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2014-02-06 10:47:45 +04:00
OpenSCAD 2014.0X
2013-10-28 00:37:29 +04:00
Language Features:
o Added diameter argument: circle(d), cylinder(d, d1, d2) and sphere(d)
o Added parent_module() and $parent_modules
o Added children() as a replacement for child()
2014-02-06 10:47:45 +04:00
o Unicode strings (using UTF-8) are now correctly handled
o Ranges can have a negative step value
o Added experimental concat() function for concatenating vectors
2013-10-28 00:37:29 +04:00
Program Features:
2014-02-06 10:47:45 +04:00
o Cmd-line: --info parameter prints system/library info
o Cmd-line: --enable parameter to enable experimental features
o Cmd-line: --csglimit parameter to change CSG rendering limit
o GUI: Added Reset View
o GUI: Added Search&Replace in editor
o GUI: Syntax highlighting now has a dark background theme
2013-12-16 03:25:19 +04:00
o polyhedron() is now much more robust handling almost planar polygons
2013-10-28 00:37:29 +04:00
o Automatic reloads of large designs are more robust
o Boolean logic in if() statements are now correctly short-circuited
o rands() with zero range caused an infinite loop
o resize(, auto=true) didn't work when shrinking objects
o The $children variable sometimes misbehaved due to dynamic scoping
o The --camera cmd-line option behaved differently then the corresponding GUI function
o PNG export now doesn't leak transparency settings into the target image
2014-02-06 10:47:45 +04:00
o Improved performance of 3D hull() operations
2013-12-16 03:25:19 +04:00
o Some editor misbehaviors were fixed
o Stability fixes of CGAL-related crashes
2014-02-06 10:47:45 +04:00
o Windows cmd-line can now handle spaces in filenames
o Default CSG rendering limit is now 100K elements
o Fixed a crash reading DXF files using comma as decimal separator
o Fixed a crash running the cmd-line without a HOME env. variable
o Intersecting something with nothing now correctly results in an empty object
2013-10-28 00:37:29 +04:00
o child() is no longer supported. Use children() instead.
2013-12-16 05:11:49 +04:00
o polyhedron(triangles=[...]): Use polyhedron(faces=[...]) instead.
2013-10-28 00:37:29 +04:00
o Test framework now shares more code with the GUI app
2013-12-16 03:25:19 +04:00
o Test report can now be automatically uploaded to
2013-10-28 00:37:29 +04:00
o Better compatibility with BSD systems
2014-02-06 10:47:45 +04:00
o Qt5 support
2013-06-07 05:18:24 +04:00
OpenSCAD 2013.06
2013-02-04 23:08:23 +04:00
Language Features:
o linear_extrude now takes a scale parameter:
linear_extrude(height=a, slices=b, twist=c, scale=[x,y])
o Recursive use of modules is now supported (including cascading child() operations):
2013-05-09 16:23:29 +04:00
o Parameter list values can now depend on earlier values, e.g. for (i=[0:2], j=[0:i]) ..
o value assignments in parameters can now depend on already declared parameters
o Added resize() module:
Program Features:
2013-02-04 23:08:23 +04:00
o Added basic syntax highlighting in the editor
o There is now a built-in library path in user-space:
o Commandline output to PNG, with various camera and rendering settings.
2013-06-08 05:26:50 +04:00
Run openscad -h to see usage info or see the OpenSCAD wiki user manual.
o Attempting to open dxf, off or stl files in the GUI will now create an import statement.
o The preview operator (%) will now preserve any manually set color
o The highlight operator (#) will now color the object in transparent red
2013-02-12 06:52:36 +04:00
o Mac: Added document icon
o Mac: Added auto-update check
o Windows: Better cmd-line support using the executable
2013-02-04 23:08:23 +04:00
2013-04-09 09:04:22 +04:00
o Importing files is now always relative to the importing script, also for libraries
2013-02-04 23:08:23 +04:00
o We didn't always print a warning when CSG normalization created too many elements
o Binary STLs can now be read on big endian architectures
o Some binary STLs couldn't be read
o Fixed some issues related to ARM builds
2013-02-20 05:43:25 +04:00
o CGAL triangulation more lenient- enables partial rendering of 'bad' DXF data
o The Automatic Reload feature is now more robust
o If a file couldn't be saved it no longer fails silently
o Fixed a number of crashes related to CGAL and OpenCSG rendering or complex models
o The lookup() function had bad boundary condition behavior
o The surface() module failed when the .dat file lacked a trailing newline
o The hull() module could crash if any of the children were empty objects
o Some problems using unicode filenames have been fixed
o Build scripts have been further improved
o Regression test now creates single monolithic .html file for easier uploading
o Regression test auto-starts & stops Xvfb / Xvnc if on headless unix machine
2013-05-29 04:57:23 +04:00
o The backend is finally independent of Qt
o Windows: We now have a 64-bit version
2013-02-04 23:08:23 +04:00
2013-06-08 05:26:50 +04:00
Known Bugs:
o Linux: command-line png rendering on Gallium is flaky.
