This directory is a parent project form two maven archetype that can be used to create maven based projects for developing JBI Components (Service Engines and Binding Components). The maven projects created using these archetypes are complete projects which are ready to build and test ( unit and integration test ) a working JBI Component. The maven project created for the JBI Component will have a maven project metadata (pom.xml), ant build scripts, sample code that implements either BC or SE, sample junit test and integration test code. The project can be buildable using maven build lifecycle or ant build lifecycle to completely build and test the component. The sample source code and the source structure for component implementation is same as that explained in the article JBI Examples - Developing JBI Components ( once these projects are installed, the archetypes will be ready to be used from the local repository. To build maven-archetype projects and install into the local repository, do this cd open-jbi-components/maven-archetypes-jbi smvn install to use the installed maven archetpes build from the above projects to create jbi component projects use the following commands For creating Service Engine project --------------------------------------------------- smvn archetype:create -DarchetypeGroupId=open.jbi.components.maven.archetype -DarchetypeArtifactId=maven-archetype-jbi-se -DarchetypeVersion=0.1 -DgroupId= -DartifactId= -DpackageName= -Dversion= For creating Binding Component project ---------------------------------------------------------- mvn archetype:create -DarchetypeGroupId=open.jbi.components.maven.archetype -DarchetypeArtifactId=maven-archetype-jbi-bc -DarchetypeVersion=0.1 -DgroupId= -DartifactId= -DpackageName= -Dversion= * groupId : Group id of the new jbi component maven project that you are creating. * artifactId: Artifact id of the new project. Its value will be used to create the project directory. This value will be also used as a JBI component name in generated sample code and the jbi installation descriptor for the component. * packageName: A dot separated name for the java package name that will be created under source root and where the component specific classes will be added. It also will be used as package name for the Component and Bootstrap classes in the installation descriptor. If you omit the packageName, the groupId value will be used as a package name. So, make sure that the group id is a qualified package name if you omit the packageName. * version: Version for your component project. for example, 1.0-SNAPSHOT see for more details.