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context.created=Empty JNDI Context has been created
context.url.not.provided=The URL context context is not provided. URL for the context has been retrieved and its value is {0} URL {0} provided for the context is malformed
jaxb.unmarshalling.failed=Unmarshalling failed with the provided URL {0}
context.binding.ok=context binding is successful and the data have been unmarshaled
number.dataSourcePoolProperties.found={0} DataSourcePool properties have been found in the context {0} has been found in the context
number.jdbcResource.declaration.found={0} JDBC Resources have defined in the context
in.process=in process
datasource.created.succesfully=A datasource has been created successfully for the JNDI Name {0}
jndi.value.already.defined=The JNDI value {0} has been declare more than once. Just the first declaration is taken into account Datasource for {0} in process
datasource.processed.bind.success=Datasource for {0} has been processed and bind with success XADatasource for {0} in process
xadatasource.processed.bind.success=XADatasource for {0} has been processed and bind with success
bad.resource.type=The resource type {0} defined in the datasourcePoolProperties {1} is not supported
start.instanciate.datasource=Start datasource {0} instanciation
datasource.class.not.found=Datasource class {0} is not found, please check OpenESB classpath
impossible.instanciate.datasource=Impossible to instanciate the datasource {0}
catch.exception=The following exception has been catch name "{0}" does not exist in the class {1} please check class and ancestor content and context properties.
field.type.not.process= The field {0} in the class {1} is a not supported type {2}. Just set filed with primitive and String type.
field.not.set=The field {0} has not been set.
native.datasource.set.succesfully=Native datasource {0} has been set successfully
start.pool.configuration= Start pool configuration