
420 lines
17 KiB

#set( $symbol_pound = '#' )
#set( $symbol_dollar = '$' )
#set( $symbol_escape = '\' )
package net.openesb.component.${componentName}.common.wsdl;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import javax.wsdl.Binding;
import javax.wsdl.Definition;
import javax.wsdl.Operation;
import javax.wsdl.Port;
import javax.wsdl.PortType;
import javax.wsdl.Service;
import javax.wsdl.WSDLException;
import javax.wsdl.extensions.ElementExtensible;
import javax.wsdl.extensions.ExtensibilityElement;
import javax.wsdl.extensions.ExtensionRegistry;
import javax.wsdl.factory.WSDLFactory;
import javax.wsdl.xml.WSDLReader;
import javax.wsdl.xml.WSDLWriter;
import javax.xml.namespace.QName;
* This class is used to configure jwsdl(wsdl4j) to read and process wsdl documents with wsdl extensions.
* It provides set of helper methods to read and process the wsdl definitions from files with .wsdl
* extension from a specified directory.
* <p>
* A Binding Component that is processing the wsdl extensions for its deployment configuration would
* extend this class and provide the required ExtensionRegistry that will have the extension serializers
* and deserializers configured to read/write the extensions from/to the java model.
* <p>
* A Service Engine that is processing the wsdl during deployment can directly use this class
* to process the wsdl as the default implementation returned by this class configures the wsdl extension
* registry to read/write the service engine binding extensions.
* @see AbstractExtensionRegistry
* @see SEBindingExt
* @author chikkala
public class WSDLProcessor {
private String mXmlCatalogPath = "xml-catalog.xml";
private String mWsdlDirPath = "";
private WSDLReader mReader;
/** Creates a new instance of WSDLProcessor
public WSDLProcessor(String wsdlDir) {
this(wsdlDir, null);
/** Creates a new instance of WSDLProcessor
public WSDLProcessor(String wsdlDir, String xmlCatPath) {
if ( wsdlDir != null ) {
this.mWsdlDirPath = wsdlDir;
if ( xmlCatPath != null ) {
this.mXmlCatalogPath = xmlCatPath;
/** @return directory path from which this class reads the wsdl files with .wsdl as file extension. */
public String getWSDLDirectory() {
return this.mWsdlDirPath;
/** path to the xml catalog file in the service unit which can be used for Catalog-based entity
* and URI resolution.
public String getXmlCatelogPath() {
return this.mXmlCatalogPath;
/** wsdl extension registry required for processing the wsdl extensions in the wsdl definition to
* java model. Binding component that is processing the wsdl extensions for its deployment
* configuration would provide the required ExtensionRegistry that will have the extension serializers
* and deserializers configured to read/write the extensions from/to the java model.
* @return ExtensionSerializer
* @see AbstractExtensionSerializer
protected ExtensionRegistry getExtensionRegistry() {
return new AbstractExtensionRegistry() {
protected List<AbstractExtensionSerializer> createSerializers() {
return new ArrayList<AbstractExtensionSerializer>();
* @return the WSDLReader configured with extension registry to process the wsdl extensions.
public final WSDLReader getWSDLReader() throws WSDLException {
if ( this.mReader == null ) {
WSDLFactory factory = WSDLFactory.newInstance();
this.mReader = factory.newWSDLReader();
// reader.setFeature("javax.wsdl.verbose", true);
// reader.setFeature("javax.wsdl.importDocuments", true);
return this.mReader;
* reads the wsdl file and returns the wsdl definition jwsdl model.
* @param wsldFilePath relative path to wsdl file from the the root wsdl directory returns from
* ${symbol_pound}getWSDLDirectory in the service unit or or absolute path .
* @return Definition
public Definition readWSDL(String wsdlFilePath) throws WSDLException {
File wsdlFile = new File(wsdlFilePath);
if ( !wsdlFile.isAbsolute() ) {
wsdlFile = new File(this.mWsdlDirPath, wsdlFilePath);
return getWSDLReader().readWSDL(wsdlFile.getAbsolutePath());
* reads the files with .wsdl file extension in a directory. If the directory should
* be searched recursively, it searches this directory, all child directories of this
* directory and then to their child directories recursively.
* @param dir directory file to search for .wsdl files
* @param rec if set to true, it recursively searches the directory. if set to false, only
* this directory is searched.
