
221 lines
9.3 KiB
Executable File

/* -*- mode: c; indent-tabs-mode: nil; -*-
* vim:expandtab:
* NOTE: Someone was setting indent-sizes in the mode-line. Don't do that.
* 8-chars of indenting is ridiculous. If you really want 8-spaces,
* then change the mode-line to use tabs, and configure your personal
* editor environment to use 8-space tab-stops.
* *
* Copyright (c) 2003, The Regents of the University of California *
* See the file COPYRIGHT for a complete copyright notice and license. *
* *
#ifndef _IOR_H
#define _IOR_H
# include "config.h"
# include <hdfs.h> /* hdfsFS */
# include <stdint.h>
typedef uint16_t tPort; /* unused, but needs a type */
typedef void* hdfsFS; /* unused, but needs a type */
# include <rados/librados.h>
typedef void *rados_t;
typedef void *rados_ioctx_t;
#include "option.h"
#include "iordef.h"
#include "aiori.h"
#include <mpi.h>
# include <mpio.h>
#endif /* not MPI_FILE_NULL */
#define ISPOWEROFTWO(x) ((x != 0) && !(x & (x - 1)))
/******************** DATA Packet Type ***************************************/
/* Holds the types of data packets: generic, offset, timestamp, incompressible */
generic = 0, /* No packet type specified */
timestamp=1, /* Timestamp packet set with -l */
offset=2, /* Offset packet set with -l */
incompressible=3 /* Incompressible packet set with -l */
/***************** IOR_BUFFERS *************************************************/
/* A struct to hold the buffers so we can pass 1 pointer around instead of 3
typedef struct IO_BUFFERS
void* buffer;
void* checkBuffer;
void* readCheckBuffer;
} IOR_io_buffers;
* The parameter struct holds all of the "global" data to be passed,
* as well as results to be parsed.
* NOTE: If IOR_Param_t is changed, also change:
* init_IOR_Param_t() [ior.c]
* DisplayUsage() [ior.c]
* ShowTest() [ior.c]
* DecodeDirective() [parse_options.c]
* ParseCommandLine() [parse_options.c]
typedef struct
const struct ior_aiori * backend;
char * debug; /* debug info string */
int referenceNumber; /* user supplied reference number */
char * api; /* API for I/O */
char * apiVersion; /* API version */
char * platform; /* platform type */
char * testFileName; /* full name for test */
char * options; /* options string */
// intermediate options
int collective; /* collective I/O */
MPI_Comm testComm; /* Current MPI communicator */
MPI_Comm mpi_comm_world; /* The global MPI communicator */
int dryRun; /* do not perform any I/Os just run evtl. inputs print dummy output */
int dualMount; /* dual mount points */
int numTasks; /* number of tasks for test */
int numNodes; /* number of nodes for test */
int numTasksOnNode0; /* number of tasks on node 0 (usually all the same, but don't have to be, use with caution) */
int tasksBlockMapping; /* are the tasks in contiguous blocks across nodes or round-robin */
int repetitions; /* number of repetitions of test */
int repCounter; /* rep counter */
int multiFile; /* multiple files */
int interTestDelay; /* delay between reps in seconds */
int interIODelay; /* delay after each I/O in us */
int open; /* flag for writing or reading */
int readFile; /* read of existing file */
int writeFile; /* write of file */
int filePerProc; /* single file or file-per-process */
int reorderTasks; /* reorder tasks for read back and check */
int taskPerNodeOffset; /* task node offset for reading files */
int reorderTasksRandom; /* reorder tasks for random file read back */
int reorderTasksRandomSeed; /* reorder tasks for random file read seed */
int checkWrite; /* check read after write */
int checkRead; /* check read after read */
int keepFile; /* don't delete the testfile on exit */
int keepFileWithError; /* don't delete the testfile with errors */
int errorFound; /* error found in data check */
IOR_offset_t segmentCount; /* number of segments (or HDF5 datasets) */
IOR_offset_t blockSize; /* contiguous bytes to write per task */
IOR_offset_t transferSize; /* size of transfer in bytes */
IOR_offset_t expectedAggFileSize; /* calculated aggregate file size */
IOR_offset_t randomPrefillBlocksize; /* prefill option for random IO, the amount of data used for prefill */
char * saveRankDetailsCSV; /* save the details about the performance to a file */
int summary_every_test; /* flag to print summary every test, not just at end */
int uniqueDir; /* use unique directory for each fpp */
int useExistingTestFile; /* do not delete test file before access */
int storeFileOffset; /* use file offset as stored signature */
int deadlineForStonewalling; /* max time in seconds to run any test phase */
int stoneWallingWearOut; /* wear out the stonewalling, once the timeout is over, each process has to write the same amount */
uint64_t stoneWallingWearOutIterations; /* the number of iterations for the stonewallingWearOut, needed for readBack */
char * stoneWallingStatusFile;
int maxTimeDuration; /* max time in minutes to run each test */
int outlierThreshold; /* warn on outlier N seconds from mean */
int verbose; /* verbosity */
int setTimeStampSignature; /* set time stamp signature */
unsigned int timeStampSignatureValue; /* value for time stamp signature */
int randomSeed; /* random seed for write/read check */
unsigned int incompressibleSeed; /* random seed for incompressible file creation */
int randomOffset; /* access is to random offsets */
size_t memoryPerTask; /* additional memory used per task */
size_t memoryPerNode; /* additional memory used per node */
char * memoryPerNodeStr; /* for parsing */
char * testscripts; /* for parsing */
char * buffer_type; /* for parsing */
enum PACKET_TYPE dataPacketType; /* The type of data packet. */
void * backend_options; /* Backend-specific options */
/* POSIX variables */
int singleXferAttempt; /* do not retry transfer if incomplete */
int fsyncPerWrite; /* fsync() after each write */
int fsync; /* fsync() after write */
char* URI; /* "path" to target object */
/* RADOS variables */
rados_t rados_cluster; /* RADOS cluster handle */
rados_ioctx_t rados_ioctx; /* I/O context for our pool in the RADOS cluster */
int id; /* test's unique ID */
int intraTestBarriers; /* barriers between open/op and op/close */
int warningAsErrors; /* treat any warning as an error */
aiori_xfer_hint_t hints;
} IOR_param_t;
/* each pointer for a single test */
typedef struct {
double time;
size_t pairs_accessed; // number of I/Os done, useful for deadlineForStonewalling
double stonewall_time;
long long stonewall_min_data_accessed; // of all processes
long long stonewall_avg_data_accessed; // across all processes
long long stonewall_total_data_accessed; // sum accross all processes
IOR_offset_t aggFileSizeFromStat;
IOR_offset_t aggFileSizeFromXfer;
IOR_offset_t aggFileSizeForBW;
} IOR_point_t;
typedef struct {
int errors;
IOR_point_t write;
IOR_point_t read;
} IOR_results_t;
/* define the queuing structure for the test parameters */
typedef struct IOR_test_t {
IOR_param_t params;
IOR_results_t *results;
struct IOR_test_t *next;
} IOR_test_t;
IOR_test_t *CreateTest(IOR_param_t *init_params, int test_num);
void AllocResults(IOR_test_t *test);
char * GetPlatformName(void);
void init_IOR_Param_t(IOR_param_t *p, MPI_Comm global_com);
* This function runs IOR given by command line, useful for testing
IOR_test_t * ior_run(int argc, char **argv, MPI_Comm world_com, FILE * out_logfile);
/* Actual IOR Main function, renamed to allow library usage */
int ior_main(int argc, char **argv);
#endif /* !_IOR_H */