now passes all tests in 'manual test suite'

don bright 2013-01-12 16:11:19 -06:00
parent 3b7bc56bde
commit 2c6d69645f
3 changed files with 95 additions and 33 deletions

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@ -24,33 +24,78 @@
// based on Syntax Highlight code by Chris Olah
Syntax Highlighter for OpenSCAD
based on Syntax Highlight code by Christopher Olah
/* test suite
Speed Note: setFormat() is very slow, making 'full re-highlight' impractical.
Thus QT only updates 'blocks' (usually lines).
Test suite:
1. action: open example001, remove first {, hit f5
expected result: red highlight appears on last }, cursor moves there
expected result: error highlight appears on last }, cursor moves there
action: replace first {, hit f5
expected result: red highlight disappears
expected result: error highlight disappears
2. action: type a=b
expected result: '=' is highlighted as appropriate
1a. action: open example001, remove first {, hit f5
expected result: error highlight appears on last }, cursor moves there
action: replace first { with the letter 'P', hit f5
expected result: error highlight on last } disappears, appears on elsewhere
action: replace first {, hit f5
expected result: error highlight disappears
3. action: open example001, put '===' after first ;
expected result: red highlight appears in ===
2. action: type a=b into any file
expected result: '=' is highlighted with its appropriate format
2a. action: type a=b=c=d=e=f= into any file
expected result: each '=' is highlighted with its appropriate format
3. action: open example001, put '===' after first ; hit f5
expected result: error highlight appears in ===
action: remove '==='
expected result: red highlight disappears
expected result: error highlight disappears
3a. action: open example001, put '=' after first ; hit f5
expected result: error highlight appears
action: remove '='
expected result: error highlight disappears
3b. action: open example001, put '=' after first {
expected result: error highlight appears
action: remove '='
expected result: error highlight disappears
3c. action: open example001, replace first { with '='
expected result: error highlight appears
action: remove '=', replace with {
expected result: error highlight disappears
4. action: open example001, remove last ';' but not trailing whitespace/\n
expected result: red highlight appears on last line
expected result: error highlight appears somewhere near end
action: replace last ';'
expected result: red highlight disappears
expected result: error highlight disappears
5. action: open file, type in a multi-line comment
expected result: multiline comment should be highlighted appropriately
6. action: open example001, put a single '=' after first {
expected result: red highlight of '=' you added
expected result: error highlight of '=' you added
7. action: open example001, remove first ')'
expected result: highlight should appear appropriately
8. action: create a large file (50,000 lines). eg at a bash prompt:
for i in {1..1000}; do cat examples/example001.scad >> test5k.scad ; done
action: open file in openscad
expected result: there should not be a slowdown due to highlighting
action: scroll to bottom, put '=' after last ;
expected result: there should be a highlight, and a report of syntax error
action: comment out the highlighter code from, recompile, put '=' after last ;
expected result: there should be almost no difference in speed
9. action: open any file, and hold down 'f5' key to repeatedly reparse
expected result: no crashing!
@ -61,9 +106,6 @@
Highlighter::Highlighter(QTextDocument *parent)
: QSyntaxHighlighter(parent)
QMap<QString,QStringList> tokentypes;
QMap<QString,QTextCharFormat> typeformats;
tokentypes["operator"] << "=" << "!" << "&&" << "||" << "+" << "-" << "*" << "/" << "%" << "!" << "#" << ";";
@ -111,19 +153,32 @@ Highlighter::Highlighter(QTextDocument *parent)
// format tweaks
formatMap[ "%" ].setFontWeight(QFont::Bold);
separators << tokentypes["operator"];
separators << "(" << ")" << "[" << "]";
