout, "Test start: %s", CurrentTimeString()); #if USE_UNDOC_OPT /* NFS */ if (test->NFS_serverCount) { fprintf(stdout, "NFS path: %s%s[0..%d]\n", test->NFS_rootPath, test->NFS_serverName, test->NFS_serverCount - 1); } #endif /* USE_UNDOC_OPT - NFS */ if (verbose >= VERBOSE_1) { /* if pvfs2:, then skip */ if (Regex(test->testFileName, "^[a-z][a-z].*:") == 0) { DisplayFreespace(test); } } fflush(stdout); } /* * Show simple test output with max results for iterations. */ static void ShowSetup(IOR_param_t * test) { if (strcmp(test->debug, "") != 0) { fprintf(stdout, "\n*** DEBUG MODE ***\n"); fprintf(stdout, "*** %s ***\n\n", test->debug); } fprintf(stdout, "\nSummary:\n"); fprintf(stdout, "\tapi = %s\n", test->apiVersion); fprintf(stdout, "\ttest filename = %s\n", test->testFileName); fprintf(stdout, "\taccess = "); if (test->filePerProc) { fprintf(stdout, "file-per-process"); } else { fprintf(stdout, "single-shared-file"); } if (verbose >= VERBOSE_1 && strcmp(test->api, "POSIX") != 0) { if (test->collective == FALSE) { fprintf(stdout, ", independent"); } else { fprintf(stdout, ", collective"); } } fprintf(stdout, "\n"); if (verbose >= VERBOSE_1) { if (test->segmentCount > 1) { fprintf(stdout, "\tpattern = strided (%d segments)\n", (int)test->segmentCount); } else { fprintf(stdout, "\tpattern = segmented (1 segment)\n"); } } fprintf(stdout, "\tordering in a file ="); if (test->randomOffset == FALSE) { fprintf(stdout, " sequential offsets\n"); } else { fprintf(stdout, " random offsets\n"); } fprintf(stdout, "\tordering inter file="); if (test->reorderTasks == FALSE && test->reorderTasksRandom == FALSE) { fprintf(stdout, " no tasks offsets\n"); } if (test->reorderTasks == TRUE) { fprintf(stdout, " constant task offsets = %d\n", test->taskPerNodeOffset); } if (test->reorderTasksRandom == TRUE) { fprintf(stdout, " random task offsets >= %d, seed=%d\n", test->taskPerNodeOffset, test->reorderTasksRandomSeed); } fprintf(stdout, "\tclients = %d (%d per node)\n", test->numTasks, test->tasksPerNode); fprintf(stdout, "\trepetitions = %d\n", test->repetitions); fprintf(stdout, "\txfersize = %s\n", HumanReadable(test->transferSize, BASE_TWO)); fprintf(stdout, "\tblocksize = %s\n", HumanReadable(test->blockSize, BASE_TWO)); fprintf(stdout, "\taggregate filesize = %s\n", HumanReadable(test->aggFileSizeFromCalc[0], BASE_TWO)); #ifdef HAVE_LUSTRE_LUSTRE_USER_H fprintf(stdout, "\tLustre stripe size = %s\n", ((test->lustre_stripe_size == 0) ? "Use default" : HumanReadable(test->lustre_stripe_size, BASE_TWO))); if (test->lustre_stripe_count == 0) { fprintf(stdout, "\t stripe count = %s\n", "Use default"); } else { fprintf(stdout, "\t stripe count = %d\n", test->lustre_stripe_count); } #endif /* HAVE_LUSTRE_LUSTRE_USER_H */ if (test->deadlineForStonewalling > 0) { fprintf(stdout, "\tUsing stonewalling = %d second(s)\n", test->deadlineForStonewalling); } fprintf(stdout, "\n"); /*fprintf(stdout, "\n ================================\n\n"); */ fflush(stdout); } /* * Show test description. */ static void ShowTest(IOR_param_t * test) { fprintf(stdout, "\n\n ================================\n\n"); fprintf(stdout, "TEST:\t%s=%d\n", "id", test->id); fprintf(stdout, "\t%s=%d\n", "testnum", test->TestNum); fprintf(stdout, "\t%s=%s\n", "api", test->api); fprintf(stdout, "\t%s=%s\n", "platform", test->platform); fprintf(stdout, "\t%s=%s\n", "testFileName", test->testFileName); fprintf(stdout, "\t%s=%s\n", "hintsFileName", test->hintsFileName); fprintf(stdout, "\t%s=%d\n", "deadlineForStonewall", test->deadlineForStonewalling); fprintf(stdout, "\t%s=%d\n", "maxTimeDuration", test->maxTimeDuration); fprintf(stdout, "\t%s=%d\n", "outlierThreshold", test->outlierThreshold); fprintf(stdout, "\t%s=%s\n", "options", test->options); fprintf(stdout, "\t%s=%d\n", "nodes", test->nodes); fprintf(stdout, "\t%s=%d\n", "tasksPerNode", tasksPerNode); fprintf(stdout, "\t%s=%d\n", "repetitions", test->repetitions); fprintf(stdout, "\t%s=%d\n", "multiFile", test->multiFile); fprintf(stdout, "\t%s=%d\n", "interTestDelay", test->interTestDelay); fprintf(stdout, "\t%s=%d\n", "fsync", test->fsync); fprintf(stdout, "\t%s=%d\n", "fsYncperwrite", test->fsyncPerWrite); fprintf(stdout, "\t%s=%d\n", "useExistingTestFile", test->useExistingTestFile); fprintf(stdout, "\t%s=%d\n", "showHints", test->showHints); fprintf(stdout, "\t%s=%d\n", "uniqueDir", test->uniqueDir); fprintf(stdout, "\t%s=%d\n", "showHelp", test->showHelp); fprintf(stdout, "\t%s=%d\n", "individualDataSets", test->individualDataSets); fprintf(stdout, "\t%s=%d\n", "singleXferAttempt", test->singleXferAttempt); fprintf(stdout, "\t%s=%d\n", "readFile", test->readFile); fprintf(stdout, "\t%s=%d\n", "writeFile", test->writeFile); fprintf(stdout, "\t%s=%d\n", "filePerProc", test->filePerProc); fprintf(stdout, "\t%s=%d\n", "reorderTasks", test->reorderTasks); fprintf(stdout, "\t%s=%d\n", "reorderTasksRandom", test->reorderTasksRandom); fprintf(stdout, "\t%s=%d\n", "reorderTasksRandomSeed", test->reorderTasksRandomSeed); fprintf(stdout, "\t%s=%