package com.sun.jbi.httpsoapbc; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.logging.Logger; import javax.jbi.messaging.MessageExchange; import javax.jbi.messaging.NormalizedMessage; import javax.wsdl.Message; import javax.wsdl.Part; import javax.xml.namespace.QName; import javax.xml.soap.SOAPBody; import javax.xml.soap.SOAPHeader; import javax.xml.soap.SOAPHeaderElement; import javax.xml.soap.SOAPMessage; import org.w3c.dom.Attr; import org.w3c.dom.Element; import com.sun.jbi.httpsoapbc.util.DebugLog; import com.sun.jbi.internationalization.Messages; import com.sun.jbi.nms.wsdl11wrapper.WrapperBuilder; import com.sun.jbi.nms.wsdl11wrapper.WrapperProcessingException; import com.sun.jbi.nms.wsdl11wrapper.util.WrapperUtil; public class Soap12Normalizer extends Soap11Normalizer { private static Messages mMessages = Messages.getMessages(Soap12Normalizer.class); private static Logger mLog = Messages.getLogger(Soap12Normalizer.class); @Override protected void processSoapBody(WrapperBuilder wrapperBuilder, SOAPBody soapElement, OperationMetaData meta, boolean inMsg) throws WrapperProcessingException, Exception { // TODO Auto-generated method stub processSoap12Body(wrapperBuilder, soapElement, meta, inMsg); } @Override protected void processSoapHeader(WrapperBuilder wrapperBuilder, NormalizedMessage normalMsg, SOAPHeader soapHeader, OperationMetaData meta, boolean inMsg, MessageExchange mex) throws WrapperProcessingException { // TODO Auto-generated method stub processSoap12Header(wrapperBuilder, normalMsg, soapHeader, meta, inMsg, mex); } private void processSoap12Header(WrapperBuilder wrapperBuilder, NormalizedMessage normalMsg, SOAPHeader soapHeader, OperationMetaData meta, boolean inMsg, MessageExchange mex) throws WrapperProcessingException { List headerList = null; if (inMsg) { headerList = meta.getInputSoapHeaders(); } else { headerList = meta.getOutputSoapHeaders(); } // Handle custom reliability protocol. // If present, Extract MessageID and place it in the message exchange // properties if (soapHeader != null) { Iterator headerIter = soapHeader.examineAllHeaderElements(); while (headerIter.hasNext()) { SOAPHeaderElement he = (SOAPHeaderElement); if (he.getLocalName().equals(WSRM_Sequence) && (he.getNamespaceURI().equals(WSRM__1_0__NAMESPACE_URI) || he.getNamespaceURI().equals(WSRM__1_1__NAMESPACE_URI))) { // handle ws-rm soap messages propagateWSRMIdsToExchange(he, mex); } // 11-20-2007 - With the introduction of using WS-RM and the new // JBI message properties for grouping/sequencing, // the following code in the "if" clause for handling custom // reliability may be removed upon further review... if (he.getLocalName().equals(CUSTOM_RELIABILITY_HEADER_LOCAL_NAME) && CUSTOM_RELIABILITY_HEADER_NAMESPACE_URI.equals(he.getNamespaceURI())) { String messageID = he.getTextContent(); normalMsg.setProperty(CUSTOM_RELIABILITY_MESSAGE_ID_PROPERTY, messageID); if (mLog.isLoggable(Level.FINEST)) { mLog.log(Level.FINEST, "Normalized Message ID set to: " + messageID); } } } } // End handling of custom reliability protocol // The service does not define any headers. All headers in the message // will be copied to the Normalized Message as properties. if (mIsSoapHeaderCopyEnabled && soapHeader != null && (headerList == null || headerList.size() < 1)) { for (Iterator headerIter = soapHeader.examineAllHeaderElements(); headerIter.hasNext();) { addSOAPHeader(normalMsg, (SOAPHeaderElement); } return; } // assumes the message where the header part is defined is the same // as the in/out message of the operation. // @todo consider the case where header is not a part in the in/out // message Message wsMessage = null; if (inMsg) { wsMessage = meta.getInputMessage(); } else { wsMessage = meta.getOutputMessage(); } if (soapHeader != null) { // Per namespace mapping rules, collect all relevant namespaces from // soap:header and add them as namespaces to the JBI part Map nameSpaces = WrapperUtil.extractNamespaceDeclarations(soapHeader); if (mLog.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) { DebugLog.debugLog(mLog, Level.FINE, "SOAP header namespaces", nameSpaces); } for (Iterator headerIter = soapHeader.examineAllHeaderElements(); headerIter.hasNext();) { SOAPHeaderElement elem = (SOAPHeaderElement); boolean headerProcessed = false; for (int i = 0; i < headerList.size() && !headerProcessed; ++i) { javax.wsdl.extensions.soap12.SOAP12Header headerDef = (javax.wsdl.extensions.soap12.SOAP12Header) headerList.get(i); if (headerDef.getMessage().equals(wsMessage.getQName())) { Part part = wsMessage.getPart(headerDef.getPart()); if (part == null) { // part not found in the in/out message, currently // not supported String msg = mMessages.getString("HTTPBC-W00714.Unsupported_feature_part_in_header_not_in_message", new Object[] { headerDef.getPart(), wsMessage.getQName() }); throw new IllegalArgumentException(msg); } QName partElemName = part.getElementName(); if (partElemName == null) { // part needs to be defined as element, currently // not supported String