
238 lines
12 KiB

#set( $symbol_pound = '#' )
#set( $symbol_dollar = '$' )
#set( $symbol_escape = '\' )
package net.openesb.component.${componentName};
import net.openesb.component.${componentName}.common.RuntimeHelper;
import net.openesb.component.${componentName}.common.deployment.ConsumerEndpoint;
import javax.jbi.JBIException;
import javax.jbi.component.ComponentContext;
import javax.jbi.messaging.DeliveryChannel;
import javax.jbi.messaging.ExchangeStatus;
import javax.jbi.messaging.Fault;
import javax.jbi.messaging.InOnly;
import javax.jbi.messaging.InOut;
import javax.jbi.messaging.NormalizedMessage;
import javax.wsdl.Operation;
import javax.wsdl.OperationType;
import javax.xml.namespace.QName;
import javax.xml.transform.Source;
* This class acts as a proxy to the external service consumer that can receive
* messages from the external consumer using JMX interface and then initiate the
* InOut message exchange to invoke a service provided by the component in the
* jbi environment.
* this code shows how a synchronous send/receive messages from the delivery
* channel can be used in InOut message exchange to complete a service
* invocation.
* @author chikkala
public class JMXBindingConsumerProxy implements JMXEndpointMBean {
* Synchronous send timeout
private static final long SEND_SYNC_TIMEOUT = 60000;
private ConsumerEndpoint mEndpoint;
private JMXBindingNormalizer mNormalizer;
* Creates a new instance of JMXEndpointMBeanImpl
public JMXBindingConsumerProxy(ConsumerEndpoint endpoint) {
this.mEndpoint = endpoint;
this.mNormalizer = new JMXBindingNormalizer(endpoint.getWSDL(), endpoint.getWSDLBinding());
public StringBuffer sendMessage(String operation, StringBuffer inputDoc) throws Exception {
// when receive input from external service consumer,
// 1. normalized the message, 2. send in-out message exchange. 3. denormalize out message.
Source inMsgSource = RuntimeHelper.createDOMSource(new StringReader(inputDoc.toString()));
QName operationQName = this.mEndpoint.getOperationQName(operation);
Source out = initiateMessageExchange(operationQName, inMsgSource);
StringBuffer outBuff = null;
if (out != null) {
// read the denormalized out message to string buffer.
outBuff = RuntimeHelper.readFromSource(out);
// return the out message content to the external service consumer.
return outBuff;
public Source initiateMessageExchange(QName operation, Source inSource) throws JBIException {
// 1. Decide what type of message exchange needed for this operation.
Source outSource = null;
try {
Operation wsdlOp = this.mEndpoint.getWSDLOperation(operation);
if (OperationType.REQUEST_RESPONSE.equals(wsdlOp.getStyle())) {
outSource = doInOutMessageExchange(operation, inSource);
} else if (OperationType.ONE_WAY.equals(wsdlOp.getStyle())) {
doInOnlyMessageExchange(operation, inSource);
} else {
throw new JBIException("Unsupported MEP " + wsdlOp.getStyle()
+ "for operation " + operation);
return outSource;
} catch (Exception ex) {
throw new JBIException(ex);
* invokes the service provider with in-only message exchange sent to
* delivery channel by the consumer
* @param operation operation name on a service
* @param inSource input xml document for the InOut operation
* @throws java.lang.Exception if any error occurs in invoking the operation
* on the service.
* @return output xml document as a Source object received from InOut
* operation of the service invoked.
private void doInOnlyMessageExchange(QName operation, Source inSource)
throws Exception {
// 2. normalized the message.
// 3. locate service endpoint
// 4. create message exchange according to the Opeations MEP
// get the component context and the delivery channel for preparing to send message
ComponentContext compContext = this.mEndpoint.getComponentContext();
DeliveryChannel channel = this.mEndpoint.getDeliveryChannel();
// create INOUT Message Exchange
InOnly inOnlyME = this.mEndpoint.createInOnlyMessageExchange(operation);
// set the content of the IN normalized message ( Normalize the message )
NormalizedMessage inMsg = inOnlyME.getInMessage();
Operation wsdlOperation = this.mEndpoint.getWSDLOperation(inOnlyME.getOperation());
this.mNormalizer.normalizeInput(wsdlOperation, inMsg, RuntimeHelper.sourceToDOMSource(inSource));
// send the message exchange and wait for response
boolean isSent = channel.sendSync(inOnlyME, SEND_SYNC_TIMEOUT);
if (!isSent) {
throw new Exception("JMXBinding:Timeout occured in sending the message to provider");
// check if you got a done message or error ( done or error are only allowed in in-only)
// process the Message Exchange to check for done or error message and
// complete InOut message exchange with provider
//TODO: put this below code in processInOnlyMessageExchangeOnConsumer()
ExchangeStatus status = inOnlyME.getStatus();
this.mEndpoint.getLogger().fine("Consumer:InOnly:Processing Message Exchange with status " + status);
if (ExchangeStatus.DONE.equals(status)) {
this.mEndpoint.getLogger().fine("Consumer: Completed the INONLY MessageExchange");
} else if (ExchangeStatus.ERROR.equals(status)) {
// error can occur any time. so just return the error back to client.
