
2192 lines
76 KiB

* Copyright (C) 2003, The Regents of the University of California.
* Produced at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory.
* Written by Christopher J. Morrone <>,
* Bill Loewe <>, Tyce McLarty <>,
* and Ryan Kroiss <>.
* All rights reserved.
* UCRL-CODE-155800
* Please read the COPYRIGHT file.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License (as published by
* the Free Software Foundation) version 2, dated June 1991.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
* CVS info:
* $RCSfile: mdtest.c,v $
* $Revision: 1.4 $
* $Date: 2013/11/27 17:05:31 $
* $Author: brettkettering $
#include <limits.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <inttypes.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include "option.h"
#include "utilities.h"
#include <sys/param.h>
#include <sys/mount.h>
#include <sys/statfs.h>
#include <sys/statvfs.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <strings.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <dirent.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <sys/time.h>
#include "aiori.h"
#include "ior.h"
#include "mdtest.h"
#include <mpi.h>
#define TEST_DIR "#test-dir"
#define ITEM_COUNT 25000
#define LLU "%lu"
static int size;
static uint64_t *rand_array;
static char testdir[MAX_PATHLEN];
static char testdirpath[MAX_PATHLEN];
static char base_tree_name[MAX_PATHLEN];
static char **filenames;
static char hostname[MAX_PATHLEN];
static char mk_name[MAX_PATHLEN];
static char stat_name[MAX_PATHLEN];
static char read_name[MAX_PATHLEN];
static char rm_name[MAX_PATHLEN];
static char unique_mk_dir[MAX_PATHLEN];
static char unique_chdir_dir[MAX_PATHLEN];
static char unique_stat_dir[MAX_PATHLEN];
static char unique_read_dir[MAX_PATHLEN];
static char unique_rm_dir[MAX_PATHLEN];
static char unique_rm_uni_dir[MAX_PATHLEN];
static char *write_buffer;
static char *read_buffer;
static char *stoneWallingStatusFile;
static int barriers;
static int create_only;
static int stat_only;
static int read_only;
static int remove_only;
static int leaf_only;
static unsigned branch_factor;
static int depth;
* This is likely a small value, but it's sometimes computed by
* branch_factor^(depth+1), so we'll make it a larger variable,
* just in case.
static uint64_t num_dirs_in_tree;
* As we start moving towards Exascale, we could have billions
* of files in a directory. Make room for that possibility with
* a larger variable.
static uint64_t items;
static uint64_t items_per_dir;
static uint64_t num_dirs_in_tree_calc; /* this is a workaround until the overal code is refactored */
static int directory_loops;
static int print_time;
static int print_rate_and_time;
static int random_seed;
static int shared_file;
static int files_only;
static int dirs_only;
static int pre_delay;
static int unique_dir_per_task;
static int time_unique_dir_overhead;
static int throttle;
static int collective_creates;
static size_t write_bytes;
static int stone_wall_timer_seconds;
static size_t read_bytes;
static int sync_file;
static int path_count;
static int nstride; /* neighbor stride */
static int make_node = 0;
static mdtest_results_t * summary_table;
static pid_t pid;
static uid_t uid;
/* Use the POSIX backend by default */
static const ior_aiori_t *backend;
static IOR_param_t param;
/* This structure describes the processing status for stonewalling */
typedef struct{
double start_time;
int stone_wall_timer_seconds;
uint64_t items_start;
uint64_t items_done;
uint64_t items_per_dir;
} rank_progress_t;
#define CHECK_STONE_WALL(p) (((p)->stone_wall_timer_seconds != 0) && ((GetTimeStamp() - (p)->start_time) > (p)->stone_wall_timer_seconds))
/* for making/removing unique directory && stating/deleting subdirectory */
/* a helper function for passing debug and verbose messages.
use the MACRO as it will insert __LINE__ for you.
Pass the verbose level for root to print, then the verbose level for anyone to print.
Pass -1 to suppress the print for anyone.
Then do the standard printf stuff. This function adds the newline for you.
#define VERBOSE(root,any,...) VerboseMessage(root,any,__LINE__,__VA_ARGS__)
void VerboseMessage (int root_level, int any_level, int line, char * format, ...) {
if ((rank==0 && verbose >= root_level) || (any_level > 0 && verbose >= any_level)) {
char buffer[1024];
va_list args;
va_start (args, format);
vsnprintf (buffer, 1024, format, args);
va_end (args);
if (root_level == 0 && any_level == -1) {
/* No header when it is just the standard output */
fprintf( out_logfile, "%s\n", buffer );
} else {
/* add a header when the verbose is greater than 0 */
fprintf( out_logfile, "V-%d: Rank %3d Line %5d %s\n", root_level, rank, line, buffer );
void offset_timers(double * t, int tcount) {
double toffset;
int i;
VERBOSE(1,-1,"V-1: Entering offset_timers..." );
toffset = GetTimeStamp() - t[tcount];
for (i = 0; i < tcount+1; i++) {
t[i] += toffset;
void parse_dirpath(char *dirpath_arg) {
char * tmp, * token;
char delimiter_string[3] = { '@', '\n', '\0' };
int i = 0;
VERBOSE(1,-1, "Entering parse_dirpath on %s...", dirpath_arg );
tmp = dirpath_arg;
if (* tmp != '\0') path_count++;
while (* tmp != '\0') {
if (* tmp == '@') {
// prevent changes to the original dirpath_arg
dirpath_arg = strdup(dirpath_arg);
filenames = (char **)malloc(path_count * sizeof(char **));
if (filenames == NULL || dirpath_arg == NULL) {
FAIL("out of memory");
token = strtok(dirpath_arg, delimiter_string);
while (token != NULL) {
filenames[i] = token;
token = strtok(NULL, delimiter_string);
static void prep_testdir(int j, int dir_iter){
int pos = sprintf(testdir, "%s", testdirpath);
if ( testdir[strlen( testdir ) - 1] != '/' ) {
pos += sprintf(& testdir[pos], "/");
pos += sprintf(& testdir[pos], "%s", TEST_DIR);
pos += sprintf(& testdir[pos], ".%d-%d", j, dir_iter);
* This function copies the unique directory name for a given option to
* the "to" parameter. Some memory must be allocated to the "to" parameter.
void unique_dir_access(int opt, char *to) {
if (opt == MK_UNI_DIR) {
sprintf( to, "%s/%s", testdir, unique_chdir_dir );
} else if (opt == STAT_SUB_DIR) {
sprintf( to, "%s/%s", testdir, unique_stat_dir );
} else if (opt == READ_SUB_DIR) {
sprintf( to, "%s/%s", testdir, unique_read_dir );
} else if (opt == RM_SUB_DIR) {
sprintf( to, "%s/%s", testdir, unique_rm_dir );
} else if (opt == RM_UNI_DIR) {
sprintf( to, "%s/%s", testdir, unique_rm_uni_dir );
VERBOSE(1,-1,"Entering unique_dir_access, set it to %s", to );
static void create_remove_dirs (const char *path, bool create, uint64_t itemNum) {
char curr_item[MAX_PATHLEN];
const char *operation = create ? "create" : "remove";
if ( (itemNum % ITEM_COUNT==0 && (itemNum != 0))) {
VERBOSE(3,5,"dir: "LLU"", operation, itemNum);
//create dirs
sprintf(curr_item, "%s/dir.%s%" PRIu64, path, create ? mk_name : rm_name, itemNum);
VERBOSE(3,5,"create_remove_items_helper (dirs %s): curr_item is '%s'", operation, curr_item);
if (create) {
if (backend->mkdir(curr_item, DIRMODE, &param) == -1) {
FAIL("unable to create directory %s", curr_item);
} else {
if (backend->rmdir(curr_item, &param) == -1) {
FAIL("unable to remove directory %s", curr_item);
static void remove_file (const char *path, uint64_t itemNum) {
char curr_item[MAX_PATHLEN];
if ( (itemNum % ITEM_COUNT==0 && (itemNum != 0))) {
VERBOSE(3,5,"remove file: "LLU"\n", itemNum);
//remove files
sprintf(curr_item, "%s/file.%s"LLU"", path, rm_name, itemNum);
VERBOSE(3,5,"create_remove_items_helper (non-dirs remove): curr_item is '%s'", curr_item);
if (!(shared_file && rank != 0)) {
backend->delete (curr_item, &param);
static void create_file (const char *path, uint64_t itemNum) {
char curr_item[MAX_PATHLEN];
void *aiori_fh;
if ( (itemNum % ITEM_COUNT==0 && (itemNum != 0))) {
VERBOSE(3,5,"create file: "LLU"", itemNum);
//create files
sprintf(curr_item, "%s/file.%s"LLU"", path, mk_name, itemNum);
VERBOSE(3,5,"create_remove_items_helper (non-dirs create): curr_item is '%s'", curr_item);
if (collective_creates) {
param.openFlags = IOR_WRONLY;
VERBOSE(3,5,"create_remove_items_helper (collective): open..." );
if (make_node)
aiori_fh = backend->mknod (curr_item);
aiori_fh = backend->open (curr_item, &param);
if (NULL == aiori_fh) {
FAIL("unable to open file %s", curr_item);
* !collective_creates
} else {
param.openFlags = IOR_CREAT | IOR_WRONLY;
param.filePerProc = !shared_file;
VERBOSE(3,5,"create_remove_items_helper (non-collective, shared): open..." );
if (make_node)
aiori_fh = backend->mknod (curr_item);
aiori_fh = backend->create (curr_item, &param);
if (NULL == aiori_fh) {
FAIL("unable to create file %s", curr_item);
if (write_bytes > 0) {
VERBOSE(3,5,"create_remove_items_helper: write..." );
* According to Bill Loewe, writes are only done one time, so they are always at
* offset 0 (zero).
