# properties will be used to find the xslt file that will be used for invoking a # service operation. # The "xsltmap.properties" file should contain two types of properties # 1. for namespace prefix to namespaceURI map that starts with "xmlns." prefix like # "xmlns.tns-prefix=http://www.sun.com/jbi/examples/sample-service/echo" # 2. a service description to xslt file properties with syntax like # "{tns-prefix}service-name=xslt_file_name" and # "{tns-prefix}service-name.{tns-prefix}operation-name=xslt_file_name" and # "{tns-prefix}service-name.{tns-prefix}interface-name.operation-name=xslt_file_name" . # the service description property is a "." delimited tokens that represents # a serive or interface qname and a operation name. To locate xslt file either with # service qname or service qname and operaton or serivice qname and interface qname # and operation, all the three properties specified above should be there for each xslt file. # xmlns.greet1=http://www.sun.com/jbi/examples/sample-service/greetings/ xmlns.greet2=http://www.sun.com/jbi/examples/sample-service/greetings/ xmlns.greettypes=http://www.sun.com/jbi/examples/sample-service/greetings/types # just service level default settings {greet2}greetService=hello.xsl # service and operation {greet2}greetService.{greet1}sayHello=hello.xsl # service, interface, operation {greet2}greetService.{greet1}greetings.sayHello=hello.xsl # service and operation {greet2}greetService.{greet1}sayGoodbye=goodbye.xsl # service, interface, operation {greet2}greetService.{greet1}greetings.sayGoodbye=goodbye.xsl