// Простенький "селект билдер" по мотивам MediaWiki-овского, успешно юзаю подобный в PHP уже лет 8 // (c) Виталий Филиппов, 2019 // Версия 2019-06-05 // В PHP, правда, прикольнее - там в массиве можно смешивать строковые и численные ключи, // благодаря чему можно писать $where = [ 't1.a=t2.a', 't2.b' => [ 1, 2, 3 ] ] // Здесь так нельзя, поэтому этот синтаксис мы заменяем на { 't1.a=t2.a': [], 't2.b': [ 1, 2, 3 ] } const pg = require('pg'); // Сраный node-postgres конвертирует даты в Date и портит таймзону const DATATYPE_DATE = 1082; pg.types.setTypeParser(DATATYPE_DATE, function(val) { return val === null ? null : val; }); let pg_escape; const MS_HASH = 0; const MS_LIST = 1; const MS_ROW = 2; const MS_COL = 4; const MS_VALUE = 6; function select_builder(tables, fields, where, options) { let sql = 'SELECT ', bind = []; if (fields instanceof Array) { sql += fields.join(', '); } else if (typeof fields == 'string') { sql += fields; } else if (typeof fields == 'object') { sql += Object.keys(fields).map(k => fields[k]+' AS '+k).join(', '); } else { throw new Error('fields = '+fields+' is invalid'); } sql += ' FROM '; const t = tables_builder(tables); sql += t.sql; bind.push.apply(bind, t.bind); where = where_builder(where); sql += ' WHERE '+(where.sql || '1=1'); bind.push.apply(bind, where.bind); if (t.moreWhere) { sql += ' AND '+t.moreWhere.sql; bind.push.apply(bind, t.moreWhere.bind); } options = options||{}; if (options['GROUP BY'] || options.group_by) { let group = options['GROUP BY'] || options.group_by; group = group instanceof Array ? group : [ group ]; sql += ' GROUP BY '+group.join(', '); } if (options['ORDER BY'] || options.order_by) { let order = options['ORDER BY'] || options.order_by; order = order instanceof Array ? order : [ order ]; sql += ' ORDER BY '+order.join(', '); } if (options.LIMIT || options.limit) { sql += ' LIMIT '+((options.LIMIT || options.limit) | 0); } if (options.OFFSET || options.offset) { sql += ' OFFSET '+((options.OFFSET || options.offset) | 0); } return new Text(sql, bind); } function tables_builder(tables) { let sql = '', bind = []; let moreWhere = null; let first = true; if (typeof tables == 'string') { sql = tables; return { sql, bind, moreWhere }; } for (const k in tables) { let jointype = 'INNER', table = tables[k], conds = null; if (table instanceof Array) { [ jointype, table, conds ] = table; } if (!first) { sql += ' ' + jointype.toUpperCase() + ' JOIN '; } let more_on; if (table instanceof Pg_Values) { sql += '(VALUES '; let i = 0; for (const row of table.rows) { sql += (i > 0 ? ', (' : '(') + table.keys.map(() => '?').join(', ')+')'; bind.push.apply(bind, table.keys.map(k => row[k])); i++; } sql += ') AS '+k+'('+table.keys.join(', ')+')'; } else if (typeof table == 'object') { // Nested join, `k` alias is ignored let subjoin = tables_builder(table); if (subjoin.moreWhere) { more_on = subjoin.moreWhere; } if (Object.keys(table).length > 1) { sql += "("+subjoin.sql+")"; } else { sql += subjoin.sql; } bind.push.apply(subjoin.bind); } else { sql += table + ' ' + k; } conds = where_builder(conds); if (more_on) { if (!conds.sql) conds = more_on; else { conds.sql += ' AND ' + more_on.sql; conds.bind.push.apply(conds.bind, more_on.bind); } } if (!first) { sql += ' ON ' + (conds.sql || '1=1'); bind.push.apply(bind, conds.bind); } else { // Бывает удобно указывать WHERE как условие "JOIN" первой таблицы moreWhere = conds.sql ? conds : null; first = false; } } return { sql, bind, moreWhere }; } // fields: one of: // - string: 'a=b AND c=d' // - array: [ 'a=b', [ 'a=? or b=?', 1, 2 ], [ 'a', [ 1, 2 ] ] ] // - object: { a: 1, b: [ 1, 2 ], 'a = b': [], '(a, b)': [ [ 1, 2 ], [ 2, 3 ] ], 'c=? or d=?': [ 2, 3 ] } // - key does not contain '?', value is a scalar or non-empty array => (key IN ...) // - key does not contain '?', value is an empty array => just (key) // - key contains '?', value is a scalar or non-empty array => (key) with bind params (...value) // - key is numeric, then value is treated as in array function where_or_set(fields, where) { if (typeof fields == 'string') { return { sql: fields, bind: [] }; } const w = [], bind = []; for (let k in fields) { let v = fields[k]; if (/^\d+$/.exec(k)) { if (v instanceof Array) { k = v[0]; v = v.slice(1); } else { w.push(v); continue; } } if (k.indexOf('?') >= 0 || v instanceof Array && v.length == 0) { if (!