* @return List of Files with .wsdl extension.
public List<File> listWSDLFiles(File dir, final boolean rec) throws IOException {
if ( dir == null || !dir.isDirectory()) {
throw new IOException(dir + " is not a directory for looking up wsdl files");
List<File> wsdlList = new ArrayList<File>();
File[] files = dir.listFiles(new FileFilter() {
public boolean accept(File pathname) {
if ( rec && pathname.isDirectory()) {
return true;
} else {
String name = pathname.getName();
int idx = name.lastIndexOf('.');
if ( idx < 0 ) {
return false;
String ext = name.substring(idx);
return ".wsdl".equalsIgnoreCase(ext);
for ( File file : files ) {
if ( rec && file.isDirectory()) {
List<File> wsdlFiles = listWSDLFiles(file, rec);
} else {
return wsdlList;
* reads the files with .wsdl file extension in a directory fromDir and return the list of
* wsdl definitions corresponding to them.
* @param fromDir path to the directory relative to the root wsdl directory returns from
* ${symbol_pound}getWSDLDirectory or the absolute path to the directory.
public List<Definition> readWSDLs(String fromDir) throws WSDLException {
if ( fromDir == null ) { fromDir = ""; }
File wsdlDir = new File(fromDir);
if (!wsdlDir.isAbsolute()) {
wsdlDir = new File(this.mWsdlDirPath, fromDir);
List<File> wsdlFiles = new ArrayList<File>();
try {
wsdlFiles = listWSDLFiles(wsdlDir, true);
} catch (IOException ioEx) {
throw new WSDLException("WSDLFileReadError", ioEx.getMessage(),ioEx);
List<String> wsdlPaths = new ArrayList<String>();
for ( File wsdlFile : wsdlFiles) {
List<Definition> wsdlList = new ArrayList<Definition>();
for ( String wsdlPath : wsdlPaths ) {
Definition wsdlDef = readWSDL(wsdlPath);
return wsdlList;
* finds PortType using port type ( interface ) qname.
public static PortType findInterface(Definition wsdlDef, QName interfaceName) {
return wsdlDef.getPortType(interfaceName);
/** finds the Service using service qname */
public static Service findService(Definition wsdlDef, QName serviceName) {
return wsdlDef.getService(serviceName);
/** finds the wsdl port using service qname and endpoint name */
public static Port findServiceEndpoint(Definition wsdlDef, QName serviceName, String endpointName) {
Service service = null;
Port port = null;
service = findService(wsdlDef, serviceName);
if ( service != null ) {
port = service.getPort(endpointName);
return port;
* finds the binding definition to which the service with serviceName and endpointName was bound.
public static Binding findServiceBinding(Definition wsdlDef, QName serviceName, String endpointName) {
Binding binding = null;
Port port = findServiceEndpoint(wsdlDef, serviceName, endpointName);
if ( port != null ) {
binding = port.getBinding();
return binding;
* finds the binding definition using the interface(portType) qname with a
public static Binding findInterfaceBinding(Definition wsdlDef,
QName interfaceQName, QName extQName) {
Map bindingMap = wsdlDef.getBindings();
Collection<Binding> bindings = bindingMap.values();
for ( Binding binding : bindings ) {
if ( binding.getPortType().getQName().equals(interfaceQName)) {
return binding;
return null;
* find the wsdl4j operation corresponds to the interface+operation.
* @param wsdlDef wsdl definition
* @param portTypeQName portType QName
* @param opName operation name. if null, first operation in the portType
* is returned.
* @return Operation corresponding to the portType+opName
public static Operation findOperation(Definition wsdlDef,
QName portTypeQName, String opName) {
Operation operation = null;
PortType portType = wsdlDef.getPortType(portTypeQName);
if ( portType != null ) {
if ( opName != null ) {
operation = portType.getOperation(opName, null, null);
} else {
List<Operation> list = portType.getOperations();
if ( list != null && list.size() > 0 ) {
operation = list.get(0);
return operation;
* verifies whether the wsdl definition contains the specified service descriptions or not. Used
* to locate the wsdl definition for the services describes in service unit deployment
* descriptor(jbi.xm).
* @param interfaceName portType qname to find in the definition. can be null if you are trying to
* find only service endpoint description.
* @param serviceName qname for the service to find in this wsdl. can be null if
* you are trying to find only portType (abstract service) description.
