
208 lines
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#set( $symbol_pound = '#' )
#set( $symbol_dollar = '$' )
#set( $symbol_escape = '\' )
package net.openesb.component.${componentName}.common.deployment;
import javax.jbi.JBIException;
import javax.jbi.component.ComponentContext;
import javax.jbi.messaging.DeliveryChannel;
import javax.jbi.messaging.InOnly;
import javax.jbi.messaging.InOut;
import javax.jbi.messaging.MessageExchange.Role;
import javax.jbi.messaging.MessageExchangeFactory;
import javax.jbi.messaging.MessagingException;
import javax.jbi.messaging.NormalizedMessage;
import javax.jbi.servicedesc.ServiceEndpoint;
import javax.wsdl.Definition;
import javax.xml.namespace.QName;
* This class extends from Endpoint class and implements lifecycle methods functionality required for the
* endpoint for a service consumer. {@link ServiceUnit${symbol_pound}createConsumerEndpoint} creates the object of this
* type to implement the service consumer functionality.
* @see ServiceUnit${symbol_pound}createConsumerEndpoint
* @author chikkala
public class ConsumerEndpoint extends Endpoint {
* This constructor initializes the endpoint with CONSUMER role and makes sure that the service
* description passed to it is of consumer description.
protected ConsumerEndpoint(SUDescriptor.Consumes consumes, Definition wsdlDef, ServiceUnit su) {
super(Role.CONSUMER, consumes, wsdlDef, su);
* constructor that does not need service unit information. useful for creating the endpoint for
* static services provided by the component.
protected ConsumerEndpoint(SUDescriptor.Consumes consumes, Definition wsdlDef) {
this(consumes, wsdlDef, null);
public final void init() throws JBIException {
getLogger().fine("ConsumerEndpoint: init called");
doInit(); //1. initialize the endpiont resources
addMessageExchangeListener(); //2. register message exchange linster.
public final void activate() throws JBIException {
getLogger().fine("ConsumerEndpoint: activate called");
//1. do common ativation tasks.
doActivate(); //2. do any other activation related tasks.
public final void deactivate() throws JBIException {
getLogger().fine("ConsumerEndpoint: deactivate called");
//1. do common deactivation tasks.
doDeactivate(); //2. do any other deactivation related tasks.
public final void clean() throws JBIException {
getLogger().fine("ConsumerEndpoint: clean called");
removeMessageExchangeListener(); //1. remove message exchange listener
doClean(); //2. clean up any other resources.
protected void doInit() throws JBIException {
protected void doActivate() throws JBIException {
protected void doDeactivate() throws JBIException {
protected void doClean() throws JBIException {
* helper method to find the active ServiceEndpiont for the service described with the
* serviceDescriptor. This method looks for the Active ServiceEndpoint using interface or
* service name or service name and the endpoint name.
public ServiceEndpoint findServiceEndpoint() {
QName serviceType = this.getService().getInterface();
QName serviceName = this.getService().getServiceName();
String endpointName = this.getService().getEndpointName();
ServiceEndpoint [] refs = null;
ServiceEndpoint serviceEndpoint = null;
ComponentContext compContext = this.getComponentContext();
if ( compContext == null ) {
this.getLogger().info("Null Component context. Can not find ServiceEndpoint");
return null;
// lookup ServiceEndpiont with concrete service(serice qname + endpoint name).
if ( serviceName != null && endpointName != null ) {
this.getLogger().info("Looking for ServiceEndpoint with:" +
" ServiceName: " + serviceName + " EndpointName: " + endpointName);
serviceEndpoint = compContext.getEndpoint(serviceName, endpointName);
// else lookup ServiceEndpiont with Service Name
if ( serviceEndpoint == null && serviceName != null && endpointName == null) {
this.getLogger().info("Looking for ServiceEndpoint with Service name: " + serviceName);
refs = compContext.getEndpointsForService(serviceName);
if ( refs != null && refs.length > 0 ) {
serviceEndpoint = refs[0];
// else lookup ServiceEndpont with serviceType
if ( serviceEndpoint == null && serviceType != null &&
serviceName == null && endpointName == null) {
this.getLogger().info("Looking for ServiceEndpoint with Service type: " + serviceType);
refs = compContext.getEndpoints(serviceType);
if ( refs != null && refs.length > 0 ) {
serviceEndpoint = refs[0];
return serviceEndpoint;
* this method creates a InOutMessageExchange Object and sets the required
* data on the MessageExchange object including the create and set the Normalized
* message object to hold the input message on the MessageExchange object.
public InOut createInOutMessageExchange(QName operation)
throws MessagingException, JBIException {
ServiceEndpoint serviceEndpoint = null;
// find a ServiceEndpoint activated by the Service Providers for this service
serviceEndpoint = findServiceEndpoint();
if ( serviceEndpoint == null ) {
// if not found a activated ServiceEndpoint for this service, throw exception.
throw new JBIException("Can not find an Active ServiceEndpoint for ${symbol_escape}n" + this.getService());
} else {
InOut inOutME = null;
DeliveryChannel channel = this.getDeliveryChannel();
// create message exchange factory for the endpiont
MessageExchangeFactory factory = channel.createExchangeFactory(serviceEndpoint);
// create INOUT Message Exchange
inOutME = factory.createInOutExchange();
// set operation
// set interface if that is not set
if ( inOutME.getInterfaceName() == null ) {
// create IN Nomralized Message
NormalizedMessage inMsg = inOutME.createMessage();
// set IN Normalized message on message exchange
return inOutME;
* this method creates a InOnlyMessageExchange Object and sets the required
* data on the MessageExchange object including the create and set the Normalized
* message object to hold the input message on the MessageExchange object.
public InOnly createInOnlyMessageExchange(QName operation)
throws MessagingException, JBIException {
ServiceEndpoint serviceEndpoint = null;
// find a ServiceEndpoint activated by the Service Providers for this service
serviceEndpoint = findServiceEndpoint();
if ( serviceEndpoint == null ) {
// if not found a activated ServiceEndpoint for this service, throw exception.
throw new JBIException("Can not find an Active ServiceEndpoint for ${symbol_escape}n" + this.getService());
} else {
InOnly inOnlyME = null;
DeliveryChannel channel = this.getDeliveryChannel();
// create message exchange factory for the endpiont
MessageExchangeFactory factory = channel.createExchangeFactory(serviceEndpoint);
// create INOUT Message Exchange
inOnlyME = factory.createInOnlyExchange();
// set operation
// set interface if that is not set
if ( inOnlyME.getInterfaceName() == null ) {
// create IN Nomralized Message
NormalizedMessage inMsg = inOnlyME.createMessage();
// set IN Normalized message on message exchange
return inOnlyME;