d\n", "randomOffset", test->randomOffset); fprintf(stdout, "\t%s=%d\n", "checkWrite", test->checkWrite); fprintf(stdout, "\t%s=%d\n", "checkRead", test->checkRead); fprintf(stdout, "\t%s=%d\n", "preallocate", test->preallocate); fprintf(stdout, "\t%s=%d\n", "useFileView", test->useFileView); fprintf(stdout, "\t%s=%lld\n", "setAlignment", test->setAlignment); fprintf(stdout, "\t%s=%d\n", "storeFileOffset", test->storeFileOffset); fprintf(stdout, "\t%s=%d\n", "useSharedFilePointer", test->useSharedFilePointer); fprintf(stdout, "\t%s=%d\n", "useO_DIRECT", test->useO_DIRECT); fprintf(stdout, "\t%s=%d\n", "useStridedDatatype", test->useStridedDatatype); fprintf(stdout, "\t%s=%d\n", "keepFile", test->keepFile); fprintf(stdout, "\t%s=%d\n", "keepFileWithError", test->keepFileWithError); fprintf(stdout, "\t%s=%d\n", "quitOnError", test->quitOnError); fprintf(stdout, "\t%s=%d\n", "verbose", verbose); fprintf(stdout, "\t%s=%d\n", "setTimeStampSignature", test->setTimeStampSignature); fprintf(stdout, "\t%s=%d\n", "collective", test->collective); fprintf(stdout, "\t%s=%lld", "segmentCount", test->segmentCount); if (strcmp(test->api, "HDF5") == 0) { fprintf(stdout, " (datasets)"); } fprintf(stdout, "\n"); fprintf(stdout, "\t%s=%lld\n", "transferSize", test->transferSize); fprintf(stdout, "\t%s=%lld\n", "blockSize", test->blockSize); } static double mean_of_array_of_doubles(double *values, int len) { double tot = 0.0; int i; for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { tot += values[i]; } return tot / len; } struct results { double min; double max; double mean; double var; double sd; double sum; double *val; }; static struct results *bw_values(int reps, IOR_offset_t *agg_file_size, double *vals) { struct results *r; int i; r = (struct results *)malloc(sizeof(struct results) + (reps * sizeof(double))); if (r == NULL) ERR("malloc failed"); r->val = (double *)&r[1]; for (i = 0; i < reps; i++) { r->val[i] = (double)agg_file_size[i] / vals[i]; if (i == 0) { r->min = r->val[i]; r->max = r->val[i]; r->sum = 0.0; } r->min = MIN(r->min, r->val[i]); r->max = MAX(r->max, r->val[i]); r->sum += r->val[i]; } r->mean = r->sum / reps; r->var = 0.0; for (i = 0; i < reps; i++) { r->var += pow((r->mean - r->val[i]), 2); } r->var = r->var / reps; r->sd = sqrt(r->var); return r; } static struct results *ops_values(int reps, int num_tasks, IOR_offset_t block_size, IOR_offset_t transfer_size, double *vals) { struct results *r; unsigned long long op_count; int i; r = (struct results *)malloc(sizeof(struct results) + (reps * sizeof(double))); if (r == NULL) ERR("malloc failed"); r->val = (double *)&r[1]; op_count = num_tasks * (block_size / transfer_size); for (i = 0; i < reps; i++) { r->val[i] = (double)op_count / vals[i]; if (i == 0) { r->min = r->val[i]; r->max = r->val[i]; r->sum = 0.0; } r->min = MIN(r->min, r->val[i]); r->max = MAX(r->max, r->val[i]); r->sum += r->val[i]; } r->mean = r->sum / reps; r->var = 0.0; for (i = 0; i < reps; i++) { r->var += pow((r->mean - r->val[i]), 2); } r->var = r->var / reps; r->sd = sqrt(r->var); return r; } /* * Summarize results, showing max rates (and min, mean, stddev if verbose) */ static void SummarizeResults(IOR_param_t * test) { struct results *write_bw; struct results *read_bw; struct results *write_ops; struct results *read_ops; int reps; int i, j; reps = test->repetitions; write_bw = bw_values(reps, test->aggFileSizeForBW, test->writeTime); read_bw = bw_values(reps, test->aggFileSizeForBW, test->readTime); write_ops = ops_values(reps, test->numTasks, test->blockSize, test->transferSize, test->writeTime); read_ops = ops_values(reps, test->numTasks, test->blockSize, test->transferSize, test->readTime); if (rank == 0 && verbose >= VERBOSE_1) { fprintf(stdout, "\n"); fprintf(stdout, "Operation Max(MiB) Min(MiB) Mean(MiB) StdDev Max(OPs) Min(OPs) Mean(OPs) StdDev Mean(s) "); if (verbose >= VERBOSE_1) fprintf(stdout, "#Tasks tPN reps fPP reord reordoff reordrand seed segcnt blksiz xsize aggsize TestNum API"); fprintf(stdout, "\n"); fprintf(stdout, "--------- --------- --------- ---------- ------- --------- --------- ---------- ------- --------\n"); if (test->writeFile) { fprintf(stdout, "%s ", "write"); fprintf(stdout, "%10.2f ", write_bw->max / MEBIBYTE); fprintf(stdout, "%10.2f ", write_bw->min / MEBIBYTE); fprintf(stdout, "%10.2f", write_bw->mean / MEBIBYTE); fprintf(stdout, "%10.2f ", write_bw->sd / MEBIBYTE); fprintf(stdout, "%10.2f ", write_ops->max); fprintf(stdout, "%10.2f ", write_ops->min); fprintf(stdout, "%10.2f", write_ops->mean); fprintf(stdout, "%10.2f", write_ops->sd); fprintf(stdout, "%10.5f ", mean_of_array_of_doubles(test->writeTime, test->repetitions)); if (verbose >= VERBOSE_1) { fprintf(stdout, "%d ", test->numTasks); fprintf(stdout, "%d ", test->tasksPerNode); fprintf(stdout, "%d ", test->repetitions); fprintf(stdout, "%d ", test->filePerProc); fprintf(stdout, "%d ", test->reorderTasks); fprintf(stdout, "%d ", test->taskPerNodeOffset); fprintf(stdout, "%d ", test->reorderTasksRandom); fprintf(stdout, "%d ", test->reorderTasksRandomSeed); fprintf(stdout, "%lld ", test->segmentCount); fprintf(stdout, "%lld ", test->blockSize); fprintf(stdout, "%lld ", test->transferSize); fprintf(stdout, "%lld ", test->aggFileSizeForBW[0]); fprintf(stdout, "%d ", test->TestNum); fprintf(stdout, "%s ", test->api); } fprintf(stdout, "\n"); } if (test->readFile) { fprintf(stdout, "%s ", "read"); fprintf(stdout, "%10.2f ", read_bw->max / MEBIBYTE); fprintf(stdout, "%10.2f ", read_bw->min / MEBIBYTE); fprintf(stdout, "%10.2f", read_bw->mean / MEBIBYTE); fprintf(stdout, "%10.2f ", read_bw->sd / MEBIBYTE); fprintf(stdout, "%10.2f ", read_ops->max); fprintf(stdout, "%10.2f ", read_ops->min); fprintf(stdout, "%10.2f", read_ops->mean); fprintf(stdout, "%10.2f", read_ops->sd); fprintf(stdout, "%10.5f ", mean_of_array_of_doubles(test->readTime, test->repetitions)); if (verbose >= VERBOSE_1) { fprintf(stdout, "%d ", test->numTasks); fprintf(stdout, "%d ", test->tasksPerNode); fprintf(stdout, "%d ", test->repetitions); fprintf(stdout, "%d ", test->filePerProc); fprintf(stdout, "%d ", test->reorderTasks); fprintf(stdout, "%d ", test->taskPerNodeOffset); fprintf(stdout, "%d ", test->reorderTasksRandom); fprintf(stdout, "%d ", test->reorderTasksRandomSeed); fprintf(stdout, "%lld ", test->segmentCount); fprintf(stdout, "%lld ", test->blockSize); fprintf(stdout, "%lld ", test->transferSize); fprintf(stdout, "%lld ", test->aggFileSizeForBW[0]); fprintf(stdout, "%d ", test->TestNum); fprintf(stdout, "%s ", test->api); } fprintf(stdout, "\n"); } fflush(stdout); } if (rank == 0 && verbose >= VERBOSE_0) { fprintf(stdout, "\n"); if (test->writeFile) { fprintf(stdout, "Max Write: %.2f MiB/sec (%.2f MB/sec)\n", write_bw->max/MEBIBYTE, write_bw->max / MEGABYTE); } if (test->readFile) { fprintf(stdout, "Max Read: %.2f MiB/sec (%.2f MB/sec)\n", read_bw->max/MEBIBYTE, read_bw->max/MEGABYTE); } fprintf(stdout, "\n"); } free(write_bw); free(write_ops); free(read_bw); free(read_ops); } /* * Using the test parameters, run iteration(s) of single test. */ static void TestIoSys(IOR_param_t * test) { char testFileName[MAX_STR]; double *timer[12]; double startTime; int i, rep, maxTimeDuration; void *fd; MPI_Group orig_group, new_group; int range[3]; IOR_offset_t dataMoved; /* for data rate calculation */ /* set up communicator for test */ if (test->numTasks > numTasksWorld) { if (rank == 0) { fprintf(stdout, "WARNING: More tasks requested (%d) than available (%d),", test->numTasks, numTasksWorld); fprintf(stdout, " running on %d tasks.\n", numTasksWorld); } test->numTasks = numTasksWorld; } MPI_CHECK(MPI_Comm_group(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &orig_group), "MPI_Comm_group() error"); range[0] = 0; /* first rank */ range[1] = test->numTasks - 1; /* last rank */ range[2] = 1; /* stride */ MPI_CHECK(MPI_Group_range_incl(orig_group, 1, &range, &new_group), "MPI_Group_range_incl() error"); MPI_CHECK(MPI_Comm_create(MPI_COMM_WORLD, new_group, &testComm), "MPI_Comm_create() error"); test->testComm = testComm; if (testComm == MPI_COMM_NULL) { /* tasks not in the group do not participate in this test */ MPI_CHECK(MPI_Barrier(MPI_COMM_WORLD), "barrier error"); return; } if (rank == 0 && verbose >= VERBOSE_1) { fprintf(stdout, "Participating tasks: %d\n", test->numTasks); fflush(stdout); } if (rank == 0 && test->reorderTasks == TRUE && verbose >= VERBOSE_1) { fprintf(stdout, "Using reorderTasks '-C' (expecting block, not cyclic, task assignment)\n"); fflush(stdout); } test->tasksPerNode = CountTasksPerNode(test->numTasks, testComm); /* setup timers */ for (i = 0; i < 12; i++) { timer[i] = (double *)malloc(test->repetitions * sizeof(double)); if (timer[i] == NULL) ERR("malloc failed"); } test->writeTime = (double *)malloc(test->repetitions * sizeof(double)); if (test->writeTime == NULL) ERR("malloc failed"); memset(test->writeTime, 0, test->repetitions * sizeof(double)); test->readTime = (double *)malloc(test->repetitions * sizeof(double)); if (test->readTime == NULL) ERR("malloc failed"); memset(test->readTime, 0, test->repetitions * sizeof(double)); test->aggFileSizeFromCalc = (IOR_offset_t *) malloc(test->repetitions * sizeof(IOR_offset_t)); if (test->aggFileSizeFromCalc == NULL) ERR("malloc failed"); test->aggFileSizeFromStat = (IOR_offset_t *) malloc(test->repetitions * sizeof(IOR_offset_t)); if (test->aggFileSizeFromStat == NULL) ERR("malloc failed"); test->aggFileSizeFromXfer = (IOR_offset_t *) malloc(test->repetitions * sizeof(IOR_offset_t)); if (test->aggFileSizeFromXfer == NULL) ERR("malloc failed"); test->aggFileSizeForBW = (IOR_offset_t *) malloc(test->repetitions * sizeof(IOR_offset_t)); if (test->aggFileSizeForBW == NULL) ERR("malloc failed"); /* bind I/O calls to specific API */ AioriBind(test->api); /* file size is first calculated on for comparison */ for (rep = 0; rep < test->repetitions; rep++) { test->aggFileSizeFromCalc[rep] = test->blockSize * test->segmentCount * test->numTasks; } /* show test setup */ if (rank == 0 && verbose >= VERBOSE_0) ShowSetup(test); startTime = GetTimeStamp(); maxTimeDuration = test->maxTimeDuration * 60; /* convert to seconds */ #if USE_UNDOC_OPT /* fillTheFileSystem */ if (rank == 0 && test->fillTheFileSystem && verbose >= VERBOSE_0) { fprintf(stdout, "Run started: %s", CurrentTimeString()); } #endif /* USE_UNDOC_OPT - fillTheFileSystem */ /* loop over test iterations */ for (rep = 0; rep < test->repetitions; rep++) { /* Get iteration start time in seconds in task 0 and broadcast to all tasks */ if (rank == 0) { if (test->setTimeStampSignature) { test->timeStampSignatureValue = (unsigned int)test->setTimeStampSignature; } else { time_t currentTime; if ((currentTime = time(NULL)) == -1) { ERR("cannot get current time"); } test->timeStampSignatureValue = (unsigned int)currentTime; } if (verbose >= VERBOSE_2) { fprintf(stdout, "Using Time Stamp %u (0x%x) for Data Signature\n", test->timeStampSignatureValue, test->timeStampSignatureValue); } } MPI_CHECK(MPI_Bcast (&test->timeStampSignatureValue, 1, MPI_UNSIGNED, 0, testComm), "cannot broadcast start time value"); #if USE_UNDOC_OPT /* fillTheFileSystem */ if (test->fillTheFileSystem && rep > 0 && rep % (test->fillTheFileSystem / test->numTasks) == 0) { if (rank == 0 && verbose >= VERBOSE_0) { fprintf(stdout, "at file #%d, time: %s", rep * test->numTasks, CurrentTimeString()); fflush(stdout); } } #endif /* USE_UNDOC_OPT - fillTheFileSystem */ /* use repetition count for number of multiple files */ if (test->multiFile) test->repCounter = rep; /* * write the file(s), getting timing between I/O calls */ if (test->writeFile #if USE_UNDOC_OPT /* multiReRead */ && (!test->multiReRead || !rep) #endif /* USE_UNDOC_OPT - multiReRead */ && (maxTimeDuration ? (GetTimeStamp() - startTime < maxTimeDuration) : 1)) { GetTestFileName(testFileName, test); if (verbose >= VERBOSE_3) { fprintf(stdout, "task %d writing %s\n", rank, testFileName); } DelaySecs(test->interTestDelay); if (test->useExistingTestFile == FALSE) { RemoveFile(testFileName, test->filePerProc, test); } MPI_CHECK(MPI_Barrier(testComm), "barrier error"); test->open = WRITE; timer[0][rep] = GetTimeStamp(); fd = backend->create(testFileName, test); timer[1][rep] = GetTimeStamp(); if (test->intraTestBarriers) MPI_CHECK(MPI_Barrier(testComm), "barrier error"); if (rank == 0 && verbose >= VERBOSE_1) { fprintf(stdout, "Commencing write performance test.\n"); fprintf(stdout, "%s\n", CurrentTimeString()); } timer[2][rep] = GetTimeStamp(); dataMoved = WriteOrRead(test, fd, WRITE); timer[3][rep] = GetTimeStamp(); if (test->intraTestBarriers) MPI_CHECK(MPI_Barrier(testComm), "barrier error"); timer[4][rep] = GetTimeStamp(); backend->close(fd, test); #if USE_UNDOC_OPT /* includeDeleteTime */ if (test->includeDeleteTime) { if (rank == 0 && verbose >= VERBOSE_1) { fprintf(stdout, "** including delete time **\n"); } MPI_CHECK(MPI_Barrier(testComm), "barrier error"); RemoveFile(testFileName, test->filePerProc, test); } #endif /* USE_UNDOC_OPT - includeDeleteTime */ timer[5][rep] = GetTimeStamp(); MPI_CHECK(MPI_Barrier(testComm), "barrier error"); #if USE_UNDOC_OPT /* includeDeleteTime */ if (test->includeDeleteTime) { /* not accurate, but no longer a test file to examine */ test->aggFileSizeFromStat[rep] = test->aggFileSizeFromCalc[rep]; test->aggFileSizeFromXfer[rep] = test->aggFileSizeFromCalc[rep]; test->aggFileSizeForBW[rep] = test->aggFileSizeFromCalc[rep]; } else { #endif /* USE_UNDOC_OPT - includeDeleteTime */ /* get the size of the file just written */ test->aggFileSizeFromStat[rep] = backend->get_file_size(test, testComm, testFileName); /* check if stat() of file doesn't equal expected file size, use actual amount of byte moved */ CheckFileSize(test, dataMoved, rep); #if USE_UNDOC_OPT /* includeDeleteTime */ } #endif /* USE_UNDOC_OPT - includeDeleteTime */ if (verbose >= VERBOSE_3) WriteTimes(test, timer, rep, WRITE); ReduceIterResults(test, timer, rep, WRITE); if (test->outlierThreshold) { CheckForOutliers(test, timer, rep, WRITE); } } /* * perform a check of data, reading back data and comparing * against what was expected to be written */ if (test->checkWrite #if USE_UNDOC_OPT /* multiReRead */ && (!test->multiReRead || rep) #endif /* USE_UNDOC_OPT - multiReRead */ && (maxTimeDuration ? (GetTimeStamp() - startTime < maxTimeDuration) : 1)) { #if USE_UNDOC_OPT /* corruptFile */ MPI_CHECK(MPI_Barrier(testComm), "barrier error"); /* intentionally corrupt file to determine if check works */ if (test->corruptFile) { CorruptFile(testFileName, test, rep, WRITECHECK); } #endif /* USE_UNDOC_OPT - corruptFile */ MPI_CHECK(MPI_Barrier(testComm), "barrier error"); if (rank == 0 && verbose >= VERBOSE_1) { fprintf(stdout, "Verifying contents of the file(s) just written.