
465 lines
20 KiB

#set( $symbol_pound = '#' )
#set( $symbol_dollar = '$' )
#set( $symbol_escape = '\' )
package net.openesb.component.${componentName}.common.deployment;
import net.openesb.component.${componentName}.common.RuntimeHelper;
import net.openesb.component.${componentName}.common.deployment.SUDescriptor.Consumes;
import net.openesb.component.${componentName}.common.deployment.SUDescriptor.Provides;
import net.openesb.component.${componentName}.common.deployment.SUDescriptor.Service;
import net.openesb.component.${componentName}.common.wsdl.WSDLProcessor;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.logging.Level;
import java.util.logging.Logger;
import javax.wsdl.Definition;
import javax.wsdl.WSDLException;
* This is an abstract class that implements the service unit functionality in the component which
* processes the service unit artifacts and implement the actual service unit lifecycle functionality.
* The AbstractServiceUnitManager and its extended classes that implement the ServiceUnitManager
* functionality creates and maintains the reference to the concrete implementation of this class to
* invoke the functionality implemented by this class and its concrete implementation during the
* execution of the ServiceUnitMangers lifecycle methods by the jbi runtime.
* <p>
* The main lifecycle methods of this class that will be called by the ServiceUnitManger implementation
* during the service unit deployment lifecycle are {@link ${symbol_pound}doload}, {@link ${symbol_pound}doDeploy}, {@link ${symbol_pound}doUndeploy},
* {@link ${symbol_pound}doInit}, {@link ${symbol_pound}doStart}, {@link ${symbol_pound}doStop} and {@link ${symbol_pound}doShutdown}
* <p>
* Service unit processing supported by this implementation is based on wsdl 1.1 deployments where the
* services provided and consumed in this service unit are described using wsdl 1.1 definitions.
* <p>
* The main service unit artifacts that will be processed during deployment lifecycle of the service
* unit are 1.Service unit descriptor(jbi.xml) that describes the services provided and consumed by
* this service unit. 2.WSDL 1.1 document that describes the service definition 3.Component specific
* configurations related to services provided and consumed by this service unit.
* <p>
* When the service unit is for Binding Component, the component specific configurations are read
* from the WSDL1.1 extensions defined in the WSDL document corresponding to the service provider
* or consumer deployed with this service unit.
* <p>
* When the service unit is for Service Engine, the component specific configurations are read
* from the deployment artifacts such as xslt files and mapping files in the service unit zip file
* along with the WSDL document corresponding to the service provider or consumer deployed with this
* service unit.
* @see SUDescriptor
* @see Endpoint
* @see ProviderEndpoint
* @see ConsumerEndpoint
* @see WSDLProcessor
* @author chikkala
public abstract class ServiceUnit {
/** Service Unit Name */
private String mSUName;
/** Service Unit Root path passed by jbi runtime */
private String mSURootPath;
/** service unit descriptor model unmarshalled from service unit jbi.xml */
private SUDescriptor mSUDescriptor;
/** Map of Endpoint Key to ProviderEndpoint configurations in this service unit */
private Map<String, ProviderEndpoint> mProviderEndpointMap;
/** Map of Endpoint Key to ConsumerEndpoint configurations in this service unit */
private Map<String, ConsumerEndpoint> mConsumerEndpointMap;
/** Map of Service Key to the WSDL Definition in this service unit */
private Map<String, Definition> mWSDLMap;
/** WSDLProcessor configured for this service unit to process wsdls in the service unit */
private WSDLProcessor mWSDLProcessor;
* @param suName
* @param suRootPath
protected ServiceUnit(String suName, String suRootPath) {
this.mSUName = suName;
this.mSURootPath = suRootPath;
this.mSUDescriptor = null;
this.mWSDLMap = new HashMap<String,Definition>();
this.mProviderEndpointMap = new HashMap<String, ProviderEndpoint>();
this.mConsumerEndpointMap = new HashMap<String, ConsumerEndpoint>();
/** returns service unit name
* @return service unit name
public String getName() {
return this.mSUName;
/** returns service unit root path where the su artifacts are unzipped by the jbi runtime
* @return path to the service unit root directory.
public String getSURootPath() {
return this.mSURootPath;
protected SUDescriptor createSUDescriptor() throws Exception {
File jbiXmlFile = new File(this.getSURootPath(), "META-INF/jbi.xml");
String jbiXmlPath = jbiXmlFile.getAbsolutePath();
return SUDescriptor.SUDescriptorFactory.getSUDescriptor(jbiXmlPath);
/** return the Service unit descriptor model that was read from the jbi.xml
* @return SUDescriptor
public SUDescriptor getSUDescriptor() throws Exception {
if ( this.mSUDescriptor == null ) {
this.mSUDescriptor = createSUDescriptor();
return this.mSUDescriptor;
public ProviderEndpoint getProviderEndpoint(String providerID) {
return this.mProviderEndpointMap.get(providerID);
public Collection<ProviderEndpoint> getProviderEndpoints() {
return Collections.unmodifiableCollection(this.mProviderEndpointMap.values());
public ConsumerEndpoint getConsumerEndpoint(String cosumerID) {
return this.mConsumerEndpointMap.get(cosumerID);
public Collection<ConsumerEndpoint> getConsumerEndpoints() {
return Collections.unmodifiableCollection(this.mConsumerEndpointMap.values());
* @return Logger
protected Logger getLogger() {
return RuntimeHelper.getLogger();
* extended classes implement this method to create the su specific WSDLProcessor. for examples,
* a su supporting binding component may have wsdl extensions that it want to registry for reading
* the configurations from the wsdl file.
