
363 lines
11 KiB
Raw Normal View History

# This program 'pretty prints' the ctest output, namely
# files from builddir/Testing/Temporary.
# html & wiki output are produced
# wiki uploading is available by running
# python --upload
# todo
# do something if tests for opencsg extensions fail (fail, no image production)
2011-11-22 06:28:35 +04:00
# copy all images, sysinfo.txt to bundle for html/upload (images
# can be altered by subsequent runs)
2011-11-22 06:28:35 +04:00
# figure out hwo to make the thing run after the test
# figure out how CTEST treats the logfiles.
# why is hash differing
2011-11-23 06:31:57 +04:00
# instead of having special '-info' prerun, put it as yet-another-test
# and parse the log
import string,sys,re,os,hashlib,subprocess,textwrap
def tryread(filename):
data = None
print 'reading', filename
f = open(filename)
data =
print 'couldn\'t open ',filename
return data
def trysave(data,filename):
print 'writing',len(data),'bytes to',filename
print 'problem writing to',filename
return None
return True
def ezsearch(pattern,str):
x =,str,re.DOTALL|re.MULTILINE)
if x and len(x.groups())>0: return
return ''
def read_gitinfo():
# won't work if run from outside of branch.
data = subprocess.Popen(['git','remote','-v'],stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
origin = ezsearch('^origin *?(.*?)\(fetch.*?$',data)
upstream = ezsearch('^upstream *?(.*?)\(fetch.*?$',data)
data = subprocess.Popen(['git','branch'],stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
branch = ezsearch('^\*(.*?)$',data)
out = 'Git branch: ' + branch + ' from origin ' + origin + '\n'
out += 'Git upstream: ' + upstream + '\n'
return out
def read_sysinfo(filename):
data = tryread(filename)
if not data: return 'sysinfo: unknown'
machine = ezsearch('Machine:(.*?)\n',data)
machine = machine.replace(' ','-').replace('/','-')
osinfo = ezsearch('OS info:(.*?)\n',data)
osplain = osinfo.split(' ')[0].strip().replace('/','-')
if 'windows' in osinfo.lower(): osplain = 'win'
renderer = ezsearch('GL Renderer:(.*?)\n',data)
tmp = renderer.split(' ')
tmp = string.join(tmp[0:3],'-')
tmp = tmp.split('/')[0]
renderer = tmp
2011-11-24 08:22:33 +04:00
data += read_gitinfo()
data += 'Image comparison: ImageMagick'
2011-11-24 08:22:33 +04:00
data = data.strip()
2011-11-24 08:27:11 +04:00
# create 4 letter hash and stick on end of sysid
nondate_data = re.sub("\n.*?ompile date.*?\n","\n",data).strip()
hexhash = hashlib.md5()
2011-11-24 08:27:11 +04:00
hexhash = hexhash.hexdigest()[-4:].upper()
hash = ''
for c in hexhash: hash += chr(ord(c)+97-48)
sysid = osplain + '_' + machine + '_' + renderer + '_' + hash
sysid = sysid.lower()
return data, sysid
class Test:
def __init__(self,fullname,time,passed,output,type,actualfile,expectedfile,scadfile,log):
self.fullname,self.time,self.passed,self.output = \
fullname, time, passed, output
self.type, self.actualfile, self.expectedfile, self.scadfile = \
type, actualfile, expectedfile, scadfile
self.fulltestlog = log
def __str__(self):
x = 'fullname: ' + self.fullname
x+= '\nactualfile: ' + self.actualfile
x+= '\nexpectedfile: ' + self.expectedfile
x+= '\ntesttime: ' + self.time
x+= '\ntesttype: ' + self.type
x+= '\npassed: ' + str(self.passed)
x+= '\nscadfile: ' + self.scadfile
x+= '\noutput bytes: ' + str(len(self.output))
x+= '\ntestlog bytes: ' + str(len(self.fulltestlog))
x+= '\n'
return x
def parsetest(teststring):
patterns = ["Test:(.*?)\n", # fullname
"Test time =(.*?) sec\n",
"Test time.*?Test (Passed)", # pass/fail
"Output:(.*?)<end of output>",
'Command:.*?-s" "(.*?)"', # type
"actual .*?:(.*?)\n",
"expected .*?:(.*?)\n",
'Command:.*?(testdata.*?)"' # scadfile
hits = map( lambda pattern: ezsearch(pattern,teststring), patterns )
test = Test(hits[0],hits[1],hits[2]=='Passed',hits[3],hits[4],hits[5],hits[6],hits[7],teststring)
return test
def parselog(data):
startdate = ezsearch('Start testing: (.*?)\n',data)
enddate = ezsearch('End testing: (.*?)\n',data)
pattern = '([0-9]*/[0-9]* Testing:.*?time elapsed.*?\n)'
test_chunks = re.findall(pattern,data,re.S)
tests = map( parsetest, test_chunks )
print 'found', len(tests),'test results'
return startdate, tests, enddate
def wikify_filename(testname,filename,sysid):
