Removed obsolete code

Marius Kintel 2013-12-19 00:22:41 -05:00
parent 4a8de1e53a
commit 4ac6d079b2
4 changed files with 0 additions and 724 deletions

View File

@ -1,634 +0,0 @@
#include "PolySetCGALEvaluator.h"
#include "cgal.h"
#include "cgalutils.h"
#include <CGAL/convex_hull_3.h>
#include "Polygon2d.h"
#include "Polygon2d-CGAL.h"
#include "polyset.h"
#include <polyclipping/clipper.hpp>
#include "clipper-utils.h"
#include "CGALEvaluator.h"
#include "projectionnode.h"
#include "linearextrudenode.h"
#include "rotateextrudenode.h"
#include "cgaladvnode.h"
#include "rendernode.h"
#include "dxfdata.h"
#include "dxftess.h"
#include "module.h"
#include "calc.h"
#include "polyset.h"
#include "svg.h"
#include "printutils.h"
#include <boost/foreach.hpp>
#include <vector>
PolySetCGALEvaluator::PolySetCGALEvaluator(CGALEvaluator &cgalevaluator)
: PolySetEvaluator(cgalevaluator.getTree()), cgalevaluator(cgalevaluator)
Geometry *PolySetCGALEvaluator::evaluateGeometry(const ProjectionNode &node)
//openscad_loglevel = 6;
logstream log(5);
// Before projecting, union all children
CGAL_Nef_polyhedron sum;
BOOST_FOREACH (AbstractNode * v, node.getChildren()) {
if (v->modinst->isBackground()) continue;
CGAL_Nef_polyhedron N = this->cgalevaluator.evaluateCGALMesh(*v);
if (N.getDimension() == 3) {
if (sum.isNull()) sum = N.copy();
else sum += N;
if (sum.isNull()) return NULL;
if (!sum.p3->is_simple()) {
if (!node.cut_mode) {
PRINT("WARNING: Body of projection(cut = false) isn't valid 2-manifold! Modify your design..");
return new PolySet();
//std::cout << sum.dump();
CGAL_Nef_polyhedron nef_poly(2);
if (node.cut_mode) {
CGAL::Failure_behaviour old_behaviour = CGAL::set_error_behaviour(CGAL::THROW_EXCEPTION);
try {
CGAL_Nef_polyhedron3::Plane_3 xy_plane = CGAL_Nef_polyhedron3::Plane_3( 0,0,1,0 );
*sum.p3 = sum.p3->intersection( xy_plane, CGAL_Nef_polyhedron3::PLANE_ONLY);
catch (const CGAL::Failure_exception &e) {
PRINTB("CGAL error in projection node during plane intersection: %s", e.what());
try {
PRINT("Trying alternative intersection using very large thin box: ");
std::vector<CGAL_Point_3> pts;
// dont use z of 0. there are bugs in CGAL.
double inf = 1e8;
double eps = 0.001;
CGAL_Point_3 minpt( -inf, -inf, -eps );
CGAL_Point_3 maxpt( inf, inf, eps );
CGAL_Iso_cuboid_3 bigcuboid( minpt, maxpt );
for ( int i=0;i<8;i++ ) pts.push_back( bigcuboid.vertex(i) );
CGAL_Polyhedron bigbox;
CGAL::convex_hull_3( pts.begin(), pts.end(), bigbox );
CGAL_Nef_polyhedron3 nef_bigbox( bigbox );
*sum.p3 = nef_bigbox.intersection( *sum.p3 );
catch (const CGAL::Failure_exception &e) {
PRINTB("CGAL error in projection node during bigbox intersection: %s", e.what());
if (sum.p3->is_empty()) {
PRINT("WARNING: projection() failed.");
return NULL;
log << OpenSCAD::svg_header( 480, 100000 ) << "\n";
try {
ZRemover zremover;
CGAL_Nef_polyhedron3::Volume_const_iterator i;
CGAL_Nef_polyhedron3::Shell_entry_const_iterator j;
CGAL_Nef_polyhedron3::SFace_const_handle sface_handle;
for ( i = sum.p3->volumes_begin(); i != sum.p3->volumes_end(); ++i ) {
log << "<!-- volume. mark: " << i->mark() << " -->\n";
for ( j = i->shells_begin(); j != i->shells_end(); ++j ) {
log << "<!-- shell. mark: " << i->mark() << " -->\n";
sface_handle = CGAL_Nef_polyhedron3::SFace_const_handle( j );
sum.p3->visit_shell_objects( sface_handle , zremover );
log << "<!-- shell. end. -->\n";
log << "<!-- volume end. -->\n";
nef_poly.p2 = zremover.output_nefpoly2d;
} catch (const CGAL::Failure_exception &e) {
PRINTB("CGAL error in projection node while flattening: %s", e.what());
log << "</svg>\n";
// Extract polygons in the XY plane, ignoring all other polygons
// FIXME: If the polyhedron is really thin, there might be unwanted polygons
// in the XY plane, causing the resulting 2D polygon to be self-intersection
// and cause a crash in CGALEvaluator::PolyReducer. The right solution is to
// filter these polygons here. kintel 20120203.
