Allow reading the keyword lists from the color scheme files.

Torsten Paul 2014-12-20 17:27:18 +01:00
parent 90b7dd82c2
commit 128498a678
4 changed files with 100 additions and 57 deletions

View File

@ -1,47 +1,63 @@
#include <boost/algorithm/string.hpp>
#include "scadlexer.h"
ScadLexer::ScadLexer(QObject *parent)
: QsciLexerCPP(parent)
{ }
ScadLexer::ScadLexer(QObject *parent) : QsciLexerCPP(parent)
// -> Style: Keyword (lexer.l)
keywordSet[0] =
"if else let for module function true false undef "
"include use";
// -> Style: KeywordSet2 (
keywordSet[1] =
"abs sign rands min max sin cos asin acos tan atan atan2 "
"round ceil floor pow sqrt exp len log ln str chr concat "
"lookup search version version_num norm cross parent_module "
"dxf_dim dxf_cross";
// -> used in comments only like /*! \cube */
keywordSet[2] =
"struct union enum fn var def typedef file namespace package "
"interface param see return class brief";
// -> Style: GlobalClass
keywordSet[3] =
"cube sphere cylinder polyhedron square circle polygon text "
"minkowski hull resize child echo union difference "
"intersection linear_extrude rotate_extrude import group "
"projection render surface scale rotate mirror translate "
"multmatrix color offset ";
{ }
const char *ScadLexer::language() const
return "SCAD";
return "SCAD";
void ScadLexer::setKeywords(int set, const std::string& keywords)
if ((set < 1) || (set > 4)) {
std::string trimmedKeywords(keywords);
if (trimmedKeywords.empty()) {
keywordSet[set - 1] = trimmedKeywords;
const char *ScadLexer::keywords(int set) const
if (set == 1) {
// -> Style: Keyword (lexer.l /
return "if else let for module function true false undef "
"cube sphere cylinder polyhedron square circle polygon text "
"include use";
if (set == 2) {
// -> Style: KeywordSet2 (
return "abs sign rands min max sin cos asin acos tan atan atan2 "
"round ceil floor pow sqrt exp len log ln str chr concat "
"lookup search version version_num norm cross parent_module "
"dxf_dim dxf_cross";
if (set == 3) {
// -> used in comments only like /*! \cube */
return "struct union enum fn var def typedef file namespace package "
"interface param see return class brief";
if (set == 4) {
// -> Style: GlobalClass
return "minkowski hull resize child echo union difference "
"intersection linear_extrude rotate_extrude import group "
"projection render surface scale rotate mirror translate "
"multmatrix color offset ";
return 0;
if ((set < 1) || (set > 4)) {
return 0;
return keywordSet[set - 1].c_str();

View File

@ -13,7 +13,9 @@ public:
const char *language() const;
const char *keywords(int set) const;
void setKeywords(int set, const std::string& keywords);
std::string keywordSet[4];
ScadLexer(const ScadLexer &);
ScadLexer &operator=(const ScadLexer &);

