scintilla { HEADERS += src/scintillaeditor.h src/scadlexer.h SOURCES += src/scintillaeditor.cpp src/scadlexer.cpp DEFINES += USE_SCINTILLA_EDITOR # The qscintilla2.prf which ships with QScintilla is broken for Mac/Windows # debug builds, so we supply our own win32|macx: { include(qscintilla2.prf) } else: { load(qscintilla2) { # All good, found installed *.prf file. } else { # Older scintilla libs (e.g. 2.7.2 on fedora20) do not provide the # prf file. # # In addition Ubuntu (and maybe other distributions) have the Qt5 # prf file in the wrong location so it's not picked up by qmake # message("Using local copy of qscintilla2.prf instead.") include(qscintilla2.prf) } } }