Grid2d<unsigned int> conversion_grid(GRID_COARSE);
for (size_t i = 0; i < ps3->polygons.size(); i++) {
for (size_t j = 0; j < ps3->polygons[i].size(); j++) {
double x = ps3->polygons[i][j][0];
double y = ps3->polygons[i][j][1];
double z = ps3->polygons[i][j][2];
if (z != 0)
goto next_ps3_polygon_cut_mode;
if (conversion_grid.align(x, y) == i+1)
goto next_ps3_polygon_cut_mode;, y) = i+1;
for (size_t j = 0; j < ps3->polygons[i].size(); j++) {
double x = ps3->polygons[i][j][0];
double y = ps3->polygons[i][j][1];
conversion_grid.align(x, y);
ps->insert_vertex(x, y);
// In projection mode all the triangles are projected manually into the XY plane
PolySet *ps3 = sum.convertToPolyset();
if (!ps3) return NULL;
for (size_t i = 0; i < ps3->polygons.size(); i++)
int min_x_p = -1;
double min_x_val = 0;
for (size_t j = 0; j < ps3->polygons[i].size(); j++) {
double x = ps3->polygons[i][j][0];
if (min_x_p < 0 || x < min_x_val) {
min_x_p = j;
min_x_val = x;
int min_x_p1 = (min_x_p+1) % ps3->polygons[i].size();
int min_x_p2 = (min_x_p+ps3->polygons[i].size()-1) % ps3->polygons[i].size();
double ax = ps3->polygons[i][min_x_p1][0] - ps3->polygons[i][min_x_p][0];
double ay = ps3->polygons[i][min_x_p1][1] - ps3->polygons[i][min_x_p][1];
double at = atan2(ay, ax);
double bx = ps3->polygons[i][min_x_p2][0] - ps3->polygons[i][min_x_p][0];
double by = ps3->polygons[i][min_x_p2][1] - ps3->polygons[i][min_x_p][1];
double bt = atan2(by, bx);
double eps = 0.000001;
if (fabs(at - bt) < eps || (fabs(ax) < eps && fabs(ay) < eps) ||
(fabs(bx) < eps && fabs(by) < eps)) {
// this triangle is degenerated in projection
std::list<CGAL_Nef_polyhedron2::Point> plist;
for (size_t j = 0; j < ps3->polygons[i].size(); j++) {
double x = ps3->polygons[i][j][0];
double y = ps3->polygons[i][j][1];
CGAL_Nef_polyhedron2::Point p = CGAL_Nef_polyhedron2::Point(x, y);
if (at > bt)
// FIXME: Should the CGAL_Nef_polyhedron2 be cached?