param.offset = 0;
param.fsyncPerWrite = sync_file;
if ( write_bytes != (size_t) backend->xfer (WRITE, aiori_fh, (IOR_size_t *) write_buffer, write_bytes, &param)) {
FAIL("unable to write file %s", curr_item);
VERBOSE(3,5,"create_remove_items_helper: close..." );
if (!make_node)
backend->close (aiori_fh, &param);
/* helper for creating/removing items */
void create_remove_items_helper(const int dirs, const int create, const char *path,
uint64_t itemNum, rank_progress_t * progress) {
VERBOSE(1,-1,"Entering create_remove_items_helper on %s", path );
for (uint64_t i = progress->items_start; i < progress->items_per_dir ; ++i) {
if (!dirs) {
if (create) {
create_file (path, itemNum + i);
} else {
remove_file (path, itemNum + i);
} else {
create_remove_dirs (path, create, itemNum + i);
if(progress->items_done == 0){
progress->items_done = i + 1;
progress->items_done = progress->items_per_dir;
/* helper function to do collective operations */
void collective_helper(const int dirs, const int create, const char* path, uint64_t itemNum, rank_progress_t * progress) {
char curr_item[MAX_PATHLEN];
VERBOSE(1,-1,"Entering collective_helper on %s", path );
for (uint64_t i = progress->items_start ; i < progress->items_per_dir ; ++i) {
if (dirs) {
create_remove_dirs (path, create, itemNum + i);
sprintf(curr_item, "%s/file.%s"LLU"", path, create ? mk_name : rm_name, itemNum+i);
VERBOSE(3,5,"create file: %s", curr_item);
if (create) {
void *aiori_fh;
//create files
param.openFlags = IOR_WRONLY | IOR_CREAT;
aiori_fh = backend->create (curr_item, &param);
if (NULL == aiori_fh) {
FAIL("unable to create file %s", curr_item);
backend->close (aiori_fh, &param);
} else if (!(shared_file && rank != 0)) {
//remove files
backend->delete (curr_item, &param);
progress->items_done = i + 1;
progress->items_done = progress->items_per_dir;
/* recusive function to create and remove files/directories from the
directory tree */
void create_remove_items(int currDepth, const int dirs, const int create, const int collective, const char *path, uint64_t dirNum, rank_progress_t * progress) {
unsigned i;
char dir[MAX_PATHLEN];
char temp_path[MAX_PATHLEN];
unsigned long long currDir = dirNum;
VERBOSE(1,-1,"Entering create_remove_items on %s, currDepth = %d...", path, currDepth );
memset(dir, 0, MAX_PATHLEN);
strcpy(temp_path, path);
VERBOSE(3,5,"create_remove_items (start): temp_path is '%s'", temp_path );
if (currDepth == 0) {
/* create items at this depth */
if (!leaf_only || (depth == 0 && leaf_only)) {
if (collective) {
collective_helper(dirs, create, temp_path, 0, progress);
} else {
create_remove_items_helper(dirs, create, temp_path, 0, progress);
if (depth > 0) {
create_remove_items(++currDepth, dirs, create,
collective, temp_path, ++dirNum, progress);
} else if (currDepth <= depth) {
/* iterate through the branches */
for (i=0; i<branch_factor; i++) {
/* determine the current branch and append it to the path */
sprintf(dir, "%s.%llu/", base_tree_name, currDir);
strcat(temp_path, "/");
strcat(temp_path, dir);
VERBOSE(3,5,"create_remove_items (for loop): temp_path is '%s'", temp_path );
/* create the items in this branch */
if (!leaf_only || (leaf_only && currDepth == depth)) {
if (collective) {
collective_helper(dirs, create, temp_path, currDir*items_per_dir, progress);
} else {
create_remove_items_helper(dirs, create, temp_path, currDir*items_per_dir, progress);
/* make the recursive call for the next level below this branch */
( currDir * ( unsigned long long )branch_factor ) + 1,
/* reset the path */
strcpy(temp_path, path);
/* stats all of the items created as specified by the input parameters */
void mdtest_stat(const int random, const int dirs, const long dir_iter, const char *path, rank_progress_t * progress) {
struct stat buf;
uint64_t parent_dir, item_num = 0;
char item[MAX_PATHLEN], temp[MAX_PATHLEN];
VERBOSE(1,-1,"Entering mdtest_stat on %s", path );
uint64_t stop_items = items;
if( directory_loops != 1 ){
stop_items = items_per_dir;
/* iterate over all of the item IDs */
for (uint64_t i = 0 ; i < stop_items ; ++i) {
* It doesn't make sense to pass the address of the array because that would
* be like passing char **. Tested it on a Cray and it seems to work either
* way, but it seems that it is correct without the "&".
memset(&item, 0, MAX_PATHLEN);
memset(item, 0, MAX_PATHLEN);
memset(temp, 0, MAX_PATHLEN);
/* determine the item number to stat */
if (random) {
item_num = rand_array[i];
} else {
item_num = i;
/* make adjustments if in leaf only mode*/
if (leaf_only) {
item_num += items_per_dir *
(num_dirs_in_tree - (uint64_t) pow( branch_factor, depth ));
/* create name of file/dir to stat */
if (dirs) {
if ( (i % ITEM_COUNT == 0) && (i != 0)) {
VERBOSE(3,5,"stat dir: "LLU"", i);
sprintf(item, "dir.%s"LLU"", stat_name, item_num);
} else {
if ( (i % ITEM_COUNT == 0) && (i != 0)) {
VERBOSE(3,5,"stat file: "LLU"", i);
sprintf(item, "file.%s"LLU"", stat_name, item_num);
/* determine the path to the file/dir to be stat'ed */
parent_dir = item_num / items_per_dir;
if (parent_dir > 0) { //item is not in tree's root directory
/* prepend parent directory to item's path */
sprintf(temp, "%s."LLU"/%s", base_tree_name, parent_dir, item);
strcpy(item, temp);
//still not at the tree's root dir
while (parent_dir > branch_factor) {
parent_dir = (uint64_t) ((parent_dir-1) / branch_factor);
sprintf(temp, "%s."LLU"/%s", base_tree_name, parent_dir, item);
strcpy(item, temp);
/* Now get item to have the full path */
sprintf( temp, "%s/%s", path, item );
strcpy( item, temp );
/* below temp used to be hiername */
VERBOSE(3,5,"mdtest_stat %4s: %s", (dirs ? "dir" : "file"), item);
if (-1 == backend->stat (item, &buf, &param)) {
FAIL("unable to stat %s %s", dirs ? "directory" : "file", item);
/* reads all of the items created as specified by the input parameters */
void mdtest_read(int random, int dirs, const long dir_iter, char *path) {
uint64_t parent_dir, item_num = 0;
char item[MAX_PATHLEN], temp[MAX_PATHLEN];
void *aiori_fh;
VERBOSE(1,-1,"Entering mdtest_read on %s", path );
/* allocate read buffer */
if (read_bytes > 0) {
read_buffer = (char *)malloc(read_bytes);
if (read_buffer == NULL) {
FAIL("out of memory");
uint64_t stop_items = items;
if( directory_loops != 1 ){
stop_items = items_per_dir;
/* iterate over all of the item IDs */
for (uint64_t i = 0 ; i < stop_items ; ++i) {
* It doesn't make sense to pass the address of the array because that would
* be like passing char **. Tested it on a Cray and it seems to work either
* way, but it seems that it is correct without the "&".
* NTH: Both are technically correct in C.
