
30 lines
850 B
Executable File

@echo off
@REM Populate ALE Config Tables Script. Usage: run.bat <ConfigPropFile>
@REM Set JAVA_HOME to point to a jdk version 1.5 or higher ...
@REM For example, JAVA_HOME="C:\j2sdk1.5.0_10"
@if [%1] == [] goto help
REM Please do not modify the code below this line.
if %JAVA_HOME% == "" GOTO error1
rem set CLASSPATH=.;lib\ale-core-2.3-SNAPSHOT.jar;lib\common-util-2.3-SNAPSHOT.jar;lib\derbyclient.jar;lib\jbi.jar
set CLASSPATH=./lib/mysql-connector-java-5.1.6-bin.jar;./bld/ale-tool-2.3-SNAPSHOT.jar
%JAVA_HOME%\bin\java -classpath "%CLASSPATH%" com.sun.jbi.engine.ale.core.util.PopulateALEDBUtil %1
GOTO exit
echo Please set the JAVA_HOME variable in run.bat .....
GOTO exit
@echo To run the ALE Database Populate script, type in
@echo "run.bat <ConfigPropFile>"
@echo Config.Properties