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Boris Bendyukov 2014-01-17 08:23:45 +00:00
parent 18c251ca18
commit 63f2053579
1 changed files with 21 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -192,12 +192,33 @@ public class PersistenceManager {
specificUpdateStateForStartElement(rObjs, (RStartElement) activity, txInfo, state);
public void updateState(ReceiveUnitImpl unit, RequiredObjects rObjs, TransactionInfo txInfo, MutableState state, long branchInvokeCounter, String messageExchangeId) {
RActivity activity = unit.getStaticModelActivity();
state.updatePCWithBranchInvokeCounter(unit.getBranchId(), activity.getUniqueId(), branchInvokeCounter);
String crmpInvId = (String) rObjs.removeValue(RequiredObjects.CRMP_INVOKE_ID);
if (crmpInvId != null) {
RStartElement startElement = (RStartElement)activity;
String partnerLink = startElement.getRPartner().getName();
String operation = ((OperationReference) startElement).getOperation();
state.updateCRMPState(crmpInvId, partnerLink, operation, messageExchangeId);
StateManager mgr = mEng.getStateManager();
mgr.persistState((State) state, txInfo, mBPInstance);
private void specificUpdateStateForStartElement(RequiredObjects rObjs, RStartElement startElement,
TransactionInfo txInfo, MutableState state) {
String crmpInvId = (String) rObjs.removeValue(RequiredObjects.CRMP_INVOKE_ID);
if (crmpInvId != null) {
String partnerLink = startElement.getRPartner().getName();
String operation = ((OperationReference) startElement).getOperation();
//TODO: (BB) It seems that next line contains error, because startElement is a class of bpelmodel project,
//which contains setMessageExchange method but doesn't provide it through any interfaces and never uses (Make "find usages" setMessageExchange of com.sun.bpel.model.impl.* classes).
//so, the messageExchange will be null in any case. Please see where is a bug.
String bpelMesgExchange = startElement.getMessageExchange();
state.updateCRMPState(crmpInvId, partnerLink, operation, bpelMesgExchange);