From 880fb10561c016883faf9677bf8f8ab5405b592a Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Vitaliy Filippov Date: Wed, 29 Apr 2020 19:16:23 +0300 Subject: [PATCH] Add schema export tool --- export-schema.js | 455 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 1 file changed, 455 insertions(+) create mode 100644 export-schema.js diff --git a/export-schema.js b/export-schema.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000..28f7447 --- /dev/null +++ b/export-schema.js @@ -0,0 +1,455 @@ +// Экспорт схемы PostgreSQL БД в HTML, GraphViz, SQL +// Упоротые случаи не покрывает, только вменяемые +// (c) Vitaliy Filippov 2019+ +// Версия: 2020-04-29 + +// В docx потом можно перегнать так (open/libreoffice): +// soffice --headless --infilter=writerglobal8_HTML --convert-to docx:"MS Word 2007 XML" --outdir . schema.html + +// Graphviz: +// nodejs export-schema.js server-config.json dot > +// Потом перегнать в SVG: +// dot -Tsvg + +// SQL (воссоздать начальные определения таблиц, индексов, триггеров, функций и агрегатов без pg_dump-ного мусора): +// nodejs export-schema.js server-config.json sql + +// server-config.json: +// { db: { host, database, user, password, port }, skip_tables?: RegExp, skip_triggers?: RegExp, skip_functions?: RegExp } + +const fsp = require('fs').promises || require('../lib/fsp.js'); +const SQL = require('../lib/select-builder-pgsql.js'); + +const columninfo = (ver) => `select distinct on (c.relname, a.attnum, a.attname, a.attnotnull, t.typname) + c.relname as table, + a.attname as name, + a.attnotnull as "notnull", + (a.atttypmod-4) as "len", + (case when `+(ver >= 120000 ? 'pg_get_expr(d.adbin, d.adrelid)' : 'd.adsrc')+` like 'nextval(''%_id_seq%''::regclass)' then + (case when t.typname='int8' then 'bigserial' + when t.typname='int4' + then 'serial' + else t.typname end) + else + (case when t.typname='int8' then 'bigint' + when t.typname='int4' then 'int' + when t.typname='int2' then 'smallint' + when t.typname='_int4' then 'int[]' + else t.typname end) + end) as "type", + (case when `+(ver >= 120000 ? 'pg_get_expr(d.adbin, d.adrelid)' : 'd.adsrc')+` like 'nextval(''%_id_seq%''::regclass)' then '' + else `+(ver >= 120000 ? 'pg_get_expr(d.adbin, d.adrelid)' : 'd.adsrc')+` end) as "default", + pg_catalog.obj_description(c.oid) table_comment, + pg_catalog.col_description(c.oid, a.attnum) column_comment, + fkc.relname ref_table, + (select jsonb_agg(fka.attname) from pg_attribute fka where fka.attrelid=fk.confrelid and fka.attnum=any(fk.confkey)) ref_fields, + fk.confupdtype ref_update, + fk.confdeltype ref_delete +from pg_namespace n +inner join pg_class c on c.relnamespace=n.oid +inner join pg_attribute a on a.attrelid=c.oid and a.attnum>0 and a.attisdropped=false +inner join pg_type t on t.oid=a.atttypid +left join pg_attrdef d on d.adrelid=a.attrelid and d.adnum=a.attnum +left join pg_constraint fk on fk.conrelid=c.oid and fk.conkey=array[a.attnum] and fk.contype='f' +left join pg_class fkc on fkc.oid=fk.confrelid +where n.nspname='public' and c.relkind='r' +order by c.relname, a.attnum, a.attname, a.attnotnull, t.typname`; + +const indexinfo = `select i.tablename, replace(i.indexdef, ' USING btree (', ' (') indexdef, x.indisprimary +from pg_indexes i +inner join pg_namespace n on n.nspname='public' and n.nspname=i.schemaname +inner join pg_class c on c.relnamespace=n.oid and c.relname=i.indexname +inner join pg_index x on x.indexrelid=c.oid`; + +const triggerinfo = `select + c.relname as