if (nef_poly.isEmpty()) {
nef_poly.p2.reset(new CGAL_Nef_polyhedron2(plist.begin(), plist.end(), CGAL_Nef_polyhedron2::INCLUDED));
else {
(*nef_poly.p2) += CGAL_Nef_polyhedron2(plist.begin(), plist.end(), CGAL_Nef_polyhedron2::INCLUDED);
delete ps3;
PolySet *ps = nef_poly.convertToPolyset();
assert( ps != NULL );
logstream(9) << ps->dump() << "\n";
return ps;
static void add_slice(PolySet *ps, const DxfData &dxf, DxfData::Path &path,
double rot1, double rot2,
double h1, double h2,
double scale1_x, double scale1_y,
double scale2_x, double scale2_y)
// FIXME: If scale2 == 0 we need to handle tessellation separately
bool splitfirst = sin(rot2 - rot1) >= 0.0;
for (size_t j = 1; j < path.indices.size(); j++) {
int k = j - 1;
double jx1 = scale1_x * (dxf.points[path.indices[j]][0] * cos(rot1*M_PI/180) +
dxf.points[path.indices[j]][1] * sin(rot1*M_PI/180));
double jy1 = scale1_y * (dxf.points[path.indices[j]][0] * -sin(rot1*M_PI/180) +
dxf.points[path.indices[j]][1] * cos(rot1*M_PI/180));
double jx2 = scale2_x * (dxf.points[path.indices[j]][0] * cos(rot2*M_PI/180) +
dxf.points[path.indices[j]][1] * sin(rot2*M_PI/180));
double jy2 = scale2_y * (dxf.points[path.indices[j]][0] * -sin(rot2*M_PI/180) +
dxf.points[path.indices[j]][1] * cos(rot2*M_PI/180));
double kx1 = scale1_x * (dxf.points[path.indices[k]][0] * cos(rot1*M_PI/180) +
dxf.points[path.indices[k]][1] * sin(rot1*M_PI/180));
double ky1 = scale1_y * (dxf.points[path.indices[k]][0] * -sin(rot1*M_PI/180) +
dxf.points[path.indices[k]][1] * cos(rot1*M_PI/180));
double kx2 = scale2_x * (dxf.points[path.indices[k]][0] * cos(rot2*M_PI/180) +
dxf.points[path.indices[k]][1] * sin(rot2*M_PI/180));
double ky2 = scale2_y * (dxf.points[path.indices[k]][0] * -sin(rot2*M_PI/180) +
dxf.points[path.indices[k]][1] * cos(rot2*M_PI/180));
if (splitfirst) {
if (path.is_inner) {
ps->append_vertex(kx1, ky1, h1);
ps->append_vertex(jx1, jy1, h1);
ps->append_vertex(jx2, jy2, h2);
} else {
ps->insert_vertex(kx1, ky1, h1);
ps->insert_vertex(jx1, jy1, h1);
ps->insert_vertex(jx2, jy2, h2);
if (scale2_x > 0 || scale2_y > 0) {
if (path.is_inner) {
ps->append_vertex(kx2, ky2, h2);
ps->append_vertex(kx1, ky1, h1);
ps->append_vertex(jx2, jy2, h2);
} else {
ps->insert_vertex(kx2, ky2, h2);
ps->insert_vertex(kx1, ky1, h1);
ps->insert_vertex(jx2, jy2, h2);
else {
if (path.is_inner) {
ps->append_vertex(kx1, ky1, h1);
ps->append_vertex(jx1, jy1, h1);
ps->append_vertex(kx2, ky2, h2);
} else {
ps->insert_vertex(kx1, ky1, h1);
ps->insert_vertex(jx1, jy1, h1);
ps->insert_vertex(kx2, ky2, h2);
if (scale2_x > 0 || scale2_y > 0) {
if (path.is_inner) {
ps->append_vertex(jx2, jy2, h2);
ps->append_vertex(kx2, ky2, h2);
ps->append_vertex(jx1, jy1, h1);
} else {
ps->insert_vertex(jx2, jy2, h2);
ps->insert_vertex(kx2, ky2, h2);
ps->insert_vertex(jx1, jy1, h1);
static Polygon2d *evaluate2DTree(const AbstractNode &node)
// o visitor walking the tree
// o On supported node, evaluate directly
// o What about e.g projection?
// o Use CGALEvaluator instead and add a 2D evaluator function?
Outline2d o;
Polygon2d *p = new Polygon2d();
return p;
Geometry *PolySetCGALEvaluator::evaluateGeometry(const LinearExtrudeNode &node)
DxfData *dxf;
Geometry *geom = NULL;
if (node.filename.empty()) {
// Before extruding, union all (2D) children nodes
// to a single DxfData, then tesselate this into a Geometry
Polygon2d sum;
BOOST_FOREACH (AbstractNode * v, node.getChildren()) {
if (v->modinst->isBackground()) continue;
Polygon2d *polygons = evaluate2DTree(*v);
// FIXME: If evaluate2DTree encounters a 3D object, we should print an error
if (polygons) {
BOOST_FOREACH(const Outline2d &o, polygons->outlines()) {
else {
//FIXME: PRINT("ERROR: linear_extrude() is not defined for 3D child objects!");
ClipperLib::Clipper clipper;
ClipperLib::Polygons result = ClipperUtils::fromPolygon2d(sum);
clipper.Execute(ClipperLib::ctUnion, result);
if (result.size() == 0) return NULL;
Polygon2d *polygon = ClipperUtils::toPolygon2d(result);
geom = extrudePolygon(node, *polygon);
delete polygon;
} else {
dxf = new DxfData(node.fn, node.fs, node.fa, node.filename, node.layername, node.origin_x, node.origin_y, node.scale_x);
geom = extrudeDxfData(node, *dxf);
delete dxf;
return geom;
Input to extrude should be clean. This means non-intersecting etc.,
the input coming from a library like Clipper.