* @return WSDLProcessor
* @see com.sun.jbi.sample.component.common.wsdl.WSDLProcessor
* @see com.sun.jbi.sample.component.common.wsdl.AbstractExtensionRegistry
protected WSDLProcessor createWSDLProcessor() {
return new WSDLProcessor(this.getSURootPath());
* return the WSDLProcessor reference by creates if it is not yet created.
* @return WSDLProcessor.
public final WSDLProcessor getWSDLProcessor() {
if ( this.mWSDLProcessor == null ) {
this.mWSDLProcessor = createWSDLProcessor();
return this.mWSDLProcessor;
* loads the service unit artifacts into the SU model. AbstractServiceUnitManager implementation
* calls this method during the during deploy and init lifecycle methods when the service unit
* object is newly created.
public void doLoad() throws DeploymentException {
try {
SUDescriptor suDesc = getSUDescriptor(); // load jbi.xml
loadServiceDefinitions(); // check if the wsdls are valid for corresponding services.
loadOtherArtifacts(); // additional validations specific to component deployment features.
loadEndpoints(); // create endpoints
} catch ( DeploymentException jbiEx) {
throw jbiEx;
} catch (Exception ex) {
throw new DeploymentException(ex);
/** extended classes implement this method to perform the su specific deployment related tasks in
* this method implementation.
* @throws DeploymentException on error.
public void doDeploy() throws DeploymentException {
// NOOP. doLoad has done it all.
/** extended classes implement this method to perform the su specific undeployment related tasks in
* this method implementation.
* @throws DeploymentException on error.
public void doUndeploy() throws DeploymentException {
/** extended classes implement this method to perform the su specific initialization tasks in
* this method implementation.
* @throws DeploymentException on error.
public void doInit() throws DeploymentException {
/** extended classes implement this method to perform the su specific tasks on start in
* this method implementation.
* @throws DeploymentException on error.
public void doStart() throws DeploymentException {
/** extended classes implement this method to perform the su specific tasks on stop in
* this method implementation.
* @throws DeploymentException on error.
public void doStop() throws DeploymentException {
/** extended classes implement this method to perform the su specific tasks on shutdown in
* this method implementation.
* @throws DeploymentException on error.
public void doShutdown() throws DeploymentException {
* create the ProviderEndpoint that implement the service provider implementation specific to this su.
* @return ProviderEndpoint or null if the SU does not support the service provider access
protected ProviderEndpoint createProviderEndpoint(Provides provides, Definition wsdlDef) {
return null;
* create the ProviderEndpoint that implement the service consumer implementation specific to this su.
* @return ConsumerEndpoint or null if the SU does not support the service consumer access
protected ConsumerEndpoint createConsumerEndpoint(Consumes consumes, Definition wsdlDef) {
return null;
* generates the key based on the service to store the wsdl definitions .
protected String getServiceKey(Service service) {
StringBuffer strBuff = new StringBuffer();
return strBuff.toString();
* looks up the wsdl definition loaded for this service.
protected Definition findWSDLFor(Service service) throws WSDLException {
Definition wsdlDef = null;
String key = this.getServiceKey(service);
wsdlDef = this.mWSDLMap.get(key);
return wsdlDef;
protected Definition findWSDL(List<Definition> wsdlList, Service service, boolean ignoreEndpointLookup) {
Definition foundDef = null;
for ( Definition def : wsdlList ) {
if ( WSDLProcessor.isWSDLFor(def, service.getInterface(), service.getServiceName(),
((ignoreEndpointLookup) ? null : service.getEndpointName()) ) ) {
foundDef = def;
return foundDef;
* loads the WSDL definitions corresponds to the service providers and consumers defined in the
* service unit descriptor.