\n"); fprintf(stdout, "%s\n", CurrentTimeString()); } if (test->reorderTasks) { /* move two nodes away from writing node */ rankOffset = (2 * test->tasksPerNode) % test->numTasks; } GetTestFileName(testFileName, test); test->open = WRITECHECK; fd = backend->open(testFileName, test); dataMoved = WriteOrRead(test, fd, WRITECHECK); backend->close(fd, test); rankOffset = 0; } /* * read the file(s), getting timing between I/O calls */ if (test->readFile && (maxTimeDuration ? (GetTimeStamp() - startTime < maxTimeDuration) : 1)) { /* Get rankOffset [file offset] for this process to read, based on -C,-Z,-Q,-X options */ /* Constant process offset reading */ if (test->reorderTasks) { /* move taskPerNodeOffset nodes[1==default] away from writing node */ rankOffset = (test->taskPerNodeOffset * test->tasksPerNode) % test->numTasks; } /* random process offset reading */ if (test->reorderTasksRandom) { /* this should not intefere with randomOffset within a file because GetOffsetArrayRandom */ /* seeds every random() call */ int *rankoffs, *filecont, *filehits, ifile, jfile, nodeoffset; unsigned int iseed0; nodeoffset = test->taskPerNodeOffset; nodeoffset = (nodeoffset < test->nodes) ? nodeoffset : test->nodes - 1; iseed0 = (test->reorderTasksRandomSeed < 0) ? (-1 * test->reorderTasksRandomSeed + rep) : test->reorderTasksRandomSeed; srand(rank + iseed0); { rankOffset = rand() % test->numTasks; } while (rankOffset < (nodeoffset * test->tasksPerNode)) { rankOffset = rand() % test->numTasks; } /* Get more detailed stats if requested by verbose level */ if (verbose >= VERBOSE_2) { if (rank == 0) { rankoffs = (int *)malloc(test->numTasks * sizeof(int)); filecont = (int *)malloc(test->numTasks * sizeof(int)); filehits = (int *)malloc(test->numTasks * sizeof(int)); } MPI_CHECK(MPI_Gather (&rankOffset, 1, MPI_INT, rankoffs, 1, MPI_INT, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD), "MPI_Gather error"); /*file hits histogram */ if (rank == 0) { memset((void *)filecont, 0, test->numTasks * sizeof(int)); for (ifile = 0; ifile < test->numTasks; ifile++) { filecont[(ifile + rankoffs [ifile]) % test-> numTasks]++; } memset((void *)filehits, 0, test->numTasks * sizeof(int)); for (ifile = 0; ifile < test->numTasks; ifile++) for (jfile = 0; jfile < test->numTasks; jfile++) { if (ifile == filecont [jfile]) filehits [ifile]++; } /* fprintf(stdout, "File Contention Dist:"); for (ifile=0; ifilenumTasks; ifile++) { fprintf(stdout," %d",filecont[ifile]); } fprintf(stdout,"\n"); */ fprintf(stdout, "#File Hits Dist:"); jfile = 0; ifile = 0; while (jfile < test->numTasks && ifile < test->numTasks) { fprintf(stdout, " %d", filehits [ifile]); jfile += filehits[ifile], ifile++; } fprintf(stdout, "\n"); free(rankoffs); free(filecont); free(filehits); } } } /* Using globally passed rankOffset, following function generates testFileName to read */ GetTestFileName(testFileName, test); if (verbose >= VERBOSE_3) { fprintf(stdout, "task %d reading %s\n", rank, testFileName); } DelaySecs(test->interTestDelay); MPI_CHECK(MPI_Barrier(testComm), "barrier error"); test->open = READ; timer[6][rep] = GetTimeStamp(); fd = backend->open(testFileName, test); if (rank == 0 && verbose >= VERBOSE_2) { fprintf(stdout, "[RANK %03d] open for reading file %s\n", rank, testFileName); } timer[7][rep] = GetTimeStamp(); if (test->intraTestBarriers) MPI_CHECK(MPI_Barrier(testComm), "barrier error"); if (rank == 0 && verbose >= VERBOSE_1) { fprintf(stdout, "Commencing read performance test.\n"); fprintf(stdout, "%s\n", CurrentTimeString()); } timer[8][rep] = GetTimeStamp(); dataMoved = WriteOrRead(test, fd, READ); timer[9][rep] = GetTimeStamp(); if (test->intraTestBarriers) MPI_CHECK(MPI_Barrier(testComm), "barrier error"); timer[10][rep] = GetTimeStamp(); backend->close(fd, test); timer[11][rep] = GetTimeStamp(); /* get the size of the file just read */ test->aggFileSizeFromStat[rep] = backend->get_file_size(test, testComm, testFileName); /* check if stat() of file doesn't equal expected file size, use actual amount of byte moved */ CheckFileSize(test, dataMoved, rep); if (verbose >= VERBOSE_3) WriteTimes(test, timer, rep, READ); ReduceIterResults(test, timer, rep, READ); if (test->outlierThreshold) { CheckForOutliers(test, timer, rep, READ); } } /* end readFile test */ /* * perform a check of data, reading back data twice and * comparing against what was expected to be read */ if (test->checkRead && (maxTimeDuration ? (GetTimeStamp() - startTime < maxTimeDuration) : 1)) { MPI_CHECK(MPI_Barrier(testComm), "barrier error"); if (rank == 0 && verbose >= VERBOSE_1) { fprintf(stdout, "Re-reading the file(s) twice to "); fprintf(stdout, "verify that reads are consistent.\n"); fprintf(stdout, "%s\n", CurrentTimeString()); } if (test->reorderTasks) { /* move three nodes away from reading node */ rankOffset = (3 * test->tasksPerNode) % test->numTasks; } GetTestFileName(testFileName, test); MPI_CHECK(MPI_Barrier(testComm), "barrier error"); test->open = READCHECK; fd = backend->open(testFileName, test); if (test->filePerProc) { int tmpRankOffset; tmpRankOffset = rankOffset; /* increment rankOffset to open comparison file on other node */ if (test->reorderTasks) { /* move four nodes away from reading node */ rankOffset = (4 * test->tasksPerNode) % test->numTasks; } GetTestFileName(test->testFileName_fppReadCheck, test); rankOffset = tmpRankOffset; test->fd_fppReadCheck = backend->open(test-> testFileName_fppReadCheck, test); } dataMoved = WriteOrRead(test, fd, READCHECK); if (test->filePerProc) { backend->close(test->fd_fppReadCheck, test); test->fd_fppReadCheck = NULL; } backend->close(fd, test); } /* * this final barrier may not be necessary as backend->close should * be a collective call -- but to make sure that the file has * has not be removed by a task before another finishes writing, * the MPI_Barrier() call has been included. */ MPI_CHECK(MPI_Barrier(testComm), "barrier error"); if (!test->keepFile && !