update diffpng.cpp

Don Bright 2014-06-11 19:56:51 -05:00 committed by Marius Kintel
parent 4d619a7e38
commit 07ad12f154
1 changed files with 86 additions and 14 deletions

View File

@ -280,6 +280,27 @@ public:
// shift image by # pixels
void Shift(int xpix, int ypix)
RGBAImage newimg( Width, Height, this->Name );
unsigned char red, green, blue, alpha;
for (unsigned x = 0; x < Width; x++) {
for (unsigned y = 0; y < Height; y++) {
red = this->Get_Red( (y+ypix)*Width + (x+xpix) );
green = this->Get_Green( (y+ypix)*Width + (x+xpix) );
blue = this->Get_Blue( (y+ypix)*Width + (x+xpix) );
alpha = this->Get_Alpha( (y+ypix)*Width + (x+xpix) );
newimg.Set( red, green, blue, alpha, y*Width+x );
Data.resize( newimg.Data.size() );
for (unsigned i=0;i<newimg.Data.size();i++) {
Data[i] = newimg.Data[i];
// this somewhat resembles antialiasing.
void SimpleBlur()
@ -340,7 +361,7 @@ Returns 0 on PASS (perceptually similar), 1 on FAIL (perceptually different)\n\
--fov deg Field of view in degrees (0.1 to 89.9)\n\
--threshold p # of pixels p below which differences are ignored\n\
--threshold p % of pixels p below which differences are ignored\n\
--gamma g Value to convert rgb into linear space (default 2.2)\n\
--luminance l White luminance (default 100.0 cdm^-2)\n\
--luminanceonly Only consider luminance; ignore chroma (color) in the comparison\n\
@ -386,13 +407,13 @@ public:
// use some nice defaults that will 'just work' for most cases
// heavy on luminance, light on color (colorfactor 0.1)
// heavy on luminance, light on color
Verbose = true;
LuminanceOnly = false;
SumErrors = false;
FieldOfView = 45.0f;
Gamma = 2.2f;
ThresholdPixels = 100;
ThresholdPixelsPercent = 128.0/(512.0*512.0) * 100.0;
Luminance = 100.0f;
ColorFactor = 0.1f;
MaxPyramidLevels = 2;
@ -400,6 +421,9 @@ public:
FinalMaxPyramidLevels = 3; // 57 fails
//FinalMaxPyramidLevels = 2; // 75 fails
FlipExit = false;
ImgA = NULL; // Image A
ImgB = NULL; // Image B
ImgDiff = NULL; // Image Diff
bool Parse_Args(int argc, char **argv)
@ -437,13 +461,13 @@ public:
if (++i < argc)
int temporary = lexical_cast<int>(argv[i]);
int temporary = lexical_cast<float>(argv[i]);
if (temporary < 0)
cout << " invalid_argument(" <<
"-threshold must be positive";
ThresholdPixels = static_cast<unsigned int>(temporary);
ThresholdPixelsPercent = static_cast<float>(temporary);
else if (option_matches(argv[i], "gamma"))
@ -497,7 +521,7 @@ public:
ColorFactor = lexical_cast<float>(argv[i]);
else if (option_matches(argv[i], "output"))
else if (option_matches(argv[i], "output") || option_matches(argv[i],"o"))
if (++i < argc)
@ -570,7 +594,7 @@ public:
void Print_Args() const
cout << "Field of view is " << FieldOfView << " degrees\n"
<< "Threshold pixels is " << ThresholdPixels << " pixels\n"
<< "Threshold pixels percent is " << ThresholdPixelsPercent << "%\n"
<< "The Gamma is " << Gamma << "\n"
<< "The Display's luminance is " << Luminance
<< " candela per meter squared\n"
@ -579,9 +603,9 @@ public:
<< "Final Max Laplacian Pyramid Levels is " << FinalMaxPyramidLevels << "\n";
RGBAImage *ImgA=NULL; // Image A
RGBAImage *ImgB=NULL; // Image B
RGBAImage *ImgDiff=NULL; // Diff image
RGBAImage *ImgA; // Image A
RGBAImage *ImgB; // Image B
RGBAImage *ImgDiff; // Diff image
bool Verbose; // Print lots of text or not
bool LuminanceOnly; // Only consider luminance; ignore chroma channels in
// the
@ -592,7 +616,7 @@ public:
float FieldOfView; // Field of view in degrees
float Gamma; // The gamma to convert to linear color space
float Luminance; // the display's luminance
unsigned int ThresholdPixels; // How many pixels different to ignore
float ThresholdPixelsPercent; // How many pixels different to ignore (percent)
string ErrorStr; // Error string
// How much color to use in the metric.
@ -975,6 +999,7 @@ bool Yee_Compare_Engine(CompareArgs &args)
unsigned pixels_failed = 0u;
unsigned total_pixels = w*h;
float error_sum = 0.;
//#pragma omp parallel for reduction(+ : pixels_failed) reduction(+ : error_sum)
for (unsigned y = 0u; y < h; y++)
@ -1086,7 +1111,10 @@ bool Yee_Compare_Engine(CompareArgs &args)
const string error_sum_buff = s.str();
s << pixels_failed << " pixels failed\n";
s << pixels_failed << " pixels failed. ";
float pixels_failed_percentage = 100.0*(float(pixels_failed)/total_pixels);
s << pixels_failed_percentage << " percentage\n";
const string different = s.str();
// Always output image difference if requested.
@ -1099,7 +1127,7 @@ bool Yee_Compare_Engine(CompareArgs &args)
args.ErrorStr += "\n";
if (pixels_failed < args.ThresholdPixels)
if (pixels_failed_percentage < args.ThresholdPixelsPercent)
args.ErrorStr = "Images are roughly the same\n";
args.ErrorStr += different;
@ -1160,11 +1188,53 @@ bool LevelClimberCompare(CompareArgs &args) {
test = Yee_Compare_Engine( args );
while (test==false && args.MaxPyramidLevels<args.FinalMaxPyramidLevels) {
cout << "Test failed with Max # Pyramid Levels=" << args.MaxPyramidLevels;
cout << "Test failed with Max # Pyramid Levels=" << args.MaxPyramidLevels << "\n";
cout << "result:" << test << " : " << args.ErrorStr << "\n";
cout << ". Rerunning with " << args.MaxPyramidLevels << "\n";
test = Yee_Compare_Engine( args );
if (test==false) {
cout << "Tests failed at final max pyramid level. \n";
cout << "Retesting with downsampling and simple blur\n\n";
if (args.ImgDiff) {
args.ImgA->WriteToFile( args.ImgDiff->Get_Name()+".1.downsample.png" );
args.ImgB->WriteToFile( args.ImgDiff->Get_Name()+".2.downsample.png" );
args.ColorFactor = 0.05;
test = Yee_Compare_Engine( args );
if (test==false) {
args.ColorFactor = 0.01;
cout << "Tests failed after downsample. \n";
cout << "Retesting with small pixel shifts\n";
args.ImgB->WriteToFile( "r0.png" );
test |= Yee_Compare_Engine( args );
cout << "result:" << test << " : " << args.ErrorStr << "\n";
args.ImgB->WriteToFile( "r1.png" );
test |= Yee_Compare_Engine( args );
cout << "result:" << test << " : " << args.ErrorStr << "\n";
args.ImgB->WriteToFile( "r2.png" );
test |= Yee_Compare_Engine( args );
cout << "result:" << test << " : " << args.ErrorStr << "\n";
args.ImgB->WriteToFile( "r3.png" );
test |= Yee_Compare_Engine( args );
cout << "result:" << test << " : " << args.ErrorStr << "\n";
#if 0
if (test==false) {
cout << "Tests failed at final max pyramid level. \n";
//cout << "Retesting with Downsampling (shrink/blur image)\n";
@ -1172,6 +1242,7 @@ bool LevelClimberCompare(CompareArgs &args) {
// args.ImgA->UpSample();
// args.ImgB->UpSample();
if (args.ImgDiff) {
@ -1196,6 +1267,7 @@ bool LevelClimberCompare(CompareArgs &args) {
args.ColorFactor = 0.05;
test = Yee_Compare_Engine( args );
return test;