# translate from local system to wiki style filename.
result = wiki_rootpath+'_'+testname+'_'
expected = ezsearch('(expected....$)',filename)
if expected!='': result += expected
actual = ezsearch(os.sep+'.*?-output.*?(actual.*)',filename)
if actual!='':
result += sysid+'_'+actual
return result.replace('/','_').replace('\\','_')
def parsemakes_towiki(wiki_rootpath, sysid):
filelist = []
for root, dirs, files in os.walk('.'):
for fname in files: filelist += [ os.path.join(root, fname) ]
files = filter(lambda x: 'build.make' in os.path.basename(x), filelist)
files += filter(lambda x: 'flags.make' in os.path.basename(x), filelist)
manifest = {}
for fname in files:
wikifname = fname.replace('/','_').replace('\\','_').strip('.')
wikifname = wikifname.replace('CMakeFiles','').replace('.dir','')
manifest[fname] = wiki_rootpath + '_' + sysid + '_' + wikifname
wikicode = "\n'''build.make and flags.make'''\n\n\n"
for key in sorted(manifest.keys()): wikicode += '*[[' + manifest[key] + ']]\n'
return manifest, wikicode
def towiki(wiki_rootpath, startdate, tests, enddate, sysinfo, sysid):
wiki_template = """
<h3>[[WIKI_ROOTPATH]] test run report</h3>
'''Sysid''': SYSID
'''Result summary''': NUMPASSED / NUMTESTS tests passed ( PERCENTPASSED % ) <br>
'''System info''':
start time: STARTDATE <br>
end time : ENDDATE <br>
'''Failed image tests'''
{| border=1 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=1
| colspan=2 | FTESTNAME
| Expected image || Actual image
'''Failed text tests'''
{|border=1 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=1
! Testname
passed_tests = filter(lambda x: x.passed, tests)
failed_tests = filter(lambda x: not x.passed, tests)
percent = str(int(100.0*len(passed_tests) / len(tests)))
manifest = {}
s = wiki_template
repeat1 = ezsearch('(<REPEAT1>.*?</REPEAT1>)',s)
repeat2 = ezsearch('(<REPEAT2>.*?</REPEAT2>)',s)
dic = { 'STARTDATE': startdate, 'ENDDATE': enddate, 'WIKI_ROOTPATH': wiki_rootpath,
'SYSINFO': sysinfo, 'SYSID':sysid,
'NUMTESTS':len(tests), 'NUMPASSED':len(passed_tests), 'PERCENTPASSED':percent }
for key in dic.keys():
s = s.replace(key,str(dic[key]))
testlogs = ''
for t in failed_tests:
testlogs += '\n\n'+t.fulltestlog
if t.type=='txt':
newchunk = re.sub('FTEST_OUTPUTFILE',t.fullname,repeat2)
newchunk = re.sub('FTESTNAME',t.fullname,repeat2)
s = s.replace(repeat2, newchunk+repeat2)
elif t.type=='png':
manifest[t.actualfile] = wikify_filename(t.fullname,t.actualfile,sysid)
manifest[t.expectedfile] = wikify_filename(t.fullname,t.expectedfile,sysid)
if t.actualfile:
actualfile_wiki = '[[File:'+manifest[t.actualfile]+'|250px]]'
actualfile_wiki = 'No image generated.'