(test->keepFileWithError && test->errorFound)) { RemoveFile(testFileName, test->filePerProc, test); } test->errorFound = FALSE; MPI_CHECK(MPI_Barrier(testComm), "barrier error"); rankOffset = 0; } #if USE_UNDOC_OPT /* fillTheFileSystem */ if (rank == 0 && test->fillTheFileSystem && verbose >= VERBOSE_0) { fprintf(stdout, "Run ended: %s", CurrentTimeString()); } #endif /* USE_UNDOC_OPT - fillTheFileSystem */ SummarizeResults(test); MPI_CHECK(MPI_Comm_free(&testComm), "MPI_Comm_free() error"); free(test->writeTime); free(test->readTime); free(test->aggFileSizeFromCalc); free(test->aggFileSizeFromStat); free(test->aggFileSizeFromXfer); free(test->aggFileSizeForBW); for (i = 0; i < 12; i++) { free(timer[i]); } /* Sync with the tasks that did not participate in this test */ MPI_CHECK(MPI_Barrier(MPI_COMM_WORLD), "barrier error"); } /* * Determine any spread (range) between node times. */ static double TimeDeviation(void) { double timestamp; double min = 0; double max = 0; double roottimestamp; MPI_CHECK(MPI_Barrier(MPI_COMM_WORLD), "barrier error"); timestamp = GetTimeStamp(); MPI_CHECK(MPI_Reduce(×tamp, &min, 1, MPI_DOUBLE, MPI_MIN, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD), "cannot reduce tasks' times"); MPI_CHECK(MPI_Reduce(×tamp, &max, 1, MPI_DOUBLE, MPI_MAX, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD), "cannot reduce tasks' times"); /* delta between individual nodes' time and root node's time */ roottimestamp = timestamp; MPI_CHECK(MPI_Bcast(&roottimestamp, 1, MPI_DOUBLE, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD), "cannot broadcast root's time"); wall_clock_delta = timestamp - roottimestamp; return max - min; } /* * Determine if valid tests from parameters. */ static void ValidTests(IOR_param_t * test) { IOR_param_t defaults; init_IOR_Param_t(&defaults); /* get the version of the tests */ AioriBind(test->api); backend->set_version(test); if (test->repetitions <= 0) WARN_RESET("too few test repetitions", test, &defaults, repetitions); if (test->numTasks <= 0) ERR("too few tasks for testing"); if (test->interTestDelay < 0) WARN_RESET("inter-test delay must be nonnegative value", test, &defaults, interTestDelay); if (test->readFile != TRUE && test->writeFile != TRUE && test->checkRead != TRUE && test->checkWrite != TRUE) ERR("test must write, read, or check file"); if ((test->deadlineForStonewalling > 0) && (test->checkWrite == TRUE || test->checkRead == TRUE)) ERR("can not perform write or read check with stonewalling"); if (test->segmentCount < 0) ERR("segment count must be positive value"); if ((test->blockSize % sizeof(IOR_size_t)) != 0) ERR("block size must be a multiple of access size"); if (test->blockSize < 0) ERR("block size must be non-negative integer"); if ((test->transferSize % sizeof(IOR_size_t)) != 0) ERR("transfer size must be a multiple of access size"); if (test->setAlignment < 0) ERR("alignment must be non-negative integer"); if (test->transferSize < 0) ERR("transfer size must be non-negative integer"); if (test->transferSize == 0) { ERR("test will not complete with zero transfer size"); } else { if ((test->blockSize % test->transferSize) != 0) ERR("block size must be a multiple of transfer size"); } if (test->blockSize < test->transferSize) ERR("block size must not be smaller than transfer size"); if ((strcmp(test->api, "MPIIO") == 0) && (test->blockSize < sizeof(IOR_size_t) || test->transferSize < sizeof(IOR_size_t))) ERR("block/transfer size may not be smaller than IOR_size_t for MPIIO"); if ((strcmp(test->api, "HDF5") == 0) && (test->blockSize < sizeof(IOR_size_t) || test->transferSize < sizeof(IOR_size_t))) ERR("block/transfer size may not be smaller than IOR_size_t for HDF5"); if ((strcmp(test->api, "NCMPI") == 0) && (test->blockSize < sizeof(IOR_size_t) || test->transferSize < sizeof(IOR_size_t))) ERR("block/transfer size may not be smaller than IOR_size_t for NCMPI"); if ((strcmp(test->api, "NCMPI") == 0) && ((test->numTasks * test->blockSize * test->segmentCount) > (2 * (IOR_offset_t) GIBIBYTE))) ERR("file size must be < 2GiB"); if ((test->useFileView == TRUE) && (sizeof(MPI_Aint) < 8) /* used for 64-bit datatypes */ &&((test->numTasks * test->blockSize) > (2 * (IOR_offset_t) GIBIBYTE))) ERR("segment size must be < 2GiB"); if ((strcmp(test->api, "POSIX") != 0) && test->singleXferAttempt) WARN_RESET("retry only available in POSIX", test, &defaults, singleXferAttempt); if ((strcmp(test->api, "POSIX") != 