View File

@ -89,7 +89,7 @@ ScintillaEditor::ScintillaEditor(QWidget *parent) : EditorInterface(parent)
lexer = new ScadLexer(this);
qsci->setFolding(QsciScintilla::BoxedTreeFoldStyle, 4);
@ -150,6 +150,16 @@ QColor ScintillaEditor::readColor(const boost::property_tree::ptree &pt, const s
std::string ScintillaEditor::readString(const boost::property_tree::ptree &pt, const std::string name, const std::string defaultValue)
try {
const std::string val = pt.get<std::string>(name);
return val;
} catch (std::exception e) {
return defaultValue;
int ScintillaEditor::readInt(const boost::property_tree::ptree &pt, const std::string name, const int defaultValue)
try {
@ -165,28 +175,47 @@ void ScintillaEditor::setColormap(const EditorColorScheme *colorScheme)
const boost::property_tree::ptree & pt = colorScheme->propertyTree();
try {
QFont font = lexer->font(lexer->defaultStyle());
const QColor textColor(pt.get<std::string>("text").c_str());
const QColor paperColor(pt.get<std::string>("paper").c_str());
ScadLexer *l = new ScadLexer(this);
// Keywords must be set before the lexer is attached to QScintilla
// as they seem to be read and cached at attach time.
boost::optional<const boost::property_tree::ptree&> keywords = pt.get_child_optional("keywords");
if (keywords.is_initialized()) {
l->setKeywords(1, readString(keywords.get(), "keyword-set1", ""));
l->setKeywords(2, readString(keywords.get(), "keyword-set2", ""));
l->setKeywords(3, readString(keywords.get(), "keyword-set-doc", ""));
l->setKeywords(4, readString(keywords.get(), "keyword-set3", ""));
delete lexer;
lexer = l;
// All other properties must be set after attaching to QSCintilla so
// the editor gets the change events and updates itself to match
const boost::property_tree::ptree& colors = pt.get_child("colors");
lexer->setColor(readColor(colors, "keyword1", textColor), QsciLexerCPP::Keyword);
lexer->setColor(readColor(colors, "keyword2", textColor), QsciLexerCPP::KeywordSet2);
lexer->setColor(readColor(colors, "keyword3", textColor), QsciLexerCPP::GlobalClass);
lexer->setColor(readColor(colors, "number", textColor), QsciLexerCPP::Number);
lexer->setColor(readColor(colors, "string", textColor), QsciLexerCPP::SingleQuotedString);
lexer->setColor(readColor(colors, "string", textColor), QsciLexerCPP::DoubleQuotedString);
lexer->setColor(readColor(colors, "operator", textColor), QsciLexerCPP::Operator);
lexer->setColor(readColor(colors, "comment", textColor), QsciLexerCPP::Comment);
lexer->setColor(readColor(colors, "commentline", textColor), QsciLexerCPP::CommentLine);
lexer->setColor(readColor(colors, "commentdoc", textColor), QsciLexerCPP::CommentDoc);
lexer->setColor(readColor(colors, "commentdoc", textColor), QsciLexerCPP::CommentLineDoc);
lexer->setColor(readColor(colors, "commentdockeyword", textColor), QsciLexerCPP::CommentDocKeyword);
l->setColor(readColor(colors, "keyword1", textColor), QsciLexerCPP::Keyword);
l->setColor(readColor(colors, "keyword2", textColor), QsciLexerCPP::KeywordSet2);
l->setColor(readColor(colors, "keyword3", textColor), QsciLexerCPP::GlobalClass);
l->setColor(readColor(colors, "number", textColor), QsciLexerCPP::Number);
l->setColor(readColor(colors, "string", textColor), QsciLexerCPP::SingleQuotedString);
l->setColor(readColor(colors, "string", textColor), QsciLexerCPP::DoubleQuotedString);
l->setColor(readColor(colors, "operator", textColor), QsciLexerCPP::Operator);
l->setColor(readColor(colors, "comment", textColor), QsciLexerCPP::Comment);
l->setColor(readColor(colors, "commentline", textColor), QsciLexerCPP::CommentLine);
l->setColor(readColor(colors, "commentdoc", textColor), QsciLexerCPP::CommentDoc);
l->setColor(readColor(colors, "commentdoc", textColor), QsciLexerCPP::CommentLineDoc);
l->setColor(readColor(colors, "commentdockeyword", textColor), QsciLexerCPP::CommentDocKeyword);
const boost::property_tree::ptree& caret = pt.get_child("caret");
qsci->setCaretWidth(readInt(caret, "width", 1));
qsci->setCaretForegroundColor(readColor(caret, "foreground", textColor));
qsci->setCaretLineBackgroundColor(readColor(caret, "line-background", paperColor));
@ -356,11 +385,6 @@ void ScintillaEditor::initFont(const QString& fontName, uint size)
void ScintillaEditor::initLexer()
void ScintillaEditor::initMargin()
QFontMetrics fontmetrics = QFontMetrics(qsci->font());

View File

@ -58,6 +58,7 @@ private:
void getRange(int *lineFrom, int *lineTo);
void setColormap(const EditorColorScheme *colorScheme);
int readInt(const boost::property_tree::ptree &pt, const std::string name, const int defaultValue);
std::string readString(const boost::property_tree::ptree &pt, const std::string name, const std::string defaultValue);
QColor readColor(const boost::property_tree::ptree &pt, const std::string name, const QColor defaultColor);
void enumerateColorSchemesInPath(colorscheme_set_t &result_set, const fs::path path);
colorscheme_set_t enumerateColorSchemes();