newchunk = re.sub('FTESTNAME',t.fullname,repeat1)
newchunk = newchunk.replace('ACTUALFILE_WIKI',actualfile_wiki)
newchunk = newchunk.replace('EXPECTEDFILE',manifest[t.expectedfile])
newchunk = newchunk.replace('TESTLOG',t.fulltestlog)
s = s.replace(repeat1, newchunk+repeat1)
s = s.replace(repeat1,'')
s = s.replace(repeat2,'')
s = re.sub('<REPEAT.*?>\n','',s)
s = re.sub('</REPEAT.*?>','',s)
return manifest, s
def wikitohtml(wiki_rootpath, sysid, wikidata, manifest):
head = '<html><head><title>'+wiki_rootpath+' test run for '+sysid +'</title></head><body>'
revmanifest = dict((val,key) for key, val in manifest.iteritems())
x=re.sub('\{\|(.*?)\n','<table \\1>\n',wikidata)
2011-11-26 23:43:40 +04:00
x=re.sub('\|(.*?colspan.*?)\|','<td \\1>',x)
for f in filestrs:
2011-11-24 08:22:33 +04:00
newfile_html='<img src="'+revmanifest[f]+'" width=250 />'
dic = { '|}':'</table>', '|-':'<tr>', '||':'<td>', '|':'<td>',
'!!':'<th>', '!':'<tr><th>', '\n\n':'\n<p>\n'} #order matters
for key in dic: x=x.replace(key,dic[key])
return head + x + '</body></html>'
def upload(wikiurl,api_php_path,wikidata,manifest,wiki_rootpath,sysid,botname,botpass,dryrun=True,forceupload=False):
if dryrun: print 'dry run'
import mwclient
print 'please download mwclient and unpack here:', os.cwd()
2011-11-26 23:43:40 +04:00
print 'opening site:',wikiurl
if not dryrun:
if not api_php_path == '':
site = mwclient.Site(wikiurl,api_php_path)
site = mwclient.Site(wikiurl)
2011-11-26 23:43:40 +04:00
print 'bot login:', botname
if not dryrun: site.login(botname,botpass)
2011-11-26 23:43:40 +04:00
print 'edit page:',wiki_rootpath
rootpage = wiki_rootpath + sysid
if not dryrun:
page = site.Pages[wiki_rootpath]
text = page.edit()
if not '[['+rootpage+']]' in text: +'\n*[['+rootpage+']]\n')
2011-11-26 23:43:40 +04:00
print 'upload wiki page:',rootpage
if not dryrun:
page = site.Pages[rootpage]
text = page.edit()
2011-11-26 23:43:40 +04:00
print 'upload images:'
imagekeys = filter(lambda x: x.endswith('.png'), manifest.keys())
for localfile in sorted(imagekeys):
if localfile:
localf = open(localfile,'rb')
wikifile = manifest[localfile]
if 'expected.png' in wikifile.lower():
if not dryrun:
image = site.Images[wikifile]
if image.exists and forceupload==False:
print 'skipping',wikifile, '(already on wiki)'
if not skip:
print 'uploading',wikifile,'...'
if not dryrun:
site.upload(localf,wikifile,wiki_rootpath + ' test', ignore=True)
print 'upload makefiles:'
makekeys = filter(lambda x: x.endswith('.make'), manifest.keys())
for localfile in sorted(makekeys):
if localfile:
localf = open(localfile,'rb')
wikifile = manifest[localfile]
print 'uploading',wikifile,'...'
if not dryrun:
page = site.Pages[wikifile]
text = page.edit()'<pre>\n''\n</pre>')
2011-11-23 06:31:57 +04:00
#wikisite = ''
#wiki_api_path = ''
wikisite = ''
wiki_api_path = '/'
wiki_rootpath = 'OpenSCAD'
builddir = os.getcwd()
logpath = os.path.join(builddir,'Testing','Temporary')
logfilename = os.path.join(logpath,'LastTest.log')
def main():
testlog = tryread(logfilename)
startdate, tests, enddate = parselog(testlog)
tests = sorted(tests, key = lambda t:t.passed)
sysinfo, sysid = read_sysinfo('sysinfo.txt')
2011-11-24 08:40:06 +04:00
if '--forceupload' in sys.argv: forceupl=True
else: forceupl=False
if '--dryrun' in sys.argv: dry=True
else: dry=False
manifest_makes, wiki_makes = parsemakes_towiki(wiki_rootpath, sysid)
manifest, wikidata = towiki(wiki_rootpath, startdate, tests, enddate, sysinfo, sysid)
wikidata += wiki_makes
trysave(wikidata, os.path.join(logpath,sysid+'.wiki'))
htmldata = wikitohtml(wiki_rootpath, sysid, wikidata, manifest)
trysave(htmldata, os.path.join(logpath,sysid+'.html'))
if '--upload' in sys.argv: