Allow other files than .scad as input

Marius Kintel 2014-06-16 21:13:18 -04:00
parent 4ef994ac3e
commit 48e1d6a5a9
1 changed files with 49 additions and 28 deletions

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@ -3,13 +3,14 @@
# Export-import test
# Usage: <script> file.scad --openscad=<executable-path> --format=<format> file.png
# Usage: <script> <inputfile> --openscad=<executable-path> --format=<format> file.png
# step 1. input a .scad file, output an export format (csg, stl, off, dxf, svg, amf)
# step 2. For non-csg exports, create a temporary new .scad file with 'import()' of exported file
# step 3. render temporary new .scad file to .png file
# step 4. (done in CTest) - compare the generated .png file to expected output
# step 1. If the input file is _not_ and .scad file, create a temporary .scad file importing the input file.
# step 2. process the .scad file, output an export format (csg, stl, off, dxf, svg, amf)
# step 3. If the export format is _not_ .csg, create a temporary new .scad file importing the exported file
# step 4. render the .csg or .scad file to the given .png file
# step 5. (done in CTest) - compare the generated .png file to expected output
# of the original .scad file. they should be the same!
# This script should return 0 on success, not-0 on error.
@ -24,7 +25,21 @@ def failquit(*args):
print('exiting with failure')
def createImport(inputfile, scadfile):
print ('createImport: ' + inputfile + " " + scadfile)
outputdir = os.path.dirname(scadfile)
if not os.path.exists(outputdir): os.mkdir(outputdir)
f = open(scadfile,'w')
failquit('failure while opening/writing ' + scadfile)
# Parse arguments
formats = ['csg', 'stl','off', 'amf', 'dxf', 'svg']
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument('--openscad', required=True, help='Specify OpenSCAD executable')
@ -32,26 +47,37 @@ parser.add_argument('--format', required=True, choices=[item for sublist in [(f,
args,remaining_args = parser.parse_known_args()
args.format = args.format.lower()
scadfile = remaining_args[0]
inputfile = remaining_args[0] # Can be .scad file or a file to be imported
pngfile = remaining_args[-1]
remaining_args = remaining_args[1:-1]
remaining_args = remaining_args[1:-1] # Passed on to the OpenSCAD executable
if not os.path.exists(scadfile):
failquit('cant find .scad file named: ' + scadfile)
if not os.path.exists(inputfile):
failquit('cant find input file named: ' + inputfile)
if not os.path.exists(args.openscad):
failquit('cant find openscad executable named: ' + args.openscad)
outputdir = os.path.dirname(pngfile)
scadbasename = os.path.basename(scadfile)
inputpath, inputfilename = os.path.split(inputfile)
inputbasename,inputsuffix = os.path.splitext(inputfilename)
if args.format == 'csg':
threedfilename = re.sub(r"\.scad$", '.' + args.format, scadfile)
# Must export to same folder for include/use/import to work
exportfile = inputfile + '.' + args.format
threedfilename = os.path.join(outputdir, scadbasename + '.' + args.format)
exportfile = os.path.join(outputdir, inputfilename)
if args.format != inputsuffix[1:]: exportfile += '.' + args.format
# If we're not reading an .scad or .csg file, we need to import it.
if inputsuffix != '.scad' and inputsuffix != '.csg':
# FIXME: Remove tempfile if created
tempfile = os.path.join(outputdir, inputfilename + '.scad')
createImport(inputfile, tempfile)
inputfile = tempfile
# First run: Just export the given filetype
export_cmd = [args.openscad, scadfile, '-o', threedfilename] + remaining_args
export_cmd = [args.openscad, inputfile, '-o', exportfile] + remaining_args
print('Running OpenSCAD #1:')
print(' '.join(export_cmd))
result =
@ -62,26 +88,21 @@ if result != 0:
# Second run: Import the exported file and render as png
newscadfilename = threedfilename
newscadfile = exportfile
# If we didn't export a .csg file, we need to import it
if args.format != 'csg':
newscadfilename += '.scad'
if not os.path.exists(outputdir): os.mkdir(outputdir)
f = open(newscadfilename,'w')
failquit('failure while opening/writing '+newscadfilename)
newscadfile += '.scad'
createImport(exportfile, newscadfile)
create_png_cmd = [args.openscad, newscadfilename, '--render', '-o', pngfile] + remaining_args
create_png_cmd = [args.openscad, newscadfile, '--render', '-o', pngfile] + remaining_args
print('Running OpenSCAD #2:')
print(' '.join(create_png_cmd))
result =
if result != 0:
failquit('OpenSCAD #2 failed with return code ' + str(result))
try: os.remove(threedfilename)
except: failquit('failure at os.remove('+threedfilename+')')
if newscadfilename != threedfilename:
try: os.remove(newscadfilename)
except: failquit('failure at os.remove('+newscadfilename+')')
try: os.remove(exportfile)
except: failquit('failure at os.remove('+exportfile+')')
if newscadfile != exportfile:
try: os.remove(newscadfile)
except: failquit('failure at os.remove('+newscadfile+')')