# ftp server host=freeway.stc.com # ftp port default 21 port=21 # ftp user user=anonymous # ftp user password password=abc@yahoo.com # FTP directory list style : UNIX, NT 4.0, etc. list_style=NT 4.0 # a path to the directory where sequences are persisted targetdir=TEST_SEQ # sequence names that the threads will be fetching targetfile=s1 # duration of simulation session simulation_duration_millis=600000 # max retry before declare failure of operation max_retry=20 # interval in millis between retry of the operation retry_interval_millis=1000 # lease period for the operation in millis lease_period_millis=60000 # interval in millis a thread waits between fetching sequence fetch_interval_millis=1000 # concurrent thread doing the operation (fetch sequence) thread_count=10 # max sequence when the simulation will stop max_sequence=1000 # verbose - Yes/No verbose=Yes