* memset(&item, 0, MAX_PATHLEN);
memset(item, 0, MAX_PATHLEN);
memset(temp, 0, MAX_PATHLEN);
/* determine the item number to read */
if (random) {
item_num = rand_array[i];
} else {
item_num = i;
/* make adjustments if in leaf only mode*/
if (leaf_only) {
item_num += items_per_dir *
(num_dirs_in_tree - (uint64_t) pow (branch_factor, depth));
/* create name of file to read */
if (!dirs) {
if ((i%ITEM_COUNT == 0) && (i != 0)) {
VERBOSE(3,5,"read file: "LLU"", i);
sprintf(item, "file.%s"LLU"", read_name, item_num);
/* determine the path to the file/dir to be read'ed */
parent_dir = item_num / items_per_dir;
if (parent_dir > 0) { //item is not in tree's root directory
/* prepend parent directory to item's path */
sprintf(temp, "%s."LLU"/%s", base_tree_name, parent_dir, item);
strcpy(item, temp);
/* still not at the tree's root dir */
while (parent_dir > branch_factor) {
parent_dir = (unsigned long long) ((parent_dir-1) / branch_factor);
sprintf(temp, "%s."LLU"/%s", base_tree_name, parent_dir, item);
strcpy(item, temp);
/* Now get item to have the full path */
sprintf( temp, "%s/%s", path, item );
strcpy( item, temp );
/* below temp used to be hiername */
VERBOSE(3,5,"mdtest_read file: %s", item);
/* open file for reading */
param.openFlags = O_RDONLY;
aiori_fh = backend->open (item, &param);
if (NULL == aiori_fh) {
FAIL("unable to open file %s", item);
/* read file */
if (read_bytes > 0) {
if (read_bytes != (size_t) backend->xfer (READ, aiori_fh, (IOR_size_t *) read_buffer, read_bytes, &param)) {
FAIL("unable to read file %s", item);
/* close file */
backend->close (aiori_fh, &param);
/* This method should be called by rank 0. It subsequently does all of
the creates and removes for the other ranks */
void collective_create_remove(const int create, const int dirs, const int ntasks, const char *path, rank_progress_t * progress) {
char temp[MAX_PATHLEN];
VERBOSE(1,-1,"Entering collective_create_remove on %s", path );
/* rank 0 does all of the creates and removes for all of the ranks */
for (int i = 0 ; i < ntasks ; ++i) {
memset(temp, 0, MAX_PATHLEN);
strcpy(temp, testdir);
strcat(temp, "/");
/* set the base tree name appropriately */
if (unique_dir_per_task) {
sprintf(base_tree_name, "mdtest_tree.%d", i);
} else {
sprintf(base_tree_name, "mdtest_tree");
/* Setup to do I/O to the appropriate test dir */
strcat(temp, base_tree_name);
strcat(temp, ".0");
/* set all item names appropriately */
if (!shared_file) {
sprintf(mk_name, "mdtest.%d.", (i+(0*nstride))%ntasks);
sprintf(stat_name, "mdtest.%d.", (i+(1*nstride))%ntasks);
sprintf(read_name, "mdtest.%d.", (i+(2*nstride))%ntasks);
sprintf(rm_name, "mdtest.%d.", (i+(3*nstride))%ntasks);
if (unique_dir_per_task) {
VERBOSE(3,5,"i %d nstride %d ntasks %d", i, nstride, ntasks);
sprintf(unique_mk_dir, "%s/mdtest_tree.%d.0", testdir,
sprintf(unique_chdir_dir, "%s/mdtest_tree.%d.0", testdir,
sprintf(unique_stat_dir, "%s/mdtest_tree.%d.0", testdir,
sprintf(unique_read_dir, "%s/mdtest_tree.%d.0", testdir,
sprintf(unique_rm_dir, "%s/mdtest_tree.%d.0", testdir,
sprintf(unique_rm_uni_dir, "%s", testdir);
/* Now that everything is set up as it should be, do the create or remove */
VERBOSE(3,5,"collective_create_remove (create_remove_items): temp is '%s'", temp);
create_remove_items(0, dirs, create, 1, temp, 0, progress);
/* reset all of the item names */
if (unique_dir_per_task) {
sprintf(base_tree_name, "mdtest_tree.0");
} else {
sprintf(base_tree_name, "mdtest_tree");
if (!shared_file) {
sprintf(mk_name, "mdtest.%d.", (0+(0*nstride))%ntasks);
sprintf(stat_name, "mdtest.%d.", (0+(1*nstride))%ntasks);
sprintf(read_name, "mdtest.%d.", (0+(2*nstride))%ntasks);
sprintf(rm_name, "mdtest.%d.", (0+(3*nstride))%ntasks);
if (unique_dir_per_task) {
sprintf(unique_mk_dir, "%s/mdtest_tree.%d.0", testdir,
sprintf(unique_chdir_dir, "%s/mdtest_tree.%d.0", testdir,
sprintf(unique_stat_dir, "%s/mdtest_tree.%d.0", testdir,
sprintf(unique_read_dir, "%s/mdtest_tree.%d.0", testdir,
sprintf(unique_rm_dir, "%s/mdtest_tree.%d.0", testdir,
sprintf(unique_rm_uni_dir, "%s", testdir);
void directory_test(const int iteration, const int ntasks, const char *path, rank_progress_t * progress) {
int size;
double t[5] = {0};
char temp_path[MAX_PATHLEN];
MPI_Comm_size(testComm, &size);
VERBOSE(1,-1,"Entering directory_test on %s", path );
t[0] = GetTimeStamp();
/* create phase */
if(create_only) {
for (int dir_iter = 0; dir_iter < directory_loops; dir_iter ++){
prep_testdir(iteration, dir_iter);
if (unique_dir_per_task) {
unique_dir_access(MK_UNI_DIR, temp_path);
if (!time_unique_dir_overhead) {
offset_timers(t, 0);
} else {
sprintf( temp_path, "%s/%s", testdir, path );
VERBOSE(3,-1,"directory_test: create path is '%s'", temp_path );
/* "touch" the files */
if (collective_creates) {
if (rank == 0) {
collective_create_remove(1, 1, ntasks, temp_path, progress);
} else {
/* create directories */
create_remove_items(0, 1, 1, 0, temp_path, 0, progress);
if (barriers) {
t[1] = GetTimeStamp();
/* stat phase */
if (stat_only) {
for (int dir_iter = 0; dir_iter < directory_loops; dir_iter ++){
prep_testdir(iteration, dir_iter);
if (unique_dir_per_task) {
unique_dir_access(STAT_SUB_DIR, temp_path);
if (!time_unique_dir_overhead) {
offset_timers(t, 1);
} else {
sprintf( temp_path, "%s/%s", testdir, path );
VERBOSE(3,5,"stat path is '%s'", temp_path );
/* stat directories */
if (random_seed > 0) {
mdtest_stat(1, 1, dir_iter, temp_path, progress);
} else {
mdtest_stat(0, 1, dir_iter, temp_path, progress);
if (barriers) {
t[2] = GetTimeStamp();
/* read phase */
if (read_only) {
for (int dir_iter = 0; dir_iter < directory_loops; dir_iter ++){
prep_testdir(iteration, dir_iter);
if (unique_dir_per_task) {
unique_dir_access(READ_SUB_DIR, temp_path);
if (!time_unique_dir_overhead) {
offset_timers(t, 2);
} else {
sprintf( temp_path, "%s/%s", testdir, path );
VERBOSE(3,5,"directory_test: read path is '%s'", temp_path );
/* read directories */
if (random_seed > 0) {
; /* N/A */
} else {
; /* N/A */
if (barriers) {
t[3] = GetTimeStamp();
if (remove_only) {
for (int dir_iter = 0; dir_iter < directory_loops; dir_iter ++){
prep_testdir(iteration, dir_iter);
if (unique_dir_per_task) {
unique_dir_access(RM_SUB_DIR, temp_path);
if (!time_unique_dir_overhead) {
offset_timers(t, 3);
} else {
sprintf( temp_path, "%s/%s", testdir, path );
VERBOSE(3,5,"directory_test: remove directories path is '%s'", temp_path );
/* remove directories */
if (collective_creates) {
if (rank == 0) {
collective_create_remove(0, 1, ntasks, temp_path, progress);
} else {
create_remove_items(0, 1, 0, 0, temp_path, 0, progress);
if (barriers) {
t[4] = GetTimeStamp();
if (remove_only) {
if (unique_dir_per_task) {
unique_dir_access(RM_UNI_DIR, temp_path);
} else {
sprintf( temp_path, "%s/%s", testdir, path );
VERBOSE(3,5,"directory_test: remove unique directories path is '%s'\n", temp_path );
if (unique_dir_per_task && !time_unique_dir_overhead) {
offset_timers(t, 4);
/* calculate times */
if (create_only) {
summary_table[iteration].rate[0] = items*size/(t[1] - t[0]);
summary_table[iteration].time[0] = t[1] - t[0];
summary_table[iteration].items[0] = items*size;
summary_table[iteration].stonewall_last_item[0] = items;
if (stat_only) {
summary_table[iteration].rate[1] = items*size/(t[2] - t[1]);
summary_table[iteration].time[1] = t[2] - t[1];
summary_table[iteration].items[1] = items*size;
summary_table[iteration].stonewall_last_item[1] = items;
if (read_only) {
summary_table[iteration].rate[2] = items*size/(t[3] - t[2]);
summary_table[iteration].time[2] = t[3] - t[2];
summary_table[iteration].items[2] = items*size;
summary_table[iteration].stonewall_last_item[2] = items;
if (remove_only) {
summary_table[iteration].rate[3] = items*size/(t[4] - t[3]);
summary_table[iteration].time[3] = t[4] - t[3];
summary_table[iteration].items[3] = items*size;
summary_table[iteration].stonewall_last_item[3] = items;
VERBOSE(1,-1," Directory creation: %14.3f sec, %14.3f ops/sec", t[1] - t[0], summary_table[iteration].rate[0]);
VERBOSE(1,-1," Directory stat : %14.3f sec, %14.3f ops/sec", t[2] - t[1], summary_table[iteration].rate[1]);
/* N/A
VERBOSE(1,-1," Directory read : %14.3f sec, %14.3f ops/sec", t[3] - t[2], summary_table[iteration].rate[2]);
VERBOSE(1,-1," Directory removal : %14.3f sec, %14.3f ops/sec", t[4] - t[3], summary_table[iteration].rate[3]);
/* Returns if the stonewall was hit */
int updateStoneWallIterations(int iteration, rank_progress_t * progress, double tstart){
int hit = 0;
uint64_t done = progress->items_done;
long long unsigned max_iter = 0;
VERBOSE(1,1,"stonewall hit with %lld items", (long long) progress->items_done );
MPI_Allreduce(& progress->items_done, & max_iter, 1, MPI_LONG_LONG_INT, MPI_MAX, testComm);
summary_table[iteration].stonewall_time[MDTEST_FILE_CREATE_NUM] = GetTimeStamp() - tstart;
// continue to the maximum...