* @param endpointName port name to find in the service definition. null if only
* service with any port should be looked up.
* @return true if the wsdl definition contains the specified service description.
public static boolean isWSDLFor(Definition wsdlDef,
QName interfaceName, QName serviceName, String endpointName) {
PortType portType = null;
Service service = null;
Port port = null;
if ( interfaceName != null ) {
portType = findInterface(wsdlDef, interfaceName);
if ( serviceName != null ) {
service = findService(wsdlDef, serviceName);
if ( endpointName != null && service != null ) {
port = service.getPort(endpointName);
boolean isWSDL = true;
if ( (interfaceName != null && portType == null) ||
( serviceName != null && service == null ) ||
( endpointName != null && (service == null || port == null)) ) {
isWSDL = false;
return isWSDL;
* creates a binding definition that contains a service engine binding elements in the specified
* wsdl definition for a portType. It will try to find/create the binding element with interface
* local name with a "_JBISEBinding" suffix and add service engine binding element to it if it
* is not present.
* @param wsdl wsdl definition
* @param interfaceName portType qname to which the binding is created.
* @return a Binding contains service engine binding that is created for the portType.
public Binding createServiceEngineBinding(Definition wsdl, QName interfaceName) {
QName bindingQName = new QName(wsdl.getQName().getNamespaceURI(),
interfaceName.getLocalPart() + "_JBISEBinding");
Binding binding = wsdl.getBinding(bindingQName);
if ( binding == null ) {
binding = wsdl.createBinding();
ExtensibilityElement bindingExt =
SEBindingExt.SEBindingExtImpl.addExtensibilityElement(wsdl, binding);
return binding;
* creates port and binding elements that provide the the service engine binding for a service.
* @param wsdl wsdl definition
* @param interfaceName portType qname to which the binding is created.
* @param serviceName service under which the port definition bound to the service engine binding
* should be created.
* @param endpointName port name.
* @return a Binding contains service engine binding that is created for the portType.
public Binding createServiceEngineBinding(Definition wsdl, QName interfaceName, QName serviceName, String endpointName ) {
Binding binding = null;
Service service = findService(wsdl, serviceName);
if ( service == null ) {
return null;
Port port = service.getPort(endpointName);
if ( port != null ) {
binding = port.getBinding();
} else {
// create port
port = wsdl.createPort();
binding = createServiceEngineBinding(wsdl, interfaceName);
return binding;
/** prints the wsdl to text from the wsdl definition */
public static void printWSDL(PrintWriter out, Definition def) {
try {
WSDLFactory factory = WSDLFactory.newInstance();
WSDLWriter wsdlWriter = factory.newWSDLWriter();
wsdlWriter.writeWSDL(def, out);
} catch (WSDLException ex) {
/** prints the wsdl to text from the wsdl definition */
public static String printWSDLToString(Definition def) {
StringWriter writer = new StringWriter();
PrintWriter out = new PrintWriter(writer);
printWSDL(out, def);
return writer.getBuffer().toString();
/** returns an existing namespace prefix or create one if not exists for the corresponding namespaceURI */
public static String getNamespacePrefix(Definition def, String namespaceURI, String defPrefix) {
String prefix = null;
prefix = def.getPrefix(namespaceURI);
if ( prefix == null ) {
Set keySet = def.getNamespaces().keySet();
String newPrefix = "ns";
if ( defPrefix != null && defPrefix.trim().length() > 0 ){
newPrefix = defPrefix;
prefix = newPrefix;
for ( int i=0; i < Integer.MAX_VALUE; ++i) {
if (!keySet.contains(prefix)) {
} else {
prefix = newPrefix + i;
return prefix;
* creates and adds the jbi service engine binding extensibility element to the wsdl definition
* under specified binding definition.
public static void addExtensibilityElement(Definition wsdlDef,
ElementExtensible extensibleEl, ExtensibilityElement extEl, String defPrefix) {
QName elementType = extEl.getElementType();
String namespaceURI = elementType.getNamespaceURI();
String prefix = wsdlDef.getPrefix(namespaceURI);
if ( prefix == null ) {
// no namespace prefix defined. create one.
prefix = WSDLProcessor.getNamespacePrefix(wsdlDef, namespaceURI, defPrefix);
wsdlDef.addNamespace(prefix, namespaceURI);