Geometry *PolySetCGALEvaluator::extrudePolygon(const LinearExtrudeNode &node,
const Polygon2d &poly)
PolySet *ps = new PolySet();
if (node.height <= 0) return ps;
double h1, h2;
if ( {
h1 = -node.height/2.0;
h2 = +node.height/2.0;
} else {
h1 = 0;
h2 = node.height;
// bool first_open_path = true;
// BOOST_FOREACH(const Outline2d &outline, poly.outlines) {
if (node.has_twist) {
dxf_tesselate(ps, dxf, 0, Vector2d(1,1), false, true, h1); // bottom
if (node.scale_x > 0 || node.scale_y > 0) {
dxf_tesselate(ps, dxf, node.twist, Vector2d(node.scale_x, node.scale_y), true, true, h2); // top
for (int j = 0; j < node.slices; j++) {
double t1 = node.twist*j / node.slices;
double t2 = node.twist*(j+1) / node.slices;
double g1 = h1 + (h2-h1)*j / node.slices;
double g2 = h1 + (h2-h1)*(j+1) / node.slices;
double s1x = 1 - (1-node.scale_x)*j / node.slices;
double s1y = 1 - (1-node.scale_y)*j / node.slices;
double s2x = 1 - (1-node.scale_x)*(j+1) / node.slices;
double s2y = 1 - (1-node.scale_y)*(j+1) / node.slices;
for (size_t i = 0; i < dxf.paths.size(); i++) {
if (!dxf.paths[i].is_closed) continue;
add_slice(ps, dxf, dxf.paths[i], t1, t2, g1, g2, s1x, s1y, s2x, s2y);
// FIXME: Tessellate outlines into 2D triangles
ps = poly.tessellate();
dxf_tesselate(ps, dxf, 0, Vector2d(1,1), false, true, h1); //bottom
if (node.scale_x > 0 || node.scale_y > 0) {
dxf_tesselate(ps, dxf, 0, Vector2d(node.scale_x, node.scale_y), true, true, h2); // top
for (size_t i = 0; i < dxf.paths.size(); i++) {
if (!dxf.paths[i].is_closed) continue;
add_slice(ps, dxf, dxf.paths[i], 0, 0, h1, h2, 1, 1, node.scale_x, node.scale_y);
return ps;
Geometry *PolySetCGALEvaluator::extrudeDxfData(const LinearExtrudeNode &node, DxfData &dxf)
PolySet *ps = new PolySet();
if (node.height <= 0) return ps;
double h1, h2;
if ( {
h1 = -node.height/2.0;
h2 = +node.height/2.0;
} else {
h1 = 0;
h2 = node.height;
bool first_open_path = true;
for (size_t i = 0; i < dxf.paths.size(); i++) {
if (dxf.paths[i].is_closed) continue;
if (first_open_path) {
PRINTB("WARNING: Open paths in dxf_linear_extrude(file = \"%s\", layer = \"%s\"):",
node.filename % node.layername);
first_open_path = false;
PRINTB(" %9.5f %10.5f ... %10.5f %10.5f",
(dxf.points[dxf.paths[i].indices.front()][0] / node.scale_x + node.origin_x) %
(dxf.points[dxf.paths[i].indices.front()][1] / node.scale_y + node.origin_y) %
(dxf.points[dxf.paths[i].indices.back()][0] / node.scale_x + node.origin_x) %
(dxf.points[dxf.paths[i].indices.back()][1] / node.scale_y + node.origin_y));
if (node.has_twist) {
dxf_tesselate(ps, dxf, 0, Vector2d(1,1), false, true, h1); // bottom
if (node.scale_x > 0 || node.scale_y > 0) {
dxf_tesselate(ps, dxf, node.twist, Vector2d(node.scale_x, node.scale_y), true, true, h2); // top
for (int j = 0; j < node.slices; j++) {
double t1 = node.twist*j / node.slices;
double t2 = node.twist*(j+1) / node.slices;
double g1 = h1 + (h2-h1)*j / node.slices;
double g2 = h1 + (h2-h1)*(j+1) / node.slices;
double s1x = 1 - (1-node.scale_x)*j / node.slices;
double s1y = 1 - (1-node.scale_y)*j / node.slices;
double s2x = 1 - (1-node.scale_x)*(j+1) / node.slices;
double s2y = 1 - (1-node.scale_y)*(j+1) / node.slices;
for (size_t i = 0; i < dxf.paths.size(); i++) {
if (!dxf.paths[i].is_closed) continue;
add_slice(ps, dxf, dxf.paths[i], t1, t2, g1, g2, s1x, s1y, s2x, s2y);
else {
dxf_tesselate(ps, dxf, 0, Vector2d(1,1), false, true, h1); //bottom
