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* "Portions Copyrighted [year] [name of copyright owner]"
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package org.netbeans.modules.jbi.apisupport.xmlmv.ui;
import java.awt.event.ActionEvent;
import java.awt.event.ActionListener;
import org.netbeans.modules.jbi.apisupport.xmlmv.Error;
import org.netbeans.modules.jbi.apisupport.xmlmv.Refreshable;
import org.netbeans.modules.jbi.apisupport.xmlmv.Utils;
import org.netbeans.modules.jbi.apisupport.xmlmv.cookies.ErrorLocator;
import org.netbeans.modules.jbi.apisupport.xmlmv.cookies.LinkCookie;
import org.openide.util.RequestProcessor;
import javax.swing.*;
import javax.swing.text.JTextComponent;
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.FocusEvent;
import java.awt.event.FocusListener;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.LinkedList;
* This class represents a panel that is contained in <code>SectionPanel</code>,
* i.e. an inner panel as the name implies. This class provides support for registering
* UI components that modify the model by means of various <code>addModifier</code> and
* <code>addImmediateModifier</code> methods. See javadocs of those for
* more details.
* @author mkuchtiak
public abstract class SectionInnerPanel extends javax.swing.JPanel implements LinkCookie, ErrorLocator {
private SectionView sectionView;
private java.util.List refreshableList = new LinkedList();
private boolean localFocusListenerInitialized = false;
private FocusListener localFocusListener = new FocusListener() {
public void focusGained(FocusEvent evt) {
final FocusListener[] focusListeners = getFocusListeners();
for (int i = 0; i < focusListeners.length; i++) {
public void focusLost(FocusEvent evt) {
private RequestProcessor.Task refreshTask = RequestProcessor.getDefault().create(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
private static final int REFRESH_DELAY = 50;
private FlushFocusListener activeListener = null;
private boolean closing = false;
/** Constructor that takes the enclosing SectionView object as its argument
* @param sectionView enclosing SectionView object
public SectionInnerPanel(SectionView sectionView) {
this.sectionView = sectionView;
public synchronized void addFocusListener(FocusListener l) {
if (!localFocusListenerInitialized) {
localFocusListenerInitialized = true;
Container container = this;
FocusListener focusListener = localFocusListener;
addFocusListenerRecursively(container, focusListener);
private void addFocusListenerRecursively(Container container, FocusListener focusListener) {
final Component[] components = container.getComponents();
for (int i = 0; i < components.length; i++) {
Component component = components[i];
if (component.isFocusable() && !(component instanceof JLabel)) {
if (component instanceof Container) {
if (!(component instanceof SectionNodePanel)) {
addFocusListenerRecursively((Container) component, focusListener);
/** Getter for section view
* @return sectionView enclosing SectionView object
public SectionView getSectionView() {
return sectionView;
* Callback method called on focus lost event after the value was checked for correctness
* (in case <code>source</code> was registered using one of the <code>addModifier</code> methods
* of this class, if <code>addImmediateModifier</code> was used instead, this method
* gets called immediately when the state of <code>source</code> changes).
* @param source the last focused JComponent or whose state was changed.
* @param value the value that has been set (typed) in the component
public abstract void setValue(JComponent source, Object value);
/** Callback method called on document change event. This is called for components that
* require just-in-time validation.
* @param source JTextComponent being actually edited
* @param value the actual value of the component
public void documentChanged(javax.swing.text.JTextComponent source, String value) {
/** Callback method called on focus lost event after the value was checked for correctness.
* and the result is that the value is wrong. The value should be rollbacked from the model.
* @param source last focused JComponent
public void rollbackValue(javax.swing.text.JTextComponent source) {
/** Adds text component to the set of JTextComponents that modifies the model.
* After the value in this component is changed the setValue() method is called.
* @param tc JTextComponent whose content is related to data model
public final void addModifier(final JTextComponent tc) {
tc.addFocusListener(new ModifyFocusListener(tc));
/** Adds text component to the set of JTextComponents that modifies the model.
* After the value in this component is changed the setValue() method is called.
