# # BOM for open-jbi-components # #include shared parts: INCLUDE common_defs.bom set DST_DIR . #NOTE - this bundle is just a zip of the component jars defined in components.bom set SRC_DIR set SRC_FILE ojc-components.zip set DST_FILE |0444|bin||| #add index.html FILE set SRC_FILE index.html set DST_FILE |0444|bin||| #add version.txt (not sure this is used - only contains build-number. RT 6/19/07): set SRC_FILE version.txt set DST_FILE |0444|bin||| #add cvs_update.log set SRC_FILE cvs_update.log set DST_FILE |0444|bin||| #add individual components: INCLUDE components.bom #add source distributions: INCLUDE sources.bom IF = 1 #add driver-test source bundle: set SRC_DIR /test set SRC_FILE driver-tests.zip set DST_FILE |0444|bin||| #add product source bundle: set SRC_DIR /product set SRC_FILE ojc-src.zip set DST_FILE |0444|bin||| ENDIF