(v instanceof Array)) { v = [ v ]; } // FIXME: check bind variable count w.push(k); bind.push.apply(bind, v); continue; } v = v instanceof Array ? v : [ v ]; if (v.length == 1 && v[0] == null) { w.push(where ? k+' is null' : k+' = null'); } else { if ((v.length > 1 || v[0] instanceof Array) && !where) { throw new Error('IN syntax can only be used inside WHERE'); } if (v[0] instanceof Array) { // (a, b) in (...) w.push(k + ' in (' + v.map(vi => '('+vi.map(() => '?').join(', ')+')') + ')'); v.map(vi => bind.push.apply(bind, vi)); } else { w.push(v.length == 1 ? k + ' = ?' : k + ' in (' + v.map(() => '?').join(', ') + ')'); bind.push.apply(bind, v); } } } if (!where) { // SET return { sql: w.join(', '), bind }; } // WHERE return { sql: w.length ? '('+w.join(') and (')+')' : '', bind }; } function where_builder(where) { return where_or_set(where, true); } /** * Разбивает набор таблиц на основную обновляемую + набор дополнительных * * Идея в том, чтобы обрабатывать хотя бы 2 простые ситуации: * UPDATE table1 INNER JOIN table2 ... * UPDATE table1 LEFT JOIN table2 ... */ function split_using(tables) { if (typeof tables == 'string') { return { what: { sql: tables, bind: [] }, using: null, moreWhere: null }; } let first = null; let is_next_inner = true; let i = 0; for (let k in tables) { let t = tables[k]; if (i == 0) { if (t instanceof Array && typeof(t[1]) != 'string') { throw new Error('Can only update/delete from real tables, not sub-select, sub-join or VALUES'); } first = k; } else if (i == 1) { is_next_inner = !(t instanceof Array) || t[0].toLowerCase() == 'inner'; } else { break; } i++; } let what, moreWhere; if (is_next_inner) { what = tables_builder({ [first]: tables[first] }); delete tables[first]; moreWhere = what.moreWhere; what.moreWhere = null; } else { what = tables_builder({ ["_"+first]: tables[first] }); const cond = '_'+first+'.ctid='+(/^\d+$/.exec(first) ? tables[first] : first)+'.ctid'; moreWhere = what.moreWhere ? { sql: what.moreWhere.sql+' AND '+cond, bind: what.moreWhere.bind } : { sql: cond, bind: [] }; what.moreWhere = null; } return { what, using: Object.keys(tables).length > 0 ? tables : null, moreWhere }; } // Превратить bind пераметры, выраженные как ?, в вид $n (как в node-postgres) function _positional(sql) { let i = 0; sql = sql.replace(/'(?:[^\']*|\'\')*'|"(?:[^\"]*|\"\")*"|(\?)/g, (m, m1) => (m1 ? '$'+(++i) : m)); return sql; } // Встроить все bind пераметры, выраженные как ?, в строку function _inline(sql, bind) { if (!pg_escape) { pg_escape = require('pg-escape'); } let i = 0; sql = sql.replace( /'(?:[^\']*|\'\')*'|"(?:[^\"]*|\"\")*"|(\?)/g, (m, m1) => { if (!m1) return m; let v = bind[i++]; if (typeof v == 'object') v = JSON.stringify(v); else if (typeof v == 'number') return v; else if (v == null) return 'null'; return '\''+pg_escape.string(v)+'\''; } ); return sql; } // dbh: Connection async function select(dbh, tables, fields, where, options, format) { let { sql, bind } = select_builder(tables, fields, where, options); let data = await dbh.query(sql, bind); if ((format & MS_LIST) || (format & MS_COL)) data = data.rows.map(r => Object.values(r)); else data = data.rows; if (format & MS_ROW) data = data[0]; if (data && (format & MS_COL)) data = data[0]; return data; } async function insert(dbh, table, rows, options) { if (!(rows instanceof Array)) { rows = [ rows ]; } if (!rows.length) { return null; } if (!pg_escape) { pg_escape = require('pg-escape'); } const keys = Object.keys(rows[0]); let sql = 'insert into '+table+' ('+keys.join(', ')+') values '; let i = 0; for (const row of rows) { let j = 0; sql += (i > 0 ? ', (' : '('); for (let k of keys) { if (j > 0) sql += ', '; if (row[k] == null) sql += 'default'; else if (typeof row[k] == 'object') sql += '\''+pg_escape(JSON.stringify(row[k]))+'\''; else sql += '\''+pg_escape(''+row[k])+'\''; j++; } sql += ')'; i++; } if (options) { if (options.upsert) { sql += ' on conflict '+ (options.upsert instanceof Array ? '('+options.upsert.join(', ')+')' : (typeof options.upsert == 'string' ? options.upsert : '(id)'))+ ' do update set '+ keys.map(k => `${k} = excluded.