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package net.openesb.standalone.naming.jndi.impl;
import net.openesb.standalone.naming.jndi.tomcat.TomcatDataSourcePoolFactory;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Hashtable;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.ResourceBundle;
import java.util.logging.Level;
import java.util.logging.Logger;
import javax.naming.Context;
import javax.naming.InitialContext;
import javax.naming.NamingException;
import javax.naming.spi.InitialContextFactory;
import javax.sql.DataSource;
import javax.sql.XADataSource;
import javax.xml.bind.JAXBContext;
import javax.xml.bind.JAXBElement;
import javax.xml.bind.JAXBException;
import javax.xml.bind.Unmarshaller;
import net.openesb.standalone.naming.jaxb.DataSourcePoolPropertiesComplexType;
import net.openesb.standalone.naming.jaxb.JdbcResourceComplexType;
import net.openesb.standalone.naming.jaxb.OeContextComplexType;
import net.openesb.standalone.naming.jndi.DataSourcePoolFactory;
import net.openesb.standalone.naming.utils.I18NBundle;
* @author Paul PEREZ (paul.perez at
* @author OpenESB Community
public class InitialContexFactoryImpl implements InitialContextFactory {
public static final String DATASOURCE_TYPE = "Datasource";
public static final String XADATASOURCE_TYPE = "XADatasource";
private static final Logger sLogger = Logger.getLogger("net.openesb.standalone.naming");
private final Map<String, DataSourcePoolPropertiesComplexType> mDSPMap = new HashMap<String, DataSourcePoolPropertiesComplexType>();
private final DataSourcePoolFactory mDSPFactory = new TomcatDataSourcePoolFactory();
private final String mClassName = "InitialContexFactoryImpl";
private final ResourceBundle mResourceBundle;
private String mMessage;
// Constructor
public InitialContexFactoryImpl() {
I18NBundle nBundle = new I18NBundle("net.openesb.standalone.naming.utils");
mResourceBundle = nBundle.getBundle();
/* Regarding the exception management, If the context file if not correct,
* I choosed to return an initial context in any case even empty. So if input data
is not correct, I log this information but catch the exception in order to return
an initial context. Another policy would be to stop at any exception. I did not choose
it. Naming exception will be thrown only if I cannot create the initial context */
/* The initial context I use is the one found in Tomcat 7 */
public Context getInitialContext(Hashtable<?, ?> environment) throws NamingException {
Map<String, DataSource> datasourceMap = new HashMap<String, DataSource>();
String methodName = "getInitialContext";
/*Context initialisation Just set the system properties and use the class InitialContext*/
System.setProperty(javax.naming.Context.INITIAL_CONTEXT_FACTORY, "");
System.setProperty(Context.URL_PKG_PREFIXES, "org.apache.naming");
Context initialContext = new InitialContext();
mMessage = mResourceBundle.getString("context.created");
sLogger.logp(Level.FINE, mClassName, methodName, mMessage);
/* Second step read the XML file URL where context configuration is described
* The URL can be file:// http:// ...
* The XML File URL must be in environement hashmap and read the key URL must be equal to
String urlValue = null;
if (environment.containsKey(Context.PROVIDER_URL)) {
urlValue = (String) environment.get(Context.PROVIDER_URL);
mMessage = mResourceBundle.getString("");
sLogger.logp(Level.FINE, mClassName, methodName, mMessage, new Object[]{urlValue});
} else {
mMessage = mResourceBundle.getString("context.url.not.provided") + " " + mResourceBundle.getString("context.url.not.provided.ID");
sLogger.logp(Level.SEVERE, mClassName, methodName, mMessage);
/* Read the context from the URL */
@SuppressWarnings("UnusedAssignment") JAXBElement<OeContextComplexType> root = null;
try {
JAXBContext jc = JAXBContext.newInstance("net.openesb.standalone.naming.jaxb");
Unmarshaller unmarshaller = jc.createUnmarshaller();
root = (JAXBElement<OeContextComplexType>) unmarshaller.unmarshal(new URL(urlValue));
} catch (MalformedURLException ex) {
mMessage = mResourceBundle.getString("") ;
sLogger.logp(Level.SEVERE, mClassName, methodName, mMessage, new Object[] {urlValue});
mMessage = mResourceBundle.getString("catch.exception");
sLogger.logp(Level.SEVERE, mClassName, methodName, mMessage, ex);
return initialContext ;
} catch (JAXBException ex) {
mMessage = mResourceBundle.getString("jaxb.unmarshalling.failed");
sLogger.logp(Level.SEVERE, mClassName, methodName, mMessage, new Object[] {urlValue});
mMessage = mResourceBundle.getString("catch.exception");
sLogger.logp(Level.SEVERE, mClassName, methodName, mMessage, ex);
return initialContext ;
// This must be made with the xml file has an element root
// Log level Fine Unmarshalling ok
OeContextComplexType oeContext = root.getValue();
mMessage = mResourceBundle.getString("context.binding.ok");
sLogger.logp(Level.FINE, mClassName, methodName, mMessage);
/* OeContext contains the complete context */
/* I create a map with the datasourcePool Name as key and datasourcePool as Value
* This will be useful to instanciate the db connector later.
