alternate comparison for systems where imagemagick convert crashes

don bright 2011-12-06 19:15:04 -08:00
parent 2c90eaa189
commit 32a3831ce9
1 changed files with 25 additions and 12 deletions

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@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ def verify_test(testname, cmd):
def execute_and_redirect(cmd, params, outfile):
retval = -1
proc = subprocess.Popen([cmd] + params, stdout=outfile)
proc = subprocess.Popen([cmd] + params, stdout=outfile, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
out = proc.communicate()[0]
retval = proc.wait()
@ -76,27 +76,40 @@ def compare_default(resultfilename):
return True
def compare_png(resultfilename):
compare_method = 'pixel'
#args = [expectedfilename, resultfilename, "-alpha", "Off", "-compose", "difference", "-composite", "-threshold", "10%", "-blur", "2", "-threshold", "30%", "-format", "%[fx:w*h*mean]", "info:"]
#args = [expectedfilename, resultfilename, "-alpha", "Off", "-compose", "difference", "-composite", "-threshold", "10%", "-morphology", "Erode", "Square", "-format", "%[fx:w*h*mean]", "info:"]
# 'morphology' is only available in newer versions of ImageMagick.
# for systems with older imagemagick that doesnt support '-morphology'
args = [expectedfilename, resultfilename, "-alpha", "Off",
"-compose", "difference", "-composite", "-threshold", "10%",
#"-morphology", "Erode", "Square",
"-gaussian-blur","3x65535", "-threshold","99.999%",
"-format", "%[fx:w*h*mean]", "info:"]
print >> sys.stderr, 'ImageMagick image comparison: convert ', ' '.join(args[2:])
print >> sys.stderr, ' expected image: ', expectedfilename
# args = [expectedfilename, resultfilename, "-alpha", "Off", "-compose", "difference", "-composite", "-threshold", "10%", "-gaussian-blur","3x65535", "-format", "%[fx:w*h*mean]", "info:"]
# for systems where imagemagick crashes when using the above comparators
args = [expectedfilename, resultfilename, "-alpha", "Off", "-compose", "difference", "-metric", "NCC", "tmp.png"]
options.convert_exec = 'compare'
compare_method = 'NCC'
msg = 'ImageMagick image comparison: '
msg += os.path.basename(options.convert_exec) + ' '.join(args)
msg += ' expected image: ' + expectedfilename
print >> sys.stderr, msg
if not resultfilename:
print >> sys.stderr, "Error: OpenSCAD did not generate an image to test"
return False
print >> sys.stderr, ' actual image: ', resultfilename
(retval, output) = execute_and_redirect(options.convert_exec, args, subprocess.PIPE)
print "Imagemagick return", retval, "output:", output
if retval == 0:
pixelerr = int(float(output.strip()))
if pixelerr < 32: return True
else: print >> sys.stderr, pixelerr, ' pixel errors'
if compare_method=='pixel':
pixelerr = int(float(output.strip()))
if pixelerr < 32: return True
else: print >> sys.stderr, pixelerr, ' pixel errors'
elif compare_method=='NCC':
thresh = 0.99
ncc_err = float(output.strip())
if ncc_err > thresh: return True
else: print >> sys.stderr, ncc_err, ' Images differ: NCC comparison < ', thresh
return False
def compare_with_expected(resultfilename):