long long min_accessed = 0;
MPI_Reduce(& progress->items_done, & min_accessed, 1, MPI_LONG_LONG_INT, MPI_MIN, 0, testComm);
long long sum_accessed = 0;
MPI_Reduce(& progress->items_done, & sum_accessed, 1, MPI_LONG_LONG_INT, MPI_SUM, 0, testComm);
summary_table[iteration].stonewall_item_sum[MDTEST_FILE_CREATE_NUM] = sum_accessed;
summary_table[iteration].stonewall_item_min[MDTEST_FILE_CREATE_NUM] = min_accessed * size;
if(items != (sum_accessed / size)){
VERBOSE(0,-1, "Continue stonewall hit min: %lld max: %lld avg: %.1f \n", min_accessed, max_iter, ((double) sum_accessed) / size);
hit = 1;
progress->items_start = done;
progress->items_per_dir = max_iter;
return hit;
void file_test(const int iteration, const int ntasks, const char *path, rank_progress_t * progress) {
int size;
double t[5] = {0};
char temp_path[MAX_PATHLEN];
MPI_Comm_size(testComm, &size);
VERBOSE(3,5,"Entering file_test on %s", path);
t[0] = GetTimeStamp();
/* create phase */
if (create_only ) {
for (int dir_iter = 0; dir_iter < directory_loops; dir_iter ++){
prep_testdir(iteration, dir_iter);
if (unique_dir_per_task) {
unique_dir_access(MK_UNI_DIR, temp_path);
VERBOSE(5,5,"operating on %s", temp_path);
if (!time_unique_dir_overhead) {
offset_timers(t, 0);
} else {
sprintf( temp_path, "%s/%s", testdir, path );
VERBOSE(3,-1,"file_test: create path is '%s'", temp_path );
/* "touch" the files */
if (collective_creates) {
if (rank == 0) {
collective_create_remove(1, 0, ntasks, temp_path, progress);
/* create files */
create_remove_items(0, 0, 1, 0, temp_path, 0, progress);
int hit = updateStoneWallIterations(iteration, progress, t[0]);
if (hit){
progress->stone_wall_timer_seconds = 0;
VERBOSE(1,1,"stonewall: %lld of %lld", (long long) progress->items_start, (long long) progress->items_per_dir);
create_remove_items(0, 0, 1, 0, temp_path, 0, progress);
// now reset the values
progress->stone_wall_timer_seconds = stone_wall_timer_seconds;
items = progress->items_done;
if (stoneWallingStatusFile){
StoreStoneWallingIterations(stoneWallingStatusFile, progress->items_done);
// reset stone wall timer to allow proper cleanup
progress->stone_wall_timer_seconds = 0;
if (stoneWallingStatusFile){
int64_t expected_items;
/* The number of items depends on the stonewalling file */
expected_items = ReadStoneWallingIterations(stoneWallingStatusFile);
if(expected_items >= 0){
items = expected_items;
progress->items_per_dir = items;
if (rank == 0) {
if(expected_items == -1){
fprintf(out_logfile, "WARNING: could not read stonewall status file\n");
}else {
VERBOSE(1,1, "Read stonewall status; items: "LLU"\n", items);
if (barriers) {
t[1] = GetTimeStamp();
/* stat phase */
if (stat_only ) {
for (int dir_iter = 0; dir_iter < directory_loops; dir_iter ++){
prep_testdir(iteration, dir_iter);
if (unique_dir_per_task) {
unique_dir_access(STAT_SUB_DIR, temp_path);
if (!time_unique_dir_overhead) {
offset_timers(t, 1);
} else {
sprintf( temp_path, "%s/%s", testdir, path );
VERBOSE(3,5,"file_test: stat path is '%s'", temp_path );
/* stat files */
mdtest_stat((random_seed > 0 ? 1 : 0), 0, dir_iter, temp_path, progress);
if (barriers) {
t[2] = GetTimeStamp();
/* read phase */
if (read_only ) {
for (int dir_iter = 0; dir_iter < directory_loops; dir_iter ++){
prep_testdir(iteration, dir_iter);
if (unique_dir_per_task) {
unique_dir_access(READ_SUB_DIR, temp_path);
if (!time_unique_dir_overhead) {
offset_timers(t, 2);
} else {
sprintf( temp_path, "%s/%s", testdir, path );
VERBOSE(3,5,"file_test: read path is '%s'", temp_path );
/* read files */
if (random_seed > 0) {
mdtest_read(1,0, dir_iter, temp_path);
} else {
mdtest_read(0,0, dir_iter, temp_path);
if (barriers) {
t[3] = GetTimeStamp();
if (remove_only) {
progress->items_start = 0;
for (int dir_iter = 0; dir_iter < directory_loops; dir_iter ++){
prep_testdir(iteration, dir_iter);
if (unique_dir_per_task) {
unique_dir_access(RM_SUB_DIR, temp_path);
if (!time_unique_dir_overhead) {
offset_timers(t, 3);
} else {
sprintf( temp_path, "%s/%s", testdir, path );
VERBOSE(3,5,"file_test: rm directories path is '%s'", temp_path );
if (collective_creates) {
if (rank == 0) {
collective_create_remove(0, 0, ntasks, temp_path, progress);
} else {
VERBOSE(3,5,"gonna create %s", temp_path);
create_remove_items(0, 0, 0, 0, temp_path, 0, progress);
if (barriers) {
t[4] = GetTimeStamp();
if (remove_only) {
if (unique_dir_per_task) {
unique_dir_access(RM_UNI_DIR, temp_path);
} else {
strcpy( temp_path, path );
VERBOSE(3,5,"file_test: rm unique directories path is '%s'", temp_path );
if (unique_dir_per_task && !time_unique_dir_overhead) {
offset_timers(t, 4);
if(num_dirs_in_tree_calc){ /* this is temporary fix needed when using -n and -i together */
items *= num_dirs_in_tree_calc;
/* calculate times */
if (create_only) {
summary_table[iteration].rate[4] = items*size/(t[1] - t[0]);
summary_table[iteration].time[4] = t[1] - t[0];
summary_table[iteration].items[4] = items*size;
summary_table[iteration].stonewall_last_item[4] = items;
if (stat_only) {
summary_table[iteration].rate[5] = items*size/(t[2] - t[1]);
summary_table[iteration].time[5] = t[2] - t[1];
summary_table[iteration].items[5] = items*size;
summary_table[iteration].stonewall_last_item[5] = items;
if (read_only) {
summary_table[iteration].rate[6] = items*size/(t[3] - t[2]);
summary_table[iteration].time[6] = t[3] - t[2];
summary_table[iteration].items[6] = items*size;
summary_table[iteration].stonewall_last_item[6] = items;
if (remove_only) {
summary_table[iteration].rate[7] = items*size/(t[4] - t[3]);
summary_table[iteration].time[7] = t[4] - t[3];
summary_table[iteration].items[7] = items*size;
summary_table[iteration].stonewall_last_item[7] = items;
VERBOSE(1,-1," File creation : %14.3f sec, %14.3f ops/sec", t[1] - t[0], summary_table[iteration].rate[4]);
VERBOSE(1,-1," File creation (stonewall): %14.3f sec, %14.3f ops/sec", summary_table[iteration].stonewall_time[MDTEST_FILE_CREATE_NUM], summary_table[iteration].stonewall_item_sum[MDTEST_FILE_CREATE_NUM]);
VERBOSE(1,-1," File stat : %14.3f sec, %14.3f ops/sec", t[2] - t[1], summary_table[iteration].rate[5]);
VERBOSE(1,-1," File read : %14.3f sec, %14.3f ops/sec", t[3] - t[2], summary_table[iteration].rate[6]);
VERBOSE(1,-1," File removal : %14.3f sec, %14.3f ops/sec", t[4] - t[3], summary_table[iteration].rate[7]);
void summarize_results(int iterations, int print_time) {
char access[MAX_PATHLEN];
int i, j, k;
int start, stop, tableSize = MDTEST_LAST_NUM;
double min, max, mean, sd, sum = 0, var = 0, curr = 0;
double all[iterations * size * tableSize];
VERBOSE(1,-1,"Entering summarize_results..." );
for(int i=0; i < iterations; i++){
MPI_Gather(& summary_table[i].time[0], tableSize, MPI_DOUBLE, & all[i*tableSize*size], tableSize, MPI_DOUBLE, 0, testComm);
MPI_Gather(& summary_table[i].rate[0], tableSize, MPI_DOUBLE, & all[i*tableSize*size], tableSize, MPI_DOUBLE, 0, testComm);
if (rank != 0) {
VERBOSE(0,-1,"\nSUMMARY %s: (of %d iterations)", print_time ? "time": "rate", iterations);
