
171 lines
8.6 KiB

#set( $symbol_pound = '#' )
#set( $symbol_dollar = '$' )
#set( $symbol_escape = '\' )
package net.openesb.component.${componentName}.common;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import javax.jbi.messaging.ExchangeStatus;
import javax.jbi.messaging.MessageExchange;
import javax.jbi.messaging.MessageExchange.Role;
import javax.xml.namespace.QName;
* This class supports the registering and unregistering MessageExchangeListeners and the
* MessageExchangeHandlers that can be used to process the received message exchange from a
* delivery channel. A global reference to this class will be created in RuntimeContext object to
* provide access to this class from any where in the component runtime.
* A ProviderEndpoint or ConsumerEndpoint interested in a MessageExchange received from a delivery
* channel for a particular service endpoint will register the MessageExchangeListener with this
* class. The DefaultMessageExchangeReceiver when received a message exchange object from the delivery
* channel uses MessageExchangeSupport.processMessageExchange method to notify the registered listener.
* The MessageExchangeListener implementation ( ProviderEndpoint or ConsumerEndpoint ) while processing
* received message ( messageExchangeReceived()) will create and register the message exchange handlers
* to process the message exchange.
* @see RuntimeContext${symbol_pound}getMessageExchangeSupport
* @see RuntimeHelper${symbol_pound}getMessageExchangeSupport
* @see DefaultMessageExchangeReceiver${symbol_pound}receiveAndProcessMessageExchange
* @see com.sun.jbi.sample.component.common.deployment.ProviderEndpoint
* @author chikkala
public class MessageExchangeSupport {
/** listener map to notify a message exchange received event */
private Map<String, MessageExchangeListener> mListeners;
/** handlers that can process the message exchange */
private Map<String, MessageExchangeHandler> mHandlers;
/** Creates a new instance of MessageExchangeSupport */
public MessageExchangeSupport() {
this.mListeners = Collections.synchronizedMap(new HashMap<String, MessageExchangeListener>());
this.mHandlers = Collections.synchronizedMap(new HashMap<String, MessageExchangeHandler>());
* generates key that will be used to store the MessageExchangeListener objects.
* @param serviceName QName of the service
* @param endpointName endpoint name of the service.
public String createListenerKey(Role role, QName interfaceName, QName serviceName, String endpointName) {
StringBuffer strBuff = new StringBuffer();
String roleType = null;
if ( Role.CONSUMER.equals(role) ) {
roleType = "CONSUMER";
} else if ( Role.PROVIDER.equals(role) ) {
roleType = "PROVIDER";
return strBuff.toString();
* adds message exchange listener who are interested in receiving the notification when the
* message exchange is received from delivery channel. The listener can be registered with the
* following combination of the parameters: (role,interfaceName,serviceName, endpointName),
* (role,interfaceName,null, null), (role, null,serviceName, endpointName), (role, null,serviceName, null)
* @param role role of the message exchange listener PROVIDER or CONSUMER - can not be null.
* @param interfaceName QName of the interface ( protType ) - can be null if the serviceName is not null
* @param serviceName QName of the service - can be null if interfaceName is not null.
* @param endpointName endpoint name of the service. - can be null if the serviceName is not null.
* @param listener MessageExchangeListener object
public synchronized void addMessageExchangeListener(Role role, QName interfaceName, QName serviceName, String endpointName, MessageExchangeListener listener) {
String key = createListenerKey(role, interfaceName, serviceName, endpointName);
this.mListeners.put(key, listener);
* removes any message exchange listener registered for the service endpoint specified by the serviceName and
* endpoint name.
* @param serviceName QName of the service
* @param endpointName endpoint name of the service.
public synchronized void removeMessageExchangeListener(Role role, QName interfaceName, QName serviceName, String endpointName) {
String key = createListenerKey(role, interfaceName, serviceName, endpointName);
MessageExchangeListener listener = this.mListeners.remove(key);
if ( listener == null ) {
RuntimeHelper.getLogger().fine("No message exchange listener removed with key " + key);
* finds the MessageExchangeListner registers for the endpoint for which the message exchange is
* received and call the method on the listener
public boolean fireMessageExchangeReceived(ExchangeStatus status, MessageExchange me) {
boolean notified = false;
Role role = me.getRole();
QName interfaceName = me.getInterfaceName();
QName serviceName = me.getEndpoint().getServiceName();
String endpointName = me.getEndpoint().getEndpointName();
// lookup with complete service description ( role + interface + service + endpoint )
String key = createListenerKey(role, interfaceName, serviceName, endpointName);
RuntimeHelper.getLogger().fine("looking up for mx listener with key " + key);
MessageExchangeListener listener = this.mListeners.get(key);
if ( listener == null ) { // lookup with role+interface name
key = createListenerKey(role, interfaceName, null, null);
RuntimeHelper.getLogger().fine("looking up for mx listener with key " + key);
listener = this.mListeners.get(key);
if ( listener == null ) { // lookup with role + serviceName + endpointName
key = createListenerKey(role, null, serviceName, endpointName);
RuntimeHelper.getLogger().fine("looking up for mx listener with key " + key);
listener = this.mListeners.get(key);
if ( listener == null ) { // lookup with with role + serviceName
key = createListenerKey(role, null, serviceName, null);
RuntimeHelper.getLogger().fine("looking up for mx listener with key " + key);
listener = this.mListeners.get(key);
if ( listener == null ) {
RuntimeHelper.getLogger().fine("Could not find listener for message exchange" + me);
notified = false;
} else {
notified = true;
return notified;
* registers the MessageExchangeHandler implementation against the message exchange id.
* @param me MessageExchange for which the handler need to be assigned
* @param handler MessageExchangeHandler implementation that will be registers.
public synchronized void addMessageExchangeHandler(MessageExchange me, MessageExchangeHandler handler) {
this.mHandlers.put(me.getExchangeId(), handler);
* removes the MessageExchangeHandler for the particular message exchange object
public synchronized void removeMessageExchangeHandler(MessageExchange me) {
MessageExchangeHandler handler = this.mHandlers.remove(me.getExchangeId());
if ( handler == null ) {
RuntimeHelper.getLogger().fine("No MessageExchangeHandler found for removing " + me.getExchangeId());
* looks up the registered message exchange handler for the message exchange object
* @param me MessageExchangeHandler.
public synchronized MessageExchangeHandler findMessageExchangeHandler(MessageExchange me) {
return this.mHandlers.get(me.getExchangeId());
* looks up the registered message exchange handler for the message exchange object with Id
* @param exchangeId message exchange object's id
public synchronized MessageExchangeHandler findMessageExchangeHandler(String exchangeId) {
return this.mHandlers.get(exchangeId);