${k}`).join(', '); } else if (options.ignore) { sql += ' on conflict '+ (options.ignore instanceof Array ? '('+options.ignore.join(', ')+')' : (typeof options.ignore == 'string' ? options.ignore : '(id)'))+ ' do nothing'; } if (options.returning) { sql += ' returning '+options.returning; return (await dbh.query(sql)).rows; } } return await dbh.query(sql); } async function _delete(dbh, table, where, options) { where = where_builder(where); const split = split_using(table); if (split.using) { split.using = tables_builder(split.using); } let sql = 'delete from '+split.what.sql+ (split.using ? ' using '+split.using.sql : '')+ ' where '+(where.sql || '1=1')+(split.moreWhere ? ' and '+split.moreWhere.sql : ''); let bind = [ ...split.what.bind, ...where.bind, ...(split.moreWhere ? split.moreWhere.bind : []) ]; if (options && options.returning) { sql += ' returning '+options.returning; return (await dbh.query(sql, bind)).rows; } return await dbh.query(sql, bind); } async function update(dbh, table, set, where, options) { set = where_or_set(set, false); where = where_builder(where); const split = split_using(table); if (split.using) { split.using = tables_builder(split.using); } let sql = 'update '+split.what.sql+' set '+set.sql+ (split.using ? ' from '+split.using.sql : '')+ ' where '+(where.sql || '1=1')+(split.moreWhere ? ' and '+split.moreWhere.sql : ''); let bind = [ ...split.what.bind, ...set.bind, ...(split.using ? split.using.bind : []), ...where.bind, ...(split.moreWhere ? split.moreWhere.bind : []) ]; if (options && options.returning) { sql += ' returning '+options.returning; return (await dbh.query(sql, bind)).rows; } return await dbh.query(sql, bind); } function values(rows) { return new Pg_Values(Object.keys(rows[0]), rows); } class Pg_Values { constructor(keys, rows) { this.keys = keys; this.rows = rows; } } class Text { constructor(sql, bind) { this.sql = sql; this.bind = bind || []; } toString() { return _inline(this.sql, this.bind); } concat(text) { return new Text(this.sql+text.sql, [ ...this.bind, ...text.bind ]); } } // Обёртка PostgreSQL-подключения // Автоматически переподключается при отвале class Connection { constructor(config, init_callback) { this.config = config; this.init_callback = init_callback; this.onerror = (e) => { console.warn(e); console.warn('Database connection dropped. Reconnecting'); this.dbh = null; this.connect(); }; } async connect() { if (this.dbh) return this.dbh; let retry = this.config.retry || 30; while (true) { try { this.dbh = new pg.Client(this.config); await this.dbh.connect(); if (this.init_callback) { this.init_callback(); } this.dbh.on('error', this.onerror); return; } catch (e) { console.warn(e); console.warn('Trying to connect again in '+retry+' seconds'); await new Promise((r, j) => setTimeout(r, retry*1000)); } } return this.dbh; } async query(sql, bind) { if (!this.dbh) await this.connect(); console.log('> '+(bind && bind.length ? _inline(sql, bind) : sql)); return await this.dbh.query(_positional(sql), bind); } async select(tables, fields, where, options, format) { if (!this.dbh) await this.connect(); return await select(this, tables, fields, where, options, format); } async insert(table, rows, options) { if (!this.dbh) await this.connect(); return await insert(this, table, rows, options); } async update(table, set, where, options) { if (!this.dbh) await this.connect(); return await update(this, table, set, where, options); } async delete(table, where, options) { if (!this.dbh) await this.connect(); return await _delete(this, table, where, options); } } module.exports = { select_builder, where_builder, quote_into: _inline, quote_positional: _positional, select, insert, delete: _delete, update, values, Text, Connection, MS_HASH, MS_LIST, MS_ROW, MS_COL, MS_VALUE, };