table, + t.tgname as name, + (pg_get_functiondef(p.oid) || e';\n\n' || pg_get_triggerdef(t.oid) || ';\n') as sql +from pg_trigger t, pg_class c, pg_namespace n, pg_proc p +where n.nspname='public' and c.relnamespace=n.oid +and c.oid=t.tgrelid and p.oid=t.tgfoid and t.tgisinternal=false`; + +const funcinfo = (ver) => `select p.proname as name, pg_get_functiondef(p.oid) || ';\n' as sql +from pg_proc p +inner join pg_namespace n on n.nspname='public' and n.oid=p.pronamespace +left join pg_trigger t on t.tgfoid=p.oid +left join pg_aggregate a on p.oid in (a.aggtransfn, a.aggfinalfn, a.aggmtransfn, a.aggminvtransfn, a.aggmfinalfn) +where `+(ver >= 110000 ? `p.prokind != 'a'` : `p.proisagg=false`)+` and t.oid is null and a.aggfnoid is null`; + +const agginfo = (ver) => `select + p.proname as name, + pg_get_functiondef(a.aggtransfn) + ||case when a.aggfinalfn=0 then '' else e';\n\n'||pg_get_functiondef(a.aggfinalfn) end + ||case when a.aggmtransfn=0 then '' else e';\n\n'||pg_get_functiondef(a.aggmtransfn) end + ||case when a.aggminvtransfn=0 then '' else e';\n\n'||pg_get_functiondef(a.aggminvtransfn) end + ||case when a.aggmfinalfn=0 then '' else e';\n\n'||pg_get_functiondef(a.aggmfinalfn) end + ||e';\n\ncreate aggregate '||n.nspname||'.'||p.proname||'('||format_type(a.aggtranstype, null)||') (sfunc = '||a.aggtransfn + ||', stype = '||format_type(a.aggtranstype, null) + ||case when a.aggtransspace=0 then '' else ', sspace = '||a.aggtransspace end + ||case when a.aggfinalfn=0 then '' else ', finalfunc = '||a.aggfinalfn end + ||case when a.agginitval is null then '' else ', initcond = '||a.agginitval end + ||case when a.aggmtranstype=0 then '' else ', mstype = '||format_type(a.aggmtranstype, null) end + ||case when a.aggmtransspace=0 then '' else ', msspace = '||a.aggmtransspace end + ||case when a.aggmtransfn=0 then '' else ', msfunc = '||a.aggmtransfn end + ||case when a.aggminvtransfn=0 then '' else ', invfunc = '||a.aggminvtransfn end + ||case when a.aggmfinalfn=0 then '' else ', mfinalfunc = '||a.aggmfinalfn end + ||case when a.aggminitval is null then '' else ', minitcond = '||a.aggminitval end + ||case when op.oprname is null then '' else ', sortop = '||op.oprname end + `+(ver >= 90600 ? `||case when a.aggcombinefn=0 then '' else ', combinefunc = '||a.aggcombinefn end + ||case when a.aggserialfn=0 then '' else ', serialfunc = '||a.aggserialfn end + ||case when a.aggdeserialfn=0 then '' else ', deserialfunc = '||a.aggcombinefn end + ` : '')+`||e');\n' as sql +from pg_proc p +join pg_namespace n on p.pronamespace = n.oid +join pg_aggregate a on a.aggfnoid = p.oid +left join pg_operator op on op.oid = a.aggsortop +where n.nspname = 'public'`; + +async function run() +{ + const config = JSON.parse(await fsp.readFile(process.argv[2] || '../server-config.json', { encoding: 'utf-8' })); + const format = process.argv[3] || 'html'; + const dbh = new SQL.Connection(config.db); + const pg_ver = await'show server_version_num', SQL.MS_VALUE); + const columns = await, SQL.MS_HASH); + let indexes = await, SQL.MS_HASH); + const triggers = await, SQL.MS_HASH); + const funcs = await, SQL.MS_HASH); + const aggs = await, SQL.MS_HASH); + const tables = {}; + let skip = config.skip_tables && new RegExp(config.skip_tables, 'i'); + for (const col of columns) + { + if (skip && skip.exec(col.table)) + { + continue; + } + if (!tables[col.table]) + { + tables[col.table] = { + name: col.table, + comment: col.table_comment, + columns: {}, + indexes: [], + triggers: [], + primary_key: [], + }; + } + tables[col.table].columns[] = { + name:, + comment: col.column_comment, + type: col.type.toLowerCase(), + len: col.len, + notnull: col.notnull, + default: col.default, + ref_table: col.ref_table, + ref_fields: col.ref_fields, + ref_update: col.ref_update, + ref_delete: col.ref_delete, + }; + } + indexes = indexes.sort((a, b) => a.indexdef.localeCompare(b.indexdef)); + for (const idx of indexes) + { + if (!tables[idx.tablename]) + { + continue; + } + if (idx.indisprimary) + { + let m = /^create\s*unique\s*index\s*\S+\s*on\s*\S+\s*\(\s*(.*)\s*\)\s*$/i.exec(idx.indexdef); + if (m) + { + tables[idx.tablename].primary_key = m[1].split(/\s*,\s*/); + } + else + { + tables[idx.tablename].indexes.push(idx.indexdef); + } + } + else + { + tables[idx.tablename].indexes.push(idx.indexdef); + } + } + for (const f of funcs) + { + f.sql = f.sql.replace(/\r\n/g, '\n'); + } + skip = config.skip_triggers && new RegExp(config.skip_triggers, 'i'); + for (const t of triggers) + { + // Make SQL compatible with PostgreSQL < 11 + t.sql = t.sql.replace(/ EXECUTE FUNCTION /, ' EXECUTE PROCEDURE '); + if (tables[t.table] && (!skip || !skip.exec( + { + tables[t.table].triggers.push(t.sql); + } + } + if (format == 'html') + { + console.log(exportHTML(tables)); + } + else if (format == 'crudstub') + { + await generateCRUDStubs(tables); + } + else if (format == 'dot') + { + // Graphviz + console.log(exportDOT(tables)); + } + else if (format == 'sql') + { + // Простой экспорт схемы в SQL + const dir = process.argv[4] || './sql-export'; + const stat = await fsp.stat(dir); + if (!stat.isDirectory) + { + console.error('Укажите директорию следующим параметром:\n nodejs export-schema.js config.json sql ./sql-export-dir'); + process.exit(-1); + } + let all_funcs = [ ...funcs, ...aggs ]; + if (config.skip_functions) + { + let re = new RegExp(config.skip_functions, 'i'); + all_funcs = all_funcs.filter(f => !re.exec(; + } + await exportSQL(tables, all_funcs, dir); + } + else + { + console.error('Неизвестный формат экспорта: '+format); + } + process.exit(0); +} + +async function generateCRUDStubs(tables) +{ + let services = '', imports = ''; + for (const t in tables) + { + if (t == 'patch_state' || !tables[t] + { + continue; + } + const name = t.replace(/(?:^|_)([a-z])/g, (m, m1) => m1.toUpperCase()); + let joins = ''; + let cols = Object.values(tables[t].columns).map(col => + { + if ( == 'id') + { + return ''; + } + let type = col.type; + if (col.ref_table) + { + type = 'ref'; + joins += ` ${'_id', '')}: { service: '${col.ref_table}', object_field: '${}' },\n`; + } + else if (type == 'varchar' || type == 'text') + { + type = 'string'; + } + else if ((col.comment||'').indexOf('UNIX время') >= 0) + { + type = 'unixtime'; + } + else if (type == 'int' || type == 'smallint' || type == 'bigint') + { + type = 'int'; + } + else if (type == 'jsonb') + { + type = 'json'; + } + else if (type == 'boolean') + { + type = 'bool'; + } + return ` ${}: '${type}',\n`; + }).join(''); + let code = +`const UserError = require('../UserError.js'); +const { CRUDService } = require('../CRUDService.js'); + +class ${name} extends CRUDService +{ +} + +${name}.prototype.table = '${t}'; +${name}.prototype.maxLimit = 100; +${name}.prototype.fieldTypes = { +${cols}}; +${name}.prototype.joins = { +${joins}}; + +module.exports = ${name}; +`; + await fsp.writeFile('../lib/api/'+name+'.js', code); + imports += `const ${name} = require('./api/${name}.js');\n`; + services += ` ${t}: ${name},\n`; + } + console.log(imports + services); +} + +function exportHTML(tables) +{ + let seen = {}, seq = []; + for (const t in tables) + { + add(tables, t, seen, seq); + } + // th td margin: 0cm для либреофиса + let out = ``; + for (const t of seq) + { + const tbl = tables[t]; + out += `