Workaround: use CGAL --render or hardware rendering.
2013-01-16 04:06:02 +04:00
OpenSCAD 2013.01
2011-12-26 02:18:28 +04:00
o Snappier GUI while performing CGAL computations (computations running in separate thread)
2012-01-10 04:00:24 +04:00
o The size of the misc. caches can now be adjusted from Preferences
2012-01-14 16:27:52 +04:00
o The limit for when to disable OpenCSG can now be adjusted from Preferences
2012-02-17 23:50:26 +04:00
o Added Dot product operator: vec * vec
o Added Matrix multiplication operator: vec * mat, mat * mat
o Added search() function
o Dependencies are now tracked - any changes in uses/included files will be detected and cause a recompile
2012-10-24 06:26:58 +04:00
o The OPENSCADPATH environment variable is now implemented will have precedence when searching for libraries
o .csg files can now be opened from the GUI
o linear_extrude() will now assume that the first parameter means 'height' if it's a number
2011-12-26 02:18:28 +04:00
2012-01-05 03:20:11 +04:00
o use'ing an non-existing file sometimes crashed under Windows
o Better font handling: Ensure a monospace font is chosen as default
2012-01-08 21:34:17 +04:00
o Division by zero caused hang in some cases (e.g. sin(1/0))
o Larger minkowski operations sometimes caused a crash after a CGAL assert was thrown
2012-04-23 03:32:01 +04:00
o Fixed crashes in shared_ptr.hpp (or similar places) due bugs in cache management and CSG normalization
o scale() with a scale factor of zero could cause a crash
o Fixed a number of issues related to use/include
o Providing an unknown parameter on the cmd-line caused a crash
2012-10-24 06:26:58 +04:00
o cmd-line overrides using -D now also work for USEd modules
o Modifier characters can now be used in front of if statements
o rotate() with a vector argument with less that 3 elements used uninitialized variables, ending up being non-deterministic.
o .csg files will now have relative filenames whenever possible
2013-01-16 04:06:02 +04:00
o Don't just ignore geometric nodes having zero volume/area - when doing difference/intersection, they tend to turn negative objects into positive ones.
o Always use utf-8 file encoding, also under Windows
2012-10-24 06:26:58 +04:00
o A lot of build script fixes
o Some other crash bugs fixes
2012-01-05 03:20:11 +04:00
o The old include syntax "<filename.scad>" without the include keyword is no
longer supported and will cause a syntax error.
2011-12-17 21:42:45 +04:00
OpenSCAD 2011.12
2011-06-16 15:00:04 +04:00
2011-09-08 04:34:09 +04:00
o The MCAD library is now bundled with OpenSCAD
2011-12-17 21:42:45 +04:00
o Added len() function. Takes one vector or string parameter and returns its length.
o The index operator [] now works on strings
o The version() function will return the OpenSCAD version as a vector, e.g. [2011, 09]
o The version_num() function will return the OpenSCAD version as a number, e.g. 20110923
o hull() Now supports 3D objects
2011-12-08 00:34:30 +04:00
o hull() with 2D object can now use for loops and boolean operations as children
2011-09-08 04:34:09 +04:00
o New import() statement reads the correct file format based on the filename extension
(.stl, .dxf and .off is supported)
2011-09-03 01:34:29 +04:00
o The color() statement now supports an alpha parameter, e.g. color(c=[1,0,0], alpha=0.4)
o The color() statement now supports specifying colors as strings, e.g. color("Red")
2011-12-29 18:39:00 +04:00
o The color() statement now overrides colors specified further down in the tree
o if()/else() and the ternary operator can now take any value type as parameter. false, 0, empty string and empty vector or illegal value type will evaluate as false, everything else as true.
2011-09-30 04:49:17 +04:00
o Strings can now be lexographically compared using the <, <=, >, >= operators
2011-10-17 01:12:27 +04:00
o Added PI constant.
2011-11-05 20:07:51 +04:00
o Number literals in scientific notation are now accepted by the parser
2011-12-17 21:42:45 +04:00
o Added import and export of the OFF file format
o Now uses standard shortcuts for save, reload and quit on Linux and Windows. F2/F3 will still work but is deprecated.