0) && test->fsync) WARN_RESET("fsync() only available in POSIX", test, &defaults, fsync); if ((strcmp(test->api, "MPIIO") != 0) && test->preallocate) WARN_RESET("preallocation only available in MPIIO", test, &defaults, preallocate); if ((strcmp(test->api, "MPIIO") != 0) && test->useFileView) WARN_RESET("file view only available in MPIIO", test, &defaults, useFileView); if ((strcmp(test->api, "MPIIO") != 0) && test->useSharedFilePointer) WARN_RESET("shared file pointer only available in MPIIO", test, &defaults, useSharedFilePointer); if ((strcmp(test->api, "MPIIO") == 0) && test->useSharedFilePointer) WARN_RESET("shared file pointer not implemented", test, &defaults, useSharedFilePointer); if ((strcmp(test->api, "MPIIO") != 0) && test->useStridedDatatype) WARN_RESET("strided datatype only available in MPIIO", test, &defaults, useStridedDatatype); if ((strcmp(test->api, "MPIIO") == 0) && test->useStridedDatatype) WARN_RESET("strided datatype not implemented", test, &defaults, useStridedDatatype); if ((strcmp(test->api, "MPIIO") == 0) && test->useStridedDatatype && (test->blockSize < sizeof(IOR_size_t) || test->transferSize < sizeof(IOR_size_t))) ERR("need larger file size for strided datatype in MPIIO"); if ((strcmp(test->api, "POSIX") == 0) && test->showHints) WARN_RESET("hints not available in POSIX", test, &defaults, showHints); if ((strcmp(test->api, "POSIX") == 0) && test->collective) WARN_RESET("collective not available in POSIX", test, &defaults, collective); if (test->reorderTasks == TRUE && test->reorderTasksRandom == TRUE) ERR("Both Constant and Random task re-ordering specified. Choose one and resubmit"); if (test->randomOffset && test->reorderTasksRandom && test->filePerProc == FALSE) ERR("random offset and random reorder tasks specified with single-shared-file. Choose one and resubmit"); if (test->randomOffset && test->reorderTasks && test->filePerProc == FALSE) ERR("random offset and constant reorder tasks specified with single-shared-file. Choose one and resubmit"); if (test->randomOffset && test->checkRead) ERR("random offset not available with read check option (use write check)"); if (test->randomOffset && test->storeFileOffset) ERR("random offset not available with store file offset option)"); if ((strcmp(test->api, "MPIIO") == 0) && test->randomOffset && test->collective) ERR("random offset not available with collective MPIIO"); if ((strcmp(test->api, "MPIIO") == 0) && test->randomOffset && test->useFileView) ERR("random offset not available with MPIIO fileviews"); if ((strcmp(test->api, "HDF5") == 0) && test->randomOffset) ERR("random offset not available with HDF5"); if ((strcmp(test->api, "NCMPI") == 0) && test->randomOffset) ERR("random offset not available with NCMPI"); if ((strcmp(test->api, "HDF5") != 0) && test->individualDataSets) WARN_RESET("individual datasets only available in HDF5", test, &defaults, individualDataSets); if ((strcmp(test->api, "HDF5") == 0) && test->individualDataSets) WARN_RESET("individual data sets not implemented", test, &defaults, individualDataSets); if ((strcmp(test->api, "NCMPI") == 0) && test->filePerProc) ERR("file-per-proc not available in current NCMPI"); if (test->noFill) { if (strcmp(test->api, "HDF5") != 0) { ERR("'no fill' option only available in HDF5"); } else { /* check if hdf5 available */ #if defined (H5_VERS_MAJOR) && defined (H5_VERS_MINOR) /* no-fill option not available until hdf5-1.6.x */ #if (H5_VERS_MAJOR > 0 && H5_VERS_MINOR > 5) ; #else char errorString[MAX_STR]; sprintf(errorString, "'no fill' option not available in %s", test->apiVersion); ERR(errorString); #endif #else WARN("unable to determine HDF5 version for 'no fill' usage"); #endif } } if (test->useExistingTestFile && test->lustre_set_striping) ERR("Lustre stripe options are incompatible with useExistingTestFile"); } static IOR_offset_t *GetOffsetArraySequential(IOR_param_t * test, int pretendRank) { IOR_offset_t i, j, k = 0; IOR_offset_t offsets; IOR_offset_t *offsetArray; /* count needed offsets */ offsets = (test->blockSize / test->transferSize) * test->segmentCount; /* setup empty array */ offsetArray = (IOR_offset_t *) malloc((offsets + 1) * sizeof(IOR_offset_t)); if (offsetArray == NULL) ERR("malloc() failed"); offsetArray[offsets] = -1; /* set last offset with -1 */ /* fill with offsets */ for (i = 0; i < test->segmentCount; i++) { for (j = 0; j < (test->blockSize / test->transferSize); j++) { offsetArray[k] = j * test->transferSize; if (test->filePerProc) { offsetArray[k] += i * test->blockSize; } else { offsetArray[k] += (i * test->numTasks * test->blockSize) + (pretendRank * test->blockSize); } k++; } } return (offsetArray); } static IOR_offset_t *GetOffsetArrayRandom(IOR_param_t * test, int pretendRank, int access) { int seed; IOR_offset_t i, value, tmp; IOR_offset_t offsets = 0; IOR_offset_t offsetCnt = 0; IOR_offset_t fileSize; IOR_offset_t *offsetArray; /* set up seed for random() */ if (access == WRITE || access == READ) { test->randomSeed = seed = random(); } else { seed = test->randomSeed; } srandom(seed); fileSize = test->blockSize * test->segmentCount; if (test->filePerProc == FALSE) { fileSize *= test->numTasks; } /* count needed offsets (pass 1) */ for (i = 0; i < fileSize; i += test->transferSize) { if (test->filePerProc == FALSE) { if ((random() % test->numTasks) == pretendRank) { offsets++; } } else { offsets++; } } /* setup empty array */ offsetArray = (IOR_offset_t *) malloc((offsets + 1) * sizeof(IOR_offset_t)); if (offsetArray == NULL) ERR("malloc() failed"); offsetArray[offsets] = -1; /* set last offset with -1 */ if (test->filePerProc) { /* fill array */ for (i = 0; i < offsets; i++) { offsetArray[i] = i * test->transferSize; } } else { /* fill with offsets (pass 2) */ srandom(seed); /* need same seed */ for (i = 0; i < fileSize; i += test->transferSize) { if ((random() % test->numTasks) == pretendRank) { offsetArray[offsetCnt] = i; offsetCnt++; } } } /* reorder array */ for (i = 0; i < offsets; i++) { value = random() % offsets; tmp = offsetArray[value]; offsetArray[value] = offsetArray[i]; offsetArray[i] = tmp; } SeedRandGen(test->testComm); /* synchronize seeds across tasks */ return (offsetArray); } /* * Write or Read data to file(s). This loops through the strides, writing * out the data to each block in transfer sizes, until the remainder left is 0. */ static IOR_offset_t WriteOrRead(IOR_param_t * test, void *fd, int access) { int errors = 0; IOR_offset_t amtXferred, transfer, transferCount = 0, pairCnt = 0, *offsetArray; int pretendRank; void *buffer = NULL; void *checkBuffer = NULL; void *readCheckBuffer = NULL; IOR_offset_t dataMoved = 0; /* for data rate calculation */ double startForStonewall; int hitStonewall; /* initialize values */ pretendRank = (rank + rankOffset) % test->numTasks; if (test->randomOffset) { offsetArray = GetOffsetArrayRandom(test, pretendRank, access); } else { offsetArray = GetOffsetArraySequential(test, pretendRank); } SetupXferBuffers(&buffer, &checkBuffer, &readCheckBuffer, test, pretendRank, access); /* check for stonewall */ startForStonewall = GetTimeStamp(); hitStonewall = ((test->deadlineForStonewalling != 0) && ((GetTimeStamp() - startForStonewall) > test->deadlineForStonewalling)); /* loop over offsets to access */ while ((offsetArray[pairCnt] != -1) && !hitStonewall) { test->offset = offsetArray[pairCnt]; /* * fills each transfer with a unique pattern * containing the offset into the file */ if (test->storeFileOffset == TRUE) { FillBuffer(buffer, test, test->offset, pretendRank); } transfer = test->transferSize; if (access == WRITE) { amtXferred = backend->xfer(access, fd, buffer, transfer, test); if (amtXferred != transfer) ERR("cannot write to file"); } else if (access == READ) { amtXferred = backend->xfer(access, fd, buffer, transfer, test); if (amtXferred != transfer) ERR("cannot read from file"); } else if (access == WRITECHECK) { memset(checkBuffer, 'a', transfer); amtXferred = backend->xfer(access, fd, checkBuffer, transfer, test); if (amtXferred != transfer) ERR("cannot read from file write check"); transferCount++; errors += CompareBuffers(buffer, checkBuffer, transfer, transferCount, test, WRITECHECK); } else if (access == READCHECK) { ReadCheck(fd, buffer, checkBuffer, readCheckBuffer, test, transfer, test->blockSize, &amtXferred, &transferCount, access, &errors); } dataMoved += amtXferred; pairCnt++; hitStonewall = ((test->deadlineForStonewalling != 0) && ((GetTimeStamp() - startForStonewall) > test->deadlineForStonewalling)); } totalErrorCount += CountErrors(test, access, errors); FreeBuffers(access, checkBuffer, readCheckBuffer, buffer, offsetArray); if (access == WRITE && test->fsync == TRUE) { backend->fsync(fd, test); /*fsync after all accesses */ } return (dataMoved); } /* * Write times taken during each iteration of the test. */ static void WriteTimes(IOR_param_t * test, double **timer, int iteration, int writeOrRead) { char accessType[MAX_STR]; char timerName[MAX_STR]; int i, start, stop; if (writeOrRead == WRITE) { start = 0; stop = 6; strcpy(accessType, "WRITE"); } else if (writeOrRead == READ) { start = 6; stop = 12; strcpy(accessType, "READ"); } else { ERR("incorrect WRITE/READ option"); } for (i = start; i < stop; i++) { switch (i) { case 0: strcpy(timerName, "write open start"); break; case 1: strcpy(timerName, "write open stop"); break; case 2: strcpy(timerName, "write start"); break; case 3: strcpy(timerName, "write stop"); break; case 4: strcpy(timerName, "write close start"); break; case 5: strcpy(timerName, "write close stop"); break; case 6: strcpy(timerName, "read open start"); break; case 7: strcpy(timerName, "read open stop"); break; case 8: strcpy(timerName, "read start"); break; case 9: strcpy(timerName, "read stop"); break; case 10: strcpy(timerName, "read close start"); break; case 11: strcpy(timerName, "read close stop"); break; default: strcpy(timerName, "invalid timer"); break; } fprintf(stdout, "Test %d: Iter=%d, Task=%d, Time=%f, %s\n", test->id, iteration, (int)rank, timer[i][iteration], timerName); } }