Exception serverSideEx = inOnlyME.getError();
StringBuffer exMsgBuff = RuntimeHelper.getExceptionStackTrace(serverSideEx);
throw new Exception("Consumer:INONLY Message Exchange status ERROR.${symbol_escape}n" + exMsgBuff);
} else {
// any other status is error.
throw new Exception("Consumer:INONLY Message Exchange error. status: " + status);
* invokes service provider with in-out message exchange sent to delivery
* channel by the consumer
* @param operation operation name on a service
* @param inSource input xml document for the InOut operation
* @throws java.lang.Exception if any error occurs in invoking the operation
* on the service.
* @return output xml document as a Source object received from InOut
* operation of the service invoked.
private Source doInOutMessageExchange(QName operation, Source inSource)
throws Exception {
// 2. normalized the message.
// 3. locate service endpoint
// 4. create message exchange according to the Opeations MEP
// get the component context and the delivery channel for preparing to send message
ComponentContext compContext = this.mEndpoint.getComponentContext();
DeliveryChannel channel = this.mEndpoint.getDeliveryChannel();
// create INOUT Message Exchange
InOut inOutME = this.mEndpoint.createInOutMessageExchange(operation);
// set the content of the IN normalized message ( Normalize the message )
NormalizedMessage inMsg = inOutME.getInMessage();
Operation wsdlOperation = this.mEndpoint.getWSDLOperation(inOutME.getOperation());
this.mNormalizer.normalizeInput(wsdlOperation, inMsg, RuntimeHelper.sourceToDOMSource(inSource));
// send the message exchange and wait for response
boolean isSent = channel.sendSync(inOutME, SEND_SYNC_TIMEOUT);
if (!isSent) {
throw new Exception("JMXBinding:Timeout occured in sending the message to provider");
// check if you got a out message or fault or error
// process the Message Exchange to get the output message and
// complete InOut message exchange with provider
NormalizedMessage outMsg = processInOutMessageExchangeOnConsumer(inOutME);
Source outSource = this.mNormalizer.denormalizeOutput(wsdlOperation, outMsg);
return outSource;
* takes the InOut message exchange received from sendSync call and
* processes it further to complete InOut message exchange with provider and
* returns the out message or throws exception in case of error or faults.
private NormalizedMessage processInOutMessageExchangeOnConsumer(InOut inoutExchange)
throws Exception {
// InOut MessageExchange processing on consumer side
// 1. ACTIVE status receives a fault or out message,
// send the done status to complete message exchange
// return the fault/out message to external consumer
// 2. can not receive DONE status
// 3. when received ERROR status, return the error to consumer.
// process the message exchange based on its state.
ExchangeStatus status = inoutExchange.getStatus();
this.mEndpoint.getLogger().fine("Consumer:Processing Message Exchange with status " + status);
if (ExchangeStatus.ACTIVE.equals(status)) {
Fault fault = inoutExchange.getFault();
NormalizedMessage outMsg = inoutExchange.getOutMessage();
// send done to complete message exchange.
DeliveryChannel channel = this.mEndpoint.getDeliveryChannel();
this.mEndpoint.getLogger().fine("Consumer: Completed the INOUT MessageExchange");
// process fault or out message
if (fault != null) {
// throw an exception if there is a fault message.
Source faultContent = fault.getContent();
StringBuffer faultContentBuff = null;
if (faultContent != null) {
faultContentBuff = RuntimeHelper.readFromSource(faultContent);
throw new Exception("Consumer:INOUT message exchange Fault ${symbol_escape}n"
+ faultContentBuff);
// return the outMessage for processing
if (outMsg != null) {
return outMsg;
} else {
throw new Exception("Consumer: Null Out message in INOUT message exchange. ");
} else if (ExchangeStatus.DONE.equals(status)) {
// can not get DONE on Consumer side in INOUT message exchange.
throw new Exception("Consumer: Illegal status DONE on INOUT message exchange");
} else if (ExchangeStatus.ERROR.equals(status)) {
// error can occur any time. so just return the error back to client.
Exception serverSideEx = inoutExchange.getError();
StringBuffer exMsgBuff = RuntimeHelper.getExceptionStackTrace(serverSideEx);
throw new Exception("Consumer:INOUT Message Exchange status ERROR.${symbol_escape}n" + exMsgBuff);
} else {
throw new Exception("Consumer:INOUT Message Exchange error. status: " + status);