lastErrorBlock = parent->begin();
void Highlighter::highlightError(int error_pos)
QTextBlock err_block = document()->findBlock(error_pos);
std::cout << "error pos: " << error_pos << " doc len: " << document()->characterCount() << "\n";
//std::cout << "error pos: " << error_pos << " doc len: " << document()->characterCount() << "\n";
errorPos = error_pos;
errorState = true;
//if (errorPos == document()->characterCount()-1) errorPos--;
while (err_block.text().remove(QRegExp("\\s+")).size()==0) {
//std::cout << "special case - errors at end of file w whitespace\n";
err_block = err_block.previous();
errorPos = err_block.position()+err_block.length() - 2;
if ( errorPos == document()->characterCount()-1 ) {
int block_last_pos = err_block.position() + err_block.length() - 1;
if ( errorPos == block_last_pos ) {
//std::cout << "special case - errors at ends of certain blocks\n";
err_block = document()->findBlock(errorPos);
rehighlightBlock( err_block ); // QT 4.6
errorState = false;
lastErrorBlock = err_block;
@ -131,36 +186,38 @@ void Highlighter::highlightError(int error_pos)
void Highlighter::unhighlightLastError()
rehighlightBlock( lastErrorBlock );
rehighlightBlock( lastErrorBlock ); // QT 4.6
#include <iostream>
void Highlighter::highlightBlock(const QString &text)
std::cout << "block[" << currentBlock().position() << ":"
<< currentBlock().length() + currentBlock().position() << "]"
<< ", err:" << errorPos << ", text:'" << text.toStdString() << "'\n";
int block_first_pos = currentBlock().position();
int block_last_pos = block_first_pos + currentBlock().length() - 1;
//std::cout << "block[" << block_first_pos << ":" << block_last_pos << "]"
// << ", err:" << errorPos << "," << errorState
// << ", text:'" << text.toStdString() << "'\n";
// Split the block into pieces and highlight each as appropriate
QString newtext = text;
QStringList::iterator sep, token;
int tokindex = -1; // deals w duplicate tokens in a single block
for ( sep = separators.begin(); sep!=separators.end(); ++sep ) {
// so a=b will have '=' highlighted
newtext = newtext.replace( *sep, " " + *sep + " ");
QStringList splitHelpers;
QStringList::iterator sh, token;
int tokindex = -1; // tokindex helps w duplicate tokens in a single block
splitHelpers << tokentypes["operator"] << "(" << ")" << "[" << "]";
for ( sh = splitHelpers.begin(); sh!=splitHelpers.end(); ++sh ) {
// so "a+b" is treated as "a + b" and formatted
newtext = newtext.replace( *sh, " " + *sh + " ");
QStringList tokens = newtext.split(QRegExp("\\s"));
for ( token = tokens.begin(); token!=tokens.end(); ++token ){
if ( formatMap.contains( *token ) ) {
tokindex = text.indexOf( *token, tokindex+1 );
// Speed note: setFormat() is the big slowdown in all of this code
setFormat( tokindex, token->size(), formatMap[ *token ]);
// std::cout << "found tok '" << (*token).toStdString() << "' at " << tokindex << "\n";
// Quoting and Comments.
// fixme multiline coments dont work
state_e state = (state_e) previousBlockState();
for (int n = 0; n < text.size(); ++n){
if (state == NORMAL){
@ -188,10 +245,12 @@ void Highlighter::highlightBlock(const QString &text)
setCurrentBlockState((int) state);
// Highlight an error. Do it last to 'overwrite' other formatting.
if (errorState) {
setFormat( errorPos - currentBlock().position() - 1, 1, errorFormat);
setFormat( errorPos - block_first_pos, 1, errorFormat);

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@ -17,7 +17,8 @@ private:
QTextBlock lastErrorBlock;
int errorPos = -1;
bool errorState = false;
QStringList separators;
QMap<QString,QStringList> tokentypes;
QMap<QString,QTextCharFormat> typeformats;

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@ -1038,6 +1038,7 @@ bool MainWindow::compileTopLevelDocument(bool reload)
if (!animate_panel->isVisible()) {
if (!this->root_module) {
QTextCursor cursor = editor->textCursor();
cursor.setPosition( parser_error_pos );
editor->setTextCursor( cursor );
@ -1046,6 +1047,7 @@ bool MainWindow::compileTopLevelDocument(bool reload)
bool changed = shouldcompiletoplevel;