List<DataSourcePoolPropertiesComplexType> dataSourcePoolList = oeContext.getDataSourcePoolProperties();
int listSize = dataSourcePoolList.size();
mMessage = mResourceBundle.getString("number.dataSourcePoolProperties.found");
sLogger.logp(Level.FINE, mClassName, methodName, mMessage, new Object[]{listSize});
//Loop on dataSourcePoolList iterator
for (DataSourcePoolPropertiesComplexType dspComplexType : dataSourcePoolList) {
mDSPMap.put(dspComplexType.getDbConnectorName(), dspComplexType);
mMessage = mResourceBundle.getString("");
sLogger.logp(Level.FINE, mClassName, methodName, mMessage, new Object[]{dspComplexType.getDbConnectorName()});
// Now Let's read JdbcResource
List<JdbcResourceComplexType> jdbcResourceList = oeContext.getJdbcResources();
listSize = jdbcResourceList.size();
mMessage = mResourceBundle.getString("number.jdbcResource.declaration.found");
sLogger.logp(Level.FINE, mClassName, methodName, mMessage, new Object[]{listSize});
//Loop on JDBCResourceList iterator
for (JdbcResourceComplexType jdbcResource : jdbcResourceList) {
/* For each jcbc resource I want to associate a dbConnector.
* DBConnector provide a connectionPool or a XAConnectionPool
* I instanciate the dbConnetor in a lazy mode (when needed)
* Once instanciated dbConnector are put in a map for reusing purpose
* ex: when two JNDI names target the same dbConnector
// Get JNDI Name
String jndiName = jdbcResource.getJndiName();
mMessage = jndiName + " " + mResourceBundle.getString("in.process");
sLogger.logp(Level.FINE, mClassName, methodName, mMessage);
/* Check if this JNDI name is already in the context. In that case the
* second instance is not taken into account
try {
mMessage = mResourceBundle.getString("jndi.value.already.defined");
sLogger.logp(Level.FINE, mClassName, methodName, mMessage, new Object[]{jndiName});
} catch (NamingException ex) {
// Nothing else to do. Having an exception is the normal process
/* Create datasource or XA Datasource thanks to the underlying dbConnector
* DBConnector refeence is in the DataSourcePoolProperties. DBConnector are instanciated
* dynamically and must be present in the classpath
* */
String dbConnectorName = jdbcResource.getDbConnectorName();
/* check if the datasource has been created already for a previous
* JNDI Name. In that case we reuse it.
if (datasourceMap.containsKey(dbConnectorName)) {
if (datasourceMap.get(dbConnectorName) instanceof XADataSource) {
initialContext.rebind(jndiName, (XADataSource) datasourceMap.get(dbConnectorName));
} else {
initialContext.rebind(jndiName, datasourceMap.get(dbConnectorName));
// Retrieve DataSourcePoolPropertie
DataSourcePoolPropertiesComplexType dspProperties = mDSPMap.get(dbConnectorName);
// Check if Datasourse or XA Datasource
if (dspProperties.getResourceType().equals(InitialContexFactoryImpl.DATASOURCE_TYPE)) {
mMessage = mResourceBundle.getString("");
sLogger.logp(Level.FINE, mClassName, methodName, mMessage, new Object[]{jndiName});
DataSource dataSource = mDSPFactory.getDataSource(dspProperties);
/* Check if datasource is not null then put in the context since exception are catch */
if (null != dataSource) {
datasourceMap.put(dbConnectorName, dataSource);
try {
initialContext.rebind(jndiName, dataSource);
} catch (NamingException ex) {
initialContext.bind(jndiName, dataSource);
mMessage = mResourceBundle.getString("datasource.processed.bind.success");
sLogger.logp(Level.FINE, mClassName, methodName, mMessage, new Object[]{jndiName});
} else if (dspProperties.getResourceType()
.equals(InitialContexFactoryImpl.XADATASOURCE_TYPE)) {
mMessage = mResourceBundle.getString("");
sLogger.logp(Level.FINE, mClassName, methodName, mMessage, new Object[]{jndiName});
XADataSource xaDataSource = mDSPFactory.getXADataSource(dspProperties);
if (null != xaDataSource) {
/* Store the XAdatasource in a map for reusing purpose see above */
datasourceMap.put(dbConnectorName, (DataSource) xaDataSource);
initialContext.rebind(jndiName, xaDataSource);
mMessage = mResourceBundle.getString("xadatasource.processed.bind.success");
sLogger.logp(Level.FINE, mClassName, methodName, mMessage, new Object[]{jndiName});
} else {
mMessage = mResourceBundle.getString("bad.resource.type");
sLogger.logp(Level.FINE, mClassName, methodName, mMessage, new Object[]{dspProperties.getResourceType(), dspProperties.getDatabaseName()});
/* the context contains the binding and the datasource or xaDatasource links
* Return the context
return initialContext;