This is project rules4jbi, v0.4. Copyright (c) 2008, 2009 Milan Fort ( All rights reserved. -- rules4jbi consists of a JBI (JSR 208) compliant service engine capable to work with any JSR 94 compliant rules engine, and a NetBeans plugin for creating the deployment artifacts. -- The rules4jbi source license is in the file licenses/LICENSE.txt The XOM license is in the file licenses/LICENSE-xom.txt The Google Guice license is in the file licenses/LICENSE-guice.txt The ASM license is in the file licenses/LICENSE-asm.txt The wsdl4j license is in the file licenses/LICENSE-wsdl4j.txt The JUnit license is in the file licenses/LICENSE-junit.txt The JCIP annotations license is in the file licenses/LICENSE-jcip.txt The JAXB reference implementation license is in the file licenses/LICENSE-jaxb.txt The Silk Icons license is in the file licenses/LICENSE-icons.txt