RES=100; Logo(50, RES); colorValueR=246/255; colorValueG=241/255; colorValueB=200/255; module Logo(size=50, $fn=100) { hole = size/2; cylinderHeight = size * 1.25; difference() { color ([39/255,84/255,139/255]) sphere(d=size); color ([168/255,177/255,202/255]) cylinder(d=hole, h=cylinderHeight, center=true); // The '#' operator highlights the object rotate([90, 0, 0]) color ([colorValueR,colorValueG,colorValueB]) cylinder(d=hole, h=cylinderHeight, center=true); rotate([0, 90, 0]) color ([168/255,177/255,202/255]) cylinder(d=hole, h=cylinderHeight, center=true); rotate([30,30,0]) color ([168/255,177/255,202/255]) star(cylinderHeight, 12, [2,5]); rotate([45,-30,0]) color ([168/255,177/255,202/255]) star(cylinderHeight, 14, [2,5]); rotate([90,0,45]) color ([168/255,177/255,202/255]) star(cylinderHeight, 16, [1.6,4]); } difference(){ color ([colorValueR,colorValueG,colorValueB, .75])rotate([90, 0, 0]) cylinder(d=hole, h=54, center=true); color ([129/255,127/255,106/255, .85])translate ([6.5,0,0]) rotate([90, 0, 0]) cylinder(d=hole*0.8, h=cylinderHeight, center=true); } } module star(height, num, radii) { function r(a) = (floor(a / 10) % 2) ? 10 : 8; linear_extrude(height, center=true, convexity=3) polygon([for (i=[0:num-1], a=i*360/num, r=radii[i%len(radii)]) [ r*cos(a), r*sin(a) ]]); }