This directory contains netbeans projects for various scenarios of Camel applications running in OpenESB. Open the Composite appliation project in each application and its required JBI Module projects to build, deploy and test the examples from Netbeans 6.1 Examples -------- NOTE: before build and deploy these projects, 0. Make sure that you have installed GlassfishESB (or latest OpenESB) as some of the examples such as "c2db" below uses latest jbi components. 1. fix the camel home for the camel jbi modules (project node -> properties -> camel category) 2. Edit the file in each CamelJBIModule projects to fix the projectDir path if exists to the path where you extracted project. file2file -> demonstrates running a camel app in OpenESB camel(file)->camel(file) jbi2file -> demonstrates messaage exchange from jbi to camel app jbi(soap bc) -> camel(file) jbi2pojo -> demonstrates message exchange from jbi to a POJO in camel app jbi(soap bc) -> camel(bean) file2jbi -> demonstrates message exchange from jbi to camel and vice versa using jbi engines(bpel) camle(file) -> jbi(bpel)->jbi(camel)->camel(file) jbi2jbi -> demonstrates the message exchange from jbi to camel and vice versa using just the jbi binding components. jbi(soap bc) -> camel -> jbi(file bc) c2db -> demonstrates the database bc access through camel. jbi(soap bc) -> camel -> jbi (database bc) Before running this example, make sure that the database table is created and the connection to the database is working. You can use the create-table.sql file in the DBCamelJBIModule to create the table. After deploying the composite app, run the tests DeleteTestCase, VerfiyDeleteTestCase,InsertTestCase,VerifyInsertTestCase,UpdateTestCase, VerifyUpdateTestCase in that order and check the database for changes.