VERBOSE(0,-1," Operation Max Min Mean Std Dev");
VERBOSE(0,-1," --------- --- --- ---- -------");
/* if files only access, skip entries 0-3 (the dir tests) */
if (files_only && !dirs_only) {
start = 4;
} else {
start = 0;
/* if directories only access, skip entries 4-7 (the file tests) */
if (dirs_only && !files_only) {
stop = 4;
} else {
stop = 8;
/* special case: if no directory or file tests, skip all */
if (!dirs_only && !files_only) {
start = stop = 0;
for (i = start; i < stop; i++) {
min = max = all[i];
for (k=0; k < size; k++) {
for (j = 0; j < iterations; j++) {
curr = all[(k*tableSize*iterations)
+ (j*tableSize) + i];
if (min > curr) {
min = curr;
if (max < curr) {
max = curr;
sum += curr;
mean = sum / (iterations * size);
for (k=0; k<size; k++) {
for (j = 0; j < iterations; j++) {
var += pow((mean - all[(k*tableSize*iterations)
+ (j*tableSize) + i]), 2);
var = var / (iterations * size);
sd = sqrt(var);
switch (i) {
case 0: strcpy(access, "Directory creation :"); break;
case 1: strcpy(access, "Directory stat :"); break;
/* case 2: strcpy(access, "Directory read :"); break; */
case 2: ; break; /* N/A */
case 3: strcpy(access, "Directory removal :"); break;
case 4: strcpy(access, "File creation :"); break;
case 5: strcpy(access, "File stat :"); break;
case 6: strcpy(access, "File read :"); break;
case 7: strcpy(access, "File removal :"); break;
default: strcpy(access, "ERR"); break;
if (i != 2) {
fprintf(out_logfile, " %s ", access);
fprintf(out_logfile, "%14.3f ", max);
fprintf(out_logfile, "%14.3f ", min);
fprintf(out_logfile, "%14.3f ", mean);
fprintf(out_logfile, "%14.3f\n", sd);
sum = var = 0;
// TODO generalize once more stonewall timers are supported
double stonewall_time = 0;
uint64_t stonewall_items = 0;
for(int i=0; i < iterations; i++){
stonewall_time += summary_table[i].stonewall_time[MDTEST_FILE_CREATE_NUM];
stonewall_items += summary_table[i].stonewall_item_sum[MDTEST_FILE_CREATE_NUM];
if(stonewall_items != 0){
fprintf(out_logfile, " File create (stonewall) : ");
fprintf(out_logfile, "%14s %14s %14.3f %14s\n", "NA", "NA", print_time ? stonewall_time : stonewall_items / stonewall_time, "NA");
/* calculate tree create/remove rates */
for (i = 8; i < tableSize; i++) {
min = max = all[i];
for (j = 0; j < iterations; j++) {
curr = summary_table[j].time[i];
curr = summary_table[j].rate[i];
if (min > curr) {
min = curr;
if (max < curr) {
max = curr;
sum += curr;
mean = sum / (iterations);
for (j = 0; j < iterations; j++) {
curr = summary_table[j].time[i];
curr = summary_table[j].rate[i];
var += pow((mean - curr), 2);
var = var / (iterations);
sd = sqrt(var);
switch (i) {
case 8: strcpy(access, "Tree creation :"); break;
case 9: strcpy(access, "Tree removal :"); break;
default: strcpy(access, "ERR"); break;
fprintf(out_logfile, " %s ", access);
fprintf(out_logfile, "%14.3f ", max);
fprintf(out_logfile, "%14.3f ", min);
fprintf(out_logfile, "%14.3f ", mean);
fprintf(out_logfile, "%14.3f\n", sd);
sum = var = 0;
/* Checks to see if the test setup is valid. If it isn't, fail. */
void valid_tests() {
if (((stone_wall_timer_seconds > 0) && (branch_factor > 1)) || ! barriers) {
FAIL( "Error, stone wall timer does only work with a branch factor <= 1 (current is %d) and with barriers\n", branch_factor);
if (!create_only && !stat_only && !read_only && !remove_only) {
create_only = stat_only = read_only = remove_only = 1;
VERBOSE(1,-1,"main: Setting create/stat/read/remove_only to True" );
VERBOSE(1,-1,"Entering valid_tests..." );
/* if dirs_only and files_only were both left unset, set both now */
if (!dirs_only && !files_only) {
dirs_only = files_only = 1;
/* if shared file 'S' access, no directory tests */
if (shared_file) {
dirs_only = 0;
/* check for no barriers with shifting processes for different phases.
that is, one may not specify both -B and -N as it will introduce
race conditions that may cause errors stat'ing or deleting after
if (( barriers == 0 ) && ( nstride != 0 ) && ( rank == 0 )) {
FAIL( "Possible race conditions will occur: -B not compatible with -N");
/* check for collective_creates incompatibilities */
if (shared_file && collective_creates && rank == 0) {
FAIL("-c not compatible with -S");
if (path_count > 1 && collective_creates && rank == 0) {
FAIL("-c not compatible with multiple test directories");
if (collective_creates && !barriers) {
FAIL("-c not compatible with -B");
/* check for shared file incompatibilities */
if (unique_dir_per_task && shared_file && rank == 0) {
FAIL("-u not compatible with -S");
/* check multiple directory paths and strided option */
if (path_count > 1 && nstride > 0) {
FAIL("cannot have multiple directory paths with -N strides between neighbor tasks");
/* check for shared directory and multiple directories incompatibility */
if (path_count > 1 && unique_dir_per_task != 1) {
FAIL("shared directory mode is not compatible with multiple directory paths");
/* check if more directory paths than ranks */
if (path_count > size) {
FAIL("cannot have more directory paths than MPI tasks");
/* check depth */
if (depth < 0) {
FAIL("depth must be greater than or equal to zero");
/* check branch_factor */
if (branch_factor < 1 && depth > 0) {
FAIL("branch factor must be greater than or equal to zero");
/* check for valid number of items */
if ((items > 0) && (items_per_dir > 0)) {
FAIL("only specify the number of items or the number of items per directory");
}else if( items % items_per_dir != 0){
FAIL("items must be a multiple of items per directory");
}else if( stone_wall_timer_seconds != 0){
FAIL("items + items_per_dir can only be set without stonewalling");
/* check for using mknod */
if (write_bytes > 0 && make_node) {
FAIL("-k not compatible with -w");
void show_file_system_size(char *file_system) {
char real_path[MAX_PATHLEN];
char file_system_unit_str[MAX_PATHLEN] = "GiB";
char inode_unit_str[MAX_PATHLEN] = "Mi";
int64_t file_system_unit_val = 1024 * 1024 * 1024;
int64_t inode_unit_val = 1024 * 1024;
int64_t total_file_system_size,
double total_file_system_size_hr,
ior_aiori_statfs_t stat_buf;
int ret;
VERBOSE(1,-1,"Entering show_file_system_size on %s", file_system );
ret = backend->statfs (file_system, &stat_buf, &param);
if (0 != ret) {
FAIL("unable to stat file system %s", file_system);
total_file_system_size = stat_buf.f_blocks * stat_buf.f_bsize;
free_file_system_size = stat_buf.f_bfree * stat_buf.f_bsize;
used_file_system_percentage = (1 - ((double)free_file_system_size
/ (double)total_file_system_size)) * 100;
total_file_system_size_hr = (double)total_file_system_size
/ (double)file_system_unit_val;
if (total_file_system_size_hr > 1024) {
total_file_system_size_hr = total_file_system_size_hr / 1024;
strcpy(file_system_unit_str, "TiB");
/* inodes */
total_inodes = stat_buf.f_files;
free_inodes = stat_buf.f_ffree;
used_inode_percentage = (1 - ((double)free_inodes/(double)total_inodes))
* 100;
if (realpath(file_system, real_path) == NULL) {
FAIL("unable to use realpath() on file system %s", file_system);
/* show results */
VERBOSE(0,-1,"Path: %s", real_path);
VERBOSE(0,-1,"FS: %.1f %s Used FS: %2.1f%% Inodes: %.1f %s Used Inodes: %2.1f%%\n",
total_file_system_size_hr, file_system_unit_str, used_file_system_percentage,
(double)total_inodes / (double)inode_unit_val, inode_unit_str, used_inode_percentage);
void display_freespace(char *testdirpath)
char dirpath[MAX_PATHLEN] = {0};
int i;
int directoryFound = 0;
VERBOSE(3,5,"Entering display_freespace on %s...", testdirpath );
strcpy(dirpath, testdirpath);
/* get directory for outfile */
i = strlen(dirpath);
while (i-- > 0) {
if (dirpath[i] == '/') {
dirpath[i] = '\0';
directoryFound = 1;
/* if no directory/, use '.' */
if (directoryFound == 0) {
strcpy(dirpath, ".");
VERBOSE(3,5,"Before show_file_system_size, dirpath is '%s'", dirpath );
VERBOSE(3,5, "After show_file_system_size, dirpath is '%s'\n", dirpath );
void create_remove_directory_tree(int create,
int currDepth, char* path, int dirNum, rank_progress_t * progress) {
unsigned i;
char dir[MAX_PATHLEN];
VERBOSE(1,5,"Entering create_remove_directory_tree on %s, currDepth = %d...", path, currDepth );
if (currDepth == 0) {
sprintf(dir, "%s/%s.%d/", path, base_tree_name, dirNum);
if (create) {
VERBOSE(2,5,"Making directory '%s'", dir);
if (-1 == backend->mkdir (dir, DIRMODE, &param)) {
fprintf(out_logfile, "error could not create directory '%s'\n", dir);
create_remove_directory_tree(create, ++currDepth, dir, ++dirNum, progress);
if (!create) {
VERBOSE(2,5,"Remove directory '%s'", dir);
if (-1 == backend->rmdir(dir, &param)) {
FAIL("Unable to remove directory %s", dir);
} else if (currDepth <= depth) {
char temp_path[MAX_PATHLEN];
strcpy(temp_path, path);
int currDir = dirNum;
for (i=0; i<branch_factor; i++) {
sprintf(dir, "%s.%d/", base_tree_name, currDir);
strcat(temp_path, dir);
if (create) {
VERBOSE(2,5,"Making directory '%s'", temp_path);
if (-1 == backend->mkdir(temp_path, DIRMODE, &param)) {
FAIL("Unable to create directory %s", temp_path);
create_remove_directory_tree(create, ++currDepth,
temp_path, (branch_factor*currDir)+1, progress);
if (!create) {
VERBOSE(2,5,"Remove directory '%s'", temp_path);
if (-1 == backend->rmdir(temp_path, &param)) {
FAIL("Unable to remove directory %s", temp_path);
strcpy(temp_path, path);
static void mdtest_iteration(int i, int j, MPI_Group testgroup, mdtest_results_t * summary_table){
rank_progress_t progress_o;
memset(& progress_o, 0 , sizeof(progress_o));
progress_o.start_time = GetTimeStamp();
progress_o.stone_wall_timer_seconds = stone_wall_timer_seconds;
progress_o.items_per_dir = items_per_dir;
rank_progress_t * progress = & progress_o;
/* start and end times of directory tree create/remove */
double startCreate, endCreate;
int k;
VERBOSE(1,-1,"main: * iteration %d *", j+1);
for (int dir_iter = 0; dir_iter < directory_loops; dir_iter ++){
prep_testdir(j, dir_iter);
VERBOSE(2,5,"main (for j loop): making testdir, '%s'", testdir );
if ((rank < path_count) && backend->access(testdir, F_OK, &param) != 0) {
if (backend->mkdir(testdir, DIRMODE, &param) != 0) {
FAIL("Unable to create test directory %s", testdir);
if (create_only) {
/* create hierarchical directory structure */
startCreate = GetTimeStamp();
for (int dir_iter = 0; dir_iter < directory_loops; dir_iter ++){
prep_testdir(j, dir_iter);
if (unique_dir_per_task) {
if (collective_creates && (rank == 0)) {
* This is inside two loops, one of which already uses "i" and the other uses "j".
* I don't know how this ever worked. I'm changing this loop to use "k".
for (k=0; k<size; k++) {
sprintf(base_tree_name, "mdtest_tree.%d", k);
VERBOSE(3,5,"main (create hierarchical directory loop-collective): Calling create_remove_directory_tree with '%s'", testdir );
* Let's pass in the path to the directory we most recently made so that we can use
* full paths in the other calls.
create_remove_directory_tree(1, 0, testdir, 0, progress);
size = k;
} else if (!collective_creates) {
VERBOSE(3,5,"main (create hierarchical directory loop-!collective_creates): Calling create_remove_directory_tree with '%s'", testdir );
* Let's pass in the path to the directory we most recently made so that we can use
* full paths in the other calls.
create_remove_directory_tree(1, 0, testdir, 0, progress);
} else {
if (rank == 0) {
VERBOSE(3,5,"main (create hierarchical directory loop-!unque_dir_per_task): Calling create_remove_directory_tree with '%s'", testdir );
* Let's pass in the path to the directory we most recently made so that we can use
* full paths in the other calls.
create_remove_directory_tree(1, 0 , testdir, 0, progress);
endCreate = GetTimeStamp();
summary_table->rate[8] =
num_dirs_in_tree / (endCreate - startCreate);
summary_table->time[8] = (endCreate - startCreate);
summary_table->items[8] = num_dirs_in_tree;
summary_table->stonewall_last_item[8] = num_dirs_in_tree;
VERBOSE(1,-1,"V-1: main: Tree creation : %14.3f sec, %14.3f ops/sec", (endCreate - startCreate), summary_table->rate[8]);
sprintf(unique_mk_dir, "%s.0", base_tree_name);
sprintf(unique_chdir_dir, "%s.0", base_tree_name);
sprintf(unique_stat_dir, "%s.0", base_tree_name);
sprintf(unique_read_dir, "%s.0", base_tree_name);
sprintf(unique_rm_dir, "%s.0", base_tree_name);
unique_rm_uni_dir[0] = 0;
if (!unique_dir_per_task) {
VERBOSE(3,-1,"V-3: main: Using unique_mk_dir, '%s'", unique_mk_dir );
if (rank < i) {
if (!shared_file) {
sprintf(mk_name, "mdtest.%d.", (rank+(0*nstride))%i);
sprintf(stat_name, "mdtest.%d.", (rank+(1*nstride))%i);
sprintf(read_name, "mdtest.%d.", (rank+(2*nstride))%i);
sprintf(rm_name, "mdtest.%d.", (rank+(3*nstride))%i);
if (unique_dir_per_task) {
VERBOSE(3,5,"i %d nstride %d", i, nstride);
sprintf(unique_mk_dir, "mdtest_tree.%d.0", (rank+(0*nstride))%i);
sprintf(unique_chdir_dir, "mdtest_tree.%d.0", (rank+(1*nstride))%i);
sprintf(unique_stat_dir, "mdtest_tree.%d.0", (rank+(2*nstride))%i);
sprintf(unique_read_dir, "mdtest_tree.%d.0", (rank+(3*nstride))%i);
sprintf(unique_rm_dir, "mdtest_tree.%d.0", (rank+(4*nstride))%i);
unique_rm_uni_dir[0] = 0;
VERBOSE(5,5,"mk_dir %s chdir %s stat_dir %s read_dir %s rm_dir %s\n", unique_mk_dir,unique_chdir_dir,unique_stat_dir,unique_read_dir,unique_rm_dir);
VERBOSE(3,-1,"V-3: main: Copied unique_mk_dir, '%s', to topdir", unique_mk_dir );
if (dirs_only && !shared_file) {
if (pre_delay) {
directory_test(j, i, unique_mk_dir, progress);
if (files_only) {
if (pre_delay) {
VERBOSE(3,5,"will file_test on %s", unique_mk_dir);
file_test(j, i, unique_mk_dir, progress);
/* remove directory structure */
if (!unique_dir_per_task) {
VERBOSE(3,-1,"main: Using testdir, '%s'", testdir );
if (remove_only) {
progress->items_start = 0;
startCreate = GetTimeStamp();
for (int dir_iter = 0; dir_iter < directory_loops; dir_iter ++){
prep_testdir(j, dir_iter);
if (unique_dir_per_task) {
if (collective_creates && (rank == 0)) {
* This is inside two loops, one of which already uses "i" and the other uses "j".