* @param tc JTextComponent whose content is related to data model
* @param test indicates whether the original value should be tested against the current value when focus is lost
public final void addModifier(final JTextComponent tc, boolean test) {
tc.addFocusListener(new ModifyFocusListener(tc, test));
* Adds combo box component to the set of JComboBoxes that modifies the model.
* After the value in this component is changed the setValue() method is called.
* @param comboBox JComboBox whose content is related to data model
public final void addModifier(final JComboBox comboBox) {
comboBox.addFocusListener(new ComboBoxModifyFocusListener(comboBox));
* Adds combo box component to the set of JComboBoxes that modifies the model.
* After the value in this component is changed the setValue() method is called.
* @param comboBox JComboBox whose content is related to data model
* @param test indicates whether the original value should be tested against the current value when focus is lost
public final void addModifier(final JComboBox comboBox, boolean test) {
comboBox.addFocusListener(new ComboBoxModifyFocusListener(comboBox, test));
* Adds radio button component to the set of JRadioButtons that modifies the model.
* After the value in this component is changed the setValue() method is called.
* @param radioButton JRadioButton whose content is related to data model
public final void addModifier(final JRadioButton radioButton){
radioButton.addFocusListener(new RadioButtonModifyFocusListener(radioButton));
* Adds check box component to the set of JCheckBox that modifies the model.
* After the value in this component is changed the setValue() method is called.
* @param checkBox JCheckBox whose content is related to data model
public final void addModifier(final JCheckBox checkBox){
checkBox.addFocusListener(new CheckBoxModifyFocusListener(checkBox));
* Adds check box component to the set of JCheckBoxes that modifies the model.
* After the value in this component is changed the setValue() method is called.
* Unlike <code>addModifier</code>, this method will cause <code>setValue()</code>
* to be called on each action event related to the given <code>checkBox</code>. Note
* that the same component should not be added both as a regular modifier and
* as an immediate modifier.
* @param checkBox JCheckBox whose content is related to data model
public final void addImmediateModifier(final JCheckBox checkBox){
checkBox.addActionListener(new CheckBoxActionListener(checkBox));
* Adds the given <code>radioButton</code> to the set of JRadioButtons that modify the model.
* After the value in this component is changed the setValue() method is called.
* Unlike <code>addModifier</code>, this method will cause <code>setValue()</code>
* to be called on each action event related to the given <code>checkBox</code>. Note
* that the same component should not be added both as a regular modifier and
* as an immediate modifier.
* @param radioButton the radio button whose content is related to the data model
public final void addImmediateModifier(final JRadioButton radioButton){
radioButton.addActionListener(new RadioButtonActionListener(radioButton));
* Adds combo box component to the set of JComboBoxes that modifies the model.
* After the value in this component is changed the setValue() method is called.
* Unlike <code>addModifier</code>, this method will cause <code>setValue()</code>
* to be called on each action event related to the given <code>comboBox</code>.Note
* that the same component should not be added both as a regular modifier and
* as an immediate modifier.
* @param comboBox JComboBox whose content is related to data model
public final void addImmediateModifier(final JComboBox comboBox) {
comboBox.addActionListener(new ComboBoxActionListener(comboBox));
/** Adds text component to the set of JTextComponents that modifies the model.
* After the value in this component is changed the setValue() method is called.
* Unlike <code>addModifier</code>, this method will cause <code>setValue()</code>
* to be called on every change related to the given <code>tc</code>.Note
* that the same component should not be added both as a regular modifier and
* as an immediate modifier.
* @param tc JTextComponent whose content is related to data model
public final void addImmediateModifier(final JTextComponent tc) {
tc.getDocument().addDocumentListener(new TextListener(tc, true));
/** Adds text component to the set of JTextComponents that should be validated for correctness.
* After the value in this component is changed either setValue() method is called(value is correct)
* or rollbackValue() method is called(value is incorrect). Also the documentChanged() method is called during editing.