msg = mMessages.getString("HTTPBC-W00715.Unsupported_feature_part_in_header_not_element", new Object[] { headerDef.getPart(), wsMessage.getQName() }); throw new IllegalArgumentException(msg); } if (partElemName.equals(elem.getElementQName())) { Map partNameSpaces; if (nameSpaces != null) { partNameSpaces = new HashMap(nameSpaces); } else { partNameSpaces = new HashMap(); } /* * boolean isType = part.getTypeName() != null; if * (isType) { // Per namespace mapping rules, * collect all relevant namespaces from // the part * element of the soap message if the corresponding * part is defined as a type // in the wsdl; these * namespaces will be added to the JBI part Map * partNSs = * WrapperUtil.extractNamespaceDeclarations(elem); * if (partNSs != null) { if * (mLog.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) { * DebugLog.debugLog(mLog, Level.FINE, "SOAP header * element (type) '" + elem.getLocalName() + "' * namespaces", partNSs); } * partNameSpaces.putAll(partNSs); } } */ wrapperBuilder.addPart(part.getName(), elem, partNameSpaces); headerProcessed = true; } } } if (mIsSoapHeaderCopyEnabled && !headerProcessed) { addSOAPHeader(normalMsg, elem); } } } } private void processSoap12Body(WrapperBuilder wrapperBuilder, SOAPBody soapElement, OperationMetaData meta, boolean inMsg) throws WrapperProcessingException, Exception { // Per namespace mapping rules, collect all relevant namespaces from // soap:body and add them as namespaces to the JBI part Map nameSpaces = WrapperUtil.extractNamespaceDeclarations(soapElement); if (mLog.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) { DebugLog.debugLog(mLog, Level.FINE, "SOAP body namespaces", nameSpaces); } javax.wsdl.extensions.soap12.SOAP12Body soapBody = null; if (inMsg) { soapBody = meta.getInputSoap12Body(); } else { soapBody = meta.getOutputSoap12Body(); } Message msg = null; if (inMsg) { msg = meta.getInputMessage(); } else { msg = meta.getOutputMessage(); } String msgTNS = meta.getFullDefinition().getTargetNamespace(); // IF the soap body is defined as empty, return if (soapBody == null) { return; } List bodyParts = soapBody.getParts(); Iterator bodyIterator = null; if (bodyParts != null && bodyParts.size() > 0) { // since soap body binding specifies parts, we use only the parts // that are in the binding bodyIterator = bodyParts.iterator(); } else { // if no parts were specified in the SOAP binding section, we use // all the message parts // currently doesn't care about order of parts if (msg == null) { // assert failed throw new IllegalStateException("Unexpected state, input WSDLMessage is not defined, however we are attempting to invoke the operation with non-empty input"); } bodyIterator = msg.getParts().keySet().iterator(); /* * For debugging String [] keyArr = (String[]) * msg.getParts().keySet().toArray(new String[0]); Map.Entry[] * entryArr = (Map.Entry[]) msg.getParts().entrySet().toArray(new * Map.Entry[0]); for(int i=0;i partAttributes=new HashMap(); if (e != null) { // Per namespace mapping rules, collect all relevant namespaces // from // the part element of the soap message if the corresponding // part is defined as a type // in the wsdl; these namespaces will be added to the JBI part if (isType) { Map partNSs = WrapperUtil.extractNamespaceDeclarations(e); if (mLog.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) { DebugLog.debugLog(mLog, Level.FINE, "Part '" + localName + "' namespaces", partNSs); } if (partNSs != null) { partNameSpaces.putAll(partNSs); } partAttributes = WrapperUtil.extractAttributeDeclarations(e); if (mLog.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) { DebugLog.debugLog(mLog, Level.FINE, "Part '" + localName + "' attributes", partAttributes); } } if (mLog.isLoggable(Level.FINEST)) { mLog.log(Level.FINEST, creatingMsg); } // add the part node to the normalized document if (TYPE_DOC) { // document mode using type // see if the part name can be found in the soap body // element // add the part node to the normalized document wrapperBuilder.addPart(part.getName(), e.getChildNodes(), partNameSpaces,partAttributes); } else if (TYPE_RPC) { // rpc mode using type // look for operation node in soap msg // should have only 1 element with operation's name under // wrapper // get the part node under operation node wrapperBuilder.addPart(part.getName(), e.getChildNodes(), partNameSpaces,partAttributes); } else if (ELEM_DOC) { // it is a element // document mode using element // see if the element name can be found in the soap body wrapperBuilder.addPart(part.getName(), e, partNameSpaces); } else if (ELEM_RPC) { // rpc mode using element // look for operation node in soap msg // get the part node under operation node // Add the contents under the existing part node in the // request to the JBI part wrapper // mWrapperBuilder.addPart(part.getName(), // e.getChildNodes()); wrapperBuilder.addPart(part.getName(), e, partNameSpaces); } } else { throw new WrapperProcessingException(mMessages.getString(nullMsg, partQName.toString())); } } // end while } }