2011-09-08 04:34:09 +04:00
2011-12-22 00:59:28 +04:00
o Complex CSG models sometimes took extremely long time to normalize before OpenCSG preview
2011-08-27 23:12:09 +04:00
o square() crashed if any of the dimensions were zero
o Flush Caches didn't flush cached USE'd modules
2011-09-08 04:34:09 +04:00
o STL export should be a bit more robust
2011-09-30 04:51:15 +04:00
o Dropping a file into the editor under Windows didn't work (double C:/C:/ problem)
2011-10-04 02:42:50 +04:00
o On some platforms it was possible to insertion rich text in the editor, causing confusion.
2011-11-05 21:33:07 +04:00
o Less crashes due to CGAL assertions
2011-11-28 03:29:18 +04:00
o OpenCSG should now work on systems with OpenGL 1.x, given that the right extensions are available
2011-12-13 00:55:18 +04:00
o include now searches librarydir
2011-12-19 19:57:55 +04:00
o The $fs parameter yielded only half the number of segments it should have
o surface(center=true) is now correctly centered in the XY plane
2011-06-16 15:00:04 +04:00
2011-09-07 02:13:03 +04:00
o dxf_linear_extrude() and dxf_rotate_extrude() are now deprecated.
Use linear_extrude() and rotate_extrude() instead.
o The file, layer, origin and scale parameters to linear_extrude() and rotate_extrude()
are now deprecated. Use an import() child instead.
2011-09-07 02:48:38 +04:00
o import_dxf(), import_stl() and import_off() are now deprecated. Use import() instead.
o When exporting geometry from the cmd-line, use the universal -o option. It will export to the correct file format based on the given suffix (dxf, stl, off). The -x and -s parameters are still working but deprecated.
2011-10-30 05:27:29 +04:00
o F2 and F3 for Save and Reload is now deprecated
2011-09-07 02:13:03 +04:00
2011-06-05 21:48:11 +04:00
OpenSCAD 2011.06
2011-06-05 22:05:55 +04:00
o Added "Export as Image" menu.
2011-06-05 21:48:11 +04:00
2011-06-05 22:05:55 +04:00
2011-06-05 21:48:11 +04:00
o Cylinder tesselation broke existing models which are using cylinders
for e.g. captured nut slots and are dependent on the orientation not
o DXF output couldn't be imported into e.g. AutoCAD and Solidworks after updating
to using the AutoCAD 2000 (AC1015) format. Reverted to the old entity-only output,
2011-06-16 15:00:04 +04:00
causing LWPOLYLINES to not exported allowed anymore.
2011-06-05 21:48:11 +04:00
2011-06-05 22:05:55 +04:00
2011-04-27 04:58:37 +04:00
OpenSCAD 2011.04
2011-04-12 19:48:57 +04:00
o Added hull() for convex hulls (2D object only)
2011-04-11 03:52:26 +04:00
o minkowski() now supports 2D objects
o Added functions: rands(), sign()
2011-01-21 22:27:20 +03:00
o Now supports escaping of the following characters in strings: \n, \t, \r, \\, \"
o Support nested includes
o Improved parsing of numbers
o DXF: output LWPOLYLINE instead of just LINE entities
2011-04-08 02:40:15 +04:00
o Bugfixes: More robust DXF export, setting $fs/$fa to 0 caused a crash
2011-01-21 22:27:20 +03:00
o Some bugs fixed, maybe some new bugs added
OpenSCAD 2010.05
o Added functions and statements
- Added abs() function
- Added exp(x), log(b, x), log(x) and ln(x) functions
- Added minkowski() statement for 3d minkowski sums
o Added 'include <filename>' and 'use <filename>' statements
- Old implicit '<filename>' include statement is now obsolete
o Some bugs fixed, maybe some new bugs added
OpenSCAD 2010.02
o Added functions and statements
- Added sqrt() function
- Added round(), ceil() and floor() functions
- Added lookup() function for linear interpolation in value list
- Added projection(cut = true/false) statement
- Added child() statement for accessing child nodes of module instances
- Added mirror() statement
o Improved DXF import code (more entities and some bugs fixed)
o Added feature for dumping animation as PNG files
o Added a preferences dialog
o Now using CGAL's delaunay tesselator
o Now using eigen2 for linear algebra
o Reorganisation of the source tree
o Some bugs fixed, maybe some new bugs added
OpenSCAD 2010.01
o Added functions and statements
- Added intersection_for()
- Added str function
- Added min and max function
- Added color() statement
o Added 2D Subsystem
- New primitives: circle(), square() and polygon()
- 2D->3D path: linear_extrude() and rotate_extrude()
- Import of DXF to 2d subsystem: import_dxf()
- Export of 2D data as DXF files
o Some bugs fixed, maybe some new bugs added