* @param tc JTextComponent whose content is related to data model and should be validated before saving to data model.
public final void addValidatee(final JTextComponent tc) {
tc.getDocument().addDocumentListener(new TextListener(tc));
tc.addFocusListener(new ValidateFocusListener(tc));
protected void scheduleRefreshView() {
* Reloads data from data model
public void refreshView() {
for (Iterator it = refreshableList.iterator(); it.hasNext();) {
protected void addRefreshable(Refreshable refreshable) {
public void dataModelPropertyChange(Object source, String propertyName, Object oldValue, Object newValue) {
private class TextListener implements javax.swing.event.DocumentListener {
private JTextComponent tc;
private boolean setValue = false;
TextListener(JTextComponent tc) {
this(tc, false);
TextListener(JTextComponent tc, boolean setValue) { = tc;
this.setValue = setValue;
* Method from DocumentListener
public void changedUpdate(javax.swing.event.DocumentEvent evt) {
* Method from DocumentListener
public void insertUpdate(javax.swing.event.DocumentEvent evt) {
* Method from DocumentListener
public void removeUpdate(javax.swing.event.DocumentEvent evt) {
private void update(javax.swing.event.DocumentEvent evt) {
if (setValue){
setValue(tc, tc.getText());
} else {
documentChanged(tc, tc.getText());
private abstract class FlushFocusListener extends java.awt.event.FocusAdapter {
public abstract boolean flushData();
private class ValidateFocusListener extends FlushFocusListener {
private String orgValue;
private boolean viewIsBuggy;
private final JTextComponent tc;
* Prevents 'fix now' dialog from popping up multiple times.
private boolean disable;
public ValidateFocusListener(JTextComponent tc) { = tc;
public void focusGained(FocusEvent evt) {
activeListener = this;
orgValue = tc.getText();
if (sectionView.getErrorPanel().getError() != null) {
viewIsBuggy = true;
} else {
viewIsBuggy = false;
public void focusLost(FocusEvent evt) {
if (!closing) {
if (!flushData()) {
Utils.runInAwtDispatchThread(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
//todo: make sure the panel is visible
} else {
disable = false;
activeListener = null;
public boolean flushData() {
Error error = sectionView.getErrorPanel().getError();
if (error != null && error.isEditError() && tc == error.getFocusableComponent()) {
if (Error.TYPE_WARNING == error.getSeverityLevel() && !disable) {
org.openide.DialogDescriptor desc = new RefreshSaveDialog(sectionView.getErrorPanel());
Dialog dialog = org.openide.DialogDisplayer.getDefault().createDialog(desc);;
Integer opt = (Integer) desc.getValue();
if (opt.equals(RefreshSaveDialog.OPTION_FIX)) {
disable = true;
return false;
} else if (opt.equals(RefreshSaveDialog.OPTION_REFRESH)) {
} else {
setValue(tc, tc.getText());
} else if (!disable){
org.openide.DialogDescriptor desc = new RefreshDialog(sectionView.getErrorPanel());
Dialog dialog = org.openide.DialogDisplayer.getDefault().createDialog(desc);;
Integer opt = (Integer) desc.getValue();
if (opt.equals(RefreshDialog.OPTION_FIX)) {
disable = true;
return false;
} else if (opt.equals(RefreshDialog.OPTION_REFRESH)) {
} else {
if (!tc.getText().equals(orgValue)) {
setValue(tc, tc.getText());
} else {
if (viewIsBuggy) {
disable = false;
return true;
private class ModifyFocusListener extends FlushFocusListener {
private String orgValue;
private final JTextComponent tc;
// indicates whether the original value (orgValue) should be tested against the current value when focus is lost
private boolean test;
public ModifyFocusListener(JTextComponent tc) {
this(tc, true);
public ModifyFocusListener(JTextComponent tc, boolean test) { = tc;
this.test = test;
public void focusGained(FocusEvent evt) {
orgValue = tc.getText();
activeListener = this;
public void focusLost(FocusEvent evt) {
if (!closing) {
activeListener = null;
public boolean flushData() {
if (!test || !tc.getText().equals(orgValue)) {
setValue(tc, tc.getText());
return true;
* Listener attached to combo boxes that modify the model.