* I don't know how this ever worked. I'm changing this loop to use "k".
for (k=0; k<size; k++) {
sprintf(base_tree_name, "mdtest_tree.%d", k);
VERBOSE(3,-1,"main (remove hierarchical directory loop-collective): Calling create_remove_directory_tree with '%s'", testdir );
* Let's pass in the path to the directory we most recently made so that we can use
* full paths in the other calls.
create_remove_directory_tree(0, 0, testdir, 0, progress);
size = k;
} else if (!collective_creates) {
VERBOSE(3,-1,"main (remove hierarchical directory loop-!collective): Calling create_remove_directory_tree with '%s'", testdir );
* Let's pass in the path to the directory we most recently made so that we can use
* full paths in the other calls.
create_remove_directory_tree(0, 0, testdir, 0, progress);
} else {
if (rank == 0) {
VERBOSE(3,-1,"V-3: main (remove hierarchical directory loop-!unique_dir_per_task): Calling create_remove_directory_tree with '%s'", testdir );
* Let's pass in the path to the directory we most recently made so that we can use
* full paths in the other calls.
create_remove_directory_tree(0, 0 , testdir, 0, progress);
endCreate = GetTimeStamp();
summary_table->rate[9] = num_dirs_in_tree / (endCreate - startCreate);
summary_table->time[9] = endCreate - startCreate;
summary_table->items[9] = num_dirs_in_tree;
summary_table->stonewall_last_item[8] = num_dirs_in_tree;
VERBOSE(1,-1,"main Tree removal : %14.3f sec, %14.3f ops/sec", (endCreate - startCreate), summary_table->rate[9]);
VERBOSE(2,-1,"main (at end of for j loop): Removing testdir of '%s'\n", testdir );
for (int dir_iter = 0; dir_iter < directory_loops; dir_iter ++){
prep_testdir(j, dir_iter);
if ((rank < path_count) && backend->access(testdir, F_OK, &param) == 0) {
//if (( rank == 0 ) && access(testdir, F_OK) == 0) {
if (backend->rmdir(testdir, &param) == -1) {
FAIL("unable to remove directory %s", testdir);
} else {
summary_table->rate[9] = 0;
void mdtest_init_args(){
barriers = 1;
branch_factor = 1;
throttle = 1;
stoneWallingStatusFile = NULL;
create_only = 0;
stat_only = 0;
read_only = 0;
remove_only = 0;
leaf_only = 0;
depth = 0;
num_dirs_in_tree = 0;
items_per_dir = 0;
random_seed = 0;
print_time = 0;
print_rate_and_time = 0;
shared_file = 0;
files_only = 0;
dirs_only = 0;
pre_delay = 0;
unique_dir_per_task = 0;
time_unique_dir_overhead = 0;
items = 0;
num_dirs_in_tree_calc = 0;
collective_creates = 0;
write_bytes = 0;
stone_wall_timer_seconds = 0;
read_bytes = 0;
sync_file = 0;
path_count = 0;
nstride = 0;
make_node = 0;
mdtest_results_t * mdtest_run(int argc, char **argv, MPI_Comm world_com, FILE * world_out) {
testComm = world_com;
out_logfile = world_out;
mpi_comm_world = world_com;
int i, j;
int nodeCount;
MPI_Group worldgroup, testgroup;
struct {
int first;
int last;
int stride;
} range = {0, 0, 1};
int first = 1;
int last = 0;
int stride = 1;
int iterations = 1;
verbose = 0;
int no_barriers = 0;
char * path = "./out";
int randomize = 0;
char APIs[1024];
char APIs_legacy[1024];
aiori_supported_apis(APIs, APIs_legacy, MDTEST);
char apiStr[1024];
sprintf(apiStr, "API for I/O [%s]", APIs);
option_help options [] = {
{'a', NULL, apiStr, OPTION_OPTIONAL_ARGUMENT, 's', & param.api},
{'b', NULL, "branching factor of hierarchical directory structure", OPTION_OPTIONAL_ARGUMENT, 'd', & branch_factor},
{'d', NULL, "the directory in which the tests will run", OPTION_OPTIONAL_ARGUMENT, 's', & path},
{'B', NULL, "no barriers between phases", OPTION_OPTIONAL_ARGUMENT, 'd', & no_barriers},
{'C', NULL, "only create files/dirs", OPTION_FLAG, 'd', & create_only},
{'T', NULL, "only stat files/dirs", OPTION_FLAG, 'd', & stat_only},
{'E', NULL, "only read files/dir", OPTION_FLAG, 'd', & read_only},
{'r', NULL, "only remove files or directories left behind by previous runs", OPTION_FLAG, 'd', & remove_only},
{'D', NULL, "perform test on directories only (no files)", OPTION_FLAG, 'd', & dirs_only},
{'e', NULL, "bytes to read from each file", OPTION_OPTIONAL_ARGUMENT, 'l', & read_bytes},
{'f', NULL, "first number of tasks on which the test will run", OPTION_OPTIONAL_ARGUMENT, 'd', & first},
{'F', NULL, "perform test on files only (no directories)", OPTION_FLAG, 'd', & files_only},
{'i', NULL, "number of iterations the test will run", OPTION_OPTIONAL_ARGUMENT, 'd', & iterations},
{'I', NULL, "number of items per directory in tree", OPTION_OPTIONAL_ARGUMENT, 'l', & items_per_dir},
{'k', NULL, "use mknod to create file", OPTION_FLAG, 'd', & make_node},
{'l', NULL, "last number of tasks on which the test will run", OPTION_OPTIONAL_ARGUMENT, 'd', & last},
{'L', NULL, "files only at leaf level of tree", OPTION_FLAG, 'd', & leaf_only},
{'n', NULL, "every process will creat/stat/read/remove # directories and files", OPTION_OPTIONAL_ARGUMENT, 'l', & items},
{'N', NULL, "stride # between tasks for file/dir operation (local=0; set to 1 to avoid client cache)", OPTION_OPTIONAL_ARGUMENT, 'd', & nstride},
{'p', NULL, "pre-iteration delay (in seconds)", OPTION_OPTIONAL_ARGUMENT, 'd', & pre_delay},
{'P', NULL, "print rate AND time", OPTION_FLAG, 'd', & print_rate_and_time},
{'R', NULL, "random access to files (only for stat)", OPTION_FLAG, 'd', & randomize},
{0, "random-seed", "random seed for -R", OPTION_OPTIONAL_ARGUMENT, 'd', & random_seed},
{'s', NULL, "stride between the number of tasks for each test", OPTION_OPTIONAL_ARGUMENT, 'd', & stride},
{'S', NULL, "shared file access (file only, no directories)", OPTION_FLAG, 'd', & shared_file},
{'c', NULL, "collective creates: task 0 does all creates", OPTION_FLAG, 'd', & collective_creates},
{'t', NULL, "time unique working directory overhead", OPTION_FLAG, 'd', & time_unique_dir_overhead},
{'u', NULL, "unique working directory for each task", OPTION_FLAG, 'd', & unique_dir_per_task},
{'v', NULL, "verbosity (each instance of option increments by one)", OPTION_FLAG, 'd', & verbose},
{'V', NULL, "verbosity value", OPTION_OPTIONAL_ARGUMENT, 'd', & verbose},
{'w', NULL, "bytes to write to each file after it is created", OPTION_OPTIONAL_ARGUMENT, 'l', & write_bytes},
{'W', NULL, "number in seconds; stonewall timer, write as many seconds and ensure all processes did the same number of operations (currently only stops during create phase)", OPTION_OPTIONAL_ARGUMENT, 'd', & stone_wall_timer_seconds},
{'x', NULL, "StoneWallingStatusFile; contains the number of iterations of the creation phase, can be used to split phases across runs", OPTION_OPTIONAL_ARGUMENT, 's', & stoneWallingStatusFile},
{'y', NULL, "sync file after writing", OPTION_FLAG, 'd', & sync_file},
{'z', NULL, "depth of hierarchical directory structure", OPTION_OPTIONAL_ARGUMENT, 'd', & depth},
options_all_t * global_options = airoi_create_all_module_options(options);
option_parse(argc, argv, global_options);
updateParsedOptions(& param, global_options);
backend = param.backend;
MPI_Comm_rank(testComm, &rank);
MPI_Comm_size(testComm, &size);
pid = getpid();
uid = getuid();
tasksPerNode = CountTasksPerNode(testComm);
nodeCount = size / tasksPerNode;
char cmd_buffer[4096];
strncpy(cmd_buffer, argv[0], 4096);
for (i = 1; i < argc; i++) {
snprintf(&cmd_buffer[strlen(cmd_buffer)], 4096-strlen(cmd_buffer), " '%s'", argv[i]);
VERBOSE(0,-1,"-- started at %s --\n", PrintTimestamp());
VERBOSE(0,-1,"mdtest-%s was launched with %d total task(s) on %d node(s)", RELEASE_VERS, size, nodeCount);