protected void loadServiceDefinitions() throws Exception {
this.mWSDLMap = new HashMap<String,Definition>();
WSDLProcessor wsdlProcessor = getWSDLProcessor();
List<Definition> wsdlList = wsdlProcessor.readWSDLs(this.getSURootPath());
this.getLogger().fine("Number of wsdl definitions in service unit " + wsdlList.size());
List<Service> services = new ArrayList<Service>();
boolean isForBinding = this.getSUDescriptor().isFor${componentName}();
this.getLogger().fine("Is this service unit for Binding? " + isForBinding);
for ( Service service : services ) {
this.getLogger().fine("Looking up WSDL for service " + service);
boolean ignoreEndpointLookup = false;
boolean providerAtEngine = false;
if ( !isForBinding && service instanceof Provides ) {
ignoreEndpointLookup = true;
providerAtEngine = true;
Definition def = findWSDL(wsdlList, service, ignoreEndpointLookup);
if ( def == null ) {
throw new Exception("WSDL Definition not found for " + service);
this.mWSDLMap.put(getServiceKey(service), def);
if ( providerAtEngine ) {
// provider at engine. so add engine binding and endpoint to the wsdl
service.getInterface(), service.getServiceName(), service.getEndpointName());
/** extended classes implement this method to perform the su specific artifacts validation in
* this method implementation.
* @throws DeploymentException on error.
protected void loadOtherArtifacts() throws DeploymentException {
// nothing to validate further.
* creates ProviderEndpoint and ConsumerEndpoint objects corresponding to the service providers
* and consumers described in the su descriptor ( jbi.xml )
protected void loadEndpoints() throws Exception {
this.mProviderEndpointMap = new HashMap<String, ProviderEndpoint>();
this.mConsumerEndpointMap = new HashMap<String, ConsumerEndpoint>();
Collection<Provides> providesList = this.getSUDescriptor().getProvidedServices();
for ( Provides provides : providesList ) {
Definition wsdlDef = findWSDLFor(provides);
if ( wsdlDef == null ) {
throw new DeploymentException("WSDL Definitions not found for " + provides);
ProviderEndpoint provider = createProviderEndpoint(provides, wsdlDef);
this.mProviderEndpointMap.put(provider.getID(), provider);
Collection<Consumes> consumesList = this.getSUDescriptor().getConsumedServices();
for ( Consumes consumes : consumesList ) {
Definition wsdlDef = findWSDLFor(consumes);
if ( wsdlDef == null ) {
throw new DeploymentException("WSDL Definitions not found for " + consumes);
ConsumerEndpoint consumer = createConsumerEndpoint(consumes, wsdlDef);
this.mConsumerEndpointMap.put(consumer.getID(), consumer);
* initializes the Endpoint objects created corresponding to the consumer and providers defined
* in the su descriptor
protected void doInitEndpoints() throws DeploymentException {
// init endpoints. if any initialization fails, rollback the already inited endpoints
List<Endpoint> initedEndpoints = new ArrayList<Endpoint>();
List<Endpoint> allEndpoints = new ArrayList<Endpoint>();
for ( Endpoint endpoint : allEndpoints ) {
try {
} catch ( Exception initEx) {
throw new DeploymentException(initEx);
* invokes activates method of all provider and consumer endpoint object in this su. if there is
* and error activating any one the endpoints, it deactivates the already activated ones and throws
* the error
protected void doActivateEndpoints() throws DeploymentException {
// activate providers first and then consumers
List<Endpoint> activatedEndpoints = new ArrayList<Endpoint>();
List<Endpoint> allEndpoints = new ArrayList<Endpoint>();
for ( Endpoint endpoint : allEndpoints ) {
try {
} catch ( Exception actEx) {
throw new DeploymentException(actEx);
* invokes deactivate method on the list of Endpoint objects passed to this method
protected void doDeactivateEndpoints(List<Endpoint> endpoints) {
for ( Endpoint endpoint : endpoints ) {
try {
} catch(Exception ex) {
// ignore the exception and log it.
this.getLogger().log(Level.FINE, ex.getMessage(), ex);
* invokes deactivate method on the all consumer and provider endpoint objects
protected void doDeactivateEndpoints() {
// deactivate consumers first and then the providers
List<Endpoint> allEndpoints = new ArrayList<Endpoint>();
* invokes clean method on the list of endpoint objects
protected void doCleanEndpoints(List<Endpoint> endpoints) {
for ( Endpoint endpoint : endpoints ) {
try {
} catch(Exception ex) {
// ignore the exception and log it.
this.getLogger().log(Level.FINE, ex.getMessage(), ex);
* invokes clean method on the all consumer and provider endpoint objects in this su.
protected void doCleanEndpoints() {
List<Endpoint> allEndpoints = new ArrayList<Endpoint>();
* prints the service unit description
protected final String printDetails() {
StringWriter writer = new StringWriter();
PrintWriter out = new PrintWriter(writer);
out.println("ServiceUnit Name : " + this.getName());
out.println("ServiceUnit Root : " + this.getSURootPath());
SUDescriptor suDesc = null;
try {
suDesc = this.getSUDescriptor();
for ( SUDescriptor.Consumes consumer : suDesc.getConsumedServices()) {
for ( SUDescriptor.Provides provides : suDesc.getProvidedServices()) {
} catch (Exception ex) {
return writer.getBuffer().toString();