private class ComboBoxModifyFocusListener extends FlushFocusListener {
private Object orgValue;
private final JComboBox comboBox;
// indicates whether the original value (orgValue) should be tested against the current value when focus is lost
private boolean test;
public ComboBoxModifyFocusListener(JComboBox comboBox) {
this(comboBox, true);
public ComboBoxModifyFocusListener(JComboBox comboBox, boolean test) {
this.comboBox = comboBox;
this.test = test;
public void focusGained(FocusEvent evt) {
orgValue = comboBox.getSelectedItem();
activeListener = this;
public void focusLost(FocusEvent evt) {
if (!closing) {
activeListener = null;
public boolean flushData() {
Object newValue = comboBox.getSelectedItem();
boolean newEqualsOld = (newValue==null ? orgValue==null : newValue.equals(orgValue));
if (!test || !newEqualsOld) {
setValue(comboBox, comboBox.getSelectedItem());
return true;
* Listener attached to radio buttons that modify the model.
private class RadioButtonModifyFocusListener extends FlushFocusListener {
private boolean orgValue;
private final JRadioButton radioButton;
public RadioButtonModifyFocusListener(JRadioButton radioButton) {
this.radioButton = radioButton;
public void focusGained(FocusEvent evt) {
orgValue = radioButton.isSelected();
activeListener = this;
public void focusLost(FocusEvent evt) {
if (!closing) {
activeListener = null;
public boolean flushData() {
if (!(radioButton.isSelected() == orgValue)) {
setValue(radioButton, Boolean.valueOf(radioButton.isSelected()));
return true;
public boolean canClose() {
closing = true;
try {
if (activeListener != null) {
return activeListener.flushData();
return true;
} finally {
closing = false;
* Base class for action listeners for components that require setValue to be called
* immediately on action event (instead of when focus is gained/lost).
private abstract class FlushActionListener implements ActionListener {
public final void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
* Does the actual setting of the value to the model. Subclasses
* should usually invoke <code>setValue</code> method here.
public abstract void doSetValue(ActionEvent e);
* Action listener for combo boxes that require setValue to be called
* immediately on action event (instead of when focus is gained/lost).
private class ComboBoxActionListener extends FlushActionListener{
private final JComboBox comboBox;
public ComboBoxActionListener(JComboBox comboBox){
this.comboBox = comboBox;
public void doSetValue(ActionEvent e) {
setValue(comboBox, comboBox.getSelectedItem());
* Action listener for checkboxes that require setValue to be called
* immediately on action event (instead of when focus is gained/lost).
private class CheckBoxActionListener extends FlushActionListener{
private final JCheckBox checkBox;
public CheckBoxActionListener(JCheckBox checkBox){
this.checkBox = checkBox;
public void doSetValue(ActionEvent e) {
setValue(checkBox, Boolean.valueOf(checkBox.isSelected()));
* Action listener for radio buttons that require setValue to be called
* immediately on action event (instead of when focus is gained/lost).
private class RadioButtonActionListener extends FlushActionListener{
private final JRadioButton radioButton;
public RadioButtonActionListener(JRadioButton radioButton){
this.radioButton = radioButton;
public void doSetValue(ActionEvent e) {
setValue(radioButton, Boolean.valueOf(radioButton.isSelected()));
* Listener attached to check boxes that modify the model.
private class CheckBoxModifyFocusListener extends FlushFocusListener {
private boolean orgValue;
private final JCheckBox checkBox;
public CheckBoxModifyFocusListener(JCheckBox checkBox) {
this.checkBox = checkBox;
public void focusGained(FocusEvent evt) {
orgValue = checkBox.isSelected();
activeListener = this;
public void focusLost(FocusEvent evt) {
if (!closing) {
activeListener = null;
public boolean flushData() {
if (!(checkBox.isSelected() == orgValue)) {
setValue(checkBox, Boolean.valueOf(checkBox.isSelected()));
return true;
public boolean canClose() {
closing = true;
try {
if (activeListener != null) {
return activeListener.flushData();
return true;
} finally {
closing = false;
/** This will be called after model is changed from this panel
* @deprecated use {@link SectionInnerPanel#endUIChange} instead
protected void signalUIChange() {
/** This will be called before model is changed from this panel
protected void startUIChange() {
/** This will be called after model is changed from this panel
protected void endUIChange() {