reduce linecount of bigbox code. minor cleaning.

don bright 2012-10-28 12:14:34 -05:00
parent f39cb81549
commit 66b9efb35e
1 changed files with 10 additions and 28 deletions

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@ -1,9 +1,7 @@
#include "PolySetCGALEvaluator.h"
#include "cgal.h"
#include "cgalutils.h"
#include <CGAL/convex_hull_3.h>
#include <CGAL/Polygon_2_algorithms.h>
#include "polyset.h"
#include "CGALEvaluator.h"
@ -16,21 +14,20 @@
#include "dxftess.h"
#include "module.h"
#include "svg.h"
#include "printutils.h"
#include "openscad.h" // get_fragments_from_r()
#include <boost/foreach.hpp>
#include <vector>
#include <deque>
#include "svg.h"
This class converts an already 'flat' Nef3 polyhedra into a Nef2
polyhedron by stripping off the 'z' coordinate.
This class converts one or more already 'flat' Nef3 polyhedra into a Nef2
polyhedron by stripping off the 'z' coordinates from the vertices.
The class uses the 'visitor' pattern from the CGAL manual -- multiple 3d
Nef polys fed to this class, with the resulting Nef2 poly accumulating
@ -38,10 +35,6 @@ in the 'output_nefpoly2d' member variable.
Some notes on CGAL's Nef Polyhedron2:
0. The method for iterating through CGAL Nef2 poly and Nef3 polys is different.
Nef2 requires 'Explorer', which uses it's own Point type that is not strictly
the same as Nef2::Point_2. Nef3, in contrast, uses straightforward
iterators and circulators using the standard Nef3::Point_3 type.
1. The 'mark' on a 2d Nef face is important when doing unions/intersections.
If the 'mark' of a face is wrong the resulting nef2 poly will be unexpected.
2. The 'mark' can be dependent on the points fed to the Nef2 constructor.
@ -49,6 +42,7 @@ Some notes on CGAL's Nef Polyhedron2:
source()->target() instead of the ordinary source()->source(). The
the latter can generate sequences of points that will fail the
the CGAL::is_simple_2() test, resulting in improperly marked nef2 polys.
3. 3d facets have 'two sides'. we throw out the 'down' side to prevent dups.
Debugging output is in heavily commented SVG format.
@ -95,7 +89,6 @@ public:
CGAL_Nef_polyhedron3::SHalfedge_around_facet_const_circulator c1(fci), cend(c1);
std::vector<CGAL_Nef_polyhedron2::Explorer::Point> contour;
CGAL_For_all( c1, cend ) {
// c1->source()->target() seems to work better than c1->source()->source()
CGAL_Nef_polyhedron3::Point_3 point3d = c1->source()->target()->point();
CGAL_Nef_polyhedron2::Explorer::Point point2d( point3d.x(), point3d.y() );
contour.push_back( point2d );
@ -111,8 +104,8 @@ public:
log << " <!-- contour is a body. make union(). " << contour.size() << " points. -->\n" ;
*(output_nefpoly2d) += *(tmpnef2d);
} else {
*(output_nefpoly2d) *= *(tmpnef2d);
log << " <!-- contour is a hole. make intersection(). " << contour.size() << " points. -->\n";
*(output_nefpoly2d) *= *(tmpnef2d);
log << "\n<!-- ======== output tmp nef: ==== -->\n";
@ -129,9 +122,6 @@ public:
} // visit()
PolySetCGALEvaluator::PolySetCGALEvaluator(CGALEvaluator &cgalevaluator)
: PolySetEvaluator(cgalevaluator.getTree()), cgalevaluator(cgalevaluator)
@ -175,20 +165,12 @@ PolySet *PolySetCGALEvaluator::evaluatePolySet(const ProjectionNode &node)
PRINTB("CGAL error in projection node during plane intersection: %s", e.what());
try {
PRINT("Trying alternative intersection using very large thin box: ");
double inf = 1e8, eps = 0.001;
double x1 = -inf, x2 = +inf, y1 = -inf, y2 = +inf, z1 = -eps, z2 = eps;
std::vector<CGAL_Point_3> pts;
// dont use z of 0. there are bugs in CGAL.
std::vector<CGAL_Nef_polyhedron3::Point_3> pts;
pts.push_back( CGAL_Nef_polyhedron3::Point_3( x1, y1, z1 ) );
pts.push_back( CGAL_Nef_polyhedron3::Point_3( x1, y2, z1 ) );
pts.push_back( CGAL_Nef_polyhedron3::Point_3( x2, y2, z1 ) );
pts.push_back( CGAL_Nef_polyhedron3::Point_3( x2, y1, z1 ) );
pts.push_back( CGAL_Nef_polyhedron3::Point_3( x1, y1, z2 ) );
pts.push_back( CGAL_Nef_polyhedron3::Point_3( x1, y2, z2 ) );
pts.push_back( CGAL_Nef_polyhedron3::Point_3( x2, y2, z2 ) );
pts.push_back( CGAL_Nef_polyhedron3::Point_3( x2, y1, z2 ) );
CGAL_Point_3 minpt( -1e8, -1e8, -0.001 );
CGAL_Point_3 maxpt( 1e8, 1e8, 0.001 );
CGAL_Iso_cuboid_3 bigcuboid( minpt, maxpt );
for ( int i=0;i<8;i++ ) pts.push_back( bigcuboid.vertex(i) );
CGAL_Polyhedron bigbox;
CGAL::convex_hull_3( pts.begin(), pts.end(), bigbox );
CGAL_Nef_polyhedron3 nef_bigbox( bigbox );