if (node.scale_x > 0 || node.scale_y > 0) {
dxf_tesselate(ps, dxf, 0, Vector2d(node.scale_x, node.scale_y), true, true, h2); // top
for (size_t i = 0; i < dxf.paths.size(); i++) {
if (!dxf.paths[i].is_closed) continue;
add_slice(ps, dxf, dxf.paths[i], 0, 0, h1, h2, 1, 1, node.scale_x, node.scale_y);
return ps;
Geometry *PolySetCGALEvaluator::evaluateGeometry(const RotateExtrudeNode &node)
DxfData *dxf;
if (node.filename.empty())
// Before extruding, union all (2D) children nodes
// to a single DxfData, then tesselate this into a PolySet
CGAL_Nef_polyhedron sum;
BOOST_FOREACH (AbstractNode * v, node.getChildren()) {
if (v->modinst->isBackground()) continue;
CGAL_Nef_polyhedron N = this->cgalevaluator.evaluateCGALMesh(*v);
if (!N.isNull()) {
if (N.getDimension() != 2) {
PRINT("ERROR: rotate_extrude() is not defined for 3D child objects!");
else {
if (sum.isNull()) sum = N.copy();
else sum += N;
if (sum.isNull()) return NULL;
dxf = sum.convertToDxfData();
} else {
dxf = new DxfData(node.fn, node.fs, node.fa, node.filename, node.layername, node.origin_x, node.origin_y, node.scale);
Geometry *geom = rotateDxfData(node, *dxf);
delete dxf;
return geom;
Geometry *PolySetCGALEvaluator::evaluateGeometry(const CgaladvNode &node)
CGAL_Nef_polyhedron N = this->cgalevaluator.evaluateCGALMesh(node);
PolySet *ps = NULL;
if (!N.isNull()) {
ps = N.convertToPolyset();
if (ps) ps->setConvexity(node.convexity);
return ps;
Geometry *PolySetCGALEvaluator::evaluateGeometry(const RenderNode &node)
CGAL_Nef_polyhedron N = this->cgalevaluator.evaluateCGALMesh(node);
PolySet *ps = NULL;
if (!N.isNull()) {
if (N.getDimension() == 3 && !N.p3->is_simple()) {
PRINT("WARNING: Body of render() isn't valid 2-manifold!");
else {
ps = N.convertToPolyset();
if (ps) ps->setConvexity(node.convexity);
return ps;
Geometry *PolySetCGALEvaluator::rotateDxfData(const RotateExtrudeNode &node, DxfData &dxf)
PolySet *ps = new PolySet();
for (size_t i = 0; i < dxf.paths.size(); i++)
double min_x = 0;
double max_x = 0;
for (size_t j = 0; j < dxf.paths[i].indices.size(); j++) {
double point_x = dxf.points[dxf.paths[i].indices[j]][0];
min_x = fmin(min_x, point_x);
max_x = fmax(max_x, point_x);
if ((max_x - min_x) > max_x && (max_x - min_x) > fabs(min_x)) {
PRINTB("ERROR: all points for rotate_extrude() must have the same X coordinate sign (range is %.2f -> %.2f)", min_x % max_x);
delete ps;
return NULL;
int fragments = Calc::get_fragments_from_r(max_x-min_x, node.fn, node.fs, node.fa);
double ***points;
points = new double**[fragments];
for (int j=0; j < fragments; j++) {
points[j] = new double*[dxf.paths[i].indices.size()];
for (size_t k=0; k < dxf.paths[i].indices.size(); k++)
points[j][k] = new double[3];
for (int j = 0; j < fragments; j++) {
double a = (j*2*M_PI) / fragments - M_PI/2; // start on the X axis
for (size_t k = 0; k < dxf.paths[i].indices.size(); k++) {
points[j][k][0] = dxf.points[dxf.paths[i].indices[k]][0] * sin(a);
points[j][k][1] = dxf.points[dxf.paths[i].indices[k]][0] * cos(a);
points[j][k][2] = dxf.points[dxf.paths[i].indices[k]][1];
for (int j = 0; j < fragments; j++) {
int j1 = j + 1 < fragments ? j + 1 : 0;
for (size_t k = 0; k < dxf.paths[i].indices.size(); k++) {
int k1 = k + 1 < dxf.paths[i].indices.size() ? k + 1 : 0;
if (points[j][k][0] != points[j1][k][0] ||
points[j][k][1] != points[j1][k][1] ||
points[j][k][2] != points[j1][k][2]) {
ps->append_vertex(points[j ][k ][0],
points[j ][k ][1], points[j ][k ][2]);