VERBOSE(0,-1,"Command line used: %s", cmd_buffer);
/* adjust special variables */
barriers = ! no_barriers;
if (path != NULL){
if( randomize > 0 ){
if (random_seed == 0) {
/* Ensure all procs have the same random number */
random_seed = time(NULL);
MPI_Bcast(&random_seed, 1, MPI_INT, 0, testComm);
random_seed += rank;
if ((items > 0) && (items_per_dir > 0) && (! unique_dir_per_task)) {
directory_loops = items / items_per_dir;
directory_loops = 1;
// option_print_current(options);
VERBOSE(1,-1, "api : %s", param.api);
VERBOSE(1,-1, "barriers : %s", ( barriers ? "True" : "False" ));
VERBOSE(1,-1, "collective_creates : %s", ( collective_creates ? "True" : "False" ));
VERBOSE(1,-1, "create_only : %s", ( create_only ? "True" : "False" ));
VERBOSE(1,-1, "dirpath(s):" );
for ( i = 0; i < path_count; i++ ) {
VERBOSE(1,-1, "\t%s", filenames[i] );
VERBOSE(1,-1, "dirs_only : %s", ( dirs_only ? "True" : "False" ));
VERBOSE(1,-1, "read_bytes : "LLU"", read_bytes );
VERBOSE(1,-1, "read_only : %s", ( read_only ? "True" : "False" ));
VERBOSE(1,-1, "first : %d", first );
VERBOSE(1,-1, "files_only : %s", ( files_only ? "True" : "False" ));
VERBOSE(1,-1, "iterations : %d", iterations );
VERBOSE(1,-1, "items_per_dir : "LLU"", items_per_dir );
VERBOSE(1,-1, "last : %d", last );
VERBOSE(1,-1, "leaf_only : %s", ( leaf_only ? "True" : "False" ));
VERBOSE(1,-1, "items : "LLU"", items );
VERBOSE(1,-1, "nstride : %d", nstride );
VERBOSE(1,-1, "pre_delay : %d", pre_delay );
VERBOSE(1,-1, "remove_only : %s", ( leaf_only ? "True" : "False" ));
VERBOSE(1,-1, "random_seed : %d", random_seed );
VERBOSE(1,-1, "stride : %d", stride );
VERBOSE(1,-1, "shared_file : %s", ( shared_file ? "True" : "False" ));
VERBOSE(1,-1, "time_unique_dir_overhead: %s", ( time_unique_dir_overhead ? "True" : "False" ));
VERBOSE(1,-1, "stone_wall_timer_seconds: %d", stone_wall_timer_seconds);
VERBOSE(1,-1, "stat_only : %s", ( stat_only ? "True" : "False" ));
VERBOSE(1,-1, "unique_dir_per_task : %s", ( unique_dir_per_task ? "True" : "False" ));
VERBOSE(1,-1, "write_bytes : "LLU"", write_bytes );
VERBOSE(1,-1, "sync_file : %s", ( sync_file ? "True" : "False" ));
VERBOSE(1,-1, "depth : %d", depth );
VERBOSE(1,-1, "make_node : %d", make_node );
/* setup total number of items and number of items per dir */
if (depth <= 0) {
num_dirs_in_tree = 1;
} else {
if (branch_factor < 1) {
num_dirs_in_tree = 1;
} else if (branch_factor == 1) {
num_dirs_in_tree = depth + 1;
} else {
num_dirs_in_tree = (pow(branch_factor, depth+1) - 1) / (branch_factor - 1);
if (items_per_dir > 0) {
if(items == 0){
if (leaf_only) {
items = items_per_dir * (uint64_t) pow(branch_factor, depth);
} else {
items = items_per_dir * num_dirs_in_tree;
num_dirs_in_tree_calc = num_dirs_in_tree;
} else {
if (leaf_only) {
if (branch_factor <= 1) {
items_per_dir = items;
} else {
items_per_dir = (uint64_t) (items / pow(branch_factor, depth));
items = items_per_dir * (uint64_t) pow(branch_factor, depth);
} else {
items_per_dir = items / num_dirs_in_tree;
items = items_per_dir * num_dirs_in_tree;
/* initialize rand_array */
if (random_seed > 0) {
uint64_t s;
rand_array = (uint64_t *) malloc( items * sizeof(*rand_array));
for (s=0; s < items; s++) {
rand_array[s] = s;
/* shuffle list randomly */
uint64_t n = items;
while (n>1) {
* Generate a random number in the range 0 .. n
* rand() returns a number from 0 .. RAND_MAX. Divide that
* by RAND_MAX and you get a floating point number in the
* range 0 .. 1. Multiply that by n and you get a number in
* the range 0 .. n.
uint64_t k = ( uint64_t ) ((( double )rand() / ( double )RAND_MAX ) * ( double )n );
* Now move the nth element to the kth (randomly chosen)
* element, and the kth element to the nth element.
uint64_t tmp = rand_array[k];
rand_array[k] = rand_array[n];
rand_array[n] = tmp;
/* allocate and initialize write buffer with # */
if (write_bytes > 0) {
write_buffer = (char *)malloc(write_bytes);
if (write_buffer == NULL) {
FAIL("out of memory");
memset(write_buffer, 0x23, write_bytes);
/* setup directory path to work in */
if (path_count == 0) { /* special case where no directory path provided with '-d' option */
char *ret = getcwd(testdirpath, MAX_PATHLEN);
if (ret == NULL) {
FAIL("Unable to get current working directory on %s", testdirpath);
path_count = 1;
} else {
strcpy(testdirpath, filenames[rank%path_count]);
/* if directory does not exist, create it */
if ((rank < path_count) && backend->access(testdirpath, F_OK, &param) != 0) {
if (backend->mkdir(testdirpath, DIRMODE, &param) != 0) {
FAIL("Unable to create test directory path %s", testdirpath);
/* display disk usage */
VERBOSE(3,-1,"main (before display_freespace): testdirpath is '%s'", testdirpath );
if (rank == 0) display_freespace(testdirpath);
int tasksBlockMapping = QueryNodeMapping(testComm, true);
/* set the shift to mimic IOR and shift by procs per node */
if (nstride > 0) {
if ( nodeCount > 1 && tasksBlockMapping ) {
/* the user set the stride presumably to get the consumer tasks on a different node than the producer tasks
however, if the mpirun scheduler placed the tasks by-slot (in a contiguous block) then we need to adjust the shift by ppn */
nstride *= tasksPerNode;
VERBOSE(0,5,"Shifting ranks by %d for each phase.", nstride);
VERBOSE(3,-1,"main (after display_freespace): testdirpath is '%s'", testdirpath );
if (rank == 0) {
if (random_seed > 0) {
VERBOSE(0,-1,"random seed: %d", random_seed);
if (gethostname(hostname, MAX_PATHLEN) == -1) {
MPI_Abort(testComm, 2);
if (last == 0) {
first = size;
last = size;
/* setup summary table for recording results */
summary_table = (mdtest_results_t *) malloc(iterations * sizeof(mdtest_results_t));
memset(summary_table, 0, sizeof(mdtest_results_t));
for(int i=0; i < iterations; i++){
for(int j=0; j < MDTEST_LAST_NUM; j++){
summary_table[i].rate[j] = 0.0;
summary_table[i].time[j] = 0.0;
if (summary_table == NULL) {
FAIL("out of memory");
if (unique_dir_per_task) {
sprintf(base_tree_name, "mdtest_tree.%d", rank);
} else {
sprintf(base_tree_name, "mdtest_tree");
/* default use shared directory */
strcpy(mk_name, "mdtest.shared.");
strcpy(stat_name, "mdtest.shared.");
strcpy(read_name, "mdtest.shared.");
strcpy(rm_name, "mdtest.shared.");
MPI_Comm_group(testComm, &worldgroup);
/* Run the tests */
for (i = first; i <= last && i <= size; i += stride) {
range.last = i - 1;
MPI_Group_range_incl(worldgroup, 1, (void *)&range, &testgroup);
MPI_Comm_create(testComm, testgroup, &testComm);
if (rank == 0) {
uint64_t items_all = i * items;
items_all *= num_dirs_in_tree_calc;
if (files_only && dirs_only) {
VERBOSE(0,-1,"%d tasks, "LLU" files/directories", i, items_all);
} else if (files_only) {
if (!shared_file) {
VERBOSE(0,-1,"%d tasks, "LLU" files", i, items_all);
else {
VERBOSE(0,-1,"%d tasks, 1 file", i);
} else if (dirs_only) {
VERBOSE(0,-1,"%d tasks, "LLU" directories", i, items_all);
VERBOSE(1,-1," Operation Duration Rate");
VERBOSE(1,-1," --------- -------- ----");
for (j = 0; j < iterations; j++) {
// keep track of the current status for stonewalling
mdtest_iteration(i, j, testgroup, & summary_table[j]);
if (print_rate_and_time){
summarize_results(iterations, 0);
summarize_results(iterations, 1);
summarize_results(iterations, print_time);
if (i == 1 && stride > 1) {
i = 0;
VERBOSE(0,-1,"-- finished at %s --\n", PrintTimestamp());
if (random_seed > 0) {
return summary_table;