${h(} — ${h(tbl.comment)}

\n`; + out += `\n\n`; + for (const c in tbl.columns) + { + const col = tbl.columns[c]; + out += ``; + out += ``; + out += `\n`; + } + out += `
${h(}${h(col.ref_table ? 'Ссылка на '+col.ref_table : col.type)}${h( == 'id' ? 'Первичный ключ' : col.comment)}
\n`; + } + return out; +} + +function exportDOT(tables) +{ + let seen = {}, seq = []; + for (const t in tables) + { + add(tables, t, seen, seq); + } + let out = `digraph G { +graph [rankdir=LR] +node [shape=note fontsize=10 fontname=Arial style=filled fillcolor=white] +edge [color="#4080ff" len=0.5] +`; + for (const t of seq) + { + const tbl = tables[t]; + let links = {}; + out += `${} [color="#8090a0",fillcolor="#f0f4f8",label=< + + + +`; + for (const c in tbl.columns) + { + const col = tbl.columns[c]; + out += ``; + out += ``; + out += `\n`; + if (col.ref_table) + { + // FIXME: Стрелочки покрасить + links[col.ref_table] = `${} -> ${col.ref_table}\n`; + } + } + out += `
${h(} - ${h(tbl.comment)}
${h(}${h(col.ref_table ? 'Ссылка на '+col.ref_table : col.type)}${h( == 'id' ? 'Первичный ключ' : col.comment)}
+> +,tooltip="${h(}"] +`; + out += Object.values(links).join(''); + } + out += "}\n"; + return out; +} + +async function exportSQL(tables, funcs, dir) +{ + const ACTION = { a: 'no action', r: 'restrict', c: 'cascade', n: 'set null', d: 'set default' }; + let services = '', imports = ''; + for (const t in tables) + { + const tbl = tables[t]; + let code = `create table ${} (\n`; + for (const c in tbl.columns) + { + const col = tbl.columns[c]; + code += " "' '+col.type + + (col.type == 'varchar' ? '('+col.len+')' : '') + + (col.notnull ? ' not null' : '') + + (tbl.primary_key.length == 1 && tbl.primary_key[0] === ? ' primary key' : '') + + (col.ref_table + ? ' references '+col.ref_table+' ('+col.ref_fields.join(', ')+ + ') on delete '+ACTION[col.ref_delete]+' on update '+ACTION[col.ref_update] + : '') + ",\n"; + } + if (tbl.primary_key.length > 1) + { + code += " primary key ("+tbl.primary_key.join(', ')+")\n"; + } + else + { + code = code.substr(0, code.length-2)+"\n"; + } + code += ");\n\n"; + if (tbl.indexes.length > 0) + { + code += tbl.indexes.join(";\n")+";\n\n"; + } + if (tbl.comment) + { + code += `comment on table ${} is '${tbl.comment}';\n`; + } + for (const c in tbl.columns) + { + const col = tbl.columns[c]; + if (col.comment) + { + code += `comment on column ${}.${c} is '${col.comment}';\n`; + } + } + await fsp.writeFile(dir+'/''.sql', code.trim()+'\n'); + if (tbl.triggers.length) + { + await fsp.writeFile(dir+'/''_triggers.sql', tbl.triggers.join("\n\n")); + } + } + for (const f of funcs) + { + await fsp.writeFile(dir+'/''.sql', f.sql); + } +} + +function add(tables, t, seen, seq) +{ + if (seen[t]) + { + return; + } + const tbl = tables[t]; + seen[t] = true; + for (const c in tbl.columns) + { + const col = tbl.columns[c]; + if (col.ref_table && !seen[col.ref_table]) + { + add(tables, col.ref_table, seen, seq); + } + } + seq.push(t); +} + +run().catch(console.error); + +function h(s) +{ + const r = { '<': '<', '>': '>', '&': '&', '\'': ''', '"': '"' }; + return s == null ? 'null' : s.replace(/[<>&'"]/g, m => r[m]); //' +}