ps->append_vertex(points[j1][k ][0],
points[j1][k ][1], points[j1][k ][2]);
ps->append_vertex(points[j ][k1][0],
points[j ][k1][1], points[j ][k1][2]);
if (points[j][k1][0] != points[j1][k1][0] ||
points[j][k1][1] != points[j1][k1][1] ||
points[j][k1][2] != points[j1][k1][2]) {
ps->append_vertex(points[j ][k1][0],
points[j ][k1][1], points[j ][k1][2]);
ps->append_vertex(points[j1][k ][0],
points[j1][k ][1], points[j1][k ][2]);
points[j1][k1][1], points[j1][k1][2]);
for (int j=0; j < fragments; j++) {
for (size_t k=0; k < dxf.paths[i].indices.size(); k++)
delete[] points[j][k];
delete[] points[j];
delete[] points;
return ps;

View File

@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
#include "PolySetEvaluator.h"
This is a Geometry evaluator which uses the CGALEvaluator to support building
class PolySetCGALEvaluator : public PolySetEvaluator
PolySetCGALEvaluator(class CGALEvaluator &cgalevaluator);
virtual ~PolySetCGALEvaluator() { }
virtual Geometry *evaluateGeometry(const ProjectionNode &node);
virtual Geometry *evaluateGeometry(const LinearExtrudeNode &node);
virtual Geometry *evaluateGeometry(const RotateExtrudeNode &node);
virtual Geometry *evaluateGeometry(const CgaladvNode &node);
virtual Geometry *evaluateGeometry(const RenderNode &node);
bool debug;
Geometry *extrudeDxfData(const LinearExtrudeNode &node, class DxfData &dxf);
Geometry *rotateDxfData(const RotateExtrudeNode &node, class DxfData &dxf);
Geometry *extrudePolygon(const LinearExtrudeNode &node, const class Polygon2d &poly);
CGALEvaluator &cgalevaluator;

View File

@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
#include "GeometryCache.h"
#include "PolySetEvaluator.h"
#include "printutils.h"
#include "polyset.h"
#include "Tree.h"
The task of PolySetEvaluator is to create, keep track of and cache Geometry instances.
All instances of Geometry which are not strictly temporary should be
requested through this class.
Factory method returning a Geometry from the given node. If the
node is already cached, the cached Geometry will be returned
otherwise a new Geometry will be created from the node. If cache is
true, the newly created Geometry will be cached.
shared_ptr<const Geometry> PolySetEvaluator::getGeometry(const AbstractNode &node, bool cache)
std::string cacheid = this->tree.getIdString(node);
if (GeometryCache::instance()->contains(cacheid)) {
#ifdef DEBUG
// For cache debugging
PRINTB("GeometryCache hit: %s", cacheid.substr(0, 40));
return GeometryCache::instance()->get(cacheid);
shared_ptr<Geometry> geom(node.evaluate_geometry(this));
if (cache) GeometryCache::instance()->insert(cacheid, geom);
return geom;

View File

@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
#include "memory.h"
class PolySetEvaluator
PolySetEvaluator(const class Tree &tree) : tree(tree) {}
virtual ~PolySetEvaluator() {}
const Tree &getTree() const { return this->tree; }
virtual shared_ptr<const class Geometry> getGeometry(const class AbstractNode &, bool cache);
virtual Geometry *evaluateGeometry(const class ProjectionNode &) { return NULL; }
virtual Geometry *evaluateGeometry(const class LinearExtrudeNode &) { return NULL; }
virtual Geometry *evaluateGeometry(const class RotateExtrudeNode &) { return NULL; }
virtual Geometry *evaluateGeometry(const class CgaladvNode &) { return NULL; }
virtual Geometry *evaluateGeometry(const class RenderNode &) { return NULL; }
const Tree &tree;