Welcome to the Apache Camel JBI service engine(CamelSE) for OpenESB/GlassfishESB -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This project consists of a JBI Service engine named "camel-jbi-se" that can be used to run Apache Camel applications in a JBI Platform and a corresponding netbeans plugin which can be used to develop Apache Camel application as a JBI Service unit in Netbeans IDE to deploy it to the "camel-jbi-se" service engine running in OpenESB. Apache Camel is a POJO Routing Engine and Mediation Framework. Please visit http://activemq.apache.org/camel/ for more details about Apache Camel. The Apache Camel version used in this project is 1.5.0. The Apache Camel license is in the file CAMEL-LICENCE.txt The Apache Camel Notice is in the file CAMEL-NOTICE.txt How to use the CamelSE ---------------------- 1. Install the camel-jbi-se.zip file on OpenESB V2/GlassfishESB. 2. Install org-openesb-components-camelse-nb-plugin.nbm in Netbeans 6.1 IDE 3. Create and deploy service units using Camel JBI Module project ( File->New Project...[SOA->Camel JBI Module]) and the Composite Application tools in Netbeans 6.1 IDE For more details visit wiki page : http://wiki.open-esb.java.net/Wiki.jsp?page=CamelSE See examples/README.txt for details of the example composite applications that use camelse. -- Thank you. Srinivasan Chikkala Email : Srinivasan.Chikkala@sun.com Blog : http://blogs.sun.com/